280 research outputs found

    The Future of the Operating Room: Surgical Preplanning and Navigation using High Accuracy Ultra-Wideband Positioning and Advanced Bone Measurement

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    This dissertation embodies the diversity and creativity of my research, of which much has been peer-reviewed, published in archival quality journals, and presented nationally and internationally. Portions of the work described herein have been published in the fields of image processing, forensic anthropology, physical anthropology, biomedical engineering, clinical orthopedics, and microwave engineering. The problem studied is primarily that of developing the tools and technologies for a next-generation surgical navigation system. The discussion focuses on the underlying technologies of a novel microwave positioning subsystem and a bone analysis subsystem. The methodologies behind each of these technologies are presented in the context of the overall system with the salient results helping to elucidate the difficult facets of the problem. The microwave positioning system is currently the highest accuracy wireless ultra-wideband positioning system that can be found in the literature. The challenges in producing a system with these capabilities are many, and the research and development in solving these problems should further the art of high accuracy pulse-based positioning

    Time-based Location Techniques Using Inexpensive, Unsynchronized Clocks in Wireless Networks

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    The ability to measure location using time of flight in IEEE 802.11 networks is impeded by the standard clock resolution, imprecise synchronization of the 802.11 protocol, and the inaccuracy of available clocks. To achieve real-time location with accuracy goals of a few meters, we derive new consensus synchronization techniques for free-running clocks. Using consensus synchronization, we improve existing time of arrival (TOA) techniques and introduce new time difference of arrival (TDOA) techniques. With this common basis, we show how TOA is theoretically superior to TDOA. Using TOA measurements, we can locate wireless nodes that participate in the location system, and using TDOA measurements, we can locate nodes that do not participate. We demonstrate applications using off-the-shelf 802.11 hardware that can determine location to within 3m using simple, existing optimization methods. The synchronization techniques extend existing ones providing distributed synchronization for free-running clocks to cases where send times cannot be controlled and adjusted precisely, as in 802.11 networks. These location and synchronization techniques may be applied to transmitting wireless nodes using any communication protocol where cooperating nodes can produce send and receive timestamps

    Realization Limits of Impulse-Radio UWB Indoor Localization Systems

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    In this work, the realization limits of an impulse-based Ultra-Wideband (UWB) localization system for indoor applications have been thoroughly investigated and verified by measurements. The analysis spans from the position calculation algorithms, through hardware realization and modeling, up to the localization experiments conducted in realistic scenarios. The main focus was put on identification and characterization of limiting factors as well as developing methods to overcome them

    XRLoc: Accurate UWB Localization for XR Systems

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    Understanding the location of ultra-wideband (UWB) tag-attached objects and people in the real world is vital to enabling a smooth cyber-physical transition. However, most UWB localization systems today require multiple anchors in the environment, which can be very cumbersome to set up. In this work, we develop XRLoc, providing an accuracy of a few centimeters in many real-world scenarios. This paper will delineate the key ideas which allow us to overcome the fundamental restrictions that plague a single anchor point from localization of a device to within an error of a few centimeters. We deploy a VR chess game using everyday objects as a demo and find that our system achieves 2.42.4 cm median accuracy and 5.35.3 cm 90th90^\mathrm{th} percentile accuracy in dynamic scenarios, performing at least 8×8\times better than state-of-art localization systems. Additionally, we implement a MAC protocol to furnish these locations for over 1010 tags at update rates of 100100 Hz, with a localization latency of ∼1\sim 1 ms

