94 research outputs found

    Confidence-based Optimization for the Newsvendor Problem

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    We introduce a novel strategy to address the issue of demand estimation in single-item single-period stochastic inventory optimisation problems. Our strategy analytically combines confidence interval analysis and inventory optimisation. We assume that the decision maker is given a set of past demand samples and we employ confidence interval analysis in order to identify a range of candidate order quantities that, with prescribed confidence probability, includes the real optimal order quantity for the underlying stochastic demand process with unknown stationary parameter(s). In addition, for each candidate order quantity that is identified, our approach can produce an upper and a lower bound for the associated cost. We apply our novel approach to three demand distribution in the exponential family: binomial, Poisson, and exponential. For two of these distributions we also discuss the extension to the case of unobserved lost sales. Numerical examples are presented in which we show how our approach complements existing frequentist - e.g. based on maximum likelihood estimators - or Bayesian strategies.Comment: Working draf

    Pricing Policy for Selling Perishable Products under Demand Uncertainty and Substitution

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    Learning to Price Supply Chain Contracts against a Learning Retailer

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    The rise of big data analytics has automated the decision-making of companies and increased supply chain agility. In this paper, we study the supply chain contract design problem faced by a data-driven supplier who needs to respond to the inventory decisions of the downstream retailer. Both the supplier and the retailer are uncertain about the market demand and need to learn about it sequentially. The goal for the supplier is to develop data-driven pricing policies with sublinear regret bounds under a wide range of possible retailer inventory policies for a fixed time horizon. To capture the dynamics induced by the retailer's learning policy, we first make a connection to non-stationary online learning by following the notion of variation budget. The variation budget quantifies the impact of the retailer's learning strategy on the supplier's decision-making. We then propose dynamic pricing policies for the supplier for both discrete and continuous demand. We also note that our proposed pricing policy only requires access to the support of the demand distribution, but critically, does not require the supplier to have any prior knowledge about the retailer's learning policy or the demand realizations. We examine several well-known data-driven policies for the retailer, including sample average approximation, distributionally robust optimization, and parametric approaches, and show that our pricing policies lead to sublinear regret bounds in all these cases. At the managerial level, we answer affirmatively that there is a pricing policy with a sublinear regret bound under a wide range of retailer's learning policies, even though she faces a learning retailer and an unknown demand distribution. Our work also provides a novel perspective in data-driven operations management where the principal has to learn to react to the learning policies employed by other agents in the system

    Data Driven Optimization: Theory and Applications in Supply Chain Systems

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    Supply chain optimization plays a critical role in many business enterprises. In a data driven environment, rather than pre-specifying the underlying demand distribution and then optimizing the system’s objective, it is much more robust to have a nonparametric approach directly leveraging the past observed data. In the supply chain context, we propose and design online learning algorithms that make adaptive decisions based on historical sales (a.k.a. censored demand). We measure the performance of an online learning algorithm by cumulative regret or simply regret, which is defined as the cost difference between the proposed algorithm and the clairvoyant optimal one. In the supply chain context, to design efficient learning algorithms, we typically face two major challenges. First, we need to identify a suitable recurrent state that decouples system dynamics into cycles with good properties: (1) smoothness and rich feedback information necessary to apply the zeroth order optimization method effectively; (2) convexity and gradient information essential for the first order methods. Second, we require the learning algorithms to be adaptive to the physical constraints, e.g., positive inventory carry-over, warehouse capacity constraint, ordering/production capacity constraint, and these constraints limit the policy search space in a dynamic fashion. To design efficient and provably-good data driven supply chain algorithms, we zoom into the detailed structure of each system, and carefully trade off between exploration and exploitation.PHDIndustrial & Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150030/1/haoyuan_1.pd

    Dynamic pricing and learning: historical origins, current research, and new directions

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    Applications of Machine Learning in Supply Chains

