112 research outputs found

    BiologicalNetworks 2.0 - an integrative view of genome biology data

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    Abstract Background A significant problem in the study of mechanisms of an organism's development is the elucidation of interrelated factors which are making an impact on the different levels of the organism, such as genes, biological molecules, cells, and cell systems. Numerous sources of heterogeneous data which exist for these subsystems are still not integrated sufficiently enough to give researchers a straightforward opportunity to analyze them together in the same frame of study. Systematic application of data integration methods is also hampered by a multitude of such factors as the orthogonal nature of the integrated data and naming problems. Results Here we report on a new version of BiologicalNetworks, a research environment for the integral visualization and analysis of heterogeneous biological data. BiologicalNetworks can be queried for properties of thousands of different types of biological entities (genes/proteins, promoters, COGs, pathways, binding sites, and other) and their relations (interactions, co-expression, co-citations, and other). The system includes the build-pathways infrastructure for molecular interactions/relations and module discovery in high-throughput experiments. Also implemented in BiologicalNetworks are the Integrated Genome Viewer and Comparative Genomics Browser applications, which allow for the search and analysis of gene regulatory regions and their conservation in multiple species in conjunction with molecular pathways/networks, experimental data and functional annotations. Conclusions The new release of BiologicalNetworks together with its back-end database introduces extensive functionality for a more efficient integrated multi-level analysis of microarray, sequence, regulatory, and other data. BiologicalNetworks is freely available at http://www.biologicalnetworks.org

    IntegromeDB: an integrated system and biological search engine

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    Abstract Background With the growth of biological data in volume and heterogeneity, web search engines become key tools for researchers. However, general-purpose search engines are not specialized for the search of biological data. Description Here, we present an approach at developing a biological web search engine based on the Semantic Web technologies and demonstrate its implementation for retrieving gene- and protein-centered knowledge. The engine is available at http://www.integromedb.org. Conclusions The IntegromeDB search engine allows scanning data on gene regulation, gene expression, protein-protein interactions, pathways, metagenomics, mutations, diseases, and other gene- and protein-related data that are automatically retrieved from publicly available databases and web pages using biological ontologies. To perfect the resource design and usability, we welcome and encourage community feedback

    Visualizing genome and systems biology: technologies, tools, implementation techniques and trends, past, present and future.

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    "Α picture is worth a thousand words." This widely used adage sums up in a few words the notion that a successful visual representation of a concept should enable easy and rapid absorption of large amounts of information. Although, in general, the notion of capturing complex ideas using images is very appealing, would 1000 words be enough to describe the unknown in a research field such as the life sciences? Life sciences is one of the biggest generators of enormous datasets, mainly as a result of recent and rapid technological advances; their complexity can make these datasets incomprehensible without effective visualization methods. Here we discuss the past, present and future of genomic and systems biology visualization. We briefly comment on many visualization and analysis tools and the purposes that they serve. We focus on the latest libraries and programming languages that enable more effective, efficient and faster approaches for visualizing biological concepts, and also comment on the future human-computer interaction trends that would enable for enhancing visualization further

    An inferential framework for biological network hypothesis tests

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    Background Networks are ubiquitous in modern cell biology and physiology. A large literature exists for inferring/proposing biological pathways/networks using statistical or machine learning algorithms. Despite these advances a formal testing procedure for analyzing network-level observations is in need of further development. Comparing the behaviour of a pharmacologically altered pathway to its canonical form is an example of a salient one-sample comparison. Locating which pathways differentiate disease from no-disease phenotype may be recast as a two-sample network inference problem. Results We outline an inferential method for performing one- and two-sample hypothesis tests where the sampling unit is a network and the hypotheses are stated via network model(s). We propose a dissimilarity measure that incorporates nearby neighbour information to contrast one or more networks in a statistical test. We demonstrate and explore the utility of our approach with both simulated and microarray data; random graphs and weighted (partial) correlation networks are used to form network models. Using both a well-known diabetes dataset and an ovarian cancer dataset, the methods outlined here could better elucidate co-regulation changes for one or more pathways between two clinically relevant phenotypes. Conclusions Formal hypothesis tests for gene- or protein-based networks are a logical progression from existing gene-based and gene-set tests for differential expression. Commensurate with the growing appreciation and development of systems biology, the dissimilarity-based testing methods presented here may allow us to improve our understanding of pathways and other complex regulatory systems. The benefit of our method was illustrated under select scenarios

