13 research outputs found

    Network Slicing Landscape: A holistic architectural approach, orchestration and management with applicability in mobile and fixed networks and clouds

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    Tutorial at IEEE NetSoft2018 - 29th June 2018 Montreal Abstract: A holistic architectural approach, orchestration and management with applicability in mobile and fixed networks and clouds Topics: Key Slicing concepts and history Slicing Key Characteristics & Usage scenarios & Value Chain Multi-Domain Network Function Virtualisation Review of Research projects and results in network and cloud slicing Open Source Orchestrators Standard Organization activities: NGMN, ITU-T, ONF, 3GPP, ETSI, BBF, IETF Industrial perspective on Network Slicing Review of industry Use Cases Network Slicing Challenges Concluding remarks of Network Slicing Acknowledgements & Reference

    Quality of Experience monitoring and management strategies for future smart networks

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    One of the major driving forces of the service and network's provider market is the user's perceived service quality and expectations, which are referred to as user's Quality of Experience (QoE). It is evident that QoE is particularly critical for network providers, who are challenged with the multimedia engineering problems (e.g. processing, compression) typical of traditional networks. They need to have the right QoE monitoring and management mechanisms to have a significant impact on their budget (e.g. by reducing the users‘ churn). Moreover, due to the rapid growth of mobile networks and multimedia services, it is crucial for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to accurately monitor and manage the QoE for the delivered services and at the same time keep the computational resources and the power consumption at low levels. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the issue of QoE monitoring and management for future networks. This research, developed during the PhD programme, aims to describe the State-of-the-Art and the concept of Virtual Probes (vProbes). Then, I proposed a QoE monitoring and management solution, two Agent-based solutions for QoE monitoring in LTE-Advanced networks, a QoE monitoring solution for multimedia services in 5G networks and an SDN-based approach for QoE management of multimedia services

    Towards 5G Software-Defined Ecosystems: Technical Challenges, Business Sustainability and Policy Issues

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    Techno-economic drivers are creating the conditions for a radical change of paradigm in the design and operation of future telecommunications infrastructures. In fact, SDN, NFV, Cloud and Edge-Fog Computing are converging together into a single systemic transformation termed “Softwarization” that will find concrete exploitations in 5G systems. The IEEE SDN Initiative1 has elaborated a vision, an evolutionary path and some techno-economic scenarios of this transformation: specifically, the major technical challenges, business sustainability and policy issues have been investigated. This white paper presents: 1) an overview on the main techno-economic drivers steering the “Softwarization” of telecommunications; 2) an introduction to the Open Mobile Edge Cloud vision (covered in a companion white paper); 3) the main technical challenges in terms of operations, security and policy; 4) an analysis of the potential role of open source software; 5) some use case proposals for proof-of-concepts; and 6) a short description of the main socio-economic impacts being produced by “Softwarization”. Along these directions, IEEE SDN is also developing of an open catalogue of software platforms, toolkits, and functionalities aiming at a step-by-step development and aggregation of test-beds/field-trials on SDNNFV- 5G

    View on 5G Architecture: Version 2.0

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    The 5G Architecture Working Group as part of the 5GPPP Initiative is looking at capturing novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture. It also targets at presenting in a harmonized way the architectural concepts developed in various projects and initiatives (not limited to 5GPPP projects only) so as to provide a consolidated view on the technical directions for the architecture design in the 5G era. The first version of the white paper was released in July 2016, which captured novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture vision along with harmonized architectural concepts from 5GPPP Phase 1 projects and initiatives. Capitalizing on the architectural vision and framework set by the first version of the white paper, this Version 2.0 of the white paper presents the latest findings and analyses with a particular focus on the concept evaluations, and accordingly it presents the consolidated overall architecture design

    Contributions towards softwarization and energy saving in passive optical networks

