29 research outputs found

    GABA levels in left and right sensorimotor cortex correlate across individuals

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    Differences in -aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels measured with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy have been shown to correlate with behavioral performance over a number of tasks and cortical regions. These correlations appear to be regionally and functionally specific. In this study, we test the hypothesis that GABA levels will be correlated within individuals for functionally related regions—the left and right sensorimotor cortex. In addition, we investigate whether this is driven by bulk tissue composition. GABA measurements using edited MRS data were acquired from the left and right sensorimotor cortex in 24 participants. T1-weighted MR images were also acquired and segmented to determine the tissue composition of the voxel. GABA level is shown to correlate significantly between the left and right regions (r = 0.64, p < 0.03). Tissue composition is highly correlated between sides, but does not explain significant variance in the bilateral correlation. In conclusion, individual differences in GABA level, which have previously been described as functionally and regionally specific, are correlated between homologous sensorimotor regions. This correlation is not driven by bulk differences in voxel tissue composition

    Frontal GABA Levels Change during Working Memory

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    Functional neuroimaging metrics are thought to reflect changes in neurotransmitter flux, but changes in neurotransmitter levels have not been demonstrated in humans during a cognitive task, and the relationship between neurotransmitter dynamics and hemodynamic activity during cognition has not yet been established. We evaluate the concentration of the major inhibitory (GABA) and excitatory (glutamate + glutamine: Glx) neurotransmitters and the cerebral perfusion at rest and during a prolonged delayed match-to-sample working memory task. Resting GABA levels in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex correlated positively with the resting perfusion and inversely with the change in perfusion during the task. Further, only GABA increased significantly during the first working memory run and then decreased continuously across subsequent task runs. The decrease of GABA over time was paralleled by a trend towards decreased reaction times and higher task accuracy. These results demonstrate a link between neurotransmitter dynamics and hemodynamic activity during working memory, indicating that functional neuroimaging metrics depend on the balance of excitation and inhibition required for cognitive processing

    Modeling of the hemodynamic responses in block design fMRI studies

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    The hemodynarnic response function (HRF) describes the local response of brain vasculature to functional activation. Accurate HRF modeling enables the investigation of cerebral blood flow regulation and improves our ability to interpret fMRI results. Block designs have been used extensively as fMRI paradigms because detection power is maximized; however, block designs are not optimal for HRF parameter estimation. Here we assessed the utility of block design fMRI data for HRF modeling. The trueness (relative deviation), precision (relative uncertainty), and identifiability (goodness-of-fit) of different HRF models were examined and test-retest reproducibility of HRF parameter estimates was assessed using computer simulations and fMRI data from 82 healthy young adult twins acquired on two occasions 3 to 4 months apart. The effects of systematically varying attributes of the block design paradigm were also examined. In our comparison of five HRF models, the model comprising the sum of two gamma functions with six free parameters had greatest parameter accuracy and identifiability. Hemodynamic response function height and time to peak were highly reproducible between studies and width was moderately reproducible but the reproducibility of onset time was low. This study established the feasibility and test-retest reliability of estimating HRF parameters using data from block design fMRI studies

    The relation between parietal GABA concentration and numerical skills

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    Several scientific, engineering, and medical advancements are based on breakthroughs made by people who excel in mathematics. Our current understanding of the underlying brain networks stems primarily from anatomical and functional investigations, but our knowledge of how neurotransmitters subserve numerical skills, the building block of mathematics, is scarce. Using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (N = 54, 3T, semi-LASER sequence, TE = 32 ms, TR = 3.5 s), the study examined the relation between numerical skills and the brain's major inhibitory (GABA) and excitatory (glutamate) neurotransmitters. A negative association was found between the performance in a number sequences task and the resting concentration of GABA within the left intraparietal sulcus (IPS), a key region supporting numeracy. The relation between GABA in the IPS and number sequences was specific to (1) parietal but not frontal regions and to (2) GABA but not glutamate. It was additionally found that the resting functional connectivity of the left IPS and the left superior frontal gyrus was positively associated with number sequences performance. However, resting GABA concentration within the IPS explained number sequences performance above and beyond the resting frontoparietal connectivity measure. Our findings further motivate the study of inhibition mechanisms in the human brain and significantly contribute to our current understanding of numerical cognition's biological bases

    GABA, glutamatergic dynamics and BOLD contrast assessed concurrently using functional MRS during a cognitive task

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    A recurring issue in functional neuroimaging is how to link task-driven haemodynamic blood oxygen level dependent functional MRI (BOLD-fMRI) responses to underlying neurochemistry at the synaptic level. Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters respectively, are typically measured with MRS sequences separately from fMRI, in the absence of a task. The present study aims to resolve this disconnect, developing acquisition and processing techniques to simultaneously assess GABA, glutamate and glutamine (Glx) and BOLD in relation to a cognitive task, at 3 T. Healthy subjects (N = 81) performed a cognitive task (Eriksen flanker), which was presented visually in a task-OFF, task-ON block design, with individual event onset timing jittered with respect to the MRS readout. fMRS data were acquired from the medial anterior cingulate cortex during task performance, using an adapted MEGA-PRESS implementation incorporating unsuppressed water-reference signals at a regular interval. These allowed for continuous assessment of BOLD activation, through T2*-related changes in water linewidth. BOLD-fMRI data were additionally acquired. A novel linear model was used to extract modelled metabolite spectra associated with discrete functional stimuli, building on well established processing and quantification tools. Behavioural outcomes from the flanker task, and activation patterns from the BOLD-fMRI sequence, were as expected from the literature. BOLD response assessed through fMRS showed a significant correlation with fMRI, specific to the fMRS-targeted region of interest; fMRS-assessed BOLD additionally correlated with lengthening of response time in the incongruent flanker condition. While no significant task-related changes were observed for GABA+, a significant increase in measured Glx levels (~8.8%) was found between task-OFF and task-ON periods. These findings verify the efficacy of our protocol and analysis pipelines for the simultaneous assessment of metabolite dynamics and BOLD. As well as establishing a robust basis for further work using these techniques, we also identify a number of clear directions for further refinement in future studies.publishedVersio

