278 research outputs found

    Trends in life science grid: from computing grid to knowledge grid

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    BACKGROUND: Grid computing has great potential to become a standard cyberinfrastructure for life sciences which often require high-performance computing and large data handling which exceeds the computing capacity of a single institution. RESULTS: This survey reviews the latest grid technologies from the viewpoints of computing grid, data grid and knowledge grid. Computing grid technologies have been matured enough to solve high-throughput real-world life scientific problems. Data grid technologies are strong candidates for realizing "resourceome" for bioinformatics. Knowledge grids should be designed not only from sharing explicit knowledge on computers but also from community formulation for sharing tacit knowledge among a community. CONCLUSION: Extending the concept of grid from computing grid to knowledge grid, it is possible to make use of a grid as not only sharable computing resources, but also as time and place in which people work together, create knowledge, and share knowledge and experiences in a community

    Geometric De-noising of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

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    Understanding complex networks of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) is one of the foremost challenges of the post-genomic era. Due to the recent advances in experimental bio-technology, including yeast-2-hybrid (Y2H), tandem affinity purification (TAP) and other high-throughput methods for protein-protein interaction (PPI) detection, huge amounts of PPI network data are becoming available. Of major concern, however, are the levels of noise and incompleteness. For example, for Y2H screens, it is thought that the false positive rate could be as high as 64%, and the false negative rate may range from 43% to 71%. TAP experiments are believed to have comparable levels of noise

    Biological Network Exploration with Cytoscape 3

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    Cytoscape is one of the most popular open‐source software tools for the visual exploration of biomedical networks composed of protein, gene, and other types of interactions. It offers researchers a versatile and interactive visualization interface for exploring complex biological interconnections supported by diverse annotation and experimental data, thereby facilitating research tasks such as predicting gene function and constructing pathways. Cytoscape provides core functionality to load, visualize, search, filter, and save networks, and hundreds of Apps extend this functionality to address specific research needs. The latest generation of Cytoscape (version 3.0 and later) has substantial improvements in function, user interface, and performance relative to previous versions. This protocol aims to jump‐start new users with specific protocols for basic Cytoscape functions, such as installing Cytoscape and Cytoscape Apps, loading data, visualizing and navigating the networks, visualizing network associated data (attributes), and identifying clusters. It also highlights new features that benefit experienced users. Curr. Protoc. Bioinform. 47:8.13.1‐8.13.24. © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143619/1/cpbi0813.pd

    The Monarch Initiative in 2019: an integrative data and analytic platform connecting phenotypes to genotypes across species

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    In biology and biomedicine, relating phenotypic outcomes with genetic variation and environmental factors remains a challenge: patient phenotypes may not match known diseases, candidate variants may be in genes that haven’t been characterized, research organisms may not recapitulate human or veterinary diseases, environmental factors affecting disease outcomes are unknown or undocumented, and many resources must be queried to find potentially significant phenotypic associations. The Monarch Initiative (https://monarchinitiative.org) integrates information on genes, variants, genotypes, phenotypes and diseases in a variety of species, and allows powerful ontology-based search. We develop many widely adopted ontologies that together enable sophisticated computational analysis, mechanistic discovery and diagnostics of Mendelian diseases. Our algorithms and tools are widely used to identify animal models of human disease through phenotypic similarity, for differential diagnostics and to facilitate translational research. Launched in 2015, Monarch has grown with regards to data (new organisms, more sources, better modeling); new API and standards; ontologies (new Mondo unified disease ontology, improvements to ontologies such as HPO and uPheno); user interface (a redesigned website); and community development. Monarch data, algorithms and tools are being used and extended by resources such as GA4GH and NCATS Translator, among others, to aid mechanistic discovery and diagnostics

    Genome-Scale Networks Link Neurodegenerative Disease Genes to α-Synuclein through Specific Molecular Pathways

