12 research outputs found

    Dynamic Approach for Hybrid Data Recommendation System

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    The Disease Identification Analysis is available in data mining in which there is no Evidence Based Medicine Analysis. Usually evidence based analysis is done using big data technique which is not available in the existing system. Here evidence based analysis for disease identification is done using big data technique. This Process is achieved by analysing the health condition of patients, generating questions, gathering of evidences and analysing the evidences, and producing the output. Disease Discovery is done using an automatic machine technique and evidence based analysis is done. First the appropriate diseases are discovered and then the evidence based analysis is done[1] [3]

    Tecnologias emergentes - futuro e evolução tecnológica das AgroTIC.

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    Robótica agrícola e uso de robôs. Nanotecnologia. Computação pervasiva ou úbiqua e internet das coisas. Informação, conhecimento e cognição. Data science, computação quântica e neuromórfica

    Unconventional Computing Catechism

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    What makes a new paradigm or technology promising? What should science, research, and industry invest money in? Is there a life after CMOS electronics? And will the vacuum tube be back? While one cannot predict the future, one can still learn from the past. Over the last decade, unconventional computing developed into a major new research area with the goal to look beyond existing paradigms. In this Perspective, we reflect on the current state of the field and propose a set of questions that anyone working in unconventional computing should be able to answer in order to assess the potential of new paradigms early on

    Big Data, Big Knowledge: Big Data for Personalized Healthcare.

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    The idea that the purely phenomenological knowledge that we can extract by analyzing large amounts of data can be useful in healthcare seems to contradict the desire of VPH researchers to build detailed mechanistic models for individual patients. But in practice no model is ever entirely phenomenological or entirely mechanistic. We propose in this position paper that big data analytics can be successfully combined with VPH technologies to produce robust and effective in silico medicine solutions. In order to do this, big data technologies must be further developed to cope with some specific requirements that emerge from this application. Such requirements are: working with sensitive data; analytics of complex and heterogeneous data spaces, including nontextual information; distributed data management under security and performance constraints; specialized analytics to integrate bioinformatics and systems biology information with clinical observations at tissue, organ and organisms scales; and specialized analytics to define the "physiological envelope" during the daily life of each patient. These domain-specific requirements suggest a need for targeted funding, in which big data technologies for in silico medicine becomes the research priority

    Multiple Relevant Feature Ensemble Selection Based on Multilayer Co-Evolutionary Consensus MapReduce

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    IEEE Although feature selection for large data has been intensively investigated in data mining, machine learning, and pattern recognition, the challenges are not just to invent new algorithms to handle noisy and uncertain large data in applications, but rather to link the multiple relevant feature sources, structured, or unstructured, to develop an effective feature reduction method. In this paper, we propose a multiple relevant feature ensemble selection (MRFES) algorithm based on multilayer co-evolutionary consensus MapReduce (MCCM). We construct an effective MCCM model to handle feature ensemble selection of large-scale datasets with multiple relevant feature sources, and explore the unified consistency aggregation between the local solutions and global dominance solutions achieved by the co-evolutionary memeplexes, which participate in the cooperative feature ensemble selection process. This model attempts to reach a mutual decision agreement among co-evolutionary memeplexes, which calls for the need for mechanisms to detect some noncooperative co-evolutionary behaviors and achieve better Nash equilibrium resolutions. Extensive experimental comparative studies substantiate the effectiveness of MRFES to solve large-scale dataset problems with the complex noise and multiple relevant feature sources on some well-known benchmark datasets. The algorithm can greatly facilitate the selection of relevant feature subsets coming from the original feature space with better accuracy, efficiency, and interpretability. Moreover, we apply MRFES to human cerebral cortex-based classification prediction. Such successful applications are expected to significantly scale up classification prediction for large-scale and complex brain data in terms of efficiency and feasibility

    Tecnologia da Informação na Agropecuária - estado da arte, tendências futuras e proposta de atuação.

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    O presente trabalho discute o papel da TI como ferramenta central na pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação na agropecuária e propõe a criação de um Portfólio de TI como forma de catalisar e estruturar as ações desta área na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa). Para sua elaboração foram analisados estudos prospectivos desenvolvidos por organismos nacionais e internacionais, e consultadas todas as Unidades da Embrapa.bitstream/item/168581/1/Doc154-Kleber-etal.pd

