607,856 research outputs found

    The onus on us? Stage one in developing an i-Trust model for our users.

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    This article describes a Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)-funded project, conducted by a cross-disciplinary team, examining trust in information resources in the web environment employing a literature review and online Delphi study with follow-up community consultation. The project aimed to try to explain how users assess or assert trust in their use of resources in the web environment; to examine how perceptions of trust influence the behavior of information users; and to consider whether ways of asserting trust in information resources could assist the development of information literacy. A trust model was developed from the analysis of the literature and discussed in the consultation. Elements comprising the i-Trust model include external factors, internal factors and user's cognitive state. This article gives a brief overview of the JISC funded project which has now produced the i-Trust model (Pickard et. al. 2010) and focuses on issues of particular relevance for information providers and practitioners

    Investigating e-business practices in tourism :a comparative analysis of three countries

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    This study examined the behaviour of tourist companies in relation to the adoption of e-business technologies and applications. The study aimed to identify groups of companies with homogenous behaviour among three European countries (Greece, Portugal and Norway). Based on data from a European survey, the study employed two-step cluster analysis which revealed 14 clusters of common behaviour (five clusters in Greece, five in Portugal and four in Norway). These clusters were named as: Leaders’ ‘Technology Experts’, ‘Fast Adopters’ ‘Beginners’, ‘Late Adopters’. In Norway, the group ‘Late Adopters’ also included companies characterised as ‘Beginners’ in the other two countries. We suggest further investigation among European countries in order to reveal more groups of similar behaviour toward e-business adoption

    Analysing how constraints impact architectural decision-making

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    Architectural design projects are characterised by a high number of constraints. Along with planning, energy performance and fire safety regulations, current designers have to face constraining factors related to budget, acoustics, orientation, wind turbulence, accessibility for the disabled, and so forth. These constraints steer the design process implicitly and explicitly in certain directions as soon as architectural designers aim at satisfying design briefs. We aim in this article at analysing the impact of such constraints on the design process. At this end, we have studied four design sessions in a particular (student) design use case. In analysing these four sessions, we used linkography as a method, because this appeared to be one of the better options to obtain a more quantitative assessment of the design process. The linkography method was combined with an interview of the student design team, in order to check the correctness of our conclusions

    Differences in intention to use educational RSS feeds between Lebanese and British students: A multi‑group analysis based on the technology acceptance model

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    Really Simple Syndication (RSS) offers a means for university students to receive timely updates from virtual learning environments. However, despite its utility, only 21% of home students surveyed at a university in Lebanon claim to have ever used the technology. To investigate whether national culture could be an influence on intention to use RSS, the survey was extended to British students in the UK. Using the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) as a research framework, 437 students responded to a questionnaire containing four constructs: behavioral intention to use; attitude towards benefit; perceived usefulness; and perceived ease of use. Principle components analysis and structural equation modelling were used to explore the psychometric qualities and utility of TAM in both contexts. The results show that adoption was significantly higher, but also modest, in the British context at 36%. Configural and metric invariance were fully supported, while scalar and factorial invariance were partially supported. Further analysis shows significant differences between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use across the two contexts studied. Therefore, it is recommended that faculty demonstrate to students how educational RSS feeds can be used effectively to increase awareness and emphasize usefulness in both contexts

    The Impact Of Technology Trust On The Acceptance Of Mobile Banking Technology Within Nigeria

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    With advancement in the use of information technology seen as a key factor in economic development, developed countries are increasingly reviewing traditional systems, in various sectors such as education, health, transport and finance, and identifying how they may be improved or replaced with automated systems. In this study, the authors examine the role of technology trust in the acceptance of mobile banking in Nigeria as the country attempts to transition into a cashless economy. For Nigeria, like many other countries, its economic growth is linked, at least in part, to its improvement in information technology infrastructure, as well as establishing secure, convenient and reliable payments systems. Utilising the Technology Acceptance Model, this study investigates causal relationships between technology trust and other factors influencing user’s intention to adopt technology; focusing on the impact of seven factors contributing to technology trust. Data from 1725 respondents was analysed using confirmatory factor analysis and the results showed that confidentiality, integrity, authentication, access control, best business practices and non-repudiation significantly influenced technology trust. Technology trust showed a direct significant influence on perceived ease of use and usefulness, a direct influence on intention to use as well as an indirect influence on intention to use through its impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Furthermore, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness showed significant influence on consumer’s intention to adopt the technology. With mobile banking being a key driver of Nigeria’s cashless economy goals, this study provides quantitative knowledge regarding technology trust and adoption behaviour in Nigeria as well as significant insight on areas where policy makers and mobile banking vendors can focus strategies engineered to improve trust in mobile banking and increase user adoption of their technology

    Kompetensi pembimbing syarikat bertauliah Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN)

