15 research outputs found

    Performance and quality of service of data and video movement over a 100 Gbps testbed

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    AbstractDigital instruments and simulations are creating an ever-increasing amount of data. The need for institutions to acquire these data and transfer them for analysis, visualization, and archiving is growing as well. In parallel, networking technology is evolving, but at a much slower rate than our ability to create and store data. Single fiber 100 Gbps networking solutions have recently been deployed as national infrastructure. This article describes our experiences with data movement and video conferencing across a networking testbed, using the first commercially available single fiber 100 Gbps technology. The testbed is unique in its ability to be configured for a total length of 60, 200, or 400 km, allowing for tests with varying network latency. We performed low-level TCP tests and were able to use more than 99.9% of the theoretical available bandwidth with minimal tuning efforts. We used the Lustre file system to simulate how end users would interact with a remote file system over such a high performance link. We were able to use 94.4% of the theoretical available bandwidth with a standard file system benchmark, essentially saturating the wide area network. Finally, we performed tests with H.323 video conferencing hardware and quality of service (QoS) settings, showing that the link can reliably carry a full high-definition stream. Overall, we demonstrated the practicality of 100 Gbps networking and Lustre as excellent tools for data management

    Memory Access Characterization of OpenMP Workloads on a Multi-core NUMA Machine

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    Nowadays, on hierarchical shared memory multiprocessors with Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), the number of cores accessing memory banks is considerably high. Such accesses produce more stress on the memory banks, generating load-balancing issues, memory contention and remote accesses. In this context, it is important to have a good understanding of memory access patterns and what are the inuences of data placement on such patterns. In this document, we have investigated memory accesses behavior of microbenchmarks and benchmarks over a ccNUMA platform with multi-core processors. Additionally, we have evaluated a set of memory policies that were used to place data among the machine memory banks. Our results have shown that an appropriate selection of data placement, considering the memory accesses, can generated great improvement gains

    Benchmarking for power consumption monitoring

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    Performance Analysis and Modelling of Concurrent Multi-access Data Structures

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    The major impediment to scaling concurrent data structures is memory contention when accessing shared data structure access-points, leading to thread serialisation, hindering parallelism. Aiming to address this challenge, significant amount of work in the literature has proposed multi-access techniques that improve concurrent data structure parallelism. However, there is little work on analysing and modelling the execution behaviour of concurrent multi-access data structures especially in a shared memory setting. In this paper, we analyse and model the general execution behaviour of concurrent multi-access data structures in the shared memory setting. We study and analyse the behaviour of the two popular random access patterns: shared (Remote) and exclusive (Local) access, and the behaviour of the two most commonly used atomic primitives for designing lock-free data structures: Compare and Swap, and, Fetch and Add. We model the concurrent multi-accesses by splitting the thread execution procedure into five logical sessions: i) side-work, ii) access-point search iii) access-point acquisition, iv) access-point data acquisition and v) access-point data operation. We model the acquisition of an access-point, as a system of closed queuing networks with parallel servers, and data acquisition in terms of where the data is located within the memory system. We evaluate our model on a set of concurrent data structure designs including a counter, a stack and a FIFO queue. The evaluation is carried out on two state of the art multi-core processors: Intel Xeon Phi CPU 7290 with 72 physical cores and Intel Xeon E5-2695 with 14 physical cores. Our model is able to predict the throughput performance of the given concurrent data structures with 80% to 100% accuracy on both architectures

    In-Memory Trajectory Indexing for On-The-Fly Travel-Time Estimation

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    Performance Analysis of Complex Shared Memory Systems

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    Systems for high performance computing are getting increasingly complex. On the one hand, the number of processors is increasing. On the other hand, the individual processors are getting more and more powerful. In recent years, the latter is to a large extent achieved by increasing the number of cores per processor. Unfortunately, scientific applications often fail to fully utilize the available computational performance. Therefore, performance analysis tools that help to localize and fix performance problems are indispensable. Large scale systems for high performance computing typically consist of multiple compute nodes that are connected via network. Performance analysis tools that analyze performance problems that arise from using multiple nodes are readily available. However, the increasing number of cores per processor that can be observed within the last decade represents a major change in the node architecture. Therefore, this work concentrates on the analysis of the node performance. The goal of this thesis is to improve the understanding of the achieved application performance on existing hardware. It can be observed that the scaling of parallel applications on multi-core processors differs significantly from the scaling on multiple processors. Therefore, the properties of shared resources in contemporary multi-core processors as well as remote accesses in multi-processor systems are investigated and their respective impact on the application performance is analyzed. As a first step, a comprehensive suite of highly optimized micro-benchmarks is developed. These benchmarks are able to determine the performance of memory accesses depending on the location and coherence state of the data. They are used to perform an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of memory accesses in contemporary multi-processor systems, which identifies potential bottlenecks. However, in order to localize performance problems, it also has to be determined to which extend the application performance is limited by certain resources. Therefore, a methodology to derive metrics for the utilization of individual components in the memory hierarchy as well as waiting times caused by memory accesses is developed in the second step. The approach is based on hardware performance counters, which record the number of certain hardware events. The developed micro-benchmarks are used to selectively stress individual components, which can be used to identify the events that provide a reasonable assessment for the utilization of the respective component and the amount of time that is spent waiting for memory accesses to complete. Finally, the knowledge gained from this process is used to implement a visualization of memory related performance issues in existing performance analysis tools. The results of the micro-benchmarks reveal that the increasing number of cores per processor and the usage of multiple processors per node leads to complex systems with vastly different performance characteristics of memory accesses depending on the location of the accessed data. Furthermore, it can be observed that the aggregated throughput of shared resources in multi-core processors does not necessarily scale linearly with the number of cores that access them concurrently, which limits the scalability of parallel applications. It is shown that the proposed methodology for the identification of meaningful hardware performance counters yields useful metrics for the localization of memory related performance limitations

    Performance Analytics of Cloud Networks

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    As the world becomes more inter-connected and dependent on the Internet, networks become ever more pervasive, and the stresses placed upon them more demanding. Similarly, the expectations of networks to maintain a high level of performance have also increased. Network performance is highly important to any business that operates online, depends on web traffic, runs any part of their infrastructure in a cloud environment, or even hosts their own network infrastructure. Depending upon the exact nature of a network, whether it be local or wide-area, 10 or 100 Gigabit, it will have distinct performance characteristics and it is important for a business or individual operating on the network to understand those performance characteristics and how they affect operations. To better understand our networks, it is necessary that we test them to measure their performance capabilities and track these metrics over time. In our work, we provide an in-depth analysis of how best to run cloud benchmarks to increase our network intelligence and how we can use the results of those benchmarks to predict future performance and identify performance anomalies. To achieve this, we explain how to effectively run cloud benchmarks and propose a scheduling algorithm for running large numbers of cloud benchmarks daily. We then use the performance data gathered from this method to conduct a thorough analysis of the performance characteristics of a cloud network, train neural networks to forecast future throughput based on historical results and detect performance anomalies as they occur