6 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Penggunaan Air Bersih pada Penyamakan Kulit

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    Industri penyamakan kulit membutuhkan banyak air dan berbagai macam bahan kimia terutama pada proses beamhouse. Hal ini akan menghasilkan banyak limbah cair yang mengandung zat berbahaya yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat mengurangi limbah cair yang dibuang adalah dengan mengurangi penggunaan air pada penyamakan kulit terutama pada proses beamhouse. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meng­analisis efisiensi penggunaan air pada proses penyamakan kulit skala kecil. Tahapan penelitian dilakukan dengan meng­identifikasi volume air yang digunakan dan tahapan mana pada proses beam­house yang memungkinkan untuk dilakukan reuse air tanpa mempengaruhi kualitas kulit tersamak. Hasil analisis menghasilkan dua alternatif reuse air pada proses beamhouse. Alternatif pertama yaitu menggunakan kembali air pada proses liming (washing 1 dan washing 2) dan pada proses pickling (re-washing dan deliming). Alternatif kedua yaitu menggunakan kembali air pada proses limming (washing 1 dan washing 2) dan pada proses pickling (re-washing, deliming, dan washing pasca deliming). Alternatif pertama meng­hasilkan penghematan penggunaan air sebesar 33% pada proses liming dan 78% pada proses pickling. Alternatif kedua menghasilkan efisiensi peng­gunaan air sebesar 33% pada proses liming dan 84% untuk proses pickling. Reuse air tidak hanya mengurangi penggunaan air bersih secara signifikan, akan tetapi juga mengurangi limbah cair yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Hal ini memberikan dampak positif pada upaya perlindungan lingkungan dan untuk terwujudnya industri hijau dengan melakukan kegiatan industri tanpa menimbulkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan

    A bibliometric overview of the International Journal of Strategic Property Management between 2008 and 2019

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    The International Journal of Strategic Property Management (IJSPM) is an interdisciplinary journal which provides a forum for a broad range of strategic property management research. The topics such as asset and facilities management, property policy, risk management, residential property value enhancement, and housing finance are included in the scope of the IJSPM’s investigation. The aim of this study is to provide a bibliometric analysis of the papers published by the IJSPM which is collected in the well-known Social Science Citation Index database and analyse the current status and the emerging trends of the research outputs in the IJSPM with some broadly utilized as well as diversely designed indicators. By analysing the annual publication distribution, the citation structure, the co-citation and cooperation networks, and the influential contributors on the aspects of specific countries/regions, institutions, cited journals, and authors, the status quo of the IJSPM publications is presented. Also, the emerging trends are explored through the analyses of timeline view and burst detection. We make the contributions in terms of visualizing the complex and significant results based on the objective and quantitative data. This paper assists researchers with an understanding of the development of the IJSPM, which gives useful information for further researches and submitting works

    Micro-level measurement of the circularity of organizations: the Italian innovative standardized approach applied to a public sector case study

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    This study analyses the implementation of a circularity measurement methodology at the University of Piemonte Orientale (UPO) in the early stages of the development of the UNI1608856 project “Measuring circularity - Methods and indicators for measuring circular processes in organisations, the first attempt to assess an organisation’s circularity under a standardized framework in an Italian University. The single-case study examines the organisation’s framework implementation, followed by an in-depth discussion of the phenomenon under study. The circularity measurement metrics applied to the UPO case have been extracted from a draft standard prepared by the Italian standardization body (UNI). The UPO case study considers the draft's general propositions with a focus on the metrics related to the management of human resources, assets, policy, and sustainability. Some useful insights emerge from the critical analysis of the norm proposal, both regarding adopting different types of measures and implementing the circularity measurement in terms of the organisation’s readiness to collect data for the metrics. As this study deals with a new framework applied to a public Organisation, several issues come to light. The first implementation of UNI1608856 allows discussion of the effective measurement of circularity at the micro level and how an organisation’s managerial processes need to evolve to provide the data required to measure circularity

    Comprehensive bibliometric study of Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management from 2007 to 2019

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    Since the world became industrialized, our environment has been changed, bringing different environmental issues. The world benefits from industrialization but suffers from diverse pollutions simultaneously. Therefore, we are motivated to investigate the environment and landscape management explorations by analyzing 403 papers published in the Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management (JEELM) from 2007 to 2019. As one of the scientific journals that investigate environment management, JEELM mainly focuses on the area of environmental changes caused by human activities. By analyzing the issues such as atmosphere, water, and soil pollution and their mitigation technologies, JEELM accepts the scientific outputs written in English. Based on the data retrieved from Web of Science, we provide an overview of the status quo and emerging trends of the researches published on JEELM. Diverse researches such as publication distribution, citation structure, co-citation analysis and key contributors on the aspects of countries, institutions, and authors are given to comprehensively analyze the current situation of JEELM’s. Besides, the emerging trends and hot spots can be revealed by burst detection and timeline view. Therefore, this paper contributes to providing a general picture of the knowledge domain of JEELM’ research which enables researchers, especially the beginners to learn about this journal’s development

    Economía Circular en las áreas de gestión, negocios y economía: un análisis bibliométrico

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    The objective of the research was to deepen the research by exploring the trend of circular economy specifically in the area of management, business and economics. The methodology used is descriptive, a bibliometric review of scientific articles on circular economy (613 articles), published in journals indexed in the Web of Science, the selected period was from 2009 to 2023. The production increased notably from 2019 with 80 articles. Co-occurrence maps of words, titles and abstracts of the circular economy were made. As main conclusions we have the countries with the highest collaboration such as: China, United Kingdom, United States and India. The circular economy is relevant and significant worldwide among different nations, organizations, legislators, academic institutions, academics, researchers and companies, it is considered a solution to the ecological and socioeconomic challenges resulting from the growing consumption of non-renewable resources, the generation of solid and electronic waste, pollution (soil, water and atmosphere), as well as the scarcity of resources. It opens a window to research related to the area of management, business and economics.El objetivo de la investigación fue profundizar en la investigación mediante la exploración de la tendencia de la economía circular específicamente en el área de gestión, negocios y economía. La metodología utilizada es descriptiva, una revisión bibliométrica de los artículos científicos sobre la economía circular (613 artículos), publicados en revistas indizadas en la Web of Science, el periodo seleccionado fue del 2009 al 2023. La producción se incrementó notablemente a partir del año 2019 con 80 artículos. Se realizaron mapas de co-ocurrencia de palabras, títulos y resúmenes de la economía circular. Como principales conclusiones se tienen los países con mayor colaboración como: China, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos e India. La economía circular es relevante y significativa a nivel mundial entre las diferentes naciones organizaciones, legisladores, instituciones académicas, académicos, investigadores y empresas, es considerada una solución a los desafíos ecológicos y socioeconómicos resultantes del consumo creciente de recursos no renovables, la generación de desechos sólidos y electrónicos, la contaminación (suelo, agua y atmósfera), así como la escasez de recursos. Se abre una ventana a las investigaciones relacionadas con el área de gestión, negocios y economía

    Circular Economy in the Norwegian Aluminium Industry: The Role of Recycling Post-consumer Aluminium Scrap

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