132 research outputs found

    Efficient and Featureless Approaches to Bathymetric Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping

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    This thesis investigates efficient forms of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) that do not require explicit identification, tracking or association of map features. The specific application considered here is subsea robotic bathymetric mapping. In this context, SLAM allows a GPS-denied robot operating near the sea floor to create a self-consistent bathymetric map. This is accomplished using a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) whereby each particle maintains a hypothesis of the current vehicle state and map that is efficiently maintained using Distributed Particle Mapping. Through particle weighting and resampling, successive observations of the seafloor structure are used to improve the estimated trajectory and resulting map by enforcing map self consistency. The main contributions of this thesis are two novel map representations, either of which can be paired with the RBPF to perform SLAM. The first is a grid-based 2D depth map that is efficiently stored by exploiting redundancies between different maps. The second is a trajectory map representation that, instead of directly storing estimates of seabed depth, records the trajectory of each particle and synchronises it to a common log of bathymetric observations. Upon detecting a loop closure each particle is weighted by matching new observations to the current predictions. For the grid map approach this is done by extracting the predictions stored in the observed cells. For the trajectory map approach predictions are instead generated from a local reconstruction of their map using Gaussian Process Regression. While the former allows for faster map access the latter requires less memory and fully exploits the spatial correlation in the environment, allowing predictions of seabed depth to be generated in areas that were not directly observed previously. In this case particle resampling therefore not only enforces self-consistency in overlapping sections of the map but additionally enforces self-consistency between neighboring map borders. Both approaches are validated using multibeam sonar data collected from several missions of varying scale by a variety of different Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. These trials demonstrate how the corrections provided by both approaches improve the trajectory and map when compared to dead reckoning fused with Ultra Short Baseline or Long Baseline observations. Furthermore, results are compared with a pre-existing state of the art bathymetric SLAM technique, confirming that similar results can be achieved at a fraction of the computation cost. Lastly the added capabilities of the trajectory map are validated using two different bathymetric datasets. These demonstrate how navigation and mapping corrections can still be achieved when only sparse bathymetry is available (e.g. from a four beam Doppler Velocity Log sensor) or in missions where map overlap is minimal or even non-existent

    Self consistent bathymetric mapping from robotic vehicles in the deep ocean

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    Submitted In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 2005Obtaining accurate and repeatable navigation for robotic vehicles in the deep ocean is difficult and consequently a limiting factor when constructing vehicle-based bathymetric maps. This thesis presents a methodology to produce self-consistent maps and simultaneously improve vehicle position estimation by exploiting accurate local navigation and utilizing terrain relative measurements. It is common for errors in the vehicle position estimate to far exceed the errors associated with the acoustic range sensor. This disparity creates inconsistency when an area is imaged multiple times and causes artifacts that distort map integrity. Our technique utilizes small terrain "submaps" that can be pairwise registered and used to additionally constrain the vehicle position estimates in accordance with actual bottom topography. A delayed state Kalman filter is used to incorporate these sub-map registrations as relative position measurements between previously visited vehicle locations. The archiving of previous positions in a filter state vector allows for continual adjustment of the sub-map locations. The terrain registration is accomplished using a two dimensional correlation and a six degree of freedom point cloud alignment method tailored for bathymetric data. The complete bathymetric map is then created from the union of all sub-maps that have been aligned in a consistent manner. Experimental results from the fully automated processing of a multibeam survey over the TAG hydrothermal structure at the Mid-Atlantic ridge are presented to validate the proposed method.This work was funded by the CenSSIS ERC of the Nation Science Foundation under grant EEC-9986821 and in part by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution through a grant from the Penzance Foundation

    Experiments on Surface Reconstruction for Partially Submerged Marine Structures

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    Over the past 10 years, significant scientific effort has been dedicated to the problem of three-dimensional (3-D) surface reconstruction for structural systems. However, the critical area of marine structures remains insufficiently studied. The research presented here focuses on the problem of 3-D surface reconstruction in the marine environment. This paper summarizes our hardware, software, and experimental contributions on surface reconstruction over the past few years (2008–2011). We propose the use of off-the-shelf sensors and a robotic platform to scan marine structures both above and below the waterline, and we develop a method and software system that uses the Ball Pivoting Algorithm (BPA) and the Poisson reconstruction algorithm to reconstruct 3-D surface models of marine structures from the scanned data. We have tested our hardware and software systems extensively in Singapore waters, including operating in rough waters, where water currents are around 1–2 m/s. We present results on construction of various 3-D models of marine structures, including slowly moving structures such as floating platforms, moving boats, and stationary jetties. Furthermore, the proposed surface reconstruction algorithm makes no use of any navigation sensor such as GPS, a Doppler velocity log, or an inertial navigation system.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology. Center for Environmental Sensing and Modelin

    Toward autonomous exploration in confined underwater environments

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of John Wiley & Sons for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Field Robotics 33 (2016): 994-1012, doi:10.1002/rob.21640.In this field note we detail the operations and discuss the results of an experiment conducted in the unstructured environment of an underwater cave complex, using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). For this experiment the AUV was equipped with two acoustic sonar to simultaneously map the caves’ horizontal and vertical surfaces. Although the caves’ spatial complexity required AUV guidance by a diver, this field deployment successfully demonstrates a scan matching algorithm in a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) framework that significantly reduces and bounds the localization error for fully autonomous navigation. These methods are generalizable for AUV exploration in confined underwater environments where surfacing or pre-deployment of localization equipment are not feasible and may provide a useful step toward AUV utilization as a response tool in confined underwater disaster areas.This research work was partially sponsored by the EU FP7-Projects: Tecniospring- Marie Curie (TECSPR13-1-0052), MORPH (FP7-ICT-2011-7-288704), Eurofleets2 (FP7-INF-2012-312762), and the National Science Foundation (OCE-0955674)

