548 research outputs found

    Pixel-Accurate Depth Evaluation in Realistic Driving Scenarios

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    This work introduces an evaluation benchmark for depth estimation and completion using high-resolution depth measurements with angular resolution of up to 25" (arcsecond), akin to a 50 megapixel camera with per-pixel depth available. Existing datasets, such as the KITTI benchmark, provide only sparse reference measurements with an order of magnitude lower angular resolution - these sparse measurements are treated as ground truth by existing depth estimation methods. We propose an evaluation methodology in four characteristic automotive scenarios recorded in varying weather conditions (day, night, fog, rain). As a result, our benchmark allows us to evaluate the robustness of depth sensing methods in adverse weather and different driving conditions. Using the proposed evaluation data, we demonstrate that current stereo approaches provide significantly more stable depth estimates than monocular methods and lidar completion in adverse weather. Data and code are available at https://github.com/gruberto/PixelAccurateDepthBenchmark.git.Comment: 3DV 201

    Joint Probabilistic People Detection in Overlapping Depth Images

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    Privacy-preserving high-quality people detection is a vital computer vision task for various indoor scenarios, e.g. people counting, customer behavior analysis, ambient assisted living or smart homes. In this work a novel approach for people detection in multiple overlapping depth images is proposed. We present a probabilistic framework utilizing a generative scene model to jointly exploit the multi-view image evidence, allowing us to detect people from arbitrary viewpoints. Our approach makes use of mean-field variational inference to not only estimate the maximum a posteriori (MAP) state but to also approximate the posterior probability distribution of people present in the scene. Evaluation shows state-of-the-art results on a novel data set for indoor people detection and tracking in depth images from the top-view with high perspective distortions. Furthermore it can be demonstrated that our approach (compared to the the mono-view setup) successfully exploits the multi-view image evidence and robustly converges in only a few iterations

    Survey on video anomaly detection in dynamic scenes with moving cameras

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    The increasing popularity of compact and inexpensive cameras, e.g.~dash cameras, body cameras, and cameras equipped on robots, has sparked a growing interest in detecting anomalies within dynamic scenes recorded by moving cameras. However, existing reviews primarily concentrate on Video Anomaly Detection (VAD) methods assuming static cameras. The VAD literature with moving cameras remains fragmented, lacking comprehensive reviews to date. To address this gap, we endeavor to present the first comprehensive survey on Moving Camera Video Anomaly Detection (MC-VAD). We delve into the research papers related to MC-VAD, critically assessing their limitations and highlighting associated challenges. Our exploration encompasses three application domains: security, urban transportation, and marine environments, which in turn cover six specific tasks. We compile an extensive list of 25 publicly-available datasets spanning four distinct environments: underwater, water surface, ground, and aerial. We summarize the types of anomalies these datasets correspond to or contain, and present five main categories of approaches for detecting such anomalies. Lastly, we identify future research directions and discuss novel contributions that could advance the field of MC-VAD. With this survey, we aim to offer a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners striving to develop and advance state-of-the-art MC-VAD methods.Comment: Under revie

    A Comprehensive Review on Computer Vision Analysis of Aerial Data

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    With the emergence of new technologies in the field of airborne platforms and imaging sensors, aerial data analysis is becoming very popular, capitalizing on its advantages over land data. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the computer vision tasks within the domain of aerial data analysis. While addressing fundamental aspects such as object detection and tracking, the primary focus is on pivotal tasks like change detection, object segmentation, and scene-level analysis. The paper provides the comparison of various hyper parameters employed across diverse architectures and tasks. A substantial section is dedicated to an in-depth discussion on libraries, their categorization, and their relevance to different domain expertise. The paper encompasses aerial datasets, the architectural nuances adopted, and the evaluation metrics associated with all the tasks in aerial data analysis. Applications of computer vision tasks in aerial data across different domains are explored, with case studies providing further insights. The paper thoroughly examines the challenges inherent in aerial data analysis, offering practical solutions. Additionally, unresolved issues of significance are identified, paving the way for future research directions in the field of aerial data analysis.Comment: 112 page

    NTU RGB+D 120: A Large-Scale Benchmark for 3D Human Activity Understanding

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    Research on depth-based human activity analysis achieved outstanding performance and demonstrated the effectiveness of 3D representation for action recognition. The existing depth-based and RGB+D-based action recognition benchmarks have a number of limitations, including the lack of large-scale training samples, realistic number of distinct class categories, diversity in camera views, varied environmental conditions, and variety of human subjects. In this work, we introduce a large-scale dataset for RGB+D human action recognition, which is collected from 106 distinct subjects and contains more than 114 thousand video samples and 8 million frames. This dataset contains 120 different action classes including daily, mutual, and health-related activities. We evaluate the performance of a series of existing 3D activity analysis methods on this dataset, and show the advantage of applying deep learning methods for 3D-based human action recognition. Furthermore, we investigate a novel one-shot 3D activity recognition problem on our dataset, and a simple yet effective Action-Part Semantic Relevance-aware (APSR) framework is proposed for this task, which yields promising results for recognition of the novel action classes. We believe the introduction of this large-scale dataset will enable the community to apply, adapt, and develop various data-hungry learning techniques for depth-based and RGB+D-based human activity understanding. [The dataset is available at: http://rose1.ntu.edu.sg/Datasets/actionRecognition.asp]Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI

    Long-Term Occupancy Analysis using Graph-Based Optimisation in Thermal Imagery

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    This paper presents a robust occupancy analysis system for thermal imaging. Reliable detection of people is very hard in crowded scenes, due to occlusions and segmentation problems. We therefore propose a framework that optimises the occupancy analysis over long periods by including in-formation on the transition in occupancy, when people enter or leave the monitored area. In stable periods, with no ac-tivity close to the borders, people are detected and counted which contributes to a weighted histogram. When activity close to the border is detected, local tracking is applied in order to identify a crossing. After a full sequence, the num-ber of people during all periods are estimated using a prob-abilistic graph search optimisation. The system is tested on a total of 51,000 frames, captured in sports arenas. The mean error for a 30-minute period containing 3-13 people is 4.44 %, which is a half of the error percentage optained by detection only, and better than the results of comparable work. The framework is also tested on a public available dataset from an outdoor scene, which proves the generality of the method. 1