7 research outputs found

    Information Retrieval Systems Adapted to the Biomedical Domain

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    The terminology used in Biomedicine shows lexical peculiarities that have required the elaboration of terminological resources and information retrieval systems with specific functionalities. The main characteristics are the high rates of synonymy and homonymy, due to phenomena such as the proliferation of polysemic acronyms and their interaction with common language. Information retrieval systems in the biomedical domain use techniques oriented to the treatment of these lexical peculiarities. In this paper we review some of the techniques used in this domain, such as the application of Natural Language Processing (BioNLP), the incorporation of lexical-semantic resources, and the application of Named Entity Recognition (BioNER). Finally, we present the evaluation methods adopted to assess the suitability of these techniques for retrieving biomedical resources.Comment: 6 pages, 4 table

    Information retrieval systems adapted to the biomedical domain

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    The terminology used in biomedicine has lexical characteristics that have required the elaboration of terminological resources and information retrieval systems with specific functionalities. The main characteristics are the high rates of synonymy and homonymy, due to phenomena such as the proliferation of polysemic acronyms and their interaction with common language. Information retrieval systems in the biomedical domain use techniques oriented to the treatment of these lexical peculiarities. In this paper we review some of these techniques, such as the application of Natural Language Processing (BioNLP), the incorporation of lexical-semantic resources, and the application of Named Entity Recognition (BioNER). Finally, we present the evaluation methods adopted to assess the suitability of these techniques for retrieving biomedical resources

    Ontologies in medicinal chemistry: current status and future challenges

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    [Abstract] Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the amount and availability of data in the diverse areas of medicinal chemistry, making it possible to achieve significant advances in fields such as the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of compounds. However, with this data explosion, the storage, management and analysis of available data to extract relevant information has become even a more complex task that offers challenging research issues to Artificial Intelligence (AI) scientists. Ontologies have emerged in AI as a key tool to formally represent and semantically organize aspects of the real world. Beyond glossaries or thesauri, ontologies facilitate communication between experts and allow the application of computational techniques to extract useful information from available data. In medicinal chemistry, multiple ontologies have been developed during the last years which contain knowledge about chemical compounds and processes of synthesis of pharmaceutical products. This article reviews the principal standards and ontologies in medicinal chemistry, analyzes their main applications and suggests future directions.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; FIS-PI10/02180Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo; 209RT0366Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/217Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2011/034Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/21

    Exploration et analyse immersives de données moléculaires guidées par la tâche et la modélisation sémantique des contenus