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    Ths thesis is a result of contributions to optimize and improve the network management systme and power consumption in Passive Optical Network (PON). Passive Optical Network elements such as Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and Optical Network Units (ONUs) are currently managed by inflexible legacy network management systems. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking paradigm that improves the operation and management of networks by decoupling control plane from data plane. Currently, network management in PON networks is not always automated nor normalized. One goal of the researchers in optical networking is to improve the programmability, efficiency, and global optimization of network operations, in order to minimize both Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) by reducing the complexity of devices and its operation. Therefore, it makes sense to use an SDN approach in order to manage the passive optical network functionalities and migrating must of the upper layer functions to the SDN controller. Many approaches have already addressed the topic of applying the SDN architecture in PON networks. However; the focus was usually on facilitating the deployment of SDN-based service and so Service Interoperability remains unexplored in detail. The main challenge toward this goal is how to make compatible the synchronous nature of the EPON media access control protocols with the asynchronous architecture of SDN, and in particular, OpenFlow. In our proposed architecture, the OLT is partially virtualized and some of its functionalities are allocated to the core network management system, while the OLT itself is replaced by an OpenFlow switch. A new MultiPoint MAC Control (MPMC) sublayer extension based on the OpenFlow protocol is presented. The OpenFlow switch is extended with synchronous ports to retain the time-critical nature of the EPON network. Our simulation-based results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new architecture, while retaining a similar (or improved) performance in term of delay and throughput when compared to legacy PONs. Nowadays, many researchers are working simultaneously to develop power saving techniques and improves energy efficiency in the PON network, and since the contribution of access networks to the global energy consumption is large, energy efficiency has become an increasingly important requirement in designing access networks. Therefore, energy-saving approaches are being investigated to provide high performance and consume less energy. Several techniques have been proposed to increase energy efficiency in PON networks. Such techniques are related to the centeralized DBA but the advantage of power saving in a distributed DBA remains untouched. We present a distributed energy-efficient Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithm for both the upstream and downstream channels of EPON to improve energy efficiency in EPON networks. The proposed algorithm analyzes the queue status of the ONUs and OLT in order to power-off the transmitter and/or receiver of an ONU whenever there is no upstream or downstream traffic. We have been able to combine the advantage of a distributed DBA such as DDSPON (a smaller packet delay, due to the shorter time needed by DDSPON to allocate the transmission slots) and the energy-saving features (that come at a price of longer packet delays due to the fact that switching off the transmitters make the packet queues grow). Our proposed DBA algorithm minimizes the ONU energy consumption across a wide range of network loads, while maintaining at an acceptable level the penalty introduced in terms of channel utilization and packet delay.Las contribuciones de esta tesis se centran en mejorar el sistema de gestión de red y el consumo de energía en redes de acceso ópticas pasivas (PON). Los elementos de las redes PON, como el terminal de línea óptica (OLT) y las unidades de red ópticas (ONU), se gestionan actualmente mediante sistemas poco flexibles. El nuevo paradigma de redes definidas por software (SDN) mejora la gestión de redes al desacoplar el plano de control del plano de datos. Actualmente, la gestión de redes PON no está automatizada ni normalizada. Uno de los objetivos de los investigadores en redes ópticas es mejorar la programabilidad, la eficiencia y la optimización global de las operaciones de red, con el fin de minimizar tanto el gasto de capital (CAPEX) como el gasto operativo (OPEX) al reducir la complejidad de los dispositivos y su funcionamiento. Por lo tanto, tiene sentido utilizar un enfoque SDN para gestionar las funciones de red óptica pasiva y migrar algunas de las funciones PON de capas superiores al controlador SDN. Otros investigadores han estudiado esta aproximación. sin embargo; el enfoque generalmente estaba en facilitar la implementación del servicio basado en SDN y, por lo tanto, la interoperabilidad de los servicios permanecía sin ser explorado en detalle. El principal desafío hacia este objetivo es cómo compatibilizar la naturaleza síncrona de los protocolos de control de acceso a medios EPON con la arquitectura asíncrona de SDN y, en particular, OpenFlow. En nuestra propuesta de arquitectura, la OLT se virtualiza parcialmente y algunas de sus funcionalidades se asignan al sistema de gestión de red centralizado, mientras que la OLT se reemplaza por un conmutador OpenFlow. Proponemos una nueva extensión de la subcapa de control múltiple de MAC (MPMC) basada en el protocolo OpenFlow. El conmutador OpenFlow se amplía con puertos síncronos para asegurar la naturaleza de tiempo real de la red EPON. Nuestros resultados basados ¿¿en simulaciones demuestran la efectividad de la nueva arquitectura, al tiempo que se mantiene un rendimiento similar (o mejorado) en términos de retardos y rendimiento en comparación con las PON clásicas. Por otro lado, se están desarrollando técnicas de ahorro de energía y mejora de la eficiencia energética en redes PON, y dado que la contribución de las redes de acceso al consumo total de energía es importante, la eficiencia energética se ha convertido en un requisito cada vez más importante. Se han propuesto varias técnicas por parte de otros autores para aumentar la eficiencia energética en las redes PON, relacionadas con algoritmos DBA (Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation) centralizados, pero las ventaja del ahorro de energía en un DBA distribuido no se ha explorado todavía. Por ello nuestra segunda contiribución es un algoritmo distribuido de asignación dinámica de ancho de banda energéticamente eficiente tanto para los canales ascendentes como descendentes de EPON para mejorar la eficiencia energética en las redes EPON. El algoritmo propuesto analiza el estado de cola de las ONU y la OLT para apagar el transmisor y/o el receptor de una ONU cuando no hay tráfico en sentido ascendente o descendente. Hemos podido combinar la ventaja de un DBA distribuido como DDSPON (que asegura retardos más pequeños, debido al menor tiempo que DDSPON necesita para asignar las ranuras de transmisión) y las características de ahorro de energía (al precio de tener retardos de paquete más grandes debido al hecho de que apagar los transmisores hace que las colas de paquetes crezcan). Nuestro algoritmo de DBA propuesto minimiza el consumo de energía de la ONU en una amplia gama de cargas de red, mientras mantiene a un nivel aceptable la penalización introducida en términos de utilización del canal y retardos