    The relationship between MEG and fMRI

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    In recent years functional neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI, MEG, EEG and PET have provided researchers with a wealth of information on human brain function. However none of these modalities can measure directly either the neuro-electrical or neuro-chemical processes that mediate brain function. This means that metrics directly reflecting brain ‘activity’ must be inferred from other metrics (e.g. magnetic fields (MEG) or haemodynamics (fMRI)). To overcome this limitation, many studies seek to combine multiple complementary modalities and an excellent example of this is the combination of MEG (which has high temporal resolution) with fMRI (which has high spatial resolution). However, the full potential of multi-modal approaches can only be truly realised in cases where the relationship between metrics is known. In this paper, we explore the relationship between measurements made using fMRI and MEG. We describe the origins of the two signals as well as their relationship to electrophysiology. We review multiple studies that have attempted to characterise the spatial relationship between fMRI and MEG, and we also describe studies that exploit the rich information content of MEG to explore differing relationships between MEG and fMRI across neural oscillatory frequency bands. Monitoring the brain at “rest” has become of significant recent interest to the neuroimaging community and we review recent evidence comparing MEG and fMRI metrics of functional connectivity. A brief discussion of the use of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to probe the relationship between MEG/fMRI and neurochemistry is also given. Finally, we highlight future areas of interest and offer some recommendations for the parallel use of fMRI and MEG

    Biomarkers of ADHD and ASD: Insight into Comorbid ADHD+ASD

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    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders found in children and they show significant symptom overlap. Because both disorders are diagnosed based on behavioral observation, inferring which disorder (or combination of disorders) is causing symptoms in an individual child can be challenging for clinicians, particularly when an individual shows behaviors consistent with comorbid ASD+ADHD. The current study examined resting electroencephalography (EEG), as well as task-related EEG and behavior during a modified flanker task in 50 children (aged 6-12) with either a diagnosis of ADHD (n=17), ASD (n=5), both (comorbid ADHD+ASD, COM; n=8), or no clinical diagnosis (typically developing control, TDC; n=20). EEG and behavioral analyses began by comparing a set of features that have previously been used to discriminate single disorders from TDC. Next, the data from TDC and children with a single diagnosis (ASD-only, ADHD-only) were submitted to k-means cluster analysis to evaluate data-driven subgroups regardless of diagnosis. After recovery of the optimal number of clusters (3), the data from COM participants were sorted into the cluster in which they best fit. While none of the regularities found in the literature properly explain the relationships between ADHD, ASD, and COM participants, the use of cluster analysis suggested potential phenotypes that differ in Stimulus Engagement and Feedback Responsivity. These dimensions may have bearing on the efficacy of treatments that target dopaminergic systems, such as methylphenidate. Methods such as these may give insight into the neurobiological underpinnings of an individual’s symptoms, which has the potential to guide decisions about appropriate pharmacological treatment and behavioral interventions

    Neurochemistry Predicts Convergence of Written and Spoken Language: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Cross-Modal Language Integration

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    Recent studies have provided evidence of associations between neurochemistry and reading (dis)ability (Pugh et al., 2014). Based on a long history of studies indicating that fluent reading entails the automatic convergence of the written and spoken forms of language and our recently proposed Neural Noise Hypothesis (Hancock et al., 2017), we hypothesized that individual differences in cross-modal integration would mediate, at least partially, the relationship between neurochemical concentrations and reading. Cross-modal integration was measured in 231 children using a two-alternative forced choice cross-modal matching task with three language conditions (letters, words, and pseudowords) and two levels of difficulty within each language condition. Neurometabolite concentrations of Choline (Cho), Glutamate (Glu), gamma-Aminobutyric (GABA), and N- acetyl-aspartate (NAA) were then measured in a subset of this sample (n = 70) with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS). A structural equation mediation model revealed that the effect of cross-modal word matching mediated the relationship between increased Glu (which has been proposed to be an index of neural noise) and poorer reading ability. In addition, the effect of cross-modal word matching fully mediated a relationship between increased Cho and poorer reading ability. Multilevel mixed effects models confirmed that lower Cho predicted faster cross-modal matching reaction time, specifically in the hard word condition. These Cho findings are consistent with previous work in both adults and children showing a negative association between Cho and reading ability. We also found two novel neurochemical relationships. Specifically, lower GABA and higher NAA predicted faster cross-modal matching reaction times. We interpret these results within a biochemical framework in which the ability of neurochemistry to predict reading ability may at least partially be explained by cross-modal integration