133 research outputs found

    Mathematic model of determination of hyperalgesia area in children

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    Departamentul de anesteziologie și terapie intensivă, Universitatea Naţională de Medicină „N. I. Pirogov”, Vinnitsa, UcrainaRezumat. Introducere. Articolul cercetează algoritmul de aproximare al datelor discrete folosind valori parametrice, cum ar fi curba Bézier. Ipoteza presupune posibilitatea utilizării curbelor Bézier pentru aprecierea suprafeței ariei funcționale de hiperalgezie. Material și metode. În studiu au fost incluși 28 de copii (cu vârsta de 12,2±2,6 ani) care au suportat intervenții chirurgicale pentru tumori ale cavității abdominale. Rezultate. A fost demonstrat că reacția motorie a apărut în ziua a II-a – a V-a la toți pacienții în momentul aplicării unei forțe de presiune de 8 sau 10 g, și corespunde în totalitate cu evaluarea pe Scala Comportamentală a Durerii (BPS), având o valoare mai mare de 4 puncte (5,6±0,4, puncte), ce a indicat reducerea pragului dureros la pacienți în perioada postoperatorie precoce și a permis determinarea ariei funcționale de hiperalgezie în regiunea plăgii postoperatorii. Concluzii. Proprietățile curbelor Bézier permit determinarea cu exactitate a ariei de hiperalgezie la copii în perioada postoperatorie precoce.Abstract. Introduction. The article deals with algorithm of approximation of discrete data using parametric spline such as Bézier curve. The hypothesis consists of the possibility of using of Bézier curves in the recognition tasks of area of functional zone of hyperalgesia. Methods. The study included 28 children (aged 12.2±2.6 years) which underwent surgeries for tumors of the abdominal cavity. Results. It is proved that the motor reaction appeared between days 2-5 in all patients when applying a pressure force of 8 or 10 g, and totally correspond to the evaluation on a Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) and amounted to more than 4 complicapoints (5.6±0.4, points), which indicated a threshold pain reduction in patients in early postoperative period and allowed to determine functional zone of hyperalgesia around the area of postoperative wound. Conclusions. Properties of Bézier curves allow us to accurately determine the surface of the hyperalgesia in children in early postoperative period

    A structural representation for understanding line-drawing images

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    International audienceIn this paper, we are concerned with the problem of finding a good and homogeneous representation to encode line-drawing documents (which may be handwritten). We propose a method in which the problems induced by a first-step skeletonization have been avoided. First, we vectorize the image, to get a fine description of the drawing, using only vectors and quadrilateral primitives. A structural graph is built with the primitives extracted from the initial line-drawing image. The objective is to manage attributes relative to elementary objects so as to provide a description of the spatial relationships (inclusion, junction, intersection, etc.) that exist between the graphics in the images. This is done with a representation that provides a global vision of the drawings. The capacity of the representation to evolve and to carry highly semantic information is also highlighted. Finally, we show how an architecture using this structural representation and a mechanism of perceptive cycles can lead to a high-quality interpretation of line drawings

    A system for recognizing human emotions based on speech analysis and facial feature extraction: applications to Human-Robot Interaction