    Localization Algorithms for GNSS-denied and Challenging Environments

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    In this dissertation, the problem about localization in GNSS-denied and challenging environments is addressed. Specifically, the challenging environments discussed in this dissertation include two different types, environments including only low-resolution features and environments containing moving objects. To achieve accurate pose estimates, the errors are always bounded through matching observations from sensors with surrounding environments. These challenging environments, unfortunately, would bring troubles into matching related methods, such as fingerprint matching, and ICP. For instance, in environments with low-resolution features, the on-board sensor measurements could match to multiple positions on a map, which creates ambiguity; in environments with moving objects included, the accuracy of the estimated localization is affected by the moving objects when performing matching. In this dissertation, two sensor fusion based strategies are proposed to solve localization problems with respect to these two types of challenging environments, respectively. For environments with only low-resolution features, such as flying over sea or desert, a multi-agent localization algorithm using pairwise communication with ranging and magnetic anomaly measurements is proposed in this dissertation. A scalable framework is then presented to extend the multi-agent localization algorithm to be suitable for a large group of agents (e.g., 128 agents) through applying CI algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is able to deal with large group sizes, achieve 10 meters level localization performance with 180 km traveling distance, while under restrictive communication constraints. For environments including moving objects, lidar-inertial-based solutions are proposed and tested in this dissertation. Inspired by the CI algorithm presented above, a potential solution using multiple features motions estimate and tracking is analyzed. In order to improve the performance and effectiveness of the potential solution, a lidar-inertial based SLAM algorithm is then proposed. In this method, an efficient tightly-coupled iterated Kalman filter with a build-in dynamic object filter is designed as the front-end of the SLAM algorithm, and the factor graph strategy using a scan context technology as the loop closure detection is utilized as the back-end. The performance of the proposed lidar-inertial based SLAM algorithm is evaluated with several data sets collected in environments including moving objects, and compared with the state-of-the-art lidar-inertial based SLAM algorithms

    Augmented Terrain-Based Navigation to Enable Persistent Autonomy for Underwater Vehicles in GPS-Denied Environments

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    Aquatic robots, such as Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), play a major role in the study of ocean processes that require long-term sampling efforts and commonly perform navigation via dead-reckoning using an accelerometer, a magnetometer, a compass, an IMU and a depth sensor for feedback. However, these instruments are subjected to large drift, leading to unbounded uncertainty in location. Moreover, the spatio-temporal dynamics of the ocean environment, coupled with limited communication capabilities, make navigation and localization difficult, especially in coastal regions where the majority of interesting phenomena occur. To add to this, the interesting features are themselves spatio-temporally dynamic, and effective sampling requires a good understanding of vehicle localization relative to the sampled feature. Therefore, our work is motivated by the desire to enable intelligent data collection of complex dynamics and processes that occur in coastal ocean environments to further our understanding and prediction capabilities. The study originated from the need to localize and navigate aquatic robots in a GPS-denied environment and examine the role of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the ocean into the localization and navigation processes. The methods and techniques needed range from the data collection to the localization and navigation algorithms used on-board of the aquatic vehicles. The focus of this work is to develop algorithms for localization and navigation of AUVs in GPS-denied environments. We developed an Augmented terrain-based framework that incorporates physical science data, i.e., temperature, salinity, pH, etc., to enhance the topographic map that the vehicle uses to navigate. In this navigation scheme, the bathymetric data are combined with the physical science data to enrich the uniqueness of the underlying terrain map and increase the accuracy of underwater localization. Another technique developed in this work addresses the problem of tracking an underwater vehicle when the GPS signal suddenly becomes unavailable. The methods include the whitening of the data to reveal the true statistical distance between datapoints and also incorporates physical science data to enhance the topographic map. Simulations were performed at Lake Nighthorse, Colorado, USA, between April 25th and May 2nd 2018 and at Big Fisherman\u27s Cove, Santa Catalina Island, California, USA, on July 13th and July 14th 2016. Different missions were executed on different environments (snow, rain and the presence of plumes). Results showed that these two methodologies for localization and tracking work for reference maps that had been recorded within a week and the accuracy on the average error in localization can be compared to the errors found when using GPS if the time in which the observations were taken are the same period of the day (morning, afternoon or night). The whitening of the data had positive results when compared to localizing without whitening

    Cooperative bathymetry-based localization using low-cost autonomous underwater vehicles

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    We present a cooperative bathymetry-based localization approach for a team of low-cost autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), each equipped only with a single-beam altimeter, a depth sensor and an acoustic modem. The localization of the individual AUV is achieved via fully decentralized particle filtering, with the local filter’s measurement model driven by the AUV’s altimeter measurements and ranging information obtained through inter-vehicle communication. We perform empirical analysis on the factors that affect the filter performance. Simulation studies using randomly generated trajectories as well as trajectories executed by the AUVs during field experiments successfully demonstrate the feasibility of the technique. The proposed cooperative localization technique has the potential to prolong AUV mission time, and thus open the door for long-term autonomy underwater.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical EngineeringSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) (Graduate Fellowship
