5 research outputs found

    Copernicus App Lab:A Platform for Easy Data Access Connecting the Scientific Earth Observation Community with Mobile Developers

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    Copernicus App Lab is a two year project (November 2016 to October 2018) funded by the European Commission under the H2020 program. The consortium consists of AZO (project coordinator), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Terradue, RAMANI and VITO. The main objective of Copernicus App Lab is to make Earth observation data produced by the Copernicus program of the European Union available on the Web as linked data to aid their use by mobile developers

    From Copernicus Big Data to Extreme Earth Analytics

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    Copernicus is the European programme for monitoring the Earth. It consists of a set of systems that collect data from satellites and in-situ sensors, process this data and provide users with reliable and up-to-date information on a range of environmental and security issues. The data and information processed and disseminated puts Copernicus at the forefront of the big data paradigm, giving rise to all relevant challenges, the so-called 5 Vs: volume, velocity, variety, veracity and value. In this short paper, we discuss the challenges of extracting information and knowledge from huge archives of Copernicus data. We propose to achieve this by scale-out distributed deep learning techniques that run on very big clusters offering virtual machines and GPUs. We also discuss the challenges of achieving scalability in the management of the extreme volumes of information and knowledge extracted from Copernicus data. The envisioned scientific and technical work will be carried out in the context of the H2020 project ExtremeEarth which starts in January 2019

    GeoTriples: Transforming geospatial data into RDF graphs using R2RML and RML mappings

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    A lot of geospatial data has become available at no charge in many countries recently. Geospatial data that is currently made available by government agencies usually do not follow the linked data paradigm. In the few cases where government agencies do follow the linked data paradigm (e.g., Ordnance Survey in the United Kingdom), specialized scripts have been used for transforming geospatial data into RDF. In this paper we present the open source tool GeoTriples which generates and processes extended R2RML and RML mappings that transform geospatial data from many input formats into RDF. GeoTriples allows the transformation of geospatial data stored in raw files (shapefiles, CSV, KML, XML, GML and GeoJSON) and spatially-enabled RDBMS (PostGIS and MonetDB) into RDF graphs using well-known vocabularies like GeoSPARQL and stSPARQL, but without being tightly coupled to a specific vocabulary. GeoTriples has been developed in European projects LEO and Melodies and has been used to transform many geospatial data sources into linked data. We study the performance of GeoTriples experimentally using large publicly available geospatial datasets, and show that GeoTriples is very efficient and scalable especially when its mapping processor is implemented using Apache Hadoop

    Big, linked geospatial data and its applications in earth observation

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    If the terabytes of Earth observation data currently stored in archives are published on the web using the linked data paradigm, data discovery, integration with other data sources, and the development of applications will become much easier. © 2017 IEEE

    Web service-based exploration of Earth Observation time-series data for analyzing environmental changes

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    The increasing amount of Earth observation (EO) data requires a tremendous change, in order to property handle the number of observations and storage size thereof. Due to open data strategies and the increasing size of data archives, a new market has been developed to provide analysis and application-ready data, services, and platforms. It is not only scientists and geospatial processing specialists who work with EO data; stakeholders, thematic experts, and software developers do too. There is thus a great demand for improving the discovery, access, and analysis of EO data in line with new possibilities of web-based infrastructures. With the aim of bridging the gap between users and EO data archives, various topics have been researched: 1) user requirements and their relation to web services and output formats; 2) technical requirements for the discovery and access of multi-source EO time-series data, and 3) management of EO time-series data focusing on application-ready data. Web services for EO data discovery and access, time-series data processing, and EO platforms have been reviewed and related to the requirements of users. The diversity of data providers and web services requires specific knowledge of systems and specifications. Although service specifications for the discovery of EO data exist, improvements are still necessary to meet the requirements of different user personas. For the processing of EO time-series data, various data formats and processing steps need to be handled. Still, there remains a gap between EO time-series data access and analysis tools, which needs to be addressed to simplify work with such data. Within this thesis, web services for the discovery, access, and analysis of EO time-series data have been described and evaluated based on different user requirements. Standardized web services specifications, output and data formats are proposed, introduced and described to meet the needs of the different user personas