41 research outputs found

    Simulated Clinical Trias: some design issues

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    Simulation is widely used to investigate real-world systems in a large number of fields, including clinical trials for drug development, since real trials are costly, frequently fail and may lead to serious side effects. This paper is a survey of the statistical issues arising in these simulated trials. We illustrate the broad applicability of this investigation tool by means of examples selected from the literature. We discuss the aims and the peculiarities of the simulation models used in this context, including a brief mention of the use of metamodels. Of special interest is the topic of the design of the virtual experiments, stressing similarities and differences with the design of real life trials. Since it is important for a computerized model to possess a satisfactory range of accuracy consistent with its intended application, real data provided by physical experiments are used to confirm the simulator : we illustrate validating techniques through a number of examples. We end the paper with some challenging questions on the scientificity, ethics and effectiveness of simulation in the clinical research, and the interesting research problem of how to integrate simulated and physical experiments in a clinical context.Simulation models; pharmacokinetics; pharmacodynamics; model validation; experimental design, ethics. Modelli di simulazione; farmacocinetica; farmacodinamica; validazione; disegno degli esperimenti; etica.

    Calibration and improved prediction of computer models by universal Kriging

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    This paper addresses the use of experimental data for calibrating a computer model and improving its predictions of the underlying physical system. A global statistical approach is proposed in which the bias between the computer model and the physical system is modeled as a realization of a Gaussian process. The application of classical statistical inference to this statistical model yields a rigorous method for calibrating the computer model and for adding to its predictions a statistical correction based on experimental data. This statistical correction can substantially improve the calibrated computer model for predicting the physical system on new experimental conditions. Furthermore, a quantification of the uncertainty of this prediction is provided. Physical expertise on the calibration parameters can also be taken into account in a Bayesian framework. Finally, the method is applied to the thermal-hydraulic code FLICA 4, in a single phase friction model framework. It allows to improve the predictions of the thermal-hydraulic code FLICA 4 significantly

    Simulated Clinical Trias: some design issues

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    Simulation is widely used to investigate real-world systems in a large number of fields, including clinical trials for drug development, since real trials are costly, frequently fail and may lead to serious side effects. This paper is a survey of the statistical issues arising in these simulated trials. We illustrate the broad applicability of this investigation tool by means of examples selected from the literature. We discuss the aims and the peculiarities of the simulation models used in this context, including a brief mention of the use of metamodels. Of special interest is the topic of the design of the virtual experiments, stressing similarities and differences with the design of real life trials. Since it is important for a computerized model to possess a satisfactory range of accuracy consistent with its intended application, real data provided by physical experiments are used to confirm the simulator: we illustrate validating techniques through a number of examples. We end the paper with some challenging questions on the scientificity, ethics and effectiveness of simulation in the clinical research, and the interesting research problem of how to integrate simulated and physical experiments in a clinical context

    Big Data Analytics in the Agribusiness Supply Chain Management

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    Importance and impact of the systems related to Agribusiness and Agri-food, are increasing around the world and demand a paramount attention. Collaboration in the inventory management is an integral part of the supply chain management, related to proactive integration among the chain actors facilitating production and supply, in especial in the agroindustrial sector of the Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. This research establishes the main relationships between latent variables as collaboration, technology, models, optimization and inventory management, based on a literature review and applying a Structural Equation Model to a survey data of a sample of agribusiness companies. The results show that Available Technologies associated with Big Data, generates improvement of Collaboration Strategies, improving also Forecasting and Optimization; besides, Inventory Planning and Collaboration are related to Available Technologies associated with Big Data. A Poisson regression model and a Structural Equation Model estimations detect that the increasing strategies of technologies and Big Data are favorable to apply collaboration in the supply chain management, increasing possibilities to the enterprise competitiveness