6,297 research outputs found

    Bifurcation of Limit cycles from a 4-dimensional center in R^m in resonance 1:N

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    Agraïments: The first and third authors are partially supported by FCT through CAMGSD, Lisbon.For every positive integer N ≥ 2 we consider the linear differential center ˙x = Ax in Rm with eigenvalues ±i, ±N i and 0 with multiplicity m − 4. We perturb this linear center inside the class of all polynomial differential systems of the form linear plus a homogeneous nonlinearity of degree N, i.e. x˙ = Ax + εF(x) where every component of F(x) is a linear polynomial plus a homogeneous polynomial of degree N. When the displacement function of order ε of the perturbed system is not identically zero, we study the maximal number of limit cycles that can bifurcate from the periodic orbits of the linear differential center. In particular, we give explicit upper bounds for the number of limit cycles

    Numerical periodic normalization for codim 2 bifurcations of limit cycles : computational formulas, numerical implementation, and examples

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    Explicit computational formulas for the coefficients of the periodic normal forms for codimension 2 (codim 2) bifurcations of limit cycles in generic autonomous ODEs are derived. All cases (except the weak resonances) with no more than three Floquet multipliers on the unit circle are covered. The resulting formulas are independent of the dimension of the phase space and involve solutions of certain boundary-value problems on the interval [0, T], where T is the period of the critical cycle, as well as multilinear functions from the Taylor expansion of the ODE right-hand side near the cycle. The formulas allow one to distinguish between various bifurcation scenarios near codim 2 bifurcations of limit cycles. Our formulation makes it possible to use robust numerical boundary-value algorithms based on orthogonal collocation, rather than shooting techniques, which greatly expands its applicability. The implementation is described in detail with numerical examples, where numerous codim 2 bifurcations of limit cycles are analyzed for the first time

    On the attractors of two-dimensional Rayleigh oscillators including noise

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    We study sustained oscillations in two-dimensional oscillator systems driven by Rayleigh-type negative friction. In particular we investigate the influence of mismatch of the two frequencies. Further we study the influence of external noise and nonlinearity of the conservative forces. Our consideration is restricted to the case that the driving is rather weak and that the forces show only weak deviations from radial symmetry. For this case we provide results for the attractors and the bifurcations of the system. We show that for rational relations of the frequencies the system develops several rotational excitations with right/left symmetry, corresponding to limit cycles in the four-dimensional phase space. The corresponding noisy distributions have the form of hoops or tires in the four-dimensional space. For irrational frequency relations, as well as for increasing strength of driving or noise the periodic excitations are replaced by chaotic oscillations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Shrinking Point Bifurcations of Resonance Tongues for Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Maps

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    Resonance tongues are mode-locking regions of parameter space in which stable periodic solutions occur; they commonly occur, for example, near Neimark-Sacker bifurcations. For piecewise-smooth, continuous maps these tongues typically have a distinctive lens-chain (or sausage) shape in two-parameter bifurcation diagrams. We give a symbolic description of a class of "rotational" periodic solutions that display lens-chain structures for a general NN-dimensional map. We then unfold the codimension-two, shrinking point bifurcation, where the tongues have zero width. A number of codimension-one bifurcation curves emanate from shrinking points and we determine those that form tongue boundaries.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure
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