12,674 research outputs found

    Note de lecture : "Beyrouth et ses urbanistes. Une ville en plans (1946-1975)" (Eric Verdeil)

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    Note de lecture de l'ouvrage : Eric Verdeil, 2010, Beyrouth et ses urbanistes. Une ville en plans (1946-1975)", Presses de l'IFPO, Beyrouth, 397 p. Publiée dans la rubrique "Des livres" des Cafés géographiques, http://cafe-geo.net/article.php3?id_article=2146Note de lecture de l'ouvrage : Eric Verdeil, 2010, Beyrouth et ses urbanistes. Une ville en plans (1946-1975)", Presses de l'IFPO, Beyrouth, 397 p. Publiée dans la rubrique "Des livres" des Cafés géographiques, http://cafe-geo.net/article.php3?id_article=214

    Direct strain and slope measurement using 2D DSPSI Title

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    Large variety of optical full-field measurement techniques are being developed and applied to solve mechanical problems. Since each technique possess its own merits, it is important to know the capabilities and limitations of such techniques. Among these optical full-field methods, interferometry techniques take an important place. They are based on illumination with coherent light (laser). In shearing interferometry the difference of the out of-plane displacement in two neighboring object points is directly measured. Since object displacement does not result in interferometry fringes, the method is suited for localization of strain concentrations and is indeed used in industry for this purpose. Used quantitatively DSPSI possesses the advantage over conventional out-of-plane displacement-sensitive interferometry that only a single difference of the unwrapped phase map is required to obtain flexural strains, thereby relieving problems with noise and reduction in the field of view. The first publication on (DSPSI) was made in 1973, but the emergence of a system providing quantitative measurements is more recent. This work aims to present the results of strain measurements using digital speckle pattern shearing interferometry (DSPSI).Comment: Communication \`a la Conf\'erence M\'editerran\'eenne sur les Mat\'eriaux Innovants et Applications -CIMA, Beyrouth, Liban-Mars 15-17, 2011; JM-CIMA.pd

    Brand gender and consumer-based brand equity on Facebook: The mediating role of consumer-brand engagement and brand love

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    Brand gender has been suggested as a relevant source of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE). The purpose of this paper is to deepen understanding of the relationship between brand gender and CBBE by analyzing the mediating roleofconsumer–brandengagement (CBE)andbrandlove(BL)onthisrelationship.Thisresearchwas conducted on Facebook, the dominant global social media platform. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Results support 6 of the 9 hypotheses, with a signiïŹcant relationship between analyzed constructs. This study advances prior work by showing that brand gender has an indirect and relevant impact on CBBE through BL and CBE. Therefore, this research conïŹrms the advantages of clear gender positioning and extends prior research by suggesting that brands with a strong gender identity will encourage BL and CB

    Exploring Ethnocracy and the Possibilities of Coexistence in Beirut

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    In response to James Anderson’s article “Ethnocracy: Exploring and extending the concept”, this article revisits some of the extensive discussions of Lebanon’s political sectarianism through the prism of ethnocracy to the extent that it contributes to an analysis of the socio-political structure of the Lebanese capital, and vice-versa. After a discussion of the relevance of the notion of ethnocracy to the Lebanese context and Anderson’s “extensions” of the concept, the paper will briefly introduce recent developments in the country that point to growing and organised contestation of the political system and what it reveals about the Lebanese model’s “resilience”.


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    Présentation de l'ouvrage d'Helmut Ruppert Beyrouth, une ville d'Orient marquée par l'Occident, publié en 1969 et traduit par l'auteur. Cet ouvrage, écrit en allemand, a été largement ignoré des chercheurs ayant travaillé sur Beyrouth à cette période et jusqu'aux années de la reconstruction. Dans cette présentation, l'ouvrage est replacé dans la lignée des études urbaines orientalistes animée par Eugen Wirth et mis en perspective par rapport aux travaux contemporains ou postérieurs

    Les services urbains à Beyrouth : entre crise infrastructurelle et réformes contestées

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    Date de publication rĂ©elle = 2014, mais datĂ© 2013International audienceThe article reviews the reform process of four sectors of urban services: waste collection, water delivery, waste water and electricity. These reforms can be read as the imposition of a neoliberal order in Lebanon. But their implementation bump into the Lebanese system based on political and sectarian clientelism, which subverts their outcomes. Three criteria are used in the analysis: the territorial dimension, with new operation perimeters, public-private partnerships; and the financing of the services. After examining the legacy of the civil war and of the reconstruction years, the article analyses each sector separately. It concludes by highlighting the partial implementation of the reforms, because of the resistance of the ruling class, and by underscoring that the infrastructural crises has led to growing social and spatial discrepancies.L’article Ă©tudie les rĂ©formes de quatre services urbains Ă  Beyrouth : les dĂ©chets, l’eau, l’assainissement, et l’électricitĂ©. Ces rĂ©formes peuvent ĂȘtre lues comme l’imposition d’un ordre nĂ©olibĂ©ral au Liban. Mais par ailleurs, elles se heurtent au systĂšme libanais de clientĂ©lisme politique et confessionnel, qui en subvertit les rĂ©sultats. Trois critĂšres d’analyse des rĂ©formes sont mis en avant : leur dimension territoriale, avec de nouveaux pĂ©rimĂštres de gestion ; les partenariats public-privĂ© ; et le financement des services. AprĂšs une analyse de l’hĂ©ritage de la guerre civile et des projets de reconstruction, l’article analyse chaque secteur sĂ©parĂ©ment. Il conclut sur la mise en Ɠuvre trĂšs partielle de ces rĂ©formes, sous l’effet de la rĂ©sistance de la classe politique et de ses pratiques, tout en soulignant que la crise infrastructurelle conduit Ă  un approfondissement des inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales et spatiales
