117 research outputs found

    A collaborative framework in outbound logistics for the us automakers

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    The competitive landscape of the U.S. automotive market has transformed from the traditional Big Three players to too many viable players. In 2008-2009, the harsh market conditions, excess production capacity, capital asset redundancies, and many inefficient strategies submerged as the roadblocks for the US automakers to stay competitive and profitable in the North American market. In this new competitive era, cross-company collaboration in product development, standardizing and communizing supply base, sharing flexible manufacturing platforms, using common inbound and out bound logistics service providers and warehousing etc. can play vital roles for the US automakers to reduce overall cost and return to profitability. Through the horizontal collaboration in the outbound logistics operations, these companies can create close-knit business partnership and act faster than the foreign rivals in delivering finished vehicles at the optimum cost. The optimization of outbound logistics operations through consolidation and collaboration among OEMs has tremendous potential to contribute to the profitability by lowering the cost of transportation, in-house inventory, transportation time, and facility costs. The collaboration in the intra- and inter-OEM outbound logistics operations is a critical area that the US automakers need to pay attention and prioritize in their cost reduction initiatives. This research presents an integrated collaboration framework for the outbound logistics operations of the US automakers. In our framework, we propose three potential levels for the US automakers to form outbound logistics collaboration: operational, tactical, and strategic. Our research proposition is to improve the performance of outbound logistics systems of automotive OEMs by means of horizontal collaboration between plants and competing OEMs. The proposed research thus relates to the literature on logistics system design and management and horizontal collaboration in supply chain management. The collaboration framework is demonstrated through a real world case study in US automotive industry. The contribution of this research is the introduction of a framework for intra- and inter-OEM collaboration and the development of novel logistics network design and flow models integrated with inventory models, lost sales, and expedited shipment. Besides the contribution to the academic literature, the proposed collaborative distribution system is a new concept in the automotive industry. Hence, this novel research work will also benefit to the practitioners. Keywords: Operational Collaboration, Tactical Collaboration, Strategic Collaboration, Frequency based Inventory, Customer Patience and Lost Sales, Expedited Shipments


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    Real-time optimization of an integrated production-inventory-distribution problem.

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    In today\u27s competitive business environment, companies face enormous pressure and must continuously search for ways to design new products, manufacture and distribute them in an efficient and effective fashion. After years of focusing on reduction in production and operation costs, companies are beginning to look into distribution activities as the last frontier for cost reduction. In addition, an increasing number of companies, large and small, are focusing their efforts on their core competencies which are critical to survive. This results in a widespread practice in industry that companies outsource one or more than one logistics functions to third party logistics providers. By using such logistics expertise, they can obtain a competitive advantage both in cost and time efficiency, because the third party logistics companies already have the equipment, system and experience and are ready to help to their best efforts. In this dissertation, we developed an integrated optimization model of production, inventory and distribution with the goal to coordinate important and interrelated decisions related to production schedules, inventory policy and truckload allocation. Because outsourcing logistics functions to third party logistics providers is becoming critical for a company to remain competitive in the market place; we also included an important decision of selecting carriers with finite truckload and drivers for both inbound and outbound shipments in the model. The integrated model is solved by modified Benders decomposition which solves the master problem by a genetic algorithm. Computational results on test problems of various sizes are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed solution methodology. We also apply this proposed algorithm on a real distribution problem faced by a large national manufacturer and distributor. It shows that such a complex distribution network with 22 plants, 7 distribution centers, 8 customer zones, 9 products, 16 inbound and 16 outbound shipment carriers in a 12-month planning period can be redesigned within 33 hours. In recent years, multi-agent simulation has been a preferred approach to solve logistics and distribution problems, since these problems are autonomous, distributive, complex, heterogeneous and decentralized in nature and they require extensive intelligent decision making. Another important part in this dissertation involved a development of an agent-based simulation model to cooperate with the optimal solution given by the optimization model. More specifically, the solution given by the optimization model can be inputted as the initial condition of the agent-based simulation model. The agent-based simulation model can incorporate many other factors to be considered in the real world, but optimization cannot handle these as needed. The agent-based simulation model can also incorporate some dynamics we may encounter in the real operations, and it can react to these dynamics in real time. Various types of entities in the entire distribution system can be modeled as intelligent agents, such as suppliers, carriers and customers. In order to build the simulation model more realistic, a sealed bid multiunit auction with an introduction of three parameters a, ß and y is well designed. With the help of these three parameters, each agent makes a better decision in a simple and fast manner, which is the key to realizing real-time decision making. After building such a multi-agent system with agent-based simulation approach, it supports more flexible and comprehensive modeling capabilities which are difficult to realize in a general optimization model. The simulation model is tested and validated on an industrial-sized problem. Numerical results of the agent-based simulation model suggest that with appropriate setting of three parameters the model can precisely represent the preference and interest of different decision makers

