5 research outputs found

    The IncP-1 plasmid backbone adapts to different host bacterial species and evolves through homologous recombination

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    Plasmids are important members of the bacterial mobile gene pool, and are among the most important contributors to horizontal gene transfer between bacteria. They typically harbour a wide spectrum of host beneficial traits, such as antibiotic resistance, inserted into their backbones. Although these inserted elements have drawn considerable interest, evolutionary information about the plasmid backbones, which encode plasmid related traits, is sparse. Here we analyse 25 complete backbone genomes from the broad-host-range IncP-1 plasmid family. Phylogenetic analysis reveals seven clades, in which two plasmids that we isolated from a marine biofilm represent a novel clade. We also found that homologous recombination is a prominent feature of the plasmid backbone evolution. Analysis of genomic signatures indicates that the plasmids have adapted to different host bacterial species. Globally circulating IncP-1 plasmids hence contain mosaic structures of segments derived from several parental plasmids that have evolved in, and adapted to, different, phylogenetically very distant host bacterial species

    Comparison of metagenomic samples using sequence signatures

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    BACKGROUND: Sequence signatures, as defined by the frequencies of k-tuples (or k-mers, k-grams), have been used extensively to compare genomic sequences of individual organisms, to identify cis-regulatory modules, and to study the evolution of regulatory sequences. Recently many next-generation sequencing (NGS) read data sets of metagenomic samples from a variety of different environments have been generated. The assembly of these reads can be difficult and analysis methods based on mapping reads to genes or pathways are also restricted by the availability and completeness of existing databases. Sequence-signature-based methods, however, do not need the complete genomes or existing databases and thus, can potentially be very useful for the comparison of metagenomic samples using NGS read data. Still, the applications of sequence signature methods for the comparison of metagenomic samples have not been well studied. RESULTS: We studied several dissimilarity measures, including d(2), d(2)(*) and d(2)(S) recently developed from our group, a measure (hereinafter noted as Hao) used in CVTree developed from Hao’s group (Qi et al., 2004), measures based on relative di-, tri-, and tetra-nucleotide frequencies as in Willner et al. (2009), as well as standard l(p) measures between the frequency vectors, for the comparison of metagenomic samples using sequence signatures. We compared their performance using a series of extensive simulations and three real next-generation sequencing (NGS) metagenomic datasets: 39 fecal samples from 33 mammalian host species, 56 marine samples across the world, and 13 fecal samples from human individuals. Results showed that the dissimilarity measure d(2)(S) can achieve superior performance when comparing metagenomic samples by clustering them into different groups as well as recovering environmental gradients affecting microbial samples. New insights into the environmental factors affecting microbial compositions in metagenomic samples are obtained through the analyses. Our results show that sequence signatures of the mammalian gut are closely associated with diet and gut physiology of the mammals, and that sequence signatures of marine communities are closely related to location and temperature. CONCLUSIONS: Sequence signatures can successfully reveal major group and gradient relationships among metagenomic samples from NGS reads without alignment to reference databases. The d(2)(S) dissimilarity measure is a good choice in all application scenarios. The optimal choice of tuple size depends on sequencing depth, but it is quite robust within a range of choices for moderate sequencing depths

    Bayesian classifiers for detecting HGT using fixed and variable order Markov models of genomic signatures

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    Analyses of genomic signatures are gaining attention as they allow studies of species-specific relationships without involving alignments of homologous sequences. A naĂŻve Bayesian classifier was built to discriminate between different bacterial compositions of short oligomers, also known as DNA words. The classifier has proven successful in identifying foreign genes in Neisseria meningitis. In this study we extend the classifier approach using either a fixed higher order Markov model (Mk) or a variable length Markov model (VLMk)