4,451 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Web of Science and Scopus on the Energy Efficiency and Climate Impact of Buildings

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    Although the body of scientific publications on energy efficiency and climate mitigation from buildings has been growing quickly in recent years, very few previous bibliometric analysis studies exist that analyze the literature in terms of specific content (trends or options for zero‐energy buildings) or coverage of different scientific databases. We evaluate the scientific literature published since January 2013 concerning alternative methods for improving the energy efficiency and mitigating climate impacts from buildings. We quantify and describe the literature through a bibliometric approach, comparing the databases Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. A total of 19,416 (Scopus) and 17,468 (WoS) publications are analyzed, with only 11% common documents. The literature has grown steadily during this time period, with a peak in the year 2017. Most of the publications are in English, in the area of Engineering and Energy Fuels, and from institutions from China and the USA. Strong links are observed between the most published authors and institutions worldwide. An analysis of keywords reveals that most of research focuses on technologies for heating, ventilation, and air‐conditioning, phase change materials, as well as information and communication technologies. A significantly smaller segment of the literature takes a broader perspective (greenhouse gas emissions, life cycle, and sustainable development), investigating implementation issues (policies and costs) or renewable energy (solar). Knowledge gaps are detected in the areas of behavioral changes, the circular economy, and some renewable energy sources (geothermal, biomass, small wind). We conclude that i) the contents of WoS and Scopus are radically different in the studied fields; ii) research seems to focus on technological aspects; and iii) there are weak links between research on energy and on climate mitigation and sustainability, the latter themes being misrepresented in the literature. These conclusions should be validated with further analyses of the documents identified in this study. We recommend that future research focuses on filling the above identified gaps, assessing the contents of several scientific databases, and extending energy analyses to their effects in terms of mitigation potentials.This work was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España (RTI2018‐ 093849‐B‐C31), by ICREA under the ICREA Academia programme, and by the foundation SIVL

    A Bibliometric Overview of the International Airports and Airlines ‘IAA’ Topic in Journals and Scientific Community.

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to provide an assessment of international airports and airlines, ‘IAAs’, and to organize and classify the literature on air transport to stage the importance of this topic and encourage future research in the projection of the aviation and tourism sectors. Methods: It is a bibliographic study, and this work focuses on IAA documents published in major international journals, conferences, and books from 2000 to 9 June 2021; this topic is scattered across various journals and has secondary data in many disciplines. Results: The findings suggest a new paradigm applied to the IAA topic and are classified in four first-order research streams: airports; airlines; connectivity; and competition. This study identifies new challenges and opportunities for researchers, airport and airline operators, and stakeholders to make better future decisions. Conclusions: There is no agreement on an explicit definition of the IAA concept that captures the true nature of this topic. For this reason, this article is innovative in the new IAA concept and in how it will possibly change the theoretical frameworks in future scientific research in the aviation and tourism sectors. This study has been needed to better understand the effectiveness, projection, and different business strategies to be adopted by researchers and organizations in the aviation and tourism future.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Recent trends in air transport research: a bibliometric analysis

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    The aim of this manuscript is to detect recent trends in air transport research through a bibliometric analysis. We have retrieved all articles published between 2013 and 2022 in the Q1 of the Transportation ranking of the Social Sciences Citation Index published in the Journal Citations Reports (Q1-T), and in the Journal of Air Transport Management. Both samples share the topics Industry Analysis, Air Traffic Management and COVID-19 and Air Transport. The specific topics of Q1-T sample are High Speed Rail and Air Transport, Environmental Impact of Air Transport and UAV and Urban Air Mobility. We have also found that materials of Q1-T are mainly written from the regulator perspective, and JATM materials from the perspective of airport and airline managers.The aim of this manuscript is to detect recent trends in air transport research through a bibliometric analysis. We have retrieved all articles published between 2013 and 2022 in the Q1 of the Transportation ranking of the Social Sciences Citation Index published in the Journal Citations Reports (Q1-T), and in the Journal of Air Transport Management. Among these records, we retained for the analysis the articles related with air transport. Analysing the author keywords of articles and retaining the Top 10 cited articles in each of the samples, we have identified six research topics for each of the samples. Both samples share the topics Industry Analysis, Air Traffic Management and COVID-19 and Air Transport. The specific topics of Q1-T sample are High Speed Rail and Air Transport, Environmental Impact of Air Transport and UAV and Urban Air Mobility. We have also found that materials of Q1-T are mainly written from the regulator perspective, and JATM materials from the perspective of airport and airline managers. We believe that this results are useful for administrators evaluating air transport academics, air transport academics themselves looking for new avenues of research and stakeholders of the air transport industry interested in evidence-based decision making.Preprin

