53 research outputs found

    Between umbra and penumbra

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    International audienceComputing shadow boundaries is a difficult problem in the case of non-point light sources. A point is in the umbra if it does not see any part of any light source; it is in full light if it sees entirely all the light sources; otherwise, it is in the penumbra. While the common boundary of the penumbra and the full light is well understood, less is known about the boundary of the umbra. In this paper we prove various bounds on the complexity of the umbra and the penumbra cast by a segment or polygonal light source on a plane in the presence of polygon or polytope obstacles. In particular, we show that a single segment light source may cast on a plane, in the presence of two triangles, four connected components of umbra and that two fat convex obstacles of total complexity n can engender Omega(n) connected components of umbra. In a scene consisting of a segment light source and k disjoint polytopes of total complexity n, we prove an Omega(nk^2+k^4) lower bound on the maximum number of connected components of the umbra and a O(nk^3) upper bound on its complexity. We also prove that, in the presence of k disjoint polytopes of total complexity n, some of which being light sources, the umbra cast on a plane may have Omega(n^2k^3 + nk^5) connected components and has complexity O(n^3k^3). These are the first bounds on the size of the umbra in terms of both k and n. These results prove that the umbra, which is bounded by arcs of conics, is intrinsically much more intricate than the full light/penumbra boundary which is bounded by line segments and whose worst-case complexity is in Omega(n alpha(k) +km +k^2) and O(n alpha(k) +km alpha(k) +k^2), where m is the complexity of the polygonal light source

    Magnetic properties of a long-lived sunspot - Vertical magnetic field at the umbral boundary

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    Context. In a recent statistical study of sunspots in 79 active regions, the vertical magnetic field component BverB_\text{ver} averaged along the umbral boundary is found to be independent of sunspot size. The authors of that study conclude that the absolute value of BverB_\text{ver} at the umbral boundary is the same for all spots. Aims. We investigate the temporal evolution of BverB_\text{ver} averaged along the umbral boundary of one long-lived sunspot during its stable phase. Methods. We analysed data from the HMI instrument on-board SDO. Contours of continuum intensity at Ic=0.5IqsI_\text{c}=0.5I_\text{qs}, whereby IqsI_\text{qs} refers to the average over the quiet sun areas, are used to extract the magnetic field along the umbral boundary. Projection effects due to different formation heights of the Fe I 617.3 nm line and continuum are taken into account. To avoid limb artefacts, the spot is only analysed for heliocentric angles smaller than 60∘60^{\circ}. Results. During the first disc passage, NOAA AR 11591, BverB_\text{ver} remains constant at 1693 G with a root-mean-square deviation of 15 G, whereas the magnetic field strength varies substantially (mean 2171 G, rms of 48 G) and shows a long term variation. Compensating for formation height has little influence on the mean value along each contour, but reduces the variations along the contour when away from disc centre, yielding a better match between the contours of Bver=1693B_\text{ver}=1693 G and Ic=0.5IqsI_\text{c}=0.5I_\text{qs}. Conclusions. During the disc passage of a stable sunspot, its umbral boundary can equivalently be defined by using the continuum intensity IcI_\text{c} or the vertical magnetic field component BverB_\text{ver}. Contours of fixed magnetic field strength fail to outline the umbral boundary.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A; v2 minor edit, correcting statement regarding one citatio

    A 3-D sunspot model derived from an inversion of spectropolarimetric observations and its implications for the penumbral heating

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    I deduced a 3-D sunspot model that is in agreement with spectropolarimetric observations, to address the question of penumbral heating by the repetitive rise of flow channels. I performed inversions of data taken simultaneously in infrared and visible spectral lines. I used two independent magnetic components to reproduce the irregular Stokes profiles in the penumbra. I studied the averaged and individual properties of the two components. By integrating the field inclination to the surface, I developed a 3-D model of the spot from inversion results without intrinsic height information. I find that the Evershed flow is harbored by the weaker of the two field components. This component forms flow channels that show upstreams in the inner and mid penumbra, continue horizontally as slightly elevated loops throughout the penumbra, and finally bend down in the outer penumbra. I find several examples, where two or more flow channels are found along a radial cut from the umbra to the outer boundary of the spot. I find that a model of horizontal flow channels in a static background field is in good agreement with the observed spectra. The properties of the flow channels correspond very well to the simulations of Schlichenmaier et al. (1998). From the temporal evolution in intensity images and the properties of the flow channels in the inversion, I conclude that interchange convection of rising hot flux tubes in a thick penumbra still seems a possible mechanism for maintaining the penumbral energy balance.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, accepted by A&

    Observations of Sunspot Oscillations in G band and Ca II H line with Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode

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    Exploiting high-resolution observations made by the Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode, we investigate the spatial distribution of power spectral density of oscillatory signal in and around NOAA active region 10935. The G-band data show that in the umbra the oscillatory power is suppressed in all frequency ranges. On the other hand, in Ca II H intensity maps oscillations in the umbra, so-called umbral flashes, are clearly seen with the power peaking around 5.5 mHz. The Ca II H power distribution shows the enhanced elements with the spatial scale of the umbral flashes over most of the umbra but there is a region with suppressed power at the center of the umbra. The origin and property of this node-like feature remain unexplained.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Hinode Special Issue

    Single sample soft shadows

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    Journal ArticleA simple extension to ray tracing is presented that creates visually plausible "soft" shadows with little extra computation. Although these soft shadows are approximate, they are robust and have penumbra widths that behave in a believable way, including accurate placement of singularities where penumbra width is zero. The method has continuous behavior in space and time, so it is appropriate for both static and dynamic image generation

    No universal connection between the vertical magnetic field and the umbra-penumbra boundary in sunspots

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    Context. It has been reported that the boundary between the umbra and the penumbra of sunspots occurs at a canonical value of the strength of the vertical magnetic field, independently of the size of the spot. This critical field strength is interpreted as to be the threshold for the onset of magnetoconvection. Aims. Here we investigate the reasons why this criterion, also called the Jur\v{c}\'ak criterion in the literature, does not always identify the boundary between umbra and penumbra. Methods. We perform a statistical analysis of 23 sunspots observed with Hinode/SOT. We compare the properties of the continuum intensity and the vertical magnetic field between filaments and spines and how they vary between spots of different sizes. Results. We find that the inner boundary of the penumbra is not related to a universal value of the vertical magnetic field. The properties of spines and filaments vary between spots of different sizes. Both components are darker in larger spots and the spines exhibit stronger vertical magnetic field. These variations of the properties of filaments and spines with spot size are also the reason for the reported invariance of the averaged vertical magnetic field at 50% of the mean continuum intensity. Conclusions. The formation of filaments and the onset of magnetoconvection are not related to a canonical value of the strength of the vertical magnetic field. Such a seemingly unique magnetic field strength is rather an effect of the filling factor of spines and penumbral filaments.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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