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    In structural biology, the theoretical study of molecular structures has four main activities organized in the following scenario: collection of experimental and theoretical data, visualization of 3D structures, molecular simulation, analysis and interpretation of results. This pipeline allows the expert to develop new hypotheses, to verify them experimentally and to produce new data as a starting point for a new scenario.The explosion in the amount of data to handle in this loop has two problems. Firstly, the resources and time dedicated to the tasks of transfer and conversion of data between each of these four activities increases significantly. Secondly, the complexity of molecular data generated by new experimental methodologies greatly increases the difficulty to properly collect, visualize and analyze the data.Immersive environments are often proposed to address the quantity and the increasing complexity of the modeled phenomena, especially during the viewing activity. Indeed, virtual reality offers a high quality stereoscopic perception, useful for a better understanding of inherently three-dimensional molecular data. It also displays a large amount of information thanks to the large display surfaces, but also to complete the immersive feeling with other sensorimotor channels (3D audio, haptic feedbacks,...).However, two major factors hindering the use of virtual reality in the field of structural biology. On one hand, although there are literature on navigation and environmental realistic virtual scenes, navigating abstract science is still very little studied. The understanding of complex 3D phenomena is however particularly conditioned by the subject’s ability to identify themselves in a complex 3D phenomenon. The first objective of this thesis work is then to propose 3D navigation paradigms adapted to the molecular structures of increasing complexity. On the other hand, the interactive context of immersive environments encourages direct interaction with the objects of interest. But the activities of: results collection, simulation and analysis, assume a working environment based on command-line inputs or through specific scripts associated to the tools. Usually, the use of virtual reality is therefore restricted to molecular structures exploration and visualization. The second thesis objective is then to bring all these activities, previously carried out in independent and interactive application contexts, within a homogeneous and unique interactive context. In addition to minimizing the time spent in data management between different work contexts, the aim is also to present, in a joint and simultaneous way, molecular structures and analyses, and allow their manipulation through direct interaction.Our contribution meets these objectives by building on an approach guided by both the content and the task. More precisely, navigation paradigms have been designed taking into account the molecular content, especially geometric properties, and tasks of the expert, to facilitate spatial referencing in molecular complexes and make the exploration of these structures more efficient. In addition, formalizing the nature of molecular data, their analysis and their visual representations, allows to interactively propose analyzes adapted to the nature of the data and create links between the molecular components and associated analyzes. These features go through the construction of a unified and powerful semantic representation making possible the integration of these activities in a unique interactive context.En biologie structurale, l’étude théorique de structures moléculaires comporte quatre activités principales organisées selon le processus séquentiel suivant : la collecte de données expérimentales/théoriques, la visualisation des structures 3d, la simulation moléculaire, l’analyse et l’interprétation des résultats. Cet enchaînement permet à l’expert d’élaborer de nouvelles hypothèses, de les vérifier de manière expérimentale et de produire de nouvelles données comme point de départ d’un nouveau processus.L’explosion de la quantité de données à manipuler au sein de cette boucle pose désormais deux problèmes. Premièrement, les ressources et le temps relatifs aux tâches de transfert et de conversion de données entre chacune de ces activités augmentent considérablement. Deuxièmement, la complexité des données moléculaires générées par les nouvelles méthodologies expérimentales accroît fortement la difficulté pour correctement percevoir, visualiser et analyser ces données.Les environnements immersifs sont souvent proposés pour aborder le problème de la quantité et de la complexité croissante des phénomènes modélisés, en particulier durant l’activité de visualisation. En effet, la Réalité Virtuelle offre entre autre une perception stéréoscopique de haute qualité utile à une meilleure compréhension de données moléculaires intrinsèquement tridimensionnelles. Elle permet également d’afficher une quantité d’information importante grâce aux grandes surfaces d’affichage, mais aussi de compléter la sensation d’immersion par d’autres canaux sensorimoteurs.Cependant, deux facteurs majeurs freinent l’usage de la Réalité Virtuelle dans le domaine de la biologie structurale. D’une part, même s’il existe une littérature fournie sur la navigation dans les scènes virtuelles réalistes et écologiques, celle-ci est très peu étudiée sur la navigation sur des données scientifiques abstraites. La compréhension de phénomènes 3d complexes est pourtant particulièrement conditionnée par la capacité du sujet à se repérer dans l’espace. Le premier objectif de ce travail de doctorat a donc été de proposer des paradigmes navigation 3d adaptés aux structures moléculaires complexes. D’autre part, le contexte interactif des environnements immersif favorise l’interaction directe avec les objets d’intérêt. Or les activités de collecte et d’analyse des résultats supposent un contexte de travail en "ligne de commande" ou basé sur des scripts spécifiques aux outils d’analyse. Il en résulte que l’usage de la Réalité Virtuelle se limite souvent à l’activité d’exploration et de visualisation des structures moléculaires. C’est pourquoi le second objectif de thèse est de rapprocher ces différentes activités, jusqu’alors réalisées dans des contextes interactifs et applicatifs indépendants, au sein d’un contexte interactif homogène et unique. Outre le fait de minimiser le temps passé dans la gestion des données entre les différents contextes de travail, il s’agit également de présenter de manière conjointe et simultanée les structures moléculaires et leurs analyses et de permettre leur manipulation par des interactions directes.Notre contribution répond à ces objectifs en s’appuyant sur une approche guidée à la fois par le contenu et la tâche. Des paradigmes de navigation ont été conçus en tenant compte du contenu moléculaire, en particulier des propriétés géométriques, et des tâches de l’expert, afin de faciliter le repérage spatial et de rendre plus performante l’activité d’exploration. Par ailleurs, formaliser la nature des données moléculaires, leurs analyses et leurs représentations visuelles, permettent notamment de proposer à la demande et interactivement des analyses adaptées à la nature des données et de créer des liens entre les composants moléculaires et les analyses associées. Ces fonctionnalités passent par la construction d’une représentation sémantique unifiée et performante rendant possible l’intégration de ces activités dans un contexte interactif unique

    Developing Ontological Background Knowledge for Biomedicine

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    Biomedicine is an impressively fast developing, interdisciplinary field of research. To control the growing volumes of biomedical data, ontologies are increasingly used as common organization structures. Biomedical ontologies describe domain knowledge in a formal, computationally accessible way. They serve as controlled vocabularies and background knowledge in applications dealing with the integration, analysis and retrieval of heterogeneous types of data. The development of biomedical ontologies, however, is hampered by specific challenges. They include the lack of quality standards, resulting in very heterogeneous resources, and the decentralized development of biomedical ontologies, causing the increasing fragmentation of domain knowledge across them. In the first part of this thesis, a life cycle model for biomedical ontologies is developed, which is intended to cope with these challenges. It comprises the stages "requirements analysis", "design and implementation", "evaluation", "documentation and release" and "maintenance". For each stage, associated subtasks and activities are specified. To promote quality standards for biomedical ontology development, an emphasis is set on the evaluation stage. As part of it, comprehensive evaluation procedures are specified, which allow to assess the quality of ontologies on various levels. To tackle the issue of knowledge fragmentation, the life cycle model is extended to also cover ontology alignments. Ontology alignments specify mappings between related elements of different ontologies. By making potential overlaps and similarities between ontologies explicit, they support the integration of ontologies and help reduce the fragmentation of knowledge. In the second part of this thesis, the life cycle model for biomedical ontologies and alignments is validated by means of five case studies. As a result, they confirm that the model is effective. Four of the case studies demonstrate that it is able to support the development of useful new ontologies and alignments. The latter facilitate novel natural language processing and bioinformatics applications, and in one case constitute the basis of a task of the "BioNLP shared task 2013", an international challenge on biomedical information extraction. The fifth case study shows that the presented evaluation procedures are an effective means to check and improve the quality of ontology alignments. Hence, they support the crucial task of quality assurance of alignments, which are themselves increasingly used as reference standards in evaluations of automatic ontology alignment systems. Both, the presented life cycle model and the ontologies and alignments that have resulted from its validation improve information and knowledge management in biomedicine and thus promote biomedical research