    Bibliometric analysis of the transformation in air logistics operations in terms of digitalization and sustainability

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    Digitalization and sustainability are essential in today’s globalized business environment. Within the logistics sector, aviation plays a critical role in this dynamic environment by enabling rapid, safe transportation worldwide. While applying new approaches, air logistics processes should incorporate the tech-nologies and applications enabled by digitalization, and consider environmental, social, and economic sustainability impacts. These can be mutually beneficial in that new digital technologies can reduce environmental impacts, make a social contribution, and increase economic gains. While there is rapidly expanding literature about integrating these concepts for various purposes in different sectors, applications in air logistics are particularly promising. Accordingly, this study contributes to digital and sustainable air logistics research by iden-tifying current trends, revealing gaps in knowledge, and proposing future research directions. To do so, a literature review and a bibliometric analysis were conducted using VosViewer software. As a result, five potential research areas were proposed

    Research Trends in Dry Port Sustainability: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This study consolidates research on operational sustainability in dry ports. A total of 232 papers published in the last 23 years (2000–2023) are reviewed to assess the breadth of research perspectives in dry port sustainable operations. Additionally, the findings summarize current research trends, identify flaws in the body of knowledge, and suggest potential research areas. A bibliographic analysis approach is deployed to explore the existing body of knowledge, review the concepts in depth, and narrow the focus on potential research areas. Within this context, a content analysis technique has been utilized to explore and understand the conceptual underpinnings of specific themes, typically involving trending subjects like sustainability, dry ports, inland ports, economic sustainability, social sustainability, and environmental sustainability. Tools such as BibExcel and VOSviewer were utilized to assist in conducting the bibliometric analysis. The majority of dry port research has concentrated on the definition, functions, policy and governance, location analysis, ownership, and dry port-seaport interaction. Less attention is paid to dry port sustainability in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the interaction of internal and external collaboration with dry port sustainability, dry port social sustainability, dry port economic sustainability, dry port environment sustainability, and dry port service quality. Specifically, there has been limited research output on the sustainability of dry ports within the context of landlocked nations. This study will raise awareness of unexplored areas for further research by focusing on critical issues that are not generally covered by scholars in existing literature, such as dry port internal sustainability management and external collaboration

    Twenty Years of Airport Efficiency – A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This paper analyses the scientific study on airport efficiency in the WoS (Web of Science) database for the period 2000–2019. Productivity indicators have been obtained by author, years, journals, and institutions, and an analysis of visibility, impact, and scientific collaboration through co-citations was performed. The areas of greatest application are transport, engineering, and economics. This study reveals the existence of three research lines, one on airport safety and management, another on technical efficiency using mainly the DEA method, and the third associated with airport regularization issues. An important issue which is increasingly taken into account in efficiency studies is related to environmental aspects. In the ranking of journals publishing on airport efficiency, ordered by number of articles indexed in WoS, Journal of Air Transport Management is the one with the highest number of cited articles and publications, whereas Sustainability stands out as the first non-specific journal on transport. The University of Lisbon and the University of British Columbia are the ones that deal most with airport efficiency

    Halal Tourism Indicators: A Bibliometric Study

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    This study aims to determine the development map of halal tourism research that is published by reputable journal. By searching with the keyword “Halal Tourism”, the data analyzed from 65 publications of indexed halal tourism research publications. The results showed that the number of publications on the development of halal tourism research from 2009-2020 experienced a fluctuated increase and the most were published in 2020. The author who published the most research results in the field of halal tourism was Amr Al-Ansi, Mohamed Battour and Joan C. Henderson. In addition, the most significant journal on halal tourism is International Journal of Tourism Research. Based on the concept of Imam Shatibi higher objective (Raysuni, 2005), the indicators for halal tourism competitiveness index are divided into 6 goals, and total of 16 components. In the future, this index can be used to measure the locus of cities, provinces and countries in terms of halal tourism