209 research outputs found

    Advances in Automatic Keyphrase Extraction

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    The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze and propose new improvements in the field of Automatic Keyphrase Extraction, i.e., the field of automatically detecting the key concepts in a document. We will discuss, in particular, supervised machine learning algorithms for keyphrase extraction, by first identifying their shortcomings and then proposing new techniques which exploit contextual information to overcome them. Keyphrase extraction requires that the key concepts, or \emph{keyphrases}, appear verbatim in the body of the document. We will identify the fact that current algorithms do not use contextual information when detecting keyphrases as one of the main shortcomings of supervised keyphrase extraction. Instead, statistical and positional cues, like the frequency of the candidate keyphrase or its first appearance in the document, are mainly used to determine if a phrase appearing in a document is a keyphrase or not. For this reason, we will prove that a supervised keyphrase extraction algorithm, by using only statistical and positional features, is actually able to extract good keyphrases from documents written in languages that it has never seen. The algorithm will be trained over a common dataset for the English language, a purpose-collected dataset for the Arabic language, and evaluated on the Italian, Romanian and Portuguese languages as well. This result is then used as a starting point to develop new algorithms that use contextual information to increase the performance in automatic keyphrase extraction. The first algorithm that we present uses new linguistics features based on anaphora resolution, which is a field of natural language processing that exploits the relations between elements of the discourse as, e.g., pronouns. We evaluate several supervised AKE pipelines based on these features on the well-known SEMEVAL 2010 dataset, and we show that the performance increases when we add such features to a model that employs statistical and positional knowledge only. Finally, we investigate the possibilities offered by the field of Deep Learning, by proposing six different deep neural networks that perform automatic keyphrase extraction. Such networks are based on bidirectional long-short term memory networks, or on convolutional neural networks, or on a combination of both of them, and on a neural language model which creates a vector representation of each word of the document. These networks are able to learn new features using the the whole document when extracting keyphrases, and they have the advantage of not needing a corpus after being trained to extract keyphrases from new documents. We show that with deep learning based architectures we are able to outperform several other keyphrase extraction algorithms, both supervised and not supervised, used in literature and that the best performances are obtained when we build an additional neural representation of the input document and we append it to the neural language model. Both the anaphora-based and the deep-learning based approaches show that using contextual information, the performance in supervised algorithms for automatic keyphrase extraction improves. In fact, in the methods presented in this thesis, the algorithms which obtained the best performance are the ones receiving more contextual information, both about the relations of the potential keyphrase with other parts of the document, as in the anaphora based approach, and in the shape of a neural representation of the input document, as in the deep learning approach. In contrast, the approach of using statistical and positional knowledge only allows the building of language agnostic keyphrase extraction algorithms, at the cost of decreased precision and recall

    Multi-Task Learning of Keyphrase Boundary Classification

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    Keyphrase boundary classification (KBC) is the task of detecting keyphrases in scientific articles and labelling them with respect to predefined types. Although important in practice, this task is so far underexplored, partly due to the lack of labelled data. To overcome this, we explore several auxiliary tasks, including semantic super-sense tagging and identification of multi-word expressions, and cast the task as a multi-task learning problem with deep recurrent neural networks. Our multi-task models perform significantly better than previous state of the art approaches on two scientific KBC datasets, particularly for long keyphrases.Comment: ACL 201

    Keyphrase Identification Using Minimal Labeled Data with Hierarchical Context and Transfer Learning

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    Interoperable clinical decision support system (CDSS) rules provide a pathway to interoperability, a well-recognized challenge in health information technology. Building an ontology facilitates creating interoperable CDSS rules, which can be achieved by identifying the keyphrases (KP) from the existing literature. However, KP identification for data labeling requires human expertise, consensus, and contextual understanding. This paper aims to present a semi-supervised KP identification framework using minimal labeled data based on hierarchical attention over the documents and domain adaptation. Our method outperforms the prior neural architectures by learning through synthetic labels for initial training, document-level contextual learning, language modeling, and fine-tuning with limited gold standard label data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first functional framework for the CDSS sub-domain to identify KPs, which is trained on limited labeled data. It contributes to the general natural language processing (NLP) architectures in areas such as clinical NLP, where manual data labeling is challenging, and light-weighted deep learning models play a role in real-time KP identification as a complementary approach to human experts' effort

    Keyphrase Generation: A Multi-Aspect Survey

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    Extractive keyphrase generation research has been around since the nineties, but the more advanced abstractive approach based on the encoder-decoder framework and sequence-to-sequence learning has been explored only recently. In fact, more than a dozen of abstractive methods have been proposed in the last three years, producing meaningful keyphrases and achieving state-of-the-art scores. In this survey, we examine various aspects of the extractive keyphrase generation methods and focus mostly on the more recent abstractive methods that are based on neural networks. We pay particular attention to the mechanisms that have driven the perfection of the later. A huge collection of scientific article metadata and the corresponding keyphrases is created and released for the research community. We also present various keyphrase generation and text summarization research patterns and trends of the last two decades.Comment: 10 pages, 5 tables. Published in proceedings of FRUCT 2019, the 25th Conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Helsinki, Finlan

    On Identifying Hashtags in Disaster Twitter Data

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    Tweet hashtags have the potential to improve the search for information during disaster events. However, there is a large number of disaster-related tweets that do not have any user-provided hashtags. Moreover, only a small number of tweets that contain actionable hashtags are useful for disaster response. To facilitate progress on automatic identification (or extraction) of disaster hashtags for Twitter data, we construct a unique dataset of disaster-related tweets annotated with hashtags useful for filtering actionable information. Using this dataset, we further investigate Long Short Term Memory-based models within a Multi-Task Learning framework. The best performing model achieves an F1-score as high as 92.22%. The dataset, code, and other resources are available on Github
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