578 research outputs found

    Scheduling flow lines with buffers by ant colony digraph

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    This work starts from modeling the scheduling of n jobs on m machines/stages as flowshop with buffers in manufacturing. A mixed-integer linear programing model is presented, showing that buffers of size n - 2 allow permuting sequences of jobs between stages. This model is addressed in the literature as non-permutation flowshop scheduling (NPFS) and is described in this article by a disjunctive graph (digraph) with the purpose of designing specialized heuristic and metaheuristics algorithms for the NPFS problem. Ant colony optimization (ACO) with the biologically inspired mechanisms of learned desirability and pheromone rule is shown to produce natively eligible schedules, as opposed to most metaheuristics approaches, which improve permutation solutions found by other heuristics. The proposed ACO has been critically compared and assessed by computation experiments over existing native approaches. Most makespan upper bounds of the established benchmark problems from Taillard (1993) and Demirkol, Mehta, and Uzsoy (1998) with up to 500 jobs on 20 machines have been improved by the proposed ACO

    A multi objective volleyball premier league algorithm for green scheduling identical parallel machines with splitting jobs

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    Parallel machine scheduling is one of the most common studied problems in recent years, however, this classic optimization problem has to achieve two conflicting objectives, i.e. minimizing the total tardiness and minimizing the total wastes, if the scheduling is done in the context of plastic injection industry where jobs are splitting and molds are important constraints. This paper proposes a mathematical model for scheduling parallel machines with splitting jobs and resource constraints. Two minimization objectives - the total tardiness and the number of waste - are considered, simultaneously. The obtained model is a bi-objective integer linear programming model that is shown to be of NP-hard class optimization problems. In this paper, a novel Multi-Objective Volleyball Premier League (MOVPL) algorithm is presented for solving the aforementioned problem. This algorithm uses the crowding distance concept used in NSGA-II as an extension of the Volleyball Premier League (VPL) that we recently introduced. Furthermore, the results are compared with six multi-objective metaheuristic algorithms of MOPSO, NSGA-II, MOGWO, MOALO, MOEA/D, and SPEA2. Using five standard metrics and ten test problems, the performance of the Pareto-based algorithms was investigated. The results demonstrate that in general, the proposed algorithm has supremacy than the other four algorithms

    Optimization Models and Approximate Algorithms for the Aerial Refueling Scheduling and Rescheduling Problems

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    The Aerial Refueling Scheduling Problem (ARSP) can be defined as determining the refueling completion times for fighter aircrafts (jobs) on multiple tankers (machines) to minimize the total weighted tardiness. ARSP can be modeled as a parallel machine scheduling with release times and due date-to-deadline window. ARSP assumes that the jobs have different release times, due dates, and due date-to-deadline windows between the refueling due date and a deadline to return without refueling. The Aerial Refueling Rescheduling Problem (ARRP), on the other hand, can be defined as updating the existing AR schedule after being disrupted by job related events including the arrival of new aircrafts, departure of an existing aircrafts, and changes in aircraft priorities. ARRP is formulated as a multiobjective optimization problem by minimizing the total weighted tardiness (schedule quality) and schedule instability. Both ARSP and ARRP are formulated as mixed integer programming models. The objective function in ARSP is a piecewise tardiness cost that takes into account due date-to-deadline windows and job priorities. Since ARSP is NP-hard, four approximate algorithms are proposed to obtain solutions in reasonable computational times, namely (1) apparent piecewise tardiness cost with release time rule (APTCR), (2) simulated annealing starting from random solution (SArandom ), (3) SA improving the initial solution constructed by APTCR (SAAPTCR), and (4) Metaheuristic for Randomized Priority Search (MetaRaPS). Additionally, five regeneration and partial repair algorithms (MetaRE, BestINSERT, SEPRE, LSHIFT, and SHUFFLE) were developed for ARRP to update instantly the current schedule at the disruption time. The proposed heuristic algorithms are tested in terms of solution quality and CPU time through computational experiments with randomly generated data to represent AR operations and disruptions. Effectiveness of the scheduling and rescheduling algorithms are compared to optimal solutions for problems with up to 12 jobs and to each other for larger problems with up to 60 jobs. The results show that, APTCR is more likely to outperform SArandom especially when the problem size increases, although it has significantly worse performance than SA in terms of deviation from optimal solution for small size problems. Moreover CPU time performance of APTCR is significantly better than SA in both cases. MetaRaPS is more likely to outperform SAAPTCR in terms of average error from optimal solutions for both small and large size problems. Results for small size problems show that MetaRaPS algorithm is more robust compared to SAAPTCR. However, CPU time performance of SA is significantly better than MetaRaPS in both cases. ARRP experiments were conducted with various values of objective weighting factor for extended analysis. In the job arrival case, MetaRE and BestINSERT have significantly performed better than SEPRE in terms of average relative error for small size problems. In the case of job priority disruption, there is no significant difference between MetaRE, BestINSERT, and SHUFFLE algorithms. MetaRE has significantly performed better than LSHIFT to repair job departure disruptions and significantly superior to the BestINSERT algorithm in terms of both relative error and computational time for large size problems

    Planning and Scheduling Optimization

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    Although planning and scheduling optimization have been explored in the literature for many years now, it still remains a hot topic in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, technical and technological progress, and sustainability considerations make it necessary to deal with new optimization challenges in modern manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare systems. This book provides an overview of the recent advances in different areas connected with operations research models and other applications of intelligent computing techniques used for planning and scheduling optimization. The wide range of theoretical and practical research findings reported in this book confirms that the planning and scheduling problem is a complex issue that is present in different industrial sectors and organizations and opens promising and dynamic perspectives of research and development

    A multi objective volleyball premier league algorithm for green scheduling identical parallel machines with splitting jobs

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    Parallel machine scheduling is one of the most common studied problems in recent years, however, this classic optimization problem has to achieve two conflicting objectives, i.e. minimizing the total tardiness and minimizing the total wastes, if the scheduling is done in the context of plastic injection industry where jobs are splitting and molds are important constraints. This paper proposes a mathematical model for scheduling parallel machines with splitting jobs and resource constraints. Two minimization objectives - the total tardiness and the number of waste - are considered, simultaneously. The obtained model is a bi-objective integer linear programming model that is shown to be of NP-hard class optimization problems. In this paper, a novel Multi-Objective Volleyball Premier League (MOVPL) algorithm is presented for solving the aforementioned problem. This algorithm uses the crowding distance concept used in NSGA-II as an extension of the Volleyball Premier League (VPL) that we recently introduced. Furthermore, the results are compared with six multi-objective metaheuristic algorithms of MOPSO, NSGA-II, MOGWO, MOALO, MOEA/D, and SPEA2. Using five standard metrics and ten test problems, the performance of the Pareto-based algorithms was investigated. The results demonstrate that in general, the proposed algorithm has supremacy than the other four algorithms