155 research outputs found

    A new mathematical model for single machine batch scheduling problem for minimizing maximum lateness with deteriorating jobs

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    This paper presents a mathematical model for the problem of minimizing the maximum lateness on a single machine when the deteriorated jobs are delivered to each customer in various size batches. In reality, this issue may happen within a supply chain in which delivering goods to customers entails cost. Under such situation, keeping completed jobs to deliver in batches may result in reducing delivery costs. In literature review of batch scheduling, minimizing the maximum lateness is known as NP-Hard problem; therefore the present issue aiming at minimizing the costs of delivering, in addition to the aforementioned objective function, remains an NP-Hard problem. In order to solve the proposed model, a Simulation annealing meta-heuristic is used, where the parameters are calibrated by Taguchi approach and the results are compared to the global optimal values generated by Lingo 10 software. Furthermore, in order to check the efficiency of proposed method to solve larger scales of problem, a lower bound is generated. The results are also analyzed based on the effective factors of the problem. Computational study validates the efficiency and the accuracy of the presented model

    Competitive two-agent scheduling with deteriorating jobs on a single parallel-batching machine

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    We consider a scheduling problem in which the jobs are generated by two agents and have time-dependent proportional-linear deteriorating processing times. The two agents compete for a common single batching machine to process their jobs, and each agent has its own criterion to optimize. The jobs may have identical or different release dates. The batching machine can process several jobs simultaneously as a batch and the processing time of a batch is equal to the longest of the job processing times in the batch. The problem is to determine a schedule for processing the jobs such that the objective of one agent is minimized, while the objective of the other agent is maintained under a fixed value. For the unbounded model, we consider various combinations of regular objectives on the basis of the compatibility of the two agents. For the bounded model, we consider two different objectives for incompatible and compatible agents: minimizing the makespan of one agent subject to an upper bound on the makespan of the other agent and minimizing the number of tardy jobs of one agent subject to an upper bound on the number of tardy jobs of the other agent. We analyze the computational complexity of various problems by either demonstrating that the problem is intractable or providing an efficient exact algorithm for the problem. Moreover, for certain problems that are shown to be intractable, we provide efficient algorithms for certain special cases

    A common framework and taxonomy for multicriteria scheduling problems with Interfering and competing Jobs: Multi-agent scheduling problems

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    Most classical scheduling research assumes that the objectives sought are common to all jobs to be scheduled. However, many real-life applications can be modeled by considering different sets of jobs, each one with its own objective(s), and an increasing number of papers addressing these problems has appeared over the last few years. Since so far the area lacks a uni ed view, the studied problems have received different names (such as interfering jobs, multi-agent scheduling, mixed-criteria, etc), some authors do not seem to be aware of important contributions in related problems, and solution procedures are often developed without taking into account existing ones. Therefore, the topic is in need of a common framework that allows for a systematic recollection of existing contributions, as well as a clear de nition of the main research avenues. In this paper we review multicriteria scheduling problems involving two or more sets of jobs and propose an uni ed framework providing a common de nition, name and notation for these problems. Moreover, we systematically review and classify the existing contributions in terms of the complexity of the problems and the proposed solution procedures, discuss the main advances, and point out future research lines in the topic

    Single machine parallel-batch scheduling with deteriorating jobs

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    AbstractWe consider several single machine parallel-batch scheduling problems in which the processing time of a job is a linear function of its starting time. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for minimizing the maximum cost, an O(n5) time algorithm for minimizing the number of tardy jobs, and an O(n2) time algorithm for minimizing the total weighted completion time. Furthermore, we prove that the problem for minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs is binary NP-hard

    Serial-batch scheduling – the special case of laser-cutting machines

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    The dissertation deals with a problem in the field of short-term production planning, namely the scheduling of laser-cutting machines. The object of decision is the grouping of production orders (batching) and the sequencing of these order groups on one or more machines (scheduling). This problem is also known in the literature as "batch scheduling problem" and belongs to the class of combinatorial optimization problems due to the interdependencies between the batching and the scheduling decisions. The concepts and methods used are mainly from production planning, operations research and machine learning

    Minimizing total completion time on a single machine with step improving jobs

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    Production systems often experience a shock or a technological change, resulting in performance improvement. In such settings, job processing times become shorter if jobs start processing at, or after, a common critical date. This paper considers a single machine scheduling problem with step-improving processing times, where the effects are job-dependent. The objective is to minimize the total completion time. We show that the problem is NP-hard in general and discuss several special cases which can be solved in polynomial time. We formulate a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model and develop an LP-based heuristic for the general problem. Finally, computational experiments show that the proposed heuristic yields very effective and efficient solutions

    Minimizing total completion time on a single machine with step improving jobs

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    Production systems often experience a shock or a technological change, resulting in performance improvement. In such settings, job processing times become shorter if jobs start processing at, or after, a common critical date. This paper considers a single machine scheduling problem with step-improving processing times, where the effects are job-dependent. The objective is to minimize the total completion time. We show that the problem is NP-hard in general and discuss several special cases which can be solved in polynomial time. We formulate a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model and develop an LP-based heuristic for the general problem. Finally, computational experiments show that the proposed heuristic yields very effective and efficient solutions
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