    Contributions towards softwarization and energy saving in passive optical networks

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    Ths thesis is a result of contributions to optimize and improve the network management systme and power consumption in Passive Optical Network (PON). Passive Optical Network elements such as Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and Optical Network Units (ONUs) are currently managed by inflexible legacy network management systems. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking paradigm that improves the operation and management of networks by decoupling control plane from data plane. Currently, network management in PON networks is not always automated nor normalized. One goal of the researchers in optical networking is to improve the programmability, efficiency, and global optimization of network operations, in order to minimize both Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) by reducing the complexity of devices and its operation. Therefore, it makes sense to use an SDN approach in order to manage the passive optical network functionalities and migrating must of the upper layer functions to the SDN controller. Many approaches have already addressed the topic of applying the SDN architecture in PON networks. However; the focus was usually on facilitating the deployment of SDN-based service and so Service Interoperability remains unexplored in detail. The main challenge toward this goal is how to make compatible the synchronous nature of the EPON media access control protocols with the asynchronous architecture of SDN, and in particular, OpenFlow. In our proposed architecture, the OLT is partially virtualized and some of its functionalities are allocated to the core network management system, while the OLT itself is replaced by an OpenFlow switch. A new MultiPoint MAC Control (MPMC) sublayer extension based on the OpenFlow protocol is presented. The OpenFlow switch is extended with synchronous ports to retain the time-critical nature of the EPON network. Our simulation-based results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new architecture, while retaining a similar (or improved) performance in term of delay and throughput when compared to legacy PONs. Nowadays, many researchers are working simultaneously to develop power saving techniques and improves energy efficiency in the PON network, and since the contribution of access networks to the global energy consumption is large, energy efficiency has become an increasingly important requirement in designing access networks. Therefore, energy-saving approaches are being investigated to provide high performance and consume less energy. Several techniques have been proposed to increase energy efficiency in PON networks. Such techniques are related to the centeralized DBA but the advantage of power saving in a distributed DBA remains untouched. We present a distributed energy-efficient Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithm for both the upstream and downstream channels of EPON to improve energy efficiency in EPON networks. The proposed algorithm analyzes the queue status of the ONUs and OLT in order to power-off the transmitter and/or receiver of an ONU whenever there is no upstream or downstream traffic. We have been able to combine the advantage of a distributed DBA such as DDSPON (a smaller packet delay, due to the shorter time needed by DDSPON to allocate the transmission slots) and the energy-saving features (that come at a price of longer packet delays due to the fact that switching off the transmitters make the packet queues grow). Our proposed DBA algorithm minimizes the ONU energy consumption across a wide range of network loads, while maintaining at an acceptable level the penalty introduced in terms of channel utilization and packet delay.Las contribuciones de esta tesis se centran en mejorar el sistema de gestión de red y el consumo de energía en redes de acceso ópticas pasivas (PON). Los elementos de las redes PON, como el terminal de línea óptica (OLT) y las unidades de red ópticas (ONU), se gestionan actualmente mediante sistemas poco flexibles. El nuevo paradigma de redes definidas por software (SDN) mejora la gestión de redes al desacoplar el plano de control del plano de datos. Actualmente, la gestión de redes PON no está automatizada ni normalizada. Uno de los objetivos de los investigadores en redes ópticas es mejorar la programabilidad, la eficiencia y la optimización global de las operaciones de red, con el fin de minimizar tanto el gasto de capital (CAPEX) como el gasto operativo (OPEX) al reducir la complejidad de los dispositivos y su funcionamiento. Por lo tanto, tiene sentido utilizar un enfoque SDN para gestionar las funciones de red óptica pasiva y migrar algunas de las funciones PON de capas superiores al controlador SDN. Otros investigadores han estudiado esta aproximación. sin embargo; el enfoque generalmente estaba en facilitar la implementación del servicio basado en SDN y, por lo tanto, la interoperabilidad de los servicios permanecía sin ser explorado en detalle. El principal desafío hacia este objetivo es cómo compatibilizar la naturaleza síncrona de los protocolos de control de acceso a medios EPON con la arquitectura asíncrona de SDN y, en particular, OpenFlow. En nuestra propuesta de arquitectura, la OLT se virtualiza parcialmente y algunas de sus funcionalidades se asignan al sistema de gestión de red centralizado, mientras que la OLT se reemplaza por un conmutador OpenFlow. Proponemos una nueva extensión de la subcapa de control múltiple de MAC (MPMC) basada en el protocolo OpenFlow. El conmutador OpenFlow se amplía con puertos síncronos para asegurar la naturaleza de tiempo real de la red EPON. Nuestros resultados basados ¿¿en simulaciones demuestran la efectividad de la nueva arquitectura, al tiempo que se mantiene un rendimiento similar (o mejorado) en términos de retardos y rendimiento en comparación con las PON clásicas. Por otro lado, se están desarrollando técnicas de ahorro de energía y mejora de la eficiencia energética en redes PON, y dado que la contribución de las redes de acceso al consumo total de energía es importante, la eficiencia energética se ha convertido en un requisito cada vez más importante. Se han propuesto varias técnicas por parte de otros autores para aumentar la eficiencia energética en las redes PON, relacionadas con algoritmos DBA (Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation) centralizados, pero las ventaja del ahorro de energía en un DBA distribuido no se ha explorado todavía. Por ello nuestra segunda contiribución es un algoritmo distribuido de asignación dinámica de ancho de banda energéticamente eficiente tanto para los canales ascendentes como descendentes de EPON para mejorar la eficiencia energética en las redes EPON. El algoritmo propuesto analiza el estado de cola de las ONU y la OLT para apagar el transmisor y/o el receptor de una ONU cuando no hay tráfico en sentido ascendente o descendente. Hemos podido combinar la ventaja de un DBA distribuido como DDSPON (que asegura retardos más pequeños, debido al menor tiempo que DDSPON necesita para asignar las ranuras de transmisión) y las características de ahorro de energía (al precio de tener retardos de paquete más grandes debido al hecho de que apagar los transmisores hace que las colas de paquetes crezcan). Nuestro algoritmo de DBA propuesto minimiza el consumo de energía de la ONU en una amplia gama de cargas de red, mientras mantiene a un nivel aceptable la penalización introducida en términos de utilización del canal y retardos.Postprint (published version