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    With the advance in Artificial Intelligence, humanoid robots start to interact with ordinary people based on the growing understanding of psychological processes. Accumulating evidences in Human Robot Interaction (HRI) suggest that researches are focusing on making an emotional communication between human and robot for creating a social perception, cognition, desired interaction and sensation. Furthermore, robots need to receive human emotion and optimize their behavior to help and interact with a human being in various environments. The most natural way to recognize basic emotions is extracting sets of features from human speech, facial expression and body gesture. A system for recognition of emotions based on speech analysis and facial features extraction can have interesting applications in Human-Robot Interaction. Thus, the Human-Robot Interaction ontology explains how the knowledge of these fundamental sciences is applied in physics (sound analyses), mathematics (face detection and perception), philosophy theory (behavior) and robotic science context. In this project, we carry out a study to recognize basic emotions (sadness, surprise, happiness, anger, fear and disgust). Also, we propose a methodology and a software program for classification of emotions based on speech analysis and facial features extraction. The speech analysis phase attempted to investigate the appropriateness of using acoustic (pitch value, pitch peak, pitch range, intensity and formant), phonetic (speech rate) properties of emotive speech with the freeware program PRAAT, and consists of generating and analyzing a graph of speech signals. The proposed architecture investigated the appropriateness of analyzing emotive speech with the minimal use of signal processing algorithms. 30 participants to the experiment had to repeat five sentences in English (with durations typically between 0.40 s and 2.5 s) in order to extract data relative to pitch (value, range and peak) and rising-falling intonation. Pitch alignments (peak, value and range) have been evaluated and the results have been compared with intensity and speech rate. The facial feature extraction phase uses the mathematical formulation (B\ue9zier curves) and the geometric analysis of the facial image, based on measurements of a set of Action Units (AUs) for classifying the emotion. The proposed technique consists of three steps: (i) detecting the facial region within the image, (ii) extracting and classifying the facial features, (iii) recognizing the emotion. Then, the new data have been merged with reference data in order to recognize the basic emotion. Finally, we combined the two proposed algorithms (speech analysis and facial expression), in order to design a hybrid technique for emotion recognition. Such technique have been implemented in a software program, which can be employed in Human-Robot Interaction. The efficiency of the methodology was evaluated by experimental tests on 30 individuals (15 female and 15 male, 20 to 48 years old) form different ethnic groups, namely: (i) Ten adult European, (ii) Ten Asian (Middle East) adult and (iii) Ten adult American. Eventually, the proposed technique made possible to recognize the basic emotion in most of the cases

    Spline-based medial axis transform representation of binary images

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    Medial axes are well-known descriptors used for representing, manipulating, and compressing binary images. In this paper, we present a full pipeline for computing a stable and accurate piece-wise B-spline representation of Medial Axis Transforms (MATs) of binary images. A comprehensive evaluation on a benchmark shows that our method, called Spline-based Medial Axis Transform (SMAT), achieves very high compression ratios while keeping quality high. Compared with the regular MAT representation, the SMAT yields a much higher compression ratio at the cost of a slightly lower image quality. We illustrate our approach on a multi-scale SMAT representation, generating super-resolution images, and free-form binary image deformation

    Quasi-Bezier curves integrating localised information

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    Bezier curves (BC) have become fundamental tools in many challenging and varied applications, ranging from computer-aided geometric design to generic object shape descriptors. A major limitation of the classical Bezier curve, however, is that only global information about its control points (CP) is considered, so there can often be a large gap between the curve and its control polygon, leading to large distortion in shape representation. While strategies such as degree elevation, composite BC, refinement and subdivision reduce this gap, they also increase the number of CP and hence bit-rate, and computational complexity. This paper presents novel contributions to BC theory, with the introduction of quasi-Bezier curves (QBC), which seamlessly integrate localised CP information into the inherent global Bezier framework, with no increase in either the number of CP or order of computational complexity. QBC crucially retains the core properties of the classical BC, such as geometric continuity and affine invariance, and can be embedded into the vertex-based shape coding and shape descriptor framework to enhance rate-distortion performance. The performance of QBC has been empirically tested upon a number of natural and synthetically shaped objects, with both qualitative and quantitative results confirming its consistently superior approximation performance in comparison with both the classical BC and other established BC-based shape descriptor methods

