6 research outputs found

    An Introduction to Simulation-Based Techniques for Automated Service Composition

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    This work is an introduction to the author's contributions to the SOC area, resulting from his PhD research activity. It focuses on the problem of automatically composing a desired service, given a set of available ones and a target specification. As for description, services are represented as finite-state transition systems, so to provide an abstract account of their behavior, seen as the set of possible conversations with external clients. In addition, the presence of a finite shared memory is considered, that services can interact with and which provides a basic form of communication. Rather than describing technical details, we offer an informal overview of the whole work, and refer the reader to the original papers, referenced throughout this work, for all details

    Generalized Planning with Loops under Strong Fairness Constraints

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    Abstract We consider a generalized form of planning, possibly involving loops, that arises in nondeterministic domains when explicit strong fairness constraints are asserted over the planning domain. Such constraints allow us to specify the necessity of occurrence of selected effects of nondeterministic actions over domain's runs. Also they are particularly meaningful from the technical point of view because they exhibit the expressiveness advantage of LTL over CTL in verification. We show that planning for reachability and maintenance goals is EXPTIME-complete in this setting, that is, it has the same complexity as conditional planning in nondeterministic domains (without strong fairness constraints). We also show that within the EXPTIME bound one can solve the more general problems of realizing agent planning programs as well as composition-based planning in the presence of strong fairness constraints

    Towards automatic recovery in protocol-based Web service composition

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    Dans une composition de services Web basée protocole, un ensemble de services composants se collaborent pour donner lieu à un service Composite. Chaque service est représenté par un automate à états finis (AEF). Au sein d un AEF, chaque transition exprime l exécution d une opération qui fait avancer le service vers un état suivant. Une exécution du composite correspond à une séquence de transitions où chacune est déléguée à un des composants. Lors de l exécution du composite, un ou plusieurs composants peuvent devenir indisponibles. Ceci peut produire une exécution incomplète du composite, et de ce fait un recouvrement est nécessaire. Le recouvrement consiste à transformer l exécution incomplète en une exécution alternative ayant encore la capacité d aller vers un état final. La transformation s'effectue en compensant certaines transitions et exécutant d autres. Cette thèse présente une étude formelle du problème de recouvrement dans une composition de service Web basée protocole. Le problème de recouvrement consiste à trouver une meilleure exécution alternative parmi celles disponibles. Une meilleure alternative doit être atteignable à partir de l exécution incomplète avec un nombre minimal de compensations visibles (vis-à-vis le client). Pour une exécution alternative donnée, nous prouvons que le problème de décision associé au calcul du nombre de transitions invisiblement compensées est NP-Complet. De ce fait, nous concluons que le problème de décision associé au recouvrement appartient à la classe P2.In a protocol-based Web service composition, a set of available component services collaborate together in order to provide a new composite service. Services export their protocols as finite state machines (FSMs). A transition in the FSM represents a task execution that makes the service moving to a next state. An execution of the composite corresponds to a sequence of transitions where each task is delegated to a component service. During composite run, one or more delegated components may become unavailable due to hard or soft problems on the Network. This unavailability may result in a failed execution of the composite. We provide in this thesis a formal study of the automatic recovery problem in the protocol-based Web service composition. Recovery consists in transforming the failed execution into a recovery execution. Such a transformation is performed by compensating some transitions and executing some others. The recovery execution is an alternative execution of the composite that still has the ability to reach a final state. The recovery problem consists then in finding the best recovery execution(s) among those available. The best recovery execution is attainable from the failed execution with a minimal number of visible compensations with respect to the client. For a given recovery execution, we prove that the decision problem associated with computing the number of invisibly-compensated transitions is NP-complete. Thus, we conclude that deciding of the best recovery execution is in P2.CLERMONT FD-Bib.électronique (631139902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Behavior composition optimisation

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    The behavior composition problem involves automatic synthesis of a controller that is able to “realize” (i.e., implement) a desired target specification by suitably controlling a collection of already available, partially controllable, behaviors running in a partially predictable shared environment. A behavior in our context refers to an already existing functionality such as the logic of a device, a service, a standalone component, etc; whereas a target specification represents the desired non-existent functionality that is meant to be obtained through the available behaviors. Previous work in behavior composition has exclusively aimed at synthesising exact controllers, those that bring about the desired specification completely. One open issue has resisted principled solutions: if the target specification cannot be completely implemented, is there a way to realize it “optimally”? In this doctoral thesis, we propose qualitative and quantitative optimisation frameworks that are able to accommodate composition problems that do not admit the “perfect” coordinating controller. In the qualitative setting, we rely on the formal notion of simulation to define realizable fragments of a target specification and show the existence of a unique supremal realizable fragment for a given problem instance. In addition, we extend the qualitative framework by introducing exogenous uncontrollable events to represent observable contingencies. In the quantitative setting, we provide a decision theoretic approach to behavior composition by quantifying the uncertainties present in the domain. In all cases, we provide effective techniques to compute optimal solutions and study their computational properties