573 research outputs found

    A bi-objective genetic algorithm approach to risk mitigation in project scheduling

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    A problem of risk mitigation in project scheduling is formulated as a bi-objective optimization problem, where the expected makespan and the expected total cost are both to be minimized. The expected total cost is the sum of four cost components: overhead cost, activity execution cost, cost of reducing risks and penalty cost for tardiness. Risks for activities are predefined. For each risk at an activity, various levels are defined, which correspond to the results of different preventive measures. Only those risks with a probable impact on the duration of the related activity are considered here. Impacts of risks are not only accounted for through the expected makespan but are also translated into cost and thus have an impact on the expected total cost. An MIP model and a heuristic solution approach based on genetic algorithms (GAs) is proposed. The experiments conducted indicate that GAs provide a fast and effective solution approach to the problem. For smaller problems, the results obtained by the GA are very good. For larger problems, there is room for improvement

    The Project Scheduling Problem with Non-Deterministic Activities Duration: A Literature Review

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    Purpose: The goal of this article is to provide an extensive literature review of the models and solution procedures proposed by many researchers interested on the Project Scheduling Problem with nondeterministic activities duration. Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents an exhaustive literature review, identifying the existing models where the activities duration were taken as uncertain or random parameters. In order to get published articles since 1996, was employed the Scopus database. The articles were selected on the basis of reviews of abstracts, methodologies, and conclusions. The results were classified according to following characteristics: year of publication, mathematical representation of the activities duration, solution techniques applied, and type of problem solved. Findings: Genetic Algorithms (GA) was pointed out as the main solution technique employed by researchers, and the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) as the most studied type of problem. On the other hand, the application of new solution techniques, and the possibility of incorporating traditional methods into new PSP variants was presented as research trends. Originality/value: This literature review contents not only a descriptive analysis of the published articles but also a statistical information section in order to examine the state of the research activity carried out in relation to the Project Scheduling Problem with non-deterministic activities duration.Peer Reviewe

    Pre-emptive resource-constrained multimode project scheduling using genetic algorithm: a dynamic forward approach

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    Purpose: The issue resource over-allocating is a big concern for project engineers in the process of scheduling project activities. Resource over-allocating drawback is frequently seen after scheduling of a project in practice which causes a schedule to be useless. Modifying an over-allocated schedule is very complicated and needs a lot of efforts and time. In this paper, a new and fast tracking method is proposed to schedule large scale projects which can help project engineers to schedule the project rapidly and with more confidence. Design/methodology/approach: In this article, a forward approach for maximizing net present value (NPV) in multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem while assuming discounted positive cash flows (MRCPSP-DCF) is proposed. The progress payment method is used and all resources are considered as pre-emptible. The proposed approach maximizes NPV using unscheduled resources through resource calendar in forward mode. For this purpose, a Genetic Algorithm is applied to solve. Findings: The findings show that the proposed method is an effective way to maximize NPV in MRCPSP-DCF problems while activity splitting is allowed. The proposed algorithm is very fast and can schedule experimental cases with 1000 variables and 100 resources in few seconds. The results are then compared with branch and bound method and simulated annealing algorithm and it is found the proposed genetic algorithm can provide results with better quality. Then algorithm is then applied for scheduling a hospital in practice. Originality/value: The method can be used alone or as a macro in Microsoft Office Project® Software to schedule MRCPSP-DCF problems or to modify resource over-allocated activities after scheduling a project. This can help project engineers to schedule project activities rapidly with more accuracy in practice.Peer Reviewe

    Exact and suboptimal reactive strategies for resource-constrained project scheduling with uncertain resource availabilities.