    Integrative clustering by non-negative matrix factorization can reveal coherent functional groups from gene profile data

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    Recent developments in molecular biology and tech- niques for genome-wide data acquisition have resulted in abun- dance of data to profile genes and predict their function. These data sets may come from diverse sources and it is an open question how to commonly address them and fuse them into a joint prediction model. A prevailing technique to identify groups of related genes that exhibit similar profiles is profile-based clustering. Cluster inference may benefit from consensus across different clustering models. In this paper we propose a technique that develops separate gene clusters from each of available data sources and then fuses them by means of non-negative matrix factorization. We use gene profile data on the budding yeast S. cerevisiae to demonstrate that this approach can successfully integrate heterogeneous data sets and yields high-quality clusters that could otherwise not be inferred by simply merging the gene profiles prior to clustering

    Graphle: Interactive exploration of large, dense graphs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A wide variety of biological data can be modeled as network structures, including experimental results (e.g. protein-protein interactions), computational predictions (e.g. functional interaction networks), or curated structures (e.g. the Gene Ontology). While several tools exist for visualizing large graphs at a global level or small graphs in detail, previous systems have generally not allowed interactive analysis of dense networks containing thousands of vertices at a level of detail useful for biologists. Investigators often wish to explore specific portions of such networks from a detailed, gene-specific perspective, and balancing this requirement with the networks' large size, complex structure, and rich metadata is a substantial computational challenge.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Graphle is an online interface to large collections of arbitrary undirected, weighted graphs, each possibly containing tens of thousands of vertices (e.g. genes) and hundreds of millions of edges (e.g. interactions). These are stored on a centralized server and accessed efficiently through an interactive Java applet. The Graphle applet allows a user to examine specific portions of a graph, retrieving the relevant neighborhood around a set of query vertices (genes). This neighborhood can then be refined and modified interactively, and the results can be saved either as publication-quality images or as raw data for further analysis. The Graphle web site currently includes several hundred biological networks representing predicted functional relationships from three heterogeneous data integration systems: <it>S. cerevisiae </it>data from bioPIXIE, <it>E. coli </it>data using MEFIT, and <it>H. sapiens </it>data from HEFalMp.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Graphle serves as a search and visualization engine for biological networks, which can be managed locally (simplifying collaborative data sharing) and investigated remotely. The Graphle framework is freely downloadable and easily installed on new servers, allowing any lab to quickly set up a Graphle site from which their own biological network data can be shared online.</p

    GraphWeb: mining heterogeneous biological networks for gene modules with functional significance

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    Deciphering heterogeneous cellular networks with embedded modules is a great challenge of current systems biology. Experimental and computational studies construct complex networks of molecules that describe various aspects of the cell such as transcriptional regulation, protein interactions and metabolism. Groups of interacting genes and proteins reflect network modules that potentially share regulatory mechanisms and relate to common function. Here, we present GraphWeb, a public web server for biological network analysis and module discovery. GraphWeb provides methods to: (1) integrate heterogeneous and multispecies data for constructing directed and undirected, weighted and unweighted networks; (ii) discover network modules using a variety of algorithms and topological filters and (iii) interpret modules using functional knowledge of the Gene Ontology and pathways, as well as regulatory features such as binding motifs and microRNA targets. GraphWeb is designed to analyse individual or multiple merged networks, search for conserved features across multiple species, mine large biological networks for smaller modules, discover novel candidates and connections for known pathways and compare results of high-throughput datasets. The GraphWeb is available at http://biit.cs.ut.ee/graphweb/

    Multiplex methods provide effective integration of multi-omic data in genome-scale models