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    Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) merupakan satu sistem latihan dan usahasama antara sektor awam dan sektor swasta dilaksanakan untuk melahirkan tenaga mahir k-worker selari dengan keperluan industri masa kini untuk membangunkan ekonomi negara. Pihak kerajaan dan syarikat swasta menaja pekerja pilihan mereka sebagai pelatih dalam sistem latihan ini bagi mempertingkatkan kebolehan pekerja mereka. Selain itu, pelatih juga terdiri daripada pelajar yang tidak dapat melanjutkan pelajaran ke mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi awam mahupun swasta. Sistem ini menjalankan pendekatan day release iaitu pelatih menjalani latihan selama empat hari di industri dan satu hari di institusi latihan atau block release iaitu pelatih menjalani latihan kemahiran di industri empat bulan dan satu bulan di institusi latihan mengikut kesesuaian industri tersebut. Kajian berbentuk deskriptif dijalankan untuk melihat melihat tahap kompetensi pembimbing SLDN. Selain itu juga, kajian ini dijalankan bagi melihat perbezaan terhadap tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap pembimbing SLDN berdasarkan jantina. Kajian ini juga dibuat bagi menentukan hubungan kompetensi pembimbing berdasarkan pengalaman bekerja. Penyelidikan tinjauan deskriptif ini menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian berskala Likert. Seramai 84 orang responden yang terdiri daripada pembimbing syarikat bertauliah SLDN terlibat di dalam kajian ini. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 16.0. Hasil analisis mendapati pembimbing mempunyai pengetahuan yang tinggi di samping kemahiran dan sikap. Keputusan inferensi pula menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan antara tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap pembimbing berdasarkan jantina manakala analisis korelasi Pearson menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara kompetensi pembimbing berdasarkan pengalaman bekerja

    Kompetensi pembimbing syarikat bertauliah Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN)

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    Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) merupakan satu sistem latihan dan usahasama antara sektor awam dan sektor swasta dilaksanakan untuk melahirkan tenaga mahir k-worker selari dengan keperluan industri masa kini untuk membangunkan ekonomi negara. Pihak kerajaan dan syarikat swasta menaja pekerja pilihan mereka sebagai pelatih dalam sistem latihan ini bagi mempertingkatkan kebolehan pekerja mereka. Selain itu, pelatih juga terdiri daripada pelajar yang tidak dapat melanjutkan pelajaran ke mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi awam mahupun swasta. Sistem ini menjalankan pendekatan day release iaitu pelatih menjalani latihan selama empat hari di industri dan satu hari di institusi latihan atau block release iaitu pelatih menjalani latihan kemahiran di industri empat bulan dan satu bulan di institusi latihan mengikut kesesuaian industri tersebut. Kajian berbentuk deskriptif dijalankan untuk melihat melihat tahap kompetensi pembimbing SLDN. Selain itu juga, kajian ini dijalankan bagi melihat perbezaan terhadap tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap pembimbing SLDN berdasarkan jantina. Kajian ini juga dibuat bagi menentukan hubungan kompetensi pembimbing berdasarkan pengalaman bekerja. Penyelidikan tinjauan deskriptif ini menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian berskala Likert. Seramai 84 orang responden yang terdiri daripada pembimbing syarikat bertauliah SLDN terlibat di dalam kajian ini. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 16.0. Hasil analisis mendapati pembimbing mempunyai pengetahuan yang tinggi di samping kemahiran dan sikap. Keputusan inferensi pula menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan antara tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap pembimbing berdasarkan jantina manakala analisis korelasi Pearson menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara kompetensi pembimbing berdasarkan pengalaman bekerja

    Profiling and understanding student information behaviour: Methodologies and meaning

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    This paper draws on work conducted under the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) User Behaviour Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to identify a range of issues associated with research design that can form a platform for enquiry about knowledge creation in the arena of user behaviour. The Framework has developed a multidimensional set of tools for profiling, monitoring and evaluating user behaviour. The Framework has two main approaches: one, a broad‐based survey which generates both a qualitative and a quantitative profile of user behaviour, and the other a longitudinal qualitative study of user behaviour that (in addition to providing in‐depth insights) is the basis for the development of the EIS (Electronic Information Services) Diagnostic Toolkit. The strengths and weaknesses of the Framework approach are evaluated. In the context of profiling user behaviour, key methodological concerns relate to: representativeness, sampling and access, the selection of appropriate measures and the interpretation of those measures. Qualitative approaches are used to generate detailed insights. These include detailed narratives, case study analysis and gap analysis. The messages from this qualitative analysis do not lend themselves to simple summarization. One approach that has been employed to capture and interpret these messages is the development of the EIS Diagnostic Toolkit. This toolkit can be used to assess and monitor an institution's progress with embedding EIS into learning processes. Finally, consideration must be given to integration of insights generated through different strands within the Framework
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