    Exploring the value of big data analysis of Twitter tweets and share prices

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    Over the past decade, the use of social media (SM) such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr has dramatically increased. Using SM, millions of users are creating large amounts of data every day. According to some estimates ninety per cent of the content on the Internet is now user generated. Social Media (SM) can be seen as a distributed content creation and sharing platform based on Web 2.0 technologies. SM sites make it very easy for its users to publish text, pictures, links, messages or videos without the need to be able to program. Users post reviews on products and services they bought, write about their interests and intentions or give their opinions and views on political subjects. SM has also been a key factor in mass movements such as the Arab Spring and the Occupy Wall Street protests and is used for human aid and disaster relief (HADR). There is a growing interest in SM analysis from organisations for detecting new trends, getting user opinions on their products and services or finding out about their online reputation. Companies such as Amazon or eBay use SM data for their recommendation engines and to generate more business. TV stations buy data about opinions on their TV programs from Facebook to find out what the popularity of a certain TV show is. Companies such as Topsy, Gnip, DataSift and Zoomph have built their entire business models around SM analysis. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the economic value of Twitter tweets. The economic value is determined by trying to predict the share price of a company. If the share price of a company can be predicted using SM data, it should be possible to deduce a monetary value. There is limited research on determining the economic value of SM data for “nowcasting”, predicting the present, and for forecasting. This study aims to determine the monetary value of Twitter by correlating the daily frequencies of positive and negative Tweets about the Apple company and some of its most popular products with the development of the Apple Inc. share price. If the number of positive tweets about Apple increases and the share price follows this development, the tweets have predictive information about the share price. A literature review has found that there is a growing interest in analysing SM data from different industries. A lot of research is conducted studying SM from various perspectives. Many studies try to determine the impact of online marketing campaigns or try to quantify the value of social capital. Others, in the area of behavioural economics, focus on the influence of SM on decision-making. There are studies trying to predict financial indicators such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). However, the literature review has indicated that there is no study correlating sentiment polarity on products and companies in tweets with the share price of the company. The theoretical framework used in this study is based on Computational Social Science (CSS) and Big Data. Supporting theories of CSS are Social Media Mining (SMM) and sentiment analysis. Supporting theories of Big Data are Data Mining (DM) and Predictive Analysis (PA). Machine learning (ML) techniques have been adopted to analyse and classify the tweets. In the first stage of the study, a body of tweets was collected and pre-processed, and then analysed for their sentiment polarity towards Apple Inc., the iPad and the iPhone. Several datasets were created using different pre-processing and analysis methods. The tweet frequencies were then represented as time series. The time series were analysed against the share price time series using the Granger causality test to determine if one time series has predictive information about the share price time series over the same period of time. For this study, several Predictive Analytics (PA) techniques on tweets were evaluated to predict the Apple share price. To collect and analyse the data, a framework has been developed based on the LingPipe (LingPipe 2015) Natural Language Processing (NLP) tool kit for sentiment analysis, and using R, the functional language and environment for statistical computing, for correlation analysis. Twitter provides an API (Application Programming Interface) to access and collect its data programmatically. Whereas no clear correlation could be determined, at least one dataset was showed to have some predictive information on the development of the Apple share price. The other datasets did not show to have any predictive capabilities. There are many data analysis and PA techniques. The techniques applied in this study did not indicate a direct correlation. However, some results suggest that this is due to noise or asymmetric distributions in the datasets. The study contributes to the literature by providing a quantitative analysis of SM data, for example tweets about Apple and its most popular products, the iPad and iPhone. It shows how SM data can be used for PA. It contributes to the literature on Big Data and SMM by showing how SM data can be collected, analysed and classified and explore if the share price of a company can be determined based on sentiment time series. It may ultimately lead to better decision making, for instance for investments or share buyback

    Big Data in Organizations and the Role of Human Resource Management

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    Big data are changing the way we work. This book conveys a theoretical understanding of big data and the related interactions on a socio-technological level as well as on the organizational level. Big data challenge the human resource department to take a new role. An organization’s new competitive advantage is its employees augmented by big data

    The Applications of Workload Characterization in The World of Massive Data Storage

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. August 2015. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: David Du. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 116 pages.The digital world is expanding exponentially because of the growth of various applications in domains including scientific fields, enterprise environment and internet services. Importantly, these applications have drastically different storage requirements including parallel I/O performance and storage capacity. Various technologies have been developed in order to better satisfy different storage requirements. I/O middleware software, parallel file systems and storage arrays are developed to improve I/O performance by increasing I/O parallelism at different levels. New storage media and data recording technologies such as shingled magnetic recording (SMR) are also developed to increase the storage capacity. This work focuses on improving existing technologies and designing new schemes based on I/O workload characterizations in corresponding storage environments. The contributions of this work can be summarized into four pieces, two on improving parallel I/O performance and two on increasing storage capacity. First, we design a comprehensive parallel I/O workload characterization and generation framework (called PIONEER) which can be used to synthesize a particular parallel I/O workload with desired I/O characteristics or precisely emulate a High Performance Computing (HPC) application of interest. Second, we propose a non-intrusive I/O middleware (called IO-Engine) to automatically improve a given parallel I/O workload in Lustre which is a widely used HPC or parallel I/O system. IO-Engine can explore the correlations between different software layers in the deep I/O path, as well as workload patterns at runtime to transparently transform the workload patterns and tune related I/O parameters in the system. Third, we design several novel static address mapping schemes for shingled write disks (SWDs) to minimize the write amplification overhead in hard drives adopting SMR technology. Fourth, we propose a track-level shingled translation layer (T-STL) for SWDs with hybrid update strategy (in-place update plus out-of-place update). T-STL uses dynamic address mapping scheme and performs garbage collection operations by migrating selected disk tracks. This scheme can provider larger storage capacity and better overall performance with the same effective storage percentages when compared to the static address mapping schemes