    A Novel Location-Inventory-Routing Problem in a Two-Stage Red Meat Supply Chain with Logistic Decisions: Evidence from an Emerging

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    This study focuses on a specific method of meat production that involves carcass purchase and meat production by packing facilities with a novel two-stage model that simultaneously considers location-routing and inventory-production operating decisions. The considered problem aims to reduce variable and fixed transportation and production costs, inventory holding cost and the cost of opening cold storage facilities. The proposed model encompasses a two-stage model consisting of a single-echelon and a three-echelon many-to-many network with deterministic demand. The proposed model is a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model which was tested with the general algebraic modelling system (GAMS) software for a real-world case study in Iran. A sensitivity analysis was performed to examine the effect of retailers' holding capacity and supply capacity at carcass suppliers. In this research, the number of products transferred at each level, the number of products held, the quantity of red meat produced, the required cold storage facilities and the required vehicles were optimally specified. The outcomes indicated a two percent (2%) decrease in cost per kg of red meat. Eventually, the outcomes of the first and second sensitivity analysis indicated that reduced retailers' holding capacity and supply capacity at carcass suppliers leads to higher total costs. This research proposes a novel multi-period location-inventory-routing problem for the red meat supply chain in an emerging economy with a heterogeneous vehicle fleet and logistics decisions. The proposed model is presented in two stages and four-echelon including carcass suppliers, packing facilities, cold storage facilities and retailers.N/

    La métaheuristique CAT pour le design de réseaux logistiques déterministes et stochastiques

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    De nos jours, les entreprises d’ici et d’ailleurs sont confrontées à une concurrence mondiale sans cesse plus féroce. Afin de survivre et de développer des avantages concurrentiels, elles doivent s’approvisionner et vendre leurs produits sur les marchés mondiaux. Elles doivent aussi offrir simultanément à leurs clients des produits d’excellente qualité à prix concurrentiels et assortis d’un service impeccable. Ainsi, les activités d’approvisionnement, de production et de marketing ne peuvent plus être planifiées et gérées indépendamment. Dans ce contexte, les grandes entreprises manufacturières se doivent de réorganiser et reconfigurer sans cesse leur réseau logistique pour faire face aux pressions financières et environnementales ainsi qu’aux exigences de leurs clients. Tout doit être révisé et planifié de façon intégrée : sélection des fournisseurs, choix d’investissements, planification du transport et préparation d’une proposition de valeur incluant souvent produits et services au fournisseur. Au niveau stratégique, ce problème est fréquemment désigné par le vocable « design de réseau logistique ». Une approche intéressante pour résoudre ces problématiques décisionnelles complexes consiste à formuler et résoudre un modèle mathématique en nombres entiers représentant la problématique. Plusieurs modèles ont ainsi été récemment proposés pour traiter différentes catégories de décision en matière de design de réseau logistique. Cependant, ces modèles sont très complexes et difficiles à résoudre, et même les solveurs les plus performants échouent parfois à fournir une solution de qualité. Les travaux développés dans cette thèse proposent plusieurs contributions. Tout d’abord, un modèle de design de réseau logistique incorporant plusieurs innovations proposées récemment dans la littérature a été développé; celui-ci intègre les dimensions du choix des fournisseurs, la localisation, la configuration et l’assignation de mission aux installations (usines, entrepôts, etc.) de l’entreprise, la planification stratégique du transport et la sélection de politiques de marketing et d’offre de valeur au consommateur. Des innovations sont proposées au niveau de la modélisation des inventaires ainsi que de la sélection des options de transport. En deuxième lieu, une méthode de résolution distribuée inspirée du paradigme des systèmes multi-agents a été développée afin de résoudre des problèmes d’optimisation de grande taille incorporant plusieurs catégories de décisions. Cette approche, appelée CAT (pour collaborative agent teams), consiste à diviser le problème en un ensemble de sous-problèmes, et assigner chacun de ces sous-problèmes à un agent qui devra le résoudre. Par la suite, les solutions à chacun de ces sous-problèmes sont combinées par d’autres agents afin d’obtenir une solution de qualité au problème initial. Des mécanismes efficaces sont conçus pour la division du problème, pour la résolution des sous-problèmes et pour l’intégration des solutions. L’approche CAT ainsi développée est utilisée pour résoudre le problème de design de réseaux logistiques en univers certain (déterministe). Finalement, des adaptations sont proposées à CAT permettant de résoudre des problèmes de design de réseaux logistiques en univers incertain (stochastique)