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    BackgroundGenomic, transcriptomic, and metabolic variations shape the complex adaptation landscape of bacteria to varying environmental conditions. Elucidating the genotype-phenotype relation paves the way for the prediction of such effects, but methods for characterizing the relationship between multiple environmental factors are still lacking. Here, we tackle the problem of extracting network-level information from collections of environmental conditions, by integrating the multiple omic levels at which the bacterial response is measured.ResultsTo this end, we model a large compendium of growth conditions as a multiplex network consisting of transcriptomic and fluxomic layers, and we propose a multi-omic network approach to infer similarity of growth conditions by integrating layers of the multiplex network. Each node of the network represents a single condition, while edges are similarities between conditions, as measured by phenotypic and transcriptomic properties on different layers of the network. We then fuse these layers into one network, therefore capturing a global network of conditions and the associated similarities across two omic levels. We apply this multi-omic fusion to an updated genome-scale reconstruction of Escherichia coli that includes underground metabolism and new gene-protein-reaction associations.ConclusionsOur method can be readily used to evaluate and cross-compare different collections of conditions among different species. Acquiring multi-omic information on the topology of the space of experimental conditions makes it possible to infer the position and to build condition-specific models of untested or incomplete profiles for which experimental data is not available. Our weighted network fusion method for genome-scale models is freely available at https://github.com/maxconway/SNFtool.<br/

    Cellular Signaling Pathways in Insulin Resistance-Systems Biology Analyses of Microarray Dataset Reveals New Drug Target Gene Signatures of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

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    Purpose: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic and metabolic disorder affecting large set of population of the world. To widen the scope of understanding of genetic causes of this disease, we performed interactive and toxicogenomic based systems biology study to find potential T2DM related genes after cDNA differential analysis. Methods: From the list of 50-differential expressed genes (p < 0.05), we found 9-T2DM related genes using extensive data mapping. In our constructed gene-network, T2DM-related differentially expressed seeder genes (9-genes) are found to interact with functionally related gene signatures (31-genes). The genetic interaction network of both T2DM-associated seeder as well as signature genes generally relates well with the disease condition based on toxicogenomic and data curation. Results: These networks showed significant enrichment of insulin signaling, insulin secretion and other T2DM-related pathways including JAK-STAT, MAPK, TGF, Toll-like receptor, p53 and mTOR, adipocytokine, FOXO, PPAR, P13-AKT, and triglyceride metabolic pathways. We found some enriched pathways that are common in different conditions. We recognized 11-signaling pathways as a connecting link between gene signatures in insulin resistance and T2DM. Notably, in the drug-gene network, the interacting genes showed significant overlap with 13-FDA approved and few non-approved drugs. This study demonstrates the value of systems genetics for identifying 18 potential genes associated with T2DM that are probable drug targets. Conclusions: This integrative and network based approaches for finding variants in genomic data expect to accelerate identification of new drug target molecules for different diseases and can speed up drug discovery outcomes

    Complex+:Aided Decision-Making for the Study of Protein Complexes

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    Proteins are the chief effectors of cell biology and their functions are typically carried out in the context of multi-protein assemblies; large collections of such interacting protein assemblies are often referred to as interactomes. Knowing the constituents of protein complexes is therefore important for investigating their molecular biology. Many experimental methods are capable of producing data of use for detecting and inferring the existence of physiological protein complexes. Each method has associated pros and cons, affecting the potential quality and utility of the data. Numerous informatic resources exist for the curation, integration, retrieval, and processing of protein interactions data. While each resource may possess different merits, none are definitive and few are wieldy, potentially limiting their effective use by non-experts. In addition, contemporary analyses suggest that we may still be decades away from a comprehensive map of a human protein interactome. Taken together, we are currently unable to maximally impact and improve biomedicine from a protein interactome perspective textendash motivating the development of experimental and computational techniques that help investigators to address these limitations. Here, we present a resource intended to assist investigators in (i) navigating the cumulative knowledge concerning protein complexes and (ii) forming hypotheses concerning protein interactions that may yet lack conclusive evidence, thus (iii) directing future experiments to address knowledge gaps. To achieve this, we integrated multiple data-types/different properties of protein interactions from multiple sources and after applying various methods of regularization, compared the protein interaction networks computed to those available in the EMBL-EBI Complex Portal, a manually curated, gold-standard catalog of macromolecular complexes. As a result, our resource provides investigators with reliable curation of bona fide and candidate physical interactors of their protein or complex of interest, prompting due scrutiny and further validation when needed. We believe this information will empower a wider range of experimentalists to conduct focused protein interaction studies and to better select research strategies that explicitly target missing information