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    In order to cope with the uncertainty inherent in practical project management, proactive and/or reactive strategies can be used. Proactive strategies try to anticipate future disruptions by incorporating slack time or excess resource availability into the schedule, whereas reactive strategies react after a disruption happened and try to revert to a feasible schedule. Traditionally, reactive approaches have focused on obtaining a good schedule with respect to the original objective function or a schedule that deviates as little as possible from the baseline schedule. In this paper, we present various approaches, exact as well as heuristic, for optimizing the latter objective and thus encouraging schedule stability. Furthermore, in contrast to traditional rescheduling algorithms, we present a new heuristic that also takes future uncertainty into account when repairing the schedule. We consider a variant of the resource- constrained project scheduling problem in which the uncertainty is modeled by means of unexpected resource breakdowns. The results of an extensive computational experiment are given to compare the performance of the proposed strategies.Schedule stability; Stability; Algorithms; Heuristic; Uncertainty; Project scheduling; Scheduling; Performance; Strategy; Order; Project management; Management; Time;

    Relevance and Applicability of Multi-objective Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem: Review Article

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    Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) is a Non Polynomial (NP) - Hard optimization problem that considers how to assign activities to available resources in order to meet predefined objectives. The problem is usually characterized by precedence relationship between activities with limited capacity of renewable resources. In an environment where resources are limited, projects still have to be finished on time, within the approved budget and in accordance with the preset specifications. Inherently, these tend to make RCPSP, a multi-objective problem. However, it has been treated as a single objective problem with project makespan often recognized as the most relevant objective. As a result of not understanding the multi-objective dimension of some projects, where these objectives need to be simultaneously considered, distraction and conflict of interest have ultimately lead to abandoned or totally failed projects. The aim of this article is to holistically review the relevance and applicability of multi-objective performance dimension of RCPSP in an environment where optimal use of limited resources is important

    A survey of variants and extensions of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem

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    The resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) consists of activities that must be scheduled subject to precedence and resource constraints such that the makespan is minimized. It has become a well-known standard problem in the context of project scheduling which has attracted numerous researchers who developed both exact and heuristic scheduling procedures. However, it is a rather basic model with assumptions that are too restrictive for many practical applications. Consequently, various extensions of the basic RCPSP have been developed. This paper gives an overview over these extensions. The extensions are classified according to the structure of the RCPSP. We summarize generalizations of the activity concept, of the precedence relations and of the resource constraints. Alternative objectives and approaches for scheduling multiple projects are discussed as well. In addition to popular variants and extensions such as multiple modes, minimal and maximal time lags, and net present value-based objectives, the paper also provides a survey of many less known concepts. --project scheduling,modeling,resource constraints,temporal constraints,networks

    A methodology for integrated risk management and proactive scheduling of construction projects.

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    An integrated methodology is developed for planning construction projects under uncertainty. The methodology relies on a computer supported risk management system that allows to identify, analyze and quantify the major risk factors and derive the probability of their occurrence and their impact on the duration of the project activities. Using project management estimates of the marginal cost of activity starting time disruptions, a proactive baseline schedule is developed that is suffciently protected against the anticipated disruptions with acceptable project makespan performance. The methodology is illustrated on a real life application.Risk; Risk management; Management; Scheduling; Construction; Planning; Uncertainty; Factors; Probability; Impact; Project management; Cost; Time; Performance; Real life;

    Survey of dynamic scheduling in manufacturing systems

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    Sounds of Silence: a sampling-based bi-criteria harmony search metaheuristic for the resource constrained project scheduling problem with uncertain activity durations and cash flows

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    In this paper, a new sampling-based bi-criteria hybrid harmony search metaheuristic for the resource-constrained project-scheduling problem (RCPSP) with uncertain activity durations (UAD) and uncertain cash flows (UCF) is proposed, with the total project duration () and the net present value () as objectives. The problem-specific Sounds of Silence (SoS) metaheuristic is an appropriate hybridization of the robust SoS with uncertain activity durations, and the crisp SoS developed for several a primary-secondary (PS) and bi-criteria (BC) project scheduling problems. In order to illustrate the efficiency and stability of the proposed problem-specific SoS, we present detailed computational results for a larger and challenging project instance. Results reveal the fact that the modified and extended SoS is fast, efficient and robust algorithm, which is able to cope successfully with the project-scheduling problems when we replace the traditional crisp parameters with uncertain-but-bounded parameters.