    Exploiting Structural Signal Information in Passive Emitter Localization

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    The operational use of systems for passive geolocation of radio frequency emitters poses various challenges to single sensor systems or sensor networks depending on the measurement methods. Position estimation by means of direction finding systems often requires complex receiver and antenna technique. Time (Difference) of Arrival methods (TDOA, TOA) are based on measurements regarding the signal propagation duration and generally require broadband communication links to transmit raw signal data between spatially separated receivers of a sensor network. Such bandwidth requirements are particularly challenging for applications with moving sensor nodes. This issue is addressed in this thesis and techniques that use signal structure information of the considered signals are presented which allow a drastic reduction of the communication requirements. The advantages of using knowledge of the signal structure for TDOA based emitter localization are shown using two exemplary applications. The first case example deals with the passive surveillance of the civil airspace (Air Traffic Management, ATM) using a stationary sensor network. State of the art airspace surveillance is mainly based on active radar systems (Primary Surveillance Radar, PSR), cooperative secondary radar systems (Secondary Surveillance Radar, SSR) and automatic position reports from the aircraft itself (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, ADS-B). SSR as well as ADS-B relies on aircrafts sending transponder signals at a center frequency of 1090 MHz. The reliability and accuracy of the position reports sent by aircrafts using ADS-B are limited and not sufficient to ensure safe airspace separation for example of two aircrafts landing on parallel runways. In the worst case, the data may even be altered with malicious intent. Using passive emitter localization and tracking based on multilateration (TDOA/hyperbolic localization), a precise situational awareness can be given which is independent of the content of the emitted transponder signals. The high concentration of sending targets and the high number of signals require special signal processing and information fusion techniques to overcome the huge amount of data. It will be shown that a multilateration network that employs those techniques can be used to improve airspace security at reasonable costs. For the second case, a concept is introduced which allows TDOA based emitter localization with only one moving observer platform. Conventional TDOA measurements are obtained using spatially distributed sensor nodes which capture an emitted signal at the same time. From those signals, the time difference of arrival is estimated. Under certain conditions, the exploitation of signal structure information allows to transfer the otherwise only spatial into a spatial and temporal measurement problem. This way, it is possible to obtain TDOA estimates over multiple measurement time steps using a single moving observer and to thus localize the emitter of the signals. The concept of direct position determination is applied to the single sensor signal structure TDOA scheme and techniques for direct single sensor TDOA are introduced. The validity and performance of the presented methods is shown in theoretical analysis in terms of Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds, Monte-Carlo simulations and by evaluation of real data gained during field experiments

    Ultra-wideband Based Indoor Localization of Mobile Nodes in ToA and TDoA Configurations

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    Zandian R. Ultra-wideband Based Indoor Localization of Mobile Nodes in ToA and TDoA Configurations. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019.This thesis discusses the utilization of ultra-wideband (UWB) technology in indoor localization scenarios and proposes system setup and evaluates different localization algorithms in order to improve the localization accuracy and stability of such systems in non-ideal conditions of the indoor environment. Recent developments and advances of technology in the areas of ubiquitous Internet, robotics and internet of things (IoT) have resulted in emerging new application areas in daily life in which localization systems are vital. The significant demand for a robust and accurate localization system that is applicable in indoor areas lacking satellites link, can be sensed. The UWB technology offers accurate localization systems with an accuracy of below 10 cm and covering the range of up to a few hundred meters thanks to their dedicated large bandwidth, modulation technique and signal power. In this thesis, the technology behind the UWB systems is discussed in detail. In terms of localization topologies, different scenarios with the focus on time-based methods are introduced. The main focus of this thesis is on the differential time of arrival localization systems (TDoA) with unilateral constellation that is suitable for robotic localization and navigation applications. A new approach for synchronization of TDoA topology is proposed and influence of clock inaccuracies in such systems are thoroughly evaluated. For localization engine, two groups of static and dynamic iterative algorithms are introduced. Among the possible dynamic methods, extended Kalman filter (EKF), H∞ and unscented Kalman filter (UKF) are discussed and meticulously evaluated. In order to tackle the non-line of sight (NLOS) problem of such systems, for detection stage several solutions which are based on parametric machine learning methods are proposed. Furthermore, for mitigation phase two solutions namely adjustment of measurement variance and innovation term are suggested. Practical results prove the efficiency and high reliability of the proposed algorithms with positive NLOS condition detection rate of more than 87%. In practical trials, the localization system is evaluated in indoor and outdoor arenas in both line of sight and non-line of sight conditions. The results show that the proposed detection and mitigation methods can be successfully applied for both small and large-scale arenas with the higher performance of the localization filters in terms of accuracy in large-scale scenarios

    Feasibility Study of UAV-Assisted Anti-Jamming Positioning

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    Wireless Emitter Location Estimation Based on Linear and Nonlinear Algorithms using TDOA Technique

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    Low-power devices such as cell phones, and wireless routers are commonly used to control Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and as the communication nodes for the sake of command and control. Quickly locating the source of these signals is ambitious, specifically in a metropolitan environment where buildings and towers may cause intervention. This presents a geolocation system that compounds the attributes of several proven geolocation and error mitigation methods to locate an emitter of interest in an urban environment. The proposed geolocation system uses a Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) approach to estimate the position of the emitter of interest. Using multiple sensors at known locations, TDOA estimates are achieved by the cross-correlation of the signal received at all the sensors. A Weighted Least Squares (WLS) solution, Linear least Square (LLS) method and maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is used to estimate the emitter's location. If the variance of this location estimate is too high, a sensor is detected and identified as possessing a Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) path from the emitter. This poorly located sensor is then removed from the geolocation system and a new position estimate is computed with the remaining sensor TDOA information. The performance of the TDOA system is determined through modeling and simulations. Test results confirm the feasibility of identifying a NLOS sensor, thereby improving the geolocation system's accurateness in a metropolitan environment
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