    Entropie‐dominierte Selbstorganisationsprozesse birnenförmiger Teilchensysteme

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    The ambition to recreate highly complex and functional nanostructures found in living organisms marks one of the pillars of today‘s research in bio- and soft matter physics. Here, self-assembly has evolved into a prominent strategy in nanostructure formation and has proven to be a useful tool for many complex structures. However, it is still a challenge to design and realise particle properties such that they self-organise into a desired target configuration. One of the key design parameters is the shape of the constituent particles. This thesis focuses in particular on the shape sensitivity of liquid crystal phases by addressing the entropically driven colloidal self-assembly of tapered ellipsoids, reminiscent of „pear-shaped“ particles. Therefore, we analyse the formation of the gyroid and of the accompanying bilayer architecture, reported earlier in the so-called pear hard Gaussian overlap (PHGO) approximation, by applying various geometrical tools like Set-Voronoi tessellation and clustering algorithms. Using computational simulations, we also indicate a method to stabilise other bicontinuous structures like the diamond phase. Moreover, we investigate both computationally and theoretically(density functional theory) the influence of minor variations in shape on different pearshaped particle systems, including the stability of the PHGO gyroid phase. We show that the formation of the gyroid is due to small non-additive properties of the PHGO potential. This phase does not form in pears with a „true“ hard pear-shaped potential. Overall our results allow for a better general understanding of necessity and sufficiency of particle shape in regards to colloidal self-assembly processes. Furthermore, the pear-shaped particle system sheds light on a unique collective mechanism to generate bicontinuous phases. It suggests a new alternative pathway which might help us to solve still unknown characteristics and properties of naturally occurring gyroid-like nano- and microstructures.Ein wichtiger Bestandteil der heutigen Forschung in Bio- und Soft Matter Physik besteht daraus, Technologien zu entwickeln, um hoch komplexe und funktionelle Strukturen, die uns aus der Natur bekannt sind, nachzubilden. Hinsichtlich dessen ist vor allem die Methode der Selbstorganisation von Mikro- und Nanoteilchen hervorzuheben, durch die eine Vielzahl verschiedener Strukturen erzeugt werden konnten. Jedoch stehen wir bei diesem Verfahren noch immer vor der Herausforderung, Teilchen mit bestimmten Eigenschaften zu entwerfen, welche die spontane Anordnung der Teilchen in eine gewünschte Struktur bewirken. Einer der wichtigsten Designparameter ist dabei die Form der Bausteinteilchen. In dieser Dissertation konzentrieren wir uns besonders auf die Anfälligkeit von Flüssigkristallphasen bezüglich kleiner Änderungen der Teilchenform und nutzen dabei das Beispiel der Selbstorganisation von Entropie-dominierter Kolloide, die dem Umriss nach verjüngten Ellipsoiden oder "Birnen" ähneln. Mit Hilfe von geometrischen Werkzeugen wie z.B. Set-Voronoi Tessellation oder Cluster-Algorithmen analysieren wir insbesondere die Entstehung der Gyroidphase und der dazugehörigen Bilagenformation, welche bereits in Systemen von harten Birnen, die durch das pear hard Gaussian overlap (PHGO) Potential angenähert werden, entdeckt wurden. Des Weiteren zeigen wir durch Computersimulationen eine Strategie auf, um andere bikontinuierliche Strukturen, wie die Diamentenphase, zu stabilisieren. Schlussendlich betrachten wir sowohl rechnerisch (durch Simulationen) als auch theoretisch (durch Dichtefunktionaltheorie) die Auswirkungen kleiner Abweichungen der Teilchenform auf das Verhalten des kolloiden, birnenförmigen Teilchensystems, inklusive der Stabilität der PHGO Gyroidphase. Wir zeigen, dass die Entstehung des Gyroids auf kleinen nicht-additiven Eigenschaften des PHGO Birnenmodells beruhen. In ''echten'' harten Teilchensystemen entwickelt sich diese Struktur nicht. Insgesamt ermöglichen unsere Ergebnisse einen besseren Einblick auf das Konzept von notwendiger und hinreichender Teilchenform in Selbstorganistationsprozessen. Die birnenförmigen Teilchensysteme geben außerdem Aufschluss über einen ungewöhnlichen, kollektiven Mechanismus, um bikontinuierliche Phasen zu erzeugen. Dies deutet auf einen neuen, alternativen Konstruktionsweg hin, der uns möglicherweise hilft, noch unbekannte Eigenschaften natürlich vorkommender, gyroidähnlicher Nano- und Mikrostrukturen zu erklären

