34 research outputs found

    Bayesian adaptive learning of the parameters of hidden Markov model for speech recognition

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    A theoretical framework for Bayesian adaptive training of the parameters of a discrete hidden Markov model (DHMM) and of a semi-continuous HMM (SCHMM) with Gaussian mixture state observation densities is presented. In addition to formulating the forward-backward MAP (maximum a posteriori) and the segmental MAP algorithms for estimating the above HMM parameters, a computationally efficient segmental quasi-Bayes algorithm for estimating the state-specific mixture coefficients in SCHMM is developed. For estimating the parameters of the prior densities, a new empirical Bayes method based on the moment estimates is also proposed. The MAP algorithms and the prior parameter specification are directly applicable to training speaker adaptive HMMs. Practical issues related to the use of the proposed techniques for HMM-based speaker adaptation are studied. The proposed MAP algorithms are shown to be effective especially in the cases in which the training or adaptation data are limited.published_or_final_versio

    On-line adaptation of the SCHMM parameters based on the segmental quasi-bayes learning for speech recognition

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    On-line quasi-Bayes adaptation of the mixture coefficients and mean vectors in semicontinuous hidden Markov model (SCHMM) is studied. The viability of the proposed algorithm is confirmed and the related practical issues are addressed in a specific application of on-line speaker adaptation using a 26-word English alphabet vocabulary.published_or_final_versio

    On-line adaptive learning of the continuous density hidden Markov model based on approximate recursive Bayes estimate

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    We present a framework of quasi-Bayes (QB) learning of the parameters of the continuous density hidden Markov model (CDHMM) with Gaussian mixture state observation densities. The QB formulation is based on the theory of recursive Bayesian inference. The QB algorithm is designed to incrementally update the hyperparameters of the approximate posterior distribution and the CDHMM parameters simultaneously. By further introducing a simple forgetting mechanism to adjust the contribution of previously observed sample utterances, the algorithm is adaptive in nature and capable of performing an online adaptive learning using only the current sample utterance. It can, thus, be used to cope with the time-varying nature of some acoustic and environmental variabilities, including mismatches caused by changing speakers, channels, and transducers. As an example, the QB learning framework is applied to on-line speaker adaptation and its viability is confirmed in a series of comparative experiments using a 26-letter English alphabet vocabulary.published_or_final_versio

    On-line adaptive learning of the correlated continuous density hidden Markov models for speech recognition

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    We extend our previously proposed quasi-Bayes adaptive learning framework to cope with the correlated continuous density hidden Markov models (HMMs) with Gaussian mixture state observation densities in which all mean vectors are assumed to be correlated and have a joint prior distribution. A successive approximation algorithm is proposed to implement the correlated mean vectors' updating. As an example, by applying the method to an on-line speaker adaptation application, the algorithm is experimentally shown to be asymptotically convergent as well as being able to enhance the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Bayes learning by taking into account the correlation information between different model parameters. The technique can be used to cope with the time-varying nature of some acoustic and environmental variabilities, including mismatches caused by changing speakers, channels, transducers, environments, and so on.published_or_final_versio

    A hybrid RBF-HMM system for continuous speech recognition

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    A hybrid system for continuous speech recognition, consisting of a neural network with Radial Basis Functions and Hidden Markov Models is described in this paper together with discriminant training techniques. Initially the neural net is trained to approximate a-posteriori probabilities of single HMM states. These probabilities are used by the Viterbi algorithm to calculate the total scores for the individual hybrid phoneme models. The final training of the hybrid system is based on the "Minimum Classification Error\u27; objective function, which approximates the misclassification rate of the hybrid classifier, and the "Generalized Probabilistic Descent\u27; algorithm. The hybrid system was used in continuous speech recognition experiments with phoneme units and shows about 63.8% phoneme recognition rate in a speaker-independent task

    Neural networks for nonlinear discriminant analysis in continuous speech recognition

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    In this paper neural networks for Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis in continuous speech recognition are presented. Multilayer Perceptrons are used to estimate a-posteriori probabilities for Hidden-Markov Model states, which are the optimal discriminant features for the separation of the HMM states. The a-posteriori probabilities are transformed by a principal component analysis to calculate the new features for semicontinuous HMMs, which are trained by the known Maximum-Likelihood training. The nonlinear discriminant transformation is used in speaker-independent phoneme recognition experiments and compared to the standard Linear Discriminant Analysis technique

    History and Theoretical Basics of Hidden Markov Models

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    Evaluation of preprocessors for neural network speaker verification

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    Online adaptive learning of continuous-density hidden Markov models based on multiple-stream prior evolution and posterior pooling

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    We introduce a new adaptive Bayesian learning framework, called multiple-stream prior evolution and posterior pooling, for online adaptation of the continuous density hidden Markov model (CDHMM) parameters. Among three architectures we proposed for this framework, we study in detail a specific two stream system where linear transformations are applied to the mean vectors of the CDHMMs to control the evolution of their prior distribution. This new stream of prior distribution can be combined with another stream of prior distribution evolved without any constraints applied. In a series of speaker adaptation experiments on the task of continuous Mandarin speech recognition, we show that the new adaptation algorithm achieves a similar fast-adaptation performance as that of the incremental maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) in the case of small amount of adaptation data, while maintains the good asymptotic convergence property as that of our previously proposed quasi-Bayes adaptation algorithms.published_or_final_versio

    On adaptive decision rules and decision parameter adaptation for automatic speech recognition

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    Recent advances in automatic speech recognition are accomplished by designing a plug-in maximum a posteriori decision rule such that the forms of the acoustic and language model distributions are specified and the parameters of the assumed distributions are estimated from a collection of speech and language training corpora. Maximum-likelihood point estimation is by far the most prevailing training method. However, due to the problems of unknown speech distributions, sparse training data, high spectral and temporal variabilities in speech, and possible mismatch between training and testing conditions, a dynamic training strategy is needed. To cope with the changing speakers and speaking conditions in real operational conditions for high-performance speech recognition, such paradigms incorporate a small amount of speaker and environment specific adaptation data into the training process. Bayesian adaptive learning is an optimal way to combine prior knowledge in an existing collection of general models with a new set of condition-specific adaptation data. In this paper, the mathematical framework for Bayesian adaptation of acoustic and language model parameters is first described. Maximum a posteriori point estimation is then developed for hidden Markov models and a number of useful parameters densities commonly used in automatic speech recognition and natural language processing.published_or_final_versio