1,558 research outputs found

    Improving Cloud Middlebox Infrastructure for Online Services

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    Middleboxes are an indispensable part of the datacenter networks that provide high availability, scalability and performance to the online services. Using load balancer as an example, this thesis shows that the prevalent scale-out middlebox designs using commodity servers are plagued with three fundamental problems: (1) The server-based layer-4 middleboxes are costly and inflate round-trip-time as much as 2x by processing the packets in software. (2) The middlebox instances cause traffic detouring en route from sources to destinations, which inflates network bandwidth usage by as much as 3.2x and can cause transient congestion. (3) Additionally, existing cloud providers do not support layer-7 middleboxes as a service, and third-party proxy-based layer-7 middlebox design exhibits poor availability as TCP state stored locally on middlebox instances are lost upon instance failure. This thesis examines the root causes of the above problems and proposes new cloud-scale middlebox design principles that systemically address all three problems. First, to address the performance problem, we make a key observation that existing commodity switches have resources available to implement key layer-4 middlebox functionalities such as load balancer, and by processing packets in hardware, switches offer low latency and high capacity benefits, at no additional cost as the switch resources are idle. Motivated by this observation, we propose the design principle of using idle switch resources to accelerate middlebox functionailites. To demonstrate the principle, we developed the complete L4 load balancer design that uses commodity switches for low cost and high performance, and carefully fuses a few software load balancer instances to provide for high availability. Second, to address the high network overhead problem from traffic detouring through middlebox instances, we propose to exploit the principles of locality and flexibility in placing the middlebox instances and servers to handle the traffic closer to the sources and reduce the overall traffic and link utilization in the network. Third, to provide high availability in a layer 7 middleboxes, we propose a novel middlebox design principle of decoupling the TCP state from middlebox instances and storing it in persistent key-value store so that any middlebox instance can seamlessly take over any TCP connection when middlebox instances fail. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the above cloud-scale middlebox design principles using load balancers as an example. Specifically, we have prototyped the three design principles in three cloud-scale load balancers: Duet, Rubik, and Yoda, respectively. Our evaluation using a datacenter testbed and large scale simulations show that Duet lowers the costs by 12x and latency overhead by 1000x, Rubik further lowers the datacenter network traffic overhead by 3x, and Yoda L7 Load balancer-as-a-service is practical; decoupling TCP state from load balancer instances has a negligible

    Atmospheric monitoring in the mm and sub-mm bands for cosmological observations: CASPER2

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    Cosmological observations from ground at millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths are affected by atmospheric absorption and consequent emission. The low and high frequency (sky noise) fluctuations of atmospheric performance imply careful observational strategies and/or instrument technical solutions. Measurements of atmospheric emission spectra are necessary for accurate calibration procedures as well as for site testing statistics. CASPER2, an instrument to explore the 90-450 GHz (3-15 1/cm) spectral region, was developed and verified its operation in the Alps. A Martin-Puplett Interferometer (MPI) operates comparing sky radiation, coming from a field of view (fov) of 28 arcminutes (FWHM) collected by a 62-cm in diameter Pressman-Camichel telescope, with a reference source. The two output ports of the interferometer are detected by two bolometers cooled down to 300 mK inside a wet cryostat. Three different and complementary interferometric techniques can be performed with CASPER2: Amplitude Modulation (AM), Fast-Scan (FS) and Phase Modulation (PM). An altazimuthal mount allows the sky pointing, possibly co-alligned to the optical axis of the 2.6-m in diameter telescope of MITO (Millimetre and Infrared Testagrigia Observatory, Italy). Optimal timescale to average acquired spectra is inferred by Allan variance analysis at 5 fiducial frequencies. We present the motivation for and design of the atmospheric spectrometer CASPER2. The adopted procedure to calibrate the instrument and preliminary performance of the instrument are described. Instrument capabilities were checked during the summer observational campaign at MITO in July 2010 by measuring atmospheric emission spectra with the three different procedures.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Development of rotorcraft interior. Noise control concepts. Phase 1: Definition study