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    Advances in new technologies have resulted in increasing the speed of data generation and accessing larger data storage. The availability of huge datasets and massive computational power have resulted in the emergence of new algorithms in artificial intelligence and specifically machine learning, with significant research done in fields like computer vision. Although the same amount of data exists in most components of supply chains, there is not much research to utilize the power of raw data to improve efficiency in supply chains.In this dissertation our objective is to propose data-driven non-parametric machine learning algorithms to solve different supply chain problems in data-rich environments.Among wide range of supply chain problems, inventory management has been one of the main challenges in every supply chain. The ability to manage inventories to maximize the service level while minimizing holding costs is a goal of many company. An unbalanced inventory system can easily result in a stopped production line, back-ordered demands, lost sales, and huge extra costs. This dissertation studies three problems and proposes machine learning algorithms to help inventory managers reduce their inventory costs.In the first problem, we consider the newsvendor problem in which an inventory manager needs to determine the order quantity of a perishable product to minimize the sum of shortage and holding costs, while some feature information is available for each product. We propose a neural network approach with a specialized loss function to solve this problem. The neural network gets historical data and is trained to provide the order quantity. We show that our approach works better than the classical separated estimation and optimization approaches as well as other machine learning based algorithms. Especially when the historical data is noisy, and there is little data for each combination of features, our approach works much better than other approaches. Also, to show how this approach can be used in other common inventory policies, we apply it on an (r,Q)(r,Q) policy and provide the results.This algorithm allows inventory managers to quickly determine an order quantity without obtaining the underling demand distribution.Now, assume the order quantities or safety stock levels are obtained for a single or multi-echelon system. Classical inventory optimization models work well in normal conditions, or in other words when all underlying assumptions are valid. Once one of the assumptions or the normal working conditions is violated, unplanned stock-outs or excess inventories arise.To address this issue, in the second problem, a multi-echelon supply network is considered, and the goal is to determine the nodes that might face a stock-out in the next period. Stock-outs are usually expensive and inventory managers try to avoid them, so stock-out prediction might results in averting stock-outs and the corresponding costs.In order to provide such predictions, we propose a neural network model and additionally three naive algorithms. We analyze the performance of the proposed algorithms by comparing them with classical forecasting algorithms and a linear regression model, over five network topologies. Numerical results show that the neural network model is quite accurate and obtains accuracies in [0.92,0.99][0.92, 0.99] for the hardest to easiest network topologies, with average of 0.950 and standard deviation of 0.023, while the closest competitor, i.e., one of the proposed naive algorithms, obtains accuracies in [0.91,0.95][0.91, 0.95] with average of 9.26 and standard deviation of .0136. Additionally, we suggest conditions under which each algorithm is the most reliable and additionally apply all algorithms to threshold and multi-period predictions.Although stock-out prediction can be very useful, any inventory manager would like to have a powerful model to optimize the inventory system and balance the holding and shortage costs. The literature on multi-echelon inventory models is quite rich, though it mostly relies on the assumption of accessing a known demand distribution. The demand distribution can be approximated, but even so, in some cases a globally optimal model is not available.In the third problem, we develop a machine learning algorithm to address this issue for multi-period inventory optimization problems in multi-echelon networks. We consider the well-known beer game problem and propose a reinforcement learning algorithm to efficiently learn ordering policies from data.The beer game is a serial supply chain with four agents, i.e. retailer, wholesaler, distributor, and manufacturer, in which each agent replenishes its stock by ordering beer from its predecessor. The retailer satisfies the demand of external customers, and the manufacturer orders from external suppliers. Each of the agents must decide its own order quantity to minimize the summation of holding and shortage cost of the system, while they are not allowed to share any information with other agents. For this setting, a base-stock policy is optimal, if the retailer is the only node with a positive shortage cost and a known demand distribution is available. Outside of this narrow condition, there is not a known optimal policy for this game. Also, from the game theory point of view, the beer game can be modeled as a decentralized multi-agent cooperative problem with partial observability, which is known as a NEXP-complete problem.We propose an extension of deep Q-network for making decisions about order quantities in a single node of the beer game. When the co-players follow a rational policy, it obtains a close-to-optimal solution, and it works much better than a base-stock policy if the other agents play irrationally. Additionally, to reduce the training time of the algorithm, we propose using transfer learning, which reduces the training time by one order of magnitude. This approach can be extended to other inventory optimization and supply chain problems

    Distributionally Robust Optimization: A Review

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    The concepts of risk-aversion, chance-constrained optimization, and robust optimization have developed significantly over the last decade. Statistical learning community has also witnessed a rapid theoretical and applied growth by relying on these concepts. A modeling framework, called distributionally robust optimization (DRO), has recently received significant attention in both the operations research and statistical learning communities. This paper surveys main concepts and contributions to DRO, and its relationships with robust optimization, risk-aversion, chance-constrained optimization, and function regularization

    Information and decentralization in inventory, supply chain, and transportation systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Operations Research Center, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-213).This thesis investigates the impact of lack of information and decentralization of decision-making on the performance of inventory, supply chain, and transportation systems. In the first part of the thesis, we study two extensions of a classic single-item, single-period inventory control problem: the "newsvendor problem." We first analyze the newsvendor problem when the demand distribution is only partially specified by some moments and shape parameters. We determine order quantities that are robust, in the sense that they minimize the newsvendor's maximum regret about not acting optimally, and we compute the maximum value of additional information. The minimax regret approach is scalable to solve large practical problems, such as those arising in network revenue management, since it combines an efficient solution procedure with very modest data requirements. We then analyze the newsvendor problem when the inventory decision-making is decentralized. In supply chains, inventory decisions often result from complex negotiations among supply partners and might therefore lead to a loss of efficiency (in terms of profit loss).(cont.) We quantify the loss of efficiency of decentralized supply chains that use price-only contracts under the following configurations: series, assembly, competitive procurement, and competitive distribution. In the second part of the thesis, we characterize the dynamic nature of traffic equilibria in a transportation network. Using the theory of kinematic waves, we derive an analytical model for traffic delays capturing the first-order traffic dynamics and the impact of shock waves. We then incorporate the travel-time model within a dynamic user equilibrium setting and illustrate how the model applies to solve a large network assignment problem.by Guillaume Roels.Ph.D

    Dynamic Pricing and Learning: Historical Origins, Current Research, and New Directions

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