13,827 research outputs found

    Bayesian solutions to the label switching problem

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    The label switching problem, the unidentifiability of the permutation of clusters or more generally latent variables, makes interpretation of results computed with MCMC sampling difficult. We introduce a fully Bayesian treatment of the permutations which performs better than alternatives. The method can be used to compute summaries of the posterior samples even for nonparametric Bayesian methods, for which no good solutions exist so far. Although being approximative in this case, the results are very promising. The summaries are intuitively appealing: A summarized cluster is defined as a set of points for which the likelihood of being in the same cluster is maximized

    Dealing with Label Switching in Mixture Models Under Genuine Multimodality

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    The fitting of finite mixture models is an ill-defined estimation problem as completely different parameterizations can induce similar mixture distributions. This leads to multiple modes in the likelihood which is a problem for frequentist maximum likelihood estimation, and complicates statistical inference of Markov chain Monte Carlo draws in Bayesian estimation. For the analysis of the posterior density of these draws a suitable separation into different modes is desirable. In addition, a unique labelling of the component specific estimates is necessary to solve the label switching problem. This paper presents and compares two approaches to achieve these goals: relabelling under multimodality and constrained clustering. The algorithmic details are discussed and their application is demonstrated on artificial and real-world data

    Importance sampling schemes for evidence approximation in mixture models

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    The marginal likelihood is a central tool for drawing Bayesian inference about the number of components in mixture models. It is often approximated since the exact form is unavailable. A bias in the approximation may be due to an incomplete exploration by a simulated Markov chain (e.g., a Gibbs sequence) of the collection of posterior modes, a phenomenon also known as lack of label switching, as all possible label permutations must be simulated by a chain in order to converge and hence overcome the bias. In an importance sampling approach, imposing label switching to the importance function results in an exponential increase of the computational cost with the number of components. In this paper, two importance sampling schemes are proposed through choices for the importance function; a MLE proposal and a Rao-Blackwellised importance function. The second scheme is called dual importance sampling. We demonstrate that this dual importance sampling is a valid estimator of the evidence and moreover show that the statistical efficiency of estimates increases. To reduce the induced high demand in computation, the original importance function is approximated but a suitable approximation can produce an estimate with the same precision and with reduced computational workload.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Relabelling Algorithms for Large Dataset Mixture Models

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    Mixture models are flexible tools in density estimation and classification problems. Bayesian estimation of such models typically relies on sampling from the posterior distribution using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Label switching arises because the posterior is invariant to permutations of the component parameters. Methods for dealing with label switching have been studied fairly extensively in the literature, with the most popular approaches being those based on loss functions. However, many of these algorithms turn out to be too slow in practice, and can be infeasible as the size and dimension of the data grow. In this article, we review earlier solutions which can scale up well for large data sets, and compare their performances on simulated and real datasets. In addition, we propose a new, and computationally efficient algorithm based on a loss function interpretation, and show that it can scale up well in larger problems. We conclude with some discussions and recommendations of all the methods studied

    A sticky HDP-HMM with application to speaker diarization

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    We consider the problem of speaker diarization, the problem of segmenting an audio recording of a meeting into temporal segments corresponding to individual speakers. The problem is rendered particularly difficult by the fact that we are not allowed to assume knowledge of the number of people participating in the meeting. To address this problem, we take a Bayesian nonparametric approach to speaker diarization that builds on the hierarchical Dirichlet process hidden Markov model (HDP-HMM) of Teh et al. [J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 101 (2006) 1566--1581]. Although the basic HDP-HMM tends to over-segment the audio data---creating redundant states and rapidly switching among them---we describe an augmented HDP-HMM that provides effective control over the switching rate. We also show that this augmentation makes it possible to treat emission distributions nonparametrically. To scale the resulting architecture to realistic diarization problems, we develop a sampling algorithm that employs a truncated approximation of the Dirichlet process to jointly resample the full state sequence, greatly improving mixing rates. Working with a benchmark NIST data set, we show that our Bayesian nonparametric architecture yields state-of-the-art speaker diarization results.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS395 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Overfitting Bayesian Mixture Models with an Unknown Number of Components

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    This paper proposes solutions to three issues pertaining to the estimation of finite mixture models with an unknown number of components: the non-identifiability induced by overfitting the number of components, the mixing limitations of standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling techniques, and the related label switching problem. An overfitting approach is used to estimate the number of components in a finite mixture model via a Zmix algorithm. Zmix provides a bridge between multidimensional samplers and test based estimation methods, whereby priors are chosen to encourage extra groups to have weights approaching zero. MCMC sampling is made possible by the implementation of prior parallel tempering, an extension of parallel tempering. Zmix can accurately estimate the number of components, posterior parameter estimates and allocation probabilities given a sufficiently large sample size. The results will reflect uncertainty in the final model and will report the range of possible candidate models and their respective estimated probabilities from a single run. Label switching is resolved with a computationally light-weight method, Zswitch, developed for overfitted mixtures by exploiting the intuitiveness of allocation-based relabelling algorithms and the precision of label-invariant loss functions. Four simulation studies are included to illustrate Zmix and Zswitch, as well as three case studies from the literature. All methods are available as part of the R package Zmix, which can currently be applied to univariate Gaussian mixture model