70 research outputs found

    Preference-Based Learning for User-Guided HZD Gait Generation on Bipedal Walking Robots

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    This paper presents a framework that unifies control theory and machine learning in the setting of bipedal locomotion. Traditionally, gaits are generated through trajectory optimization methods and then realized experimentally -- a process that often requires extensive tuning due to differences between the models and hardware. In this work, the process of gait realization via hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) based optimization problems is formally combined with preference-based learning to systematically realize dynamically stable walking. Importantly, this learning approach does not require a carefully constructed reward function, but instead utilizes human pairwise preferences. The power of the proposed approach is demonstrated through two experiments on a planar biped AMBER-3M: the first with rigid point feet, and the second with induced model uncertainty through the addition of springs where the added compliance was not accounted for in the gait generation or in the controller. In both experiments, the framework achieves stable, robust, efficient, and natural walking in fewer than 50 iterations with no reliance on a simulation environment. These results demonstrate a promising step in the unification of control theory and learning

    Learning Image-Conditioned Dynamics Models for Control of Under-actuated Legged Millirobots

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    Millirobots are a promising robotic platform for many applications due to their small size and low manufacturing costs. Legged millirobots, in particular, can provide increased mobility in complex environments and improved scaling of obstacles. However, controlling these small, highly dynamic, and underactuated legged systems is difficult. Hand-engineered controllers can sometimes control these legged millirobots, but they have difficulties with dynamic maneuvers and complex terrains. We present an approach for controlling a real-world legged millirobot that is based on learned neural network models. Using less than 17 minutes of data, our method can learn a predictive model of the robot's dynamics that can enable effective gaits to be synthesized on the fly for following user-specified waypoints on a given terrain. Furthermore, by leveraging expressive, high-capacity neural network models, our approach allows for these predictions to be directly conditioned on camera images, endowing the robot with the ability to predict how different terrains might affect its dynamics. This enables sample-efficient and effective learning for locomotion of a dynamic legged millirobot on various terrains, including gravel, turf, carpet, and styrofoam. Experiment videos can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/imageconddy

    Trajectory Optimization and Machine Learning to Design Feedback Controllers for Bipedal Robots with Provable Stability

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    This thesis combines recent advances in trajectory optimization of hybrid dynamical systems with machine learning and geometric control theory to achieve unprecedented performance in bipedal robot locomotion. The work greatly expands the class of robot models for which feedback controllers can be designed with provable stability. The methods are widely applicable beyond bipedal robots, including exoskeletons, and prostheses, and eventually, drones, ADAS, and other highly automated machines. One main idea of this thesis is to greatly expand the use of multiple trajectories in the design of a stabilizing controller. The computation of many trajectories is now feasible due to new optimization tools. The computations are not fast enough to apply in the real-time, however, so they are not feasible for model predictive control (MPC). The offline “library” approach will encounter the curse of dimensionality for the high-dimensional models common in bipedal robots. To overcome these obstructions, we embed a stable walking motion in an attractive low-dimensional surface of the system's state space. The periodic orbit is now an attractor of the low-dimensional state-variable model but is not attractive in the full-order system. We then use the special structure of mechanical models associated with bipedal robots to embed the low-dimensional model in the original model in such a manner that the desired walking motions are locally exponentially stable. The ultimate solution in this thesis will generate model-based feedback controllers for bipedal robots, in such a way that the closed-loop system has a large stability basin, exhibits highly agile, dynamic behavior, and can deal with significant perturbations coming from the environment. In the case of bipeds: “model-based” means that the controller will be designed on the basis of the full floating-base dynamic model of the robot, and not a simplified model, such as the LIP (Linear Inverted Pendulum). By “agile and dynamic” is meant that the robot moves at the speed of a normal human or faster while walking off a curb. By “significant perturbation” is meant a human tripping, and while falling, throwing his/her full weight into the back of the robot.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145992/1/xda_1.pd

    Beyond Basins of Attraction: Quantifying Robustness of Natural Dynamics

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    Properly designing a system to exhibit favorable natural dynamics can greatly simplify designing or learning the control policy. However, it is still unclear what constitutes favorable natural dynamics and how to quantify its effect. Most studies of simple walking and running models have focused on the basins of attraction of passive limit-cycles and the notion of self-stability. We instead emphasize the importance of stepping beyond basins of attraction. We show an approach based on viability theory to quantify robust sets in state-action space. These sets are valid for the family of all robust control policies, which allows us to quantify the robustness inherent to the natural dynamics before designing the control policy or specifying a control objective. We illustrate our formulation using spring-mass models, simple low dimensional models of running systems. We then show an example application by optimizing robustness of a simulated planar monoped, using a gradient-free optimization scheme. Both case studies result in a nonlinear effective stiffness providing more robustness.Comment: 15 pages. This work has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2019

    Robots that can adapt like animals

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    As robots leave the controlled environments of factories to autonomously function in more complex, natural environments, they will have to respond to the inevitable fact that they will become damaged. However, while animals can quickly adapt to a wide variety of injuries, current robots cannot "think outside the box" to find a compensatory behavior when damaged: they are limited to their pre-specified self-sensing abilities, can diagnose only anticipated failure modes, and require a pre-programmed contingency plan for every type of potential damage, an impracticality for complex robots. Here we introduce an intelligent trial and error algorithm that allows robots to adapt to damage in less than two minutes, without requiring self-diagnosis or pre-specified contingency plans. Before deployment, a robot exploits a novel algorithm to create a detailed map of the space of high-performing behaviors: This map represents the robot's intuitions about what behaviors it can perform and their value. If the robot is damaged, it uses these intuitions to guide a trial-and-error learning algorithm that conducts intelligent experiments to rapidly discover a compensatory behavior that works in spite of the damage. Experiments reveal successful adaptations for a legged robot injured in five different ways, including damaged, broken, and missing legs, and for a robotic arm with joints broken in 14 different ways. This new technique will enable more robust, effective, autonomous robots, and suggests principles that animals may use to adapt to injury
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