    Entropically driven self-assembly of pear-shaped nanoparticles

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    This thesis addresses the entropically driven colloidal self-assembly of pear-shaped particle ensembles, including the formation of nanostructures based on triply periodic minimal surfaces, in particular of the Ia3d gyroid. One of the key results is that the formation of the Ia3d gyroid, re-ported earlier in the so-called pear hard Gaussian overlap (PHGO) approximation and confirmed here, is due to a slight non-additivity of that potential; this phase does not form in pears with true hard-core potential. First, we computationally study the PHGO system and present the phase diagram of pears with an aspect ratio of 3 in terms of global density and particle shape (degree of taper), containing gyroid, isotropic, nematic and smectic phases. We confirm that it is adequate to interpret the gyroid as a warped smectic bilayer phase. The collective behaviour to arrange into interdigitated sheets with negative Gauss curvature, from which the gyroid results, is investigated through correlations of (Set-)Voronoi cells and local curvature. This geometric arrangement within the bilayers suggests a fundamentally different stabilisation mechanism of the pear gyroid phase compared to those found in both lipid-water and di-block copolymer systems forming the Ia3d gyroid. The PHGO model is only an approximation for hard-core interactions, and we additionally investigate, by much slower simulations, pear-assemblies with true hard-core interactions (HPR). We find that HPR phase diagram only contains isotropic and nematic phases, but neither gyroid nor smectic phases. To understand this shape sensitivity more profoundly, the depletion interactions of both models are studied in two pear-shaped colloids dissolved in a hard sphere solvent. The HPR particles act as one would expect from a geometric analysis of the excluded-volume minimisation, whereas the PHGO particles show deviations from this expectation. These differences are attributed to the unusual angle dependency of the (non-additive) contact function and, more so, to small overlaps induced by the approximation. For the PHGO model, we further demonstrate that the addition of a small concentration of hard spheres ("solvent") drives the system towards a Pn3m diamond phase. This result is explained by the greater spatial heterogeneity of the diamond geometry compared to the gyroid where additional material is needed to relieve packing frustration. In contrast to copolymer systems, however, the solvent mostly aggregates near the diamond minimal surface, driven by the non-additivity of the PHGO pears. At high solvent concentrations, the mixture phase separates into “inverse” micelle-like structures with the blunt ends at the micellar centres and thin ends pointing out-wards. The micelles themselves spontaneously cluster, indicative of a hierarchical self-assembly process for bicontinuous structures. Finally, we develop a density functional for hard solids of revolution (including pears) within the framework of fundamental measure theory. It is applied to low-density ensembles of pear-shaped particles, where we analyse their response near a hard substrate. A complex orientational ordering close to the wall is predicted, which is directly linked to the particle shape and gives insight into adsorption processes of asymmetric particles. This predicted behaviour and the differences between the PHGO and HPR model are confirmed by MC simulations

    Novel control approaches for the next generation computer numerical control (CNC) system for hybrid micro-machines