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    A description of helicopter noise, diagnostic techniques for source and path identification, an interior noise prediction model, and a measurement program for model validation are provided

    Massive MIMO for Dependable Communication

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    Cellular communication is constantly evolving; currently 5G systems are being deployed and research towards 6G is ongoing. Three use cases have been discussed as enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine-type communication (mMTC), and ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC). To fulfill the requirements of these use cases, new technologies are needed and one enabler is massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). By increasing the number of antennas at the base station side, data rates can be increased, more users can be served simultaneously, and there is a potential to improve reliability. In addition, it is possible to achieve better coverage, improved energy efficiency, and low-complex user devices. The performance of any wireless system is limited by the underlying channels. Massive MIMO channels have shown several beneficial properties: the array gain stemming from the combining of the signals from the many antennas, improved user separation due to favourable propagation -- where the user channels become pair-wise orthogonal -- and the channel hardening effect, where the variations of channel gain decreases as the number of antennas increases. Previous theoretical works have commonly assumed independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex Gaussian channels. However, in the first studies on massive MIMO channels, it was shown that common outdoor and indoor environments are not that rich in scattering, but that the channels are rather spatially correlated. To enable the above use cases, investigations are needed for the targeted environments. This thesis focuses on the benefits of deploying massive MIMO systems to achieve dependable communication in a number of scenarios related to the use cases. The first main area is the study of an industrial environment and aims at characterizing and modeling massive MIMO channels to assess the possibility of achieving the requirements of URLLC in a factory context. For example, a unique fully distributed array is deployed with the aim to further exploit spatial diversity. The other main area concerns massive MIMO at sub-GHz, a previously unexplored area. The channel characteristics when deploying a physically very large array for IoT networks are explored. To conclude, massive MIMO can indeed bring great advantages when trying to achieve dependable communication. Although channels in regular indoor environments are not i.i.d. complex Gaussian, the model can be justified in rich scattering industrial environments. Due to massive MIMO, the small-scale fading effects are reduced and when deploying a distributed array also the large-scale fading effects are reduced. In the Internet-of-Things (IoT) scenario, the channel is not as rich scattering. In this use case one can benefit from the array gain to extend coverage and improved energy efficiency, and diversity is gained due to the physically large array

    Design of linear regression based localization algorithms for wireless sensor networks

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    Contributions to impedance shaping control techniques for power electronic converters

