15 research outputs found

    Theoretical Foundation of the Weighted Laplace Inpainting Problem

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    Laplace interpolation is a popular approach in image inpainting using partial differential equations. The classic approach considers the Laplace equation with mixed boundary conditions. Recently a more general formulation has been proposed where the differential operator consists of a point-wise convex combination of the Laplacian and the known image data. We provide the first detailed analysis on existence and uniqueness of solutions for the arising mixed boundary value problem. Our approach considers the corresponding weak formulation and aims at using the Theorem of Lax-Milgram to assert the existence of a solution. To this end we have to resort to weighted Sobolev spaces. Our analysis shows that solutions do not exist unconditionally. The weights need some regularity and fulfil certain growth conditions. The results from this work complement findings which were previously only available for a discrete setup.Comment: 16 pages, 2 Figure

    iPiano: Inertial Proximal Algorithm for Non-Convex Optimization

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    In this paper we study an algorithm for solving a minimization problem composed of a differentiable (possibly non-convex) and a convex (possibly non-differentiable) function. The algorithm iPiano combines forward-backward splitting with an inertial force. It can be seen as a non-smooth split version of the Heavy-ball method from Polyak. A rigorous analysis of the algorithm for the proposed class of problems yields global convergence of the function values and the arguments. This makes the algorithm robust for usage on non-convex problems. The convergence result is obtained based on the \KL inequality. This is a very weak restriction, which was used to prove convergence for several other gradient methods. First, an abstract convergence theorem for a generic algorithm is proved, and, then iPiano is shown to satisfy the requirements of this theorem. Furthermore, a convergence rate is established for the general problem class. We demonstrate iPiano on computer vision problems: image denoising with learned priors and diffusion based image compression.Comment: 32pages, 7 figures, to appear in SIAM Journal on Imaging Science

    A trust region-type normal map-based semismooth Newton method for nonsmooth nonconvex composite optimization

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    We propose a novel trust region method for solving a class of nonsmooth and nonconvex composite-type optimization problems. The approach embeds inexact semismooth Newton steps for finding zeros of a normal map-based stationarity measure for the problem in a trust region framework. Based on a new merit function and acceptance mechanism, global convergence and transition to fast local q-superlinear convergence are established under standard conditions. In addition, we verify that the proposed trust region globalization is compatible with the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz (KL) inequality yielding finer convergence results. We further derive new normal map-based representations of the associated second-order optimality conditions that have direct connections to the local assumptions required for fast convergence. Finally, we study the behavior of our algorithm when the Hessian matrix of the smooth part of the objective function is approximated by BFGS updates. We successfully link the KL theory, properties of the BFGS approximations, and a Dennis-Mor{\'e}-type condition to show superlinear convergence of the quasi-Newton version of our method. Numerical experiments on sparse logistic regression and image compression illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.Comment: 56 page

    Contributions en optimisation topologique : extension de la méthode adjointe et applications au traitement d'images

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    De nos jours, l'optimisation topologique a été largement étudiée en optimisation de structure, problème majeur en conception de systèmes mécaniques pour l'industrie et dans les problèmes inverses avec la détection de défauts et d'inclusions. Ce travail se concentre sur les approches de dérivées topologiques et propose une généralisation plus flexible de cette méthode rendant possible l'investigation de nouvelles applications. Dans une première partie, nous étudions des problèmes classiques en traitement d'images (restauration, inpainting), et exposons une formulation commune à ces problèmes. Nous nous concentrons sur la diffusion anisotrope et considérons un nouveau problème : la super-résolution. Notre approche semble meilleure comparée aux autres méthodes. L'utilisation des dérivées topologiques souffre d'inconvénients : elle est limitée à des problèmes simples, nous ne savons pas comment remplir des trous ... Dans une seconde partie, une nouvelle méthode visant à surmonter ces difficultés est présentée. Cette approche, nommée voûte numérique, est une extension de la méthode adjointe. Ce nouvel outil nous permet de considérer de nouveaux champs d'application et de réaliser de nouvelles investigations théoriques dans le domaine des dérivées topologiques.Nowadays, topology optimization has been extensively studied in structural optimization which is a major interest in the design of mechanical systems in the industry and in inverse problems with the detection of defects or inclusions. This work focuses on the topological derivative approach and proposes a more flexible generalization of this method making it possible to address new applications. In a first part, we study classical image processing problems (restoration, inpainting), and give a common framework to theses problems. We focus on anisotropic diffusion and consider a new problem: super-resolution. Our approach seems to be powerful in comparison with other methods. Topological derivative method has some drawbacks: it is limited to simple problems, we do not know how to fill holes, ... In a second part, to overcome these difficulties, an extension of the adjoint method is presented. Named the numerical vault, it allows us to consider new fields of applications and to explore new theoretical investigations in the area of topological derivative