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    It is well-recognised that micro-machining is a key enabling technology for manufacturing high value-added 3D micro-products, such as optics, moulds/dies and biomedical implants etc. These products are usually made of a wide range of engineering materials and possess complex freeform surfaces with tight tolerance on form accuracy and surface finish.In recent years, hybrid micro-machining technology has been developed to integrate several machining processes on one platform to tackle the manufacturing challenges for the aforementioned micro-products. However, the complexity of system integration and ever increasing demand for further enhanced productivity impose great challenges on current CNC systems. This thesis develops, implements and evaluates three novel control approaches to overcome the identified three major challenges, i.e. system integration, parametric interpolation and toolpath smoothing. These new control approaches provide solid foundation for the development of next generation CNC system for hybrid micro-machines.There is a growing trend for hybrid micro-machines to integrate more functional modules. Machine developers tend to choose modules from different vendors to satisfy the performance and cost requirements. However, those modules often possess proprietary hardware and software interfaces and the lack of plug-and-play solutions lead to tremendous difficulty in system integration. This thesis proposes a novel three-layer control architecture with component-based approach for system integration. The interaction of hardware is encapsulated into software components, while the data flow among different components is standardised. This approach therefore can significantly enhance the system flexibility. It has been successfully verified through the integration of a six-axis hybrid micro-machine. Parametric curves have been proven to be the optimal toolpath representation method for machining 3D micro-products with freeform surfaces, as they can eliminate the high-frequency fluctuation of feedrate and acceleration caused by the discontinuity in the first derivatives along linear or circular segmented toolpath. The interpolation for parametric curves is essentially an optimization problem, which is extremely difficult to get the time-optimal solution. This thesis develops a novel real-time interpolator for parametric curves (RTIPC), which provides a near time-optimal solution. It limits the machine dynamics (axial velocities, axial accelerations and jerk) and contour error through feedrate lookahead and acceleration lookahead operations. Experiments show that the RTIPC can simplify the coding significantly, and achieve up to ten times productivity than the industry standard linear interpolator. Furthermore, it is as efficient as the state-of-the-art Position-Velocity-Time (PVT) interpolator, while achieving much smoother motion profiles.Despite the fact that parametric curves have huge advantage in toolpath continuity, linear segmented toolpath is still dominantly used on the factory floor due to its straightforward coding and excellent compatibility with various CNC systems. This thesis presents a new real-time global toolpath smoothing algorithm, which bridges the gap in toolpath representation for CNC systems. This approach uses a cubic B-spline to approximate a sequence of linear segments. The approximation deviation is controlled by inserting and moving new control points on the control polygon. Experiments show that the proposed approach can increase the productivity by more than three times than the standard toolpath traversing algorithm, and 40% than the state-of-the-art corner blending algorithm, while achieving excellent surface finish.Finally, some further improvements for CNC systems, such as adaptive cutting force control and on-line machining parameters adjustment with metrology, are discussed in the future work section.It is well-recognised that micro-machining is a key enabling technology for manufacturing high value-added 3D micro-products, such as optics, moulds/dies and biomedical implants etc. These products are usually made of a wide range of engineering materials and possess complex freeform surfaces with tight tolerance on form accuracy and surface finish.In recent years, hybrid micro-machining technology has been developed to integrate several machining processes on one platform to tackle the manufacturing challenges for the aforementioned micro-products. However, the complexity of system integration and ever increasing demand for further enhanced productivity impose great challenges on current CNC systems. This thesis develops, implements and evaluates three novel control approaches to overcome the identified three major challenges, i.e. system integration, parametric interpolation and toolpath smoothing. These new control approaches provide solid foundation for the development of next generation CNC system for hybrid micro-machines.There is a growing trend for hybrid micro-machines to integrate more functional modules. Machine developers tend to choose modules from different vendors to satisfy the performance and cost requirements. However, those modules often possess proprietary hardware and software interfaces and the lack of plug-and-play solutions lead to tremendous difficulty in system integration. This thesis proposes a novel three-layer control architecture with component-based approach for system integration. The interaction of hardware is encapsulated into software components, while the data flow among different components is standardised. This approach therefore can significantly enhance the system flexibility. It has been successfully verified through the integration of a six-axis hybrid micro-machine. Parametric curves have been proven to be the optimal toolpath representation method for machining 3D micro-products with freeform surfaces, as they can eliminate the high-frequency fluctuation of feedrate and acceleration caused by the discontinuity in the first derivatives along linear or circular segmented toolpath. The interpolation for parametric curves is essentially an optimization problem, which is extremely difficult to get the time-optimal solution. This thesis develops a novel real-time interpolator for parametric curves (RTIPC), which provides a near time-optimal solution. It limits the machine dynamics (axial velocities, axial accelerations and jerk) and contour error through feedrate lookahead and acceleration lookahead operations. Experiments show that the RTIPC can simplify the coding significantly, and achieve up to ten times productivity than the industry standard linear interpolator. Furthermore, it is as efficient as the state-of-the-art Position-Velocity-Time (PVT) interpolator, while achieving much smoother motion profiles.Despite the fact that parametric curves have huge advantage in toolpath continuity, linear segmented toolpath is still dominantly used on the factory floor due to its straightforward coding and excellent compatibility with various CNC systems. This thesis presents a new real-time global toolpath smoothing algorithm, which bridges the gap in toolpath representation for CNC systems. This approach uses a cubic B-spline to approximate a sequence of linear segments. The approximation deviation is controlled by inserting and moving new control points on the control polygon. Experiments show that the proposed approach can increase the productivity by more than three times than the standard toolpath traversing algorithm, and 40% than the state-of-the-art corner blending algorithm, while achieving excellent surface finish.Finally, some further improvements for CNC systems, such as adaptive cutting force control and on-line machining parameters adjustment with metrology, are discussed in the future work section