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    El conformado de la impedancia o admitancia mediante control para convertidores electrónicos de potencia permite alcanzar entre otros objetivos: mejora de la robustez de los controles diseñados, amortiguación de la dinámica de la tensión en caso de cambios de carga, y optimización del filtro de red y del controlador en un solo paso (co-diseño). La conformación de la impedancia debe ir siempre acompañada de un buen seguimiento de referencias. Por tanto, la idea principal es diseñar controladores con una estructura sencilla que equilibren la consecución de los objetivos marcados en cada caso. Este diseño se realiza mediante técnicas modernas, cuya resolución (síntesis del controlador) requiere de herramientas de optimización. La principal ventaja de estas técnicas sobre las clásicas, es decir, las basadas en soluciones algebraicas, es su capacidad para tratar problemas de control complejos (plantas de alto orden y/o varios objetivos) de una forma considerablemente sistemática. El primer problema de control por conformación de la impedancia consiste en reducir el sobreimpulso de tensión ante cambios de carga y minimizar el tamaño de los componentes del filtro pasivo en los convertidores DC-DC. Posteriormente, se diseñan controladores de corriente y tensión para un inversor DC-AC trifásico que logren una estabilidad robusta del sistema para una amplia variedad de filtros. La condición de estabilidad robusta menos conservadora, siendo la impedancia de la red la principal fuente de incertidumbre, es el índice de pasividad. En el caso de los controladores de corriente, el impacto de los lazos superiores en la estabilidad basada en la impedancia también se analiza mediante un índice adicional: máximo valor singular. Cada uno de los índices se aplica a un rango de frecuencias determinado. Finalmente, estas condiciones se incluyen en el diseño en un solo paso del controlador de un convertidor back-to-back utilizado para operar generadores de inducción doblemente alimentados (aerogeneradores tipo 3) presentes en algunos parques eólicos. Esta solución evita los problemas de oscilación subsíncrona, derivados de las líneas de transmisión con condensadores de compensación en serie, a los que se enfrentan estos parques eólicos. Los resultados de simulación y experimentales demuestran la eficacia y versatilidad de la propuesta.Impedance or admittance shaping by control for power electronic converters allows to achieve among other objectives: robustness enhancement of the designed controls, damped voltage dynamics in case of load changes, and grid filter and controller optimization in a single step (co-design). Impedance shaping must always be accompanied by a correct reference tracking performance. Therefore, the main idea is to design controllers with a simple structure that balance the achievement of the objectives set in each case. This design is carried out using modern techniques, whose resolution (controller synthesis) requires optimization tools. The main advantage of these techniques over the classical ones, i.e. those based on algebraic solutions, is their ability to deal with complex control problems (high order plants and/or several objectives) in a considerably systematic way. The first impedance shaping control problem is to reduce voltage overshoot under load changes and minimize the size of passive filter components in DC-DC converters. Subsequently, current and voltage controllers for a three-phase DC-AC inverter are designed to achieve robust system stability for a wide variety of filters. The least conservative robust stability condition, with grid impedance being the main source of uncertainty, is the passivity index. In the case of current controllers, the impact of higher loops on impedance-based stability is also analyzed by an additional index: maximum singular value. Each of the indices is applied to a given frequency range. Finally, these conditions are included in the one-step design of the controller of a back-to-back converter used to operate doubly fed induction generators (type-3 wind turbines) present in some wind farms. This solution avoids the sub-synchronous oscillation problems, derived from transmission lines with series compensation capacitors, faced by these wind farms. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of the proposa

    Results from the Atacama B-mode Search (ABS) Experiment

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    The Atacama B-mode Search (ABS) is an experiment designed to measure cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization at large angular scales (>40\ell>40). It operated from the ACT site at 5190~m elevation in northern Chile at 145 GHz with a net sensitivity (NEQ) of 41 μ\muKs\sqrt{\rm s}. It employed an ambient-temperature sapphire half-wave plate rotating at 2.55 Hz to modulate the incident polarization signal and reduce systematic effects. We report here on the analysis of data from a 2400 deg2^2 patch of sky centered at declination 42-42^\circ and right ascension 2525^\circ. We perform a blind analysis. After unblinding, we find agreement with the Planck TE and EE measurements on the same region of sky. We marginally detect polarized dust emission and give an upper limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio of r<2.3r<2.3 (95% cl) with the equivalent of 100 on-sky days of observation. We also present a new measurement of the polarization of Tau A and introduce new methods associated with HWP-based observations.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figure

    Optimal Control of Inhomogeneous Ensembles

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    This dissertation is concerned with formulating the problem and developing methods for the synthesis of optimal, open-loop inputs for large numbers of identically structured dynamical systems that exhibit variation in the values of characteristic parameters across the collection, or ensemble. Our goal is to steer the family of systems from an initial state: or pattern) to a desired state: or pattern) with the same common control while compensating for the inherent dispersion caused by the inhomogeneous parameter values. We compose an optimal ensemble control problem and develop a computational method based on pseudospectral approximations to solve these complex problems. This class of ensemble systems is strongly motivated by natural complications in the control of quantum phenomena, especially in magnetic resonance; however, similar structures are prevalent in a variety of other applications. From another perspective, the same methodology can be used to analyze systems that have uncertainty in the values of characteristic parameters, which are ubiquitous throughout science and engineering