905,941 research outputs found

    What Ways Can We Use Big Data to Offer More Personalized and Tailored HR Services to our Employees?

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    Big data analytics—analytic techniques operating on big data—is continuing to disrupt the way decision-making is occurring. Instead of relying on intuition, decisions are made based on statistical analysis, emerging technologies and massive amounts of current and historical data. Predictive analytics, which will be featured in much of the research below, is a type of big data analytics that predicts an outcome by correlating the relationships of various factors. These predictions can be made utilizing a variety of organized structured data and disorganized unstructured data (i.e. social media posts, surveys, etc.

    The applications of social media in sports marketing

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    n the era of big data, sports consumer's activities in social media become valuable assets to sports marketers. In this paper, the authors review extant literature regarding how to effectively use social media to promote sports as well as how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions. Methods: The literature review method. Results: Our findings suggest that sports marketers can use social media to achieve the following goals, such as facilitating marketing communication campaigns, adding values to sports products and services, creating a two-way communication between sports brands and consumers, supporting sports sponsorship program, and forging brand communities. As to how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions, extent literature suggests that sports marketers to undertake traffic and engagement analysis on their social media sites as well as to conduct sentiment analysis to probe customer's opinions. These insights can support various aspects of business decisions, such as marketing communication management, consumer's voice probing, and sales predictions. Conclusion: Social media are ubiquitous in the sports marketing and consumption practices. In the era of big data, these "footprints" can now be effectively analyzed to generate insights to support business decisions. Recommendations to both the sports marketing practices and research are also addressed

    Pengembangan Media Big Book Dalam Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan di Kelas I Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstrak Pengembangan media big book sangat sesuai dilakukan sebagai alat pendukung keterampilan membaca permulaan siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kualitas, proses, dan efektivitas pengembangan media big book dalam pembelajaran membaca permulaan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh efektivitas media big book uji coba I rata-rata 62,5 dan uji coba II rata-rata 87,5 dengan perolehan nila rata-rata keterampilan membaca permulaan 84 kategori skor 5. Berdasarkan analisis data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat kualitas, proses, dan efektivitas pengembangan media big book dalam pembelajaran membaca permulaan di kelas I sekolah dasar. Kata Kunci: media big book, membaca permulaan, pengembangan media pembelajaran. Abstract Big book media development is very suitable to be done as a support tool for students initial reading skills. The purpose of this study is to describe the quality, process, and effectiveness of big book media development in early reading learning. The type of research used is Research and Development (R & D) research. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the study, the effectiveness of the trial big book media I averaged 62.5 and trial II averaged 87.5 with the acquisition of the average initial reading skill was 84 categories of scores 5. Based on the analysis of the data it can be concluded that there is quality , the process, and the effectiveness of big book media development in early reading learning in grade 1 elementary school. Keywords: big book media, reading the beginning, development of learning media

    Using big data for customer centric marketing

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    This chapter deliberates on “big data” and provides a short overview of business intelligence and emerging analytics. It underlines the importance of data for customer-centricity in marketing. This contribution contends that businesses ought to engage in marketing automation tools and apply them to create relevant, targeted customer experiences. Today’s business increasingly rely on digital media and mobile technologies as on-demand, real-time marketing has become more personalised than ever. Therefore, companies and brands are striving to nurture fruitful and long lasting relationships with customers. In a nutshell, this chapter explains why companies should recognise the value of data analysis and mobile applications as tools that drive consumer insights and engagement. It suggests that a strategic approach to big data could drive consumer preferences and may also help to improve the organisational performance.peer-reviewe

    Big Data Analysis, Use of Facebook Data.

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    90% of disponible data are created in recent years. Big Data term was know for the first time since 2005, and even before in Mesopotamia, in order to register the increased of their productions. But evolution erea of Big Data started at 20 century. Early data  are from 1887, when Herman Hollerith created a computer that read wholes made on a card to organize registered data. Every our device is connected with internet of things (IoT), from which we can use and collect data. Collected data can help business understanding consumer model and behaviors. But big data is more than that. Big Data can help schientifics to face global problems, and business to face the right decision. The best example how big data had changed our live are social media. Use of big data collected from social media network help business to understand consummator behavior, audience groups and their dedication on studied situation.  Our research focused in building an analysis informatic model, to analyse data collected from facebook pages. Keyword: IoT(Internet of things),Big Data,Social Media. DOI: 10.7176/CTI/8-0

