723 research outputs found

    Discrete Moving Target Defense Application and Benchmarking in Software-Defined Networking

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    Moving Target Defense is a technique focused on disrupting certain phases of a cyber-attack. The static nature of the existing networks gives the adversaries an adequate amount of time to gather enough data concerning the target and succeed in mounting an attack. The random host address mutation is a well-known MTD technique that hides the actual IP address from external scanners. When the host establishes a session of transmitting or receiving data, due to mutation interval, the session is interrupted, leading to the host’s unavailability. Moving the network configuration creates overhead on the controller and additional switching costs resulting in latency, poor performance, packet loss, and jitter. In this dissertation, we proposed a novel discrete MTD technique in software-defined networking (SDN) to individualize the mutation interval for each host. The host IP address is changed at different intervals to avoid the termination of the existing sessions and to increase complexity in understanding mutation intervals for the attacker. We use the flow statistics of each host to determine if the host is in a session of transmitting or receiving data. Individualizing the mutation interval of each host enhances the defender game strategy making it complex in determining the pattern of mutation interval. Since the mutation of the host address is achieved using a pool of virtual (temporary) host addresses, a subnet game strategy is introduced to increase complexity in determining the network topology. A benchmarking framework is developed to measure the performance, scalability, and reliability of the MTD network with the traditional network. The analysis shows the discrete MTD network outperforms the random MTD network in all tests

    Evaluate Data Center Network Performance

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    Improving the performance of software-defined networks using dynamic flow installation and management techniques

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    As computer networks evolve, they become more complex, introducing several challenges in the areas of performance and management. Such problems can lead to stagnation in network innovation. Software Defined Networks (SDN) framework could be one of the best candidates for improving and revolutionising networking by giving the full control to the network administrators to implement new management and performance optimisation techniques. This thesis examines performance issues faced in SDN due to the introduction of the SDN Controller. These issues include the extra delay due to the round-trip time between the switch and the controller as well as the fact that some packets arrive at the destination out-of-order. We propose a novel dynamic flow installation and management algorithm (OFPE) using the SDN protocol OpenFlow, which preserves the controller to a non-overloaded CPU state and allow it to dynamically add and adjust flow table rules to reduce packet delay and out-of-order packets. In addition, we propose OFPEX, an extension to OFPE algorithm that includes techniques for managing multi-switch environments as well as methods that make use of the packets interarrival time in categorising and serving packet flows. Such techniques allow topology awareness, helping the controller to install flow table rules in such a way to form optimal routes for high priority flows thus increasing network performance. For the performance evaluation of the proposed algorithms, both hardware testbed as well as emulation experiments have been conducted. The performance results indicate that OFPE algorithm achieves a significant enhancement in performance in the form of reduced delay by up to 92.56% (depending on the scenario), reduced packet loss by up to 55.32% and reduced out-of-order packets by up to 69.44%. Furthermore, we propose a novel placement algorithm for distributed Mininet implementations which uses weights in order to distribute the experiment components to the appropriately distributed machines. The proposed algorithm uses static code analysis in order to examine the experimental code as well as it measures the capabilities of physical components in order to create a weights table which is then used to distribute the experiment components properly. The performance results of the proposed algorithm evaluation indicated reductions in delay and packet loss of up to 65.51% and 86.35% respectively, as well as a decrease in the standard deviation of CPU usage by up to 88.63%. These results indicate that the proposed algorithm distributes the experiment components evenly across the available resources. Finally, we propose a series of Benchmarking tests that can be used to rate all the available SDN experimental platforms. These tests allow the selection of the appropriate experimental platform according to the scenario needs as well as they indicate the resources needed by each platform

    Progressive Network Deployment, Performance, and Control with Software-defined Networking

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    The inflexible nature of traditional computer networks has led to tightly-integrated systems that are inherently difficult to manage and secure. New designs move low-level network control into software creating software-defined networks (SDN). Augmenting an existing network with these enhancements can be expensive and complex. This research investigates solutions to these problems. It is hypothesized that an add-on device, or shim could be used to make a traditional switch behave as an OpenFlow SDN switch while maintaining reasonable performance. A design prototype is found to cause approximately 1.5% reduction in throughput for one ow and less than double increase in latency, showing that such a solution may be feasible. It is hypothesized that a new design built on event-loop and reactive programming may yield a controller that is higher-performing and easier to program. The library node-openflow is found to have performance approaching that of professional controllers, however it exhibits higher variability in response rate. The framework rxdn is found to exceed performance of two comparable controllers by at least 33% with statistical significance in latency mode with 16 simulated switches, but is slower than the library node-openflow or professional controllers (e.g., Libfluid, ONOS, and NOX). Collectively, this work enhances the tools available to researchers, enabling experimentation and development toward more sustainable and secure infrastructur


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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an important technology that enables a new approach to how we develop and manage networks. SDN divides the data plane and control plane and promotes logical centralization of network control so that the controller can schedule the data in the network effectively through the OpenFlow protocol. The performance and capabilities of the controller itself are important. The impact of network topology type on controller performance can be very significant. In order to have better communication in SDN, it is essential to have an analysis of the performance of specific network topologies. In this paper, we simulate ONOS and RYU controllers and compare their different network parameters under the proposed complex custom Tree-based topology. A network topology has been designed using a Mininet emulator, and the code for topology is executed in Python. From the throughput, packet transmission rate, and latency analysis, the ONOS controller displayed better results than RYU, showing that it can respond to requests more efficiently under complex SDN topologies and traffic loads. On the contrary, the RYU controller provides better results for the less complex SDN networks

    A unifying orchestration operating platform for 5G

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    5G will revolutionize the way ICT and Telecommunications infrastructures work. Indeed, businesses can greatly benefit from innovation introduced by 5G and exploit the new deep integration between ICT and networking capabilities to generate new value-added services. Although a plethora of solutions for virtual resources and infrastructures management and orchestration already exists (e.g., OpenDaylight, ONOS, OpenStack, Apache Mesos, Open Source MANO, Docker Swarm, LXD/LXC, etc.), they are still not properly integrated to match the 5G requirements. In this paper, we present the 5G Operating Platform (5G-OP) which has been conceived to fill in this gap and integrate management, control and orchestration of computing, storage and networking resources down to the end-user devices and terminals (e.g., smart phone, machines, robots, drones, autonomous vehicles, etc.). The 5G-OP is an overarching framework capable to provide agnostic interfaces and a universal set of abstractions in order to implement seamless 5G infrastructure control and orchestration. The functional structure of the 5G-OP, including the horizontal and vertical interworking of functions in it, has been designed to allow Network Operators and Service Providers to exploit diverse roles and business strategies. Moreover, the functional decoupling of the 5G-OP from the underneath management, control and orchestration solutions allows pursuing faster innovation cycles, being ready for the emergence of new service models