354 research outputs found

    Finding Appropriate Subset of Votes Per Classifier Using Multiobjective Optimization: Application to Named Entity Recognition

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    Multi-Engine Approach for Named Entity Recognition in Bengali

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    PACLIC / The University of the Philippines Visayas Cebu College Cebu City, Philippines / November 20-22, 200

    Feature Subset Selection Using Genetic Algorithm for Named Entity Recognition

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    Named Entity Recognition for Manipuri Using Support Vector Machine

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    PACLIC 23 / City University of Hong Kong / 3-5 December 200

    Classifier combination approach for question classification for Bengali question answering system

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    [EN] Question classification (QC) is a prime constituent of an automated question answering system. The work presented here demonstrates that a combination of multiple models achieves better classification performance than those obtained with existing individual models for the QC task in Bengali. We have exploited state-of-the-art multiple model combination techniques, i.e., ensemble, stacking and voting, to increase QC accuracy. Lexical, syntactic and semantic features of Bengali questions are used for four well-known classifiers, namely Naive Bayes, kernel Naive Bayes, Rule Induction and Decision Tree, which serve as our base learners. Single-layer question-class taxonomy with 8 coarse-grained classes is extended to two-layer taxonomy by adding 69 fine-grained classes. We carried out the experiments both on single-layer and two-layer taxonomies. Experimental results confirmed that classifier combination approaches outperform single-classifier classification approaches by 4.02% for coarse-grained question classes. Overall, the stacking approach produces the best results for fine-grained classification and achieves 87.79% of accuracy. The approach presented here could be used in other Indo-Aryan or Indic languages to develop a question answering system.Somnath Banerjee and Sudip Kumar Naskar are supported by Digital India Corporation (formerly Media Lab Asia), MeitY, Government of India, under the Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme for Electronics and IT. The work of Paolo Rosso was partially funded by the Spanish MICINN under the research project PGC2018-096212-B-C31.Banerjee, S.; Kumar Naskar, S.; Rosso, P.; Bndyopadhyay, S. (2019). Classifier combination approach for question classification for Bengali question answering system. 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    Voted Approach for Part of Speech Tagging in Bengali

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    PACLIC 23 / City University of Hong Kong / 3-5 December 200

    Dutch named entity recognition using ensemble classifiers

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    Anaphora resolution for bengali: An experiment with domain adaptation

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    In this paper we present our first attempt on anaphora resolution for a resource poor language, namely Bengali. We address the issue of adapting a state-of-the-art system, BART, which was originally developed for English. Overall performance of co-reference resolution greatly depends on the high accurate mention detectors. We develop a number of models based on the heuristics used as well as on the particular machine learning employed. Thereafter we perform a series of experiments for adapting BART for Bengali. Our evaluation shows, a language-dependant system (designed primarily for English) can achieve a good performance level when re-trained and tested on a new language with proper subsets of features. The system produces the recall, precision and F-measure values of 56.00%, 46.50% and 50.80%, respectively. The contribution of this work is two-fold, viz. (i). attempt to build a machine learning based anaphora resolution system for a resource-poor Indian language; and (ii). domain adaptation of a state-of-the-art English co-reference resolution system for Bengali, which has completely different orthography and characteristics
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