    Perancangan Media Promosi Wana Wisata Pantai Plengkung Banyuwangi sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Tarik Wisatawan

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    The goal of this media promotion design is to increase tourist attraction against the potential of plengkung beach. This media promotion design using qualitative method researchfor determining the design concept. Collecting data obtained through observation in order to determine the appropriate media selection for the application, the interview in order to obtain detailed information from competent sources, the literature in order to obtain the literature to support the design, and documentation in order for the material design.Through analysis of collected data was found one big idea for theme design. Big idea is a unforgetable sensation, this big idea describe the adventure on plengkung beach and word sensation in this big idea is a adventure sensation.Then, after big idea was found, design was created and followed by the manufacture of promotional media.Results of this media promotion design expected to help increase tourist attraction on plengkung beach

    Big Data Mining and Semantic Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Big data a term coined due to the explosion in the quantity and diversity of high frequency digital data which is having a potential for valuable insights has drawn the most attention in the area of research and development. Converting big data to actionable insights requires depth understanding of big data, its characteristics, challenges and current technological trends. A rise of big data is changing the existing data storage, management, processing and analytical mechanisms and leads to the new architecture/ecosystems to handle big data applications. This paper covers finding of our research study about big data characteristic, various types of analysis associated with it and basic big data types. First, we are presenting the big data study from data mining and analysis perspective and discuss the challenges and next, we present the result of research study on meaningful use of big data in the context of semantic technologies. Moreover, we discuss various case studies related to social media analysis and recent development trends to identify potential research directions for big data with semantic technologies. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150711


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media Big-book yang valid, efektif dan praktis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri atas 5 tahap yaitu tahap analisis, tahap perancangan, tahap pengembangan, tahap implementasi dan tahap evaluasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan subjek uji coba skala besar dan uji coba skala kecil. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu validasi materi, validasi materi, angket dan tes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kevalidan media Big-book berdasarkan hasil validasi media sangat valid. Kepraktisan media Big-book diperoleh dari hasil angket guru dan angket siswa sangat praktis. Keefektifan media diperoleh dari hasil tes uji coba skala besar dan skala kecil dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa media Big-book sangat efektif dan praktis digunakan pada saat pembelajaran.   Kata Kunci: pengembangan, media Big-book, keterampilan membaca permulaan.       Abstract   This study aims to produce valid, effective and practical media Big-book. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely the analysis stage, the design stage, the development stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. This study uses large-scale trial subjects and small-scale trials. The instruments used to collect data are material validation, material validation, questionnaires and tests. The results of this study indicate that the validity of the Big-book media based on the results of the media validation is very valid. The practicality of Big-book media obtained from the results of teacher and student questionnaires is very practical. The effectiveness of the media was obtained from the results of large-scale and small-scale trials, it can be concluded that there was a significant increase. This proves that Big-book media is very effective and practical to use when studying   Keywords: development, Big-book media, reading skills

    Managing 'threats': uses of social media for policing domestic extremism and disorder in the UK

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    This project examines the uses of social media for policing domestic extremism and disorder in the UK. The collection and analysis of social media data for the purposes of policing forms part of a broader shift from ‘reactive’ to ‘proactive’ forms of governance in which state bodies engage in big data analysis to predict, preempt and respond in real time to a range of social problems. However, there is a lack of research that accounts for the ways in which different state bodies are making use of big data, and how big data is changing the way states research, prioritize and act in relation to social and political issues. Although big data promises for more efficient, rational and objective decision-making, an important emerging body of work highlight that uses of big data for governance may also contribute to forms of suppression, inequality, and discrimination. What is more, whilst the collection of data may provide opportunities to identify problems and potential ‘threats’, the challenges of oversight, accountability and transparency involved in the collection and use of people’s information have been identified as key concerns. This project engages with these debates by looking specifically at how social media data informs decision-making with regards to the policing of domestic extremism and disorder in the context of the United Kingdom

    Hadoop and its role in Facebook: An Overview

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    One of the challenges in storing and processing the data and using the latest internet technologies has resulted in large volumes of data. The technique to manage this massive amount of data and to pull out the value, out of this volume is collectively called Big data. Over the recent years, there has been a rising interest in big data for social media analysis. Online social media have become the important platform across the world to share information. Facebook, one of the largest social media site receives posts in millions every day. One of the efficient technologies that deal with the Big Data is Hadoop. Hadoop, for processing large data volume jobs uses MapReduce programming model. This paper provides a survey on Hadoop and its role in facebook and a brief introduction to HIVE