    Network Flexibility for Recourse Considerations in Bi-Criteria Facility Location

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    What is the best set of facility location decisions for the establishment of a logistics network when it is uncertain how a company’s distribution strategy will evolve? What is the best configuration of a distribution network that will most likely have to be altered in the future? Today’s business environment is turbulent, and operating conditions for firms can take a turn for the worse at any moment. This fact can and often does influence companies to occasionally expand or contract their distribution networks. For most companies operating in this chaotic business environment, there is a continuous struggle between staying cost efficient and supplying adequate service. Establishing a distribution network which is flexible or easily adaptable is the key to survival under these conditions. This research begins to address the problem of locating facilities in a logistics network in the face of an evolving strategic focus through the implicit consideration of the uncertainty of parameters. The trade-off of cost and customer service is thoroughly examined in a series of multi-criteria location problems. Modeling techniques for incorporating service restrictions for facility location in strategic network design are investigated. A flexibility metric is derived for the purposes of quantifying the similarity of a set of non-dominated solutions in strategic network design. Finally, a multi-objective greedy random adaptive search (MOG) metaheuristic is applied to solve a series of bi-criteria, multi-level facility location problems

    Robust Design of Distribution Networks Considering Worst Case Interdictions

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    Multi-echelon facility location models are commonly employed to design transportation systems. While they provide cost-efficient designs, they are prone to severe financial loss in the event of the disruption of any of its facilities. Additionally, the recent crisis in the world motivates OR practitioners to develop models that better integrate disruptive event in the design phase of a distribution network. In this research, we propose a two-echelon capacitated facility location model under the risk of a targeted attack, which identifies the optimal location of intermediate facilities by minimizing the weighted sum of pre and post interdiction flow cost and the fixed cost of opening intermediate facilities. The developed model results in a tri-level Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulation, reformulated in a two-level MIP. Hence, we prescribe solution methods based on Bender Decomposition as well as two variants that enhance the speed performance of the algorithm. The results reveal the importance of selecting backup facilities and highlight that premium paid to design a robust distribution network is negligible given the benefit of reducing the post-interdiction cost when a disruptive event occurs

    Efficient Algorithms for Solving Facility Problems with Disruptions

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    This study investigates facility location problems in the presence of facility disruptions. Two types of problems are investigated. Firstly, we study a facility location problem considering random disruptions. Secondly, we study a facility fortification problem considering disruptions caused by random failures and intelligent attacks.We first study a reliable facility location problem in which facilities are faced with the risk of random disruptions. In the literature, reliable facility location models and solution methods have been proposed under different assumptions of the disruption distribution. In most of these models, the disruption distribution is assumed to be completely known, that is, the disruptions are known to be uncorrelated or to follow a certain distribution. In practice, we may have only limited information about the distribution. In this work, we propose a robust reliable facility location model that considers the worst-case distribution with incomplete information. Because the model imposes fewer distributional assumptions, it includes several important reliable facility location problems as special cases. We propose an effective cutting plane algorithm based on the supermodularity of the problem. For the case in which the distribution is completely known, we develop a heuristic algorithm called multi-start tabu search to solve very large instances.In the second part of the work, we study an r-interdiction median problem with fortification that simultaneously considers two types of disruption risks: random disruptions that happen probabilistically and disruptions caused by intentional attacks. The problem is to determine the allocation of limited facility fortification resources to an existing network. The problem is modeled as a bi-level programming model that generalizes the r-interdiction median problem with probabilistic fortification. The lower level problem, that is, the interdiction problem, is a challenging high-degree non-linear model. In the literature, only the enumeration method is applied to solve a special case of the problem. By exploring the special structure property of the problem, we propose an exact cutting plane method for the problem. For the fortification problem, an effective logic based Benders decomposition algorithm is proposed

    Joint optimization of location and inventory decisions for improving supply chain cost performance

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    This dissertation is focused on investigating the integration of inventory and facility location decisions in different supply chain settings. Facility location and inventory decisions are interdependent due to the economies of scale that are inherent in transportation and replenishment costs. The facility location decisions have an impact on the transportation and replenishment costs which, in turn, affect the optimal inventory policy. On the other hand, the inventory policy dictates the frequency of shipments to replenish inventory which, in turn, affects the number of deliveries, and, hence, the transportation costs, between the facilities. Therefore, our main research objectives are to: • compare the optimal facility location, determined by minimizing total transportation costs, to the one determined by the models that also consider the timing and quantity of inventory replenishments and corresponding costs, • investigate the effect of facility location decisions on optimal inventory decisions, and • measure the impact of integrated decision-making on overall supply chain cost performance. Placing a special emphasis on the explicit modeling of transportation costs, we develop several novel models in mixed integer linear and nonlinear optimization programming. Based on how the underlying facility location problem is modeled, these models fall into two main groups: 1) continuous facility location problems, and 2) discrete facility location problems. For the stylistic models, the focus is on the development of analytical solutions. For the more general models, the focus is on the development of efficient algorithms. Our results demonstrate • the impact of explicit transportation costs on integrated decisions, • the impact of different transportation cost functions on integrated decisions in the context of continuous facility location problems of interest, • the value of integrated decision-making in different supply chain settings, and • the performance of solution methods that jointly optimize facility location and inventory decisions