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    Numerous genes and molecular pathways are implicated in neurodegenerative proteinopathies, but their inter-relationships are poorly understood. We systematically mapped molecular pathways underlying the toxicity of alpha-synuclein (α-syn), a protein central to Parkinson's disease. Genome-wide screens in yeast identified 332 genes that impact α-syn toxicity. To “humanize” this molecular network, we developed a computational method, TransposeNet. This integrates a Steiner prize-collecting approach with homology assignment through sequence, structure, and interaction topology. TransposeNet linked α-syn to multiple parkinsonism genes and druggable targets through perturbed protein trafficking and ER quality control as well as mRNA metabolism and translation. A calcium signaling hub linked these processes to perturbed mitochondrial quality control and function, metal ion transport, transcriptional regulation, and signal transduction. Parkinsonism gene interaction profiles spatially opposed in the network (ATP13A2/PARK9 and VPS35/PARK17) were highly distinct, and network relationships for specific genes (LRRK2/PARK8, ATXN2, and EIF4G1/PARK18) were confirmed in patient induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neurons. This cross-species platform connected diverse neurodegenerative genes to proteinopathy through specific mechanisms and may facilitate patient stratification for targeted therapy. Keywords: alpha-synuclein; iPS cell; Parkinson’s disease; stem cell; mRNA translation; RNA-binding protein; LRRK2; VPS35; vesicle trafficking; yeas

    Molecular characterization of the synapse from a proteomic perspective

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    The synapse is the most characteristic feature of the brain that allows the flow of information encoding our cognitive functions, behavior and memory. Slight perturbations in synaptic function can derive in wide range of psychiatric, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the synaptic proteome and interactome in order to gain insights in the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic function. To this end, we exploited the potential of multiple advanced mass spectrometry methodologies for protein identification, quantification, and protein interaction determination. In chapter 2, I investigated the molecular development of the synapse. This process requires prominent changes of the synaptic proteome and potentially involves thousands of different proteins at every synapse. We analyzed the cortical synaptic membrane proteome of juvenile, adolescent and adult mice brains using iTRAQ-based DDA quantitative proteomics. In several cases, proteins from a single functional molecular entity, e.g., subunits of the NMDA receptor, showed differences in their temporal regulation, which may reflect specific synaptic development features of connectivity, strength and plasticity. We also evaluated the function of Cxadr, a protein with high expression level at early stages and a fast decline in expression during neuronal development. Knockdown of the expression of Cxadr in cultured primary mouse neurons revealed a significant decrease in synapse density. Altogether, these results reveal the expression profile of synaptic proteome during development and provide new insights into the molecular processes underlying synaptogenesis and synapse maturation. In chapter 3, I explored the mechanism behind the synaptic modulation mediated by the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5. mGluR5 plays a major role in the modulation of synaptic function and plasticity, as well as in several brain disorders. Despite robust pre-clinical data, mGluR5 antagonists failed in several clinical trials, highlighting the need for a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying mGluR5 function. Using a proteomic approach, we determined the molecular response of the synapse to a reduction of mGluR5 activity by pharmacological inhibition and gene deletion. In both cases, the most prominent response of the synaptic proteome was the change in protein expression of key mitochondrial pathways. Together with this, we observed morphological and functional alterations of mitochondria in mGluR5 KO synapses. Our findings provide new insight into a functional connection of mGluR5 and specific mitochondrial function. In chapter 4, I applied XL-MS as entry into the synapse interactome, in particular to reveal the architecture and assembly of synaptic protein complexes. As a result, we generated to the first large-scale cross-linking repository in the brain. The reliability of the data was validated by several approaches as we deemed necessary for a recent methodology. In addition, a large part of the crosslink data contains novel information which allowed us to identify novel protein partners, to model protein conformational dynamics, and to delineate within and between protein interactions of main synaptic constituents, such as Camk2, the AMPA-type glutamate receptor, and associated proteins. Given the molecular complexity of the synapse and the large amount and depth of the data generated, we provided the complete dataset as an interactive web-based platform for further investigations (http://xlink.cncr.nl). Together, we generated one of the largest cross-linking collections that provided new entries into exploration of protein structures and interactions. Collectively, the application and development of multiple proteomic methodologies allowed us to reveal several aspects of the molecular architecture of the synapse, including protein composition, function, structure and interaction. Beyond the new insights uncovered for specific proteins in this thesis, the data resources generated can be further used for probing additional proteins and contributes to improve our understanding of synapse function and brain disease

    The Monarch Initiative in 2019: an integrative data and analytic platform connecting phenotypes to genotypes across species.