    Load-Aware Traffic Control in Software-Defined Enterprise Wireless Local Area Networks

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    With the growing popularity of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), modern enterprise Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) deployments always consist of multiple Access Points (APs) to meet the fast-increasing demand for wireless access. In order to avoid network congestion which leads to issues such as suboptimal Quality of Service (QoS) and degraded user Quality of Experience (QoE), intelligent network traffic control is needed. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging architecture and intensively discussed as one of the most promising technologies to simplify network management and service development. In the SDN architecture, network management is directly programmable because it is decoupled from forwarding layer. Leveraging SDN to the existing enterprise WLANs framework, network services can be flexibly implemented to support intelligent network traffic control. This thesis studies the architecture of software-defined enterprise WLANs and how to improve network traffic control from a client-side and an AP-side perspective. By extending an existing software-defined enterprise WLANs framework, two adaptive algorithms are proposed to provide client-based mobility management and load balancing. Custom protocol messages and AP load metric are introduced to enable the proposed adaptive algorithms. Moreover, a software-defined enterprise WLAN system is designed and implemented on a testbed. A load-aware automatic channel switching algorithm and a QoS-aware bandwidth control algorithm are proposed to achieve AP-based network traffic control. Experimental results from the testbed show that the designed system and algorithms significantly improve the performance of traffic control in enterprise WLANs in terms of network throughput, packet loss rate, transmission delay and jitter

    Monitoring and orchestration of network slices for 5G Networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorEste trabajo se ha realizado bajo la ayuda concedida por la Comunidad de Madrid en la Convocatoria de 2017 de Ayudas para la Realización de Doctorados Industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid (Orden 3109/2017, de 29 de agosto), con referencia IND2017/TIC-7732. This work was partly funded by the European Commission under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program - grant agreement number 815074 (5G EVE project). The Ph.D thesis solely reflects the views of the author. The Commission is not responsible for the contents of this Ph.D thesis or any use made thereof.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Antonio de la Oliva Delgado.- Secretaria: Elisa Rojas Sánchez.- Vocal: David Manuel Gutiérrez Estéve