51,243 research outputs found

    Quality-Managed Group-Aware Stream Filtering

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    We consider a distributed system that disseminates high-volume event streams to many simultaneous monitoring applications over a low-bandwidth network. For bandwidth efficiency, we propose a group-aware stream filtering approach, used together with multicasting, that exploits two overlooked, yet important, properties of monitoring applications: 1) many of them can tolerate some degree of “slack” in their data quality requirements, and 2) there may exist multiple subsets of the source data satisfying the quality needs of an application. We can thus choose the “best alternative” subset for each application to maximize the data overlap within the group to best benefit from multicasting. Here we provide a general framework for the group-aware stream filtering problem, which we prove is NP-hard. We introduce a suite of heuristics-based algorithms that ensure data quality (specifically, granularity and timeliness) while preserving bandwidth. Our evaluation shows that group-aware stream filtering is effective in trading CPU time for bandwidth savings, compared with self-interested filtering

    Quality of service (QoS) support for multimedia applications in large-scale networks

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    This dissertation studied issues pertaining to QoS provision for multimedia applications at the application layer. We initially studied Internet routing pathology and Internet routing stability by repeating experimental and analytical methods conducted by Paxson in 1996. No similar study was done in recent years. Our findings show that routing behavior of the Internet in 2006 are different from those reported in 1996 in some important aspects. Second, we investigated different stochastic models (e.g. self-similar processes, Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving-Average (ARIMA)) in order to find a suitable model that describes available bandwidth over time of an end-to-end path between two Internet hosts. Our finding of the suitable model is beneficial to predicting of future values of available bandwidth along an end-to-end path. To the best of our knowledge, no similar study was conducted. Third, we designed and evaluated a new path monitoring algorithm inferring available bandwidth of an end-to-end path without monitoring all the paths to minimize monitoring overhead. Our algorithm does not rely on underlying network-layer topology information as required in topology-aware path monitoring techniques. Finally, to complement the above study, we introduced our multicast protocol named core-set routing for transmitting multimedia data from a set of senders to a set of receivers, taking QoS into account. The protocol is suitable for interactive multi-sender multimedia applications such as video conferencing and network gaming

    Efficient Information Access in Data-Intensive Sensor Networks

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    Recent advances in wireless communications and microelectronics have enabled wide deployment of smart sensor networks. Such networks naturally apply to a broad range of applications that involve system monitoring and information tracking (e.g., fine-grained weather/environmental monitoring, structural health monitoring, urban-scale traffic or parking monitoring, gunshot detection, monitoring volcanic eruptions, measuring rate of melting glaciers, forest fire detection, emergency medical care, disaster response, airport security infrastructure, monitoring of children in metropolitan areas, product transition in warehouse networks etc.).Meanwhile, existing wireless sensor networks (WSNs) perform poorly when the applications have high bandwidth needs for data transmission and stringent delay constraints against the network communication. Such requirements are common for Data Intensive Sensor Networks (DISNs) implementing Mission-Critical Monitoring applications (MCM applications).We propose to enhance existing wireless network standards with flexible query optimization strategies that take into account network constraints and application-specific data delivery patterns in order to meet high performance requirements of MCM applications.In this respect, this dissertation has two major contributions: First, we have developed an algebraic framework called Data Transmission Algebra (DTA) for collision-aware concurrent data transmissions. Here, we have merged the serialization concept from the databases with the knowledge of wireless network characteristics. We have developed an optimizer that uses the DTA framework, and generates an optimal data transmission schedule with respect to latency, throughput, and energy usage. We have extended the DTA framework to handle location-based trust and sensor mobility. We improved DTA scalability with Whirlpool data delivery mechanism, which takes advantage of partitioning of the network. Second, we propose relaxed optimization strategy and develop an adaptive approach to deliver data in data-intensive wireless sensor networks. In particular, we have shown that local actions at nodes help network to adapt in worse network conditions and perform better. We show that local decisions at the nodes can converge towards desirable global network properties e.g.,high packet success ratio for the network. We have also developed a network monitoring tool to assess the state and dynamic convergence of the WSN, and force it towards better performance

    A Mobile Geo-Communication Dataset for Physiology-Aware DASH in Rural Ambulance Transport

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    Use of telecommunication technologies for remote, continuous monitoring of patients can enhance effectiveness of emergency ambulance care during transport from rural areas to a regional center hospital. However, the communication along the various routes in rural areas may have wide bandwidth ranges from 2G to 4G; some regions may have only lower satellite bandwidth available. Bandwidth fluctuation together with real-time communication of various clinical multimedia pose a major challenge during rural patient ambulance transport.; AB@The availability of a pre-transport route-dependent communication bandwidth database is an important resource in remote monitoring and clinical multimedia transmission in rural ambulance transport. Here, we present a geo-communication dataset from extensive profiling of 4 major US mobile carriers in Illinois, from the rural location of Hoopeston to the central referral hospital center at Urbana. In collaboration with Carle Foundation Hospital, we developed a profiler, and collected various geographical and communication traces for realistic emergency rural ambulance transport scenarios. Our dataset is to support our ongoing work of proposing "physiology-aware DASH", which is particularly useful for adaptive remote monitoring of critically ill patients in emergency rural ambulance transport. It provides insights on ensuring higher Quality of Service (QoS) for most critical clinical multimedia in response to changes in patients' physiological states and bandwidth conditions. Our dataset is available online for research community.Comment: Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys'17), Pages 158-163, Taipei, Taiwan, June 20 - 23, 201

    Quality of experience driven control of interactive media stream parameters

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    In recent years, cloud computing has led to many new kinds of services. One of these popular services is cloud gaming, which provides the entire game experience to the users remotely from a server, but also other applications are provided in a similar manner. In this paper we focus on the option to render the application in the cloud, thereby delivering the graphical output of the application to the user as a video stream. In more general terms, an interactive media stream is set up over the network between the user's device and the cloud server. The main issue with this approach is situated at the network, that currently gives little guarantees on the quality of service in terms of parameters such as available bandwidth, latency or packet loss. However, for interactive media stream cases, the user is merely interested in the perceived quality, regardless of the underlaying network situation. In this paper, we present an adaptive control mechanism that optimizes the quality of experience for the use case of a race game, by trading off visual quality against frame rate in function of the available bandwidth. Practical experiments verify that QoE driven adaptation leads to improved user experience compared to systems solely taking network characteristics into account