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    In biology and biomedicine, relating phenotypic outcomes with genetic variation and environmental factors remains a challenge: patient phenotypes may not match known diseases, candidate variants may be in genes that haven\u27t been characterized, research organisms may not recapitulate human or veterinary diseases, environmental factors affecting disease outcomes are unknown or undocumented, and many resources must be queried to find potentially significant phenotypic associations. The Monarch Initiative (https://monarchinitiative.org) integrates information on genes, variants, genotypes, phenotypes and diseases in a variety of species, and allows powerful ontology-based search. We develop many widely adopted ontologies that together enable sophisticated computational analysis, mechanistic discovery and diagnostics of Mendelian diseases. Our algorithms and tools are widely used to identify animal models of human disease through phenotypic similarity, for differential diagnostics and to facilitate translational research. Launched in 2015, Monarch has grown with regards to data (new organisms, more sources, better modeling); new API and standards; ontologies (new Mondo unified disease ontology, improvements to ontologies such as HPO and uPheno); user interface (a redesigned website); and community development. Monarch data, algorithms and tools are being used and extended by resources such as GA4GH and NCATS Translator, among others, to aid mechanistic discovery and diagnostics

    Enhancing systems biology models through semantic data integration

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    Studying and modelling biology at a systems level requires a large amount of data of different experimental types. Historically, each of these types is stored in its own distinct format, with its own internal structure for holding the data produced by those experiments. While the use of community data standards can reduce the need for specialised, independent formats by providing a common syntax, standards uptake is not universal and a single standard cannot yet describe all biological data. In the work described in this thesis, a variety of integrative methods have been developed to reuse and restructure already extant systems biology data. SyMBA is a simple Web interface which stores experimental metadata in a published, common format. The creation of accurate quantitative SBML models is a time-intensive manual process. Modellers need to understand both the systems they are modelling and the intricacies of the SBML format. However, the amount of relevant data for even a relatively small and well-scoped model can be overwhelming. Saint is a Web application which accesses a number of external Web services and which provides suggested annotation for SBML and CellML models. MFO was developed to formalise all of the knowledge within the multiple SBML specification documents in a manner which is both human and computationally accessible. Rule-based mediation, a form of semantic data integration, is a useful way of reusing and re-purposing heterogeneous datasets which cannot, or are not, structured according to a common standard. This method of ontology-based integration is generic and can be used in any context, but has been implemented specifically to integrate systems biology data and to enrich systems biology models through the creation of new biological annotations. The work described in this thesis is one step towards the formalisation of biological knowledge useful to systems biology. Experimental metadata has been transformed into common structures, a Web application has been created for the retrieval of data appropriate to the annotation of systems biology models and multiple data models have been formalised and made accessible to semantic integration techniques.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceBBSRCEPSRCGBUnited Kingdo

    The Monarch Initiative in 2019: an integrative data and analytic platform connecting phenotypes to genotypes across species.

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    In biology and biomedicine, relating phenotypic outcomes with genetic variation and environmental factors remains a challenge: patient phenotypes may not match known diseases, candidate variants may be in genes that haven’t been characterized, research organisms may not recapitulate human or veterinary diseases, environmental factors affecting disease outcomes are unknown or undocumented, and many resources must be queried to find potentially significant phenotypic associations. The Monarch Initiative (https://monarchinitiative.org) integrates information on genes, variants, genotypes, phenotypes and diseases in a variety of species, and allows powerful ontology-based search. We develop many widely adopted ontologies that together enable sophisticated computational analysis, mechanistic discovery and diagnostics of Mendelian diseases. Our algorithms and tools are widely used to identify animal models of human disease through phenotypic similarity, for differential diagnostics and to facilitate translational research. Launched in 2015, Monarch has grown with regards to data (new organisms, more sources, better modeling); new API and standards; ontologies (new Mondo unified disease ontology, improvements to ontologies such as HPO and uPheno); user interface (a redesigned website); and community development. Monarch data, algorithms and tools are being used and extended by resources such as GA4GH and NCATS Translator, among others, to aid mechanistic discovery and diagnostics