1,397 research outputs found

    Wavelength assignment in all-optical networks for mesh topologies

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    All-Optical Networks employing Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) are believed to be the next generation networks that can meet the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth of the end users. This thesis presents some new heuristics for wavelength assignment and converter placement in mesh topologies. Our heuristics try to assign the wavelengths in an efficient manner that results in very low blocking probability. We propose novel static and dynamic assignment schemes that outperform the assignments reported in the literature even when converters are used. The proposed on-line scheme called Round-Robin assignment outperforms previously proposed strategies such as first-fit and random assignment schemes. The performance improvement obtained with the proposed static assignments is very significant when compared with the dynamic schemes. We designed and developed a simulator in the C language that supports the 2D mesh topology with DWDM. We ran extensive simulations and compared our heuristics with those reported in the literature. We have examined converter placement in mesh topologies and proposed that placing converters at the center yields better results than uniform placement when dimension order routing is employed. We introduced a new concept called wavelength assignment with second trial that results in extremely low blocking probabilities when compared to schemes based on a single trial. Our proposed schemes are simple to implement and do not add to the cost. Thus we conclude that wavelength assignment plays more significant role in affecting the blocking probability than wavelength converters. We further conclude that static schemes without converters could easily outperform dynamic schemes thus resulting in great savings


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    For Broadband Integrated Services Digital (B-ISDN) networks ATM is a promising technology, because it supports a wide range of services with different bandwidth demands, traffic characteristics and QoS requirements. This diversity of services makes traffic control in these networks much more complicated than in existing circuit or packet switched networks. Traffic control procedures include both actions necessary for setting up virtual connections (VC), such as bandwidth assignment, call admission, routing and resource allocation and congestion control measures necessary to maintain throughput in overload situations. This paper deals with routing and link allocation, and analyses the performance of such algorithms in terms of call blocking probability, link capacity utilization and QoS parameters. In our model the network carries out the following steps when a call is offered to the network: (1) Assign an appropriate bandwidth to an offered call (Bandwidth assignment) (2) Find a transmission path between the source and destination with enough available transmission capacity (Routing) (3) Allocate resource along that path (Link allocation) We consider an example 5-node network [7], conduct an extensive survey of routing, and link allocation algorithms. Regarding step (1) we employ the equivalent link capacity assignment presented by various interesting papers [1]-[5]. We find that the choice of routing and link allocation algorithms has a great impact on network performance, and that different routing algorithms perform best under different network load values. Shortest path routing (SPR) is a good candidate for low, alternate routing (AR) for medium and non-alternate routing (NAR) for high traffic load values. Concerning link allocation strategies, we find that partial overlap (POL) strategies that seem to be able to present near optimal performance are superior to complete sharing (CS) and complete partitioning (CP) strategies. As a further improvement of the POL scheme, we propose a 2-level link allocation algorithm, which yields highest link utilization. In this scheme, not only the accesses of different service classes to different virtual paths (VPs) are controlled, but also an individual VP's transmission capacity is optimally allocated to the service classes according to their bandwidth requirements in order to assure high link utilization. This method seems to be adjustable to the fine degree of granularity of bandwidth demands in B-ISDN networks. It is shown that in order to minimize cell loss the call level resource allocation plays a significant role: networks with the same buffer size switches display different cell loss probabilities in the nodes and impose different end-to-end delay on cells if the link allocation and routing differ. Again, we find that when traffic is tolerable by the network, SPR causes the least cell loss. This can be explained by the fact that SPR spreads the incoming calls in the network. It eagerly seeks new routes instead of utilizing the already used but still not congested routes. SPR obviously wastes more rapidly link and buffer capacity as traffic load becomes higher than the AR, which chooses a new route only when it has to, i.e. when the route of higher priority becomes congested. That is why we experience that as soon as the SPR starts loosing cells, it indicates that available resources have been consumed and it rapidly goes up to very high blocking probabilities after a small further increase of load

    The Optimal Virtual Path Design of ATM Networks

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    This paper studies the optimal configuration of virtual paths in ATM networks. A linear model that minimizes the maximum flow density of links is proposed for the optimal virtual path configuration. The advantage of the modeling is that traffic loads are distributed evenly over entire network. An algorithm based on the multi-commodity approach is proposed to solve the problem. Examples are given to show that this algorithm solves the optimal VP assignment problem very quickly and efficiently. Since only single source-destination linear programming subproblems need to be solved in our approach, this algorithm can be applied to large-scale networks.published_or_final_versio

    Topological Design of Multiple Virtual Private Networks UTILIZING SINK-TREE PATHS

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    With the deployment of MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS) over a core backbone networks, it is possible for a service provider to built Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) supporting various classes of services with QoS guarantees. Efficiently mapping the logical layout of multiple VPNs over a service provider network is a challenging traffic engineering problem. The use of sink-tree (multipoint-to-point) routing paths in a MPLS network makes the VPN design problem different from traditional design approaches where a full-mesh of point-to-point paths is often the choice. The clear benefits of using sink-tree paths are the reduction in the number of label switch paths and bandwidth savings due to larger granularities of bandwidth aggregation within the network. In this thesis, the design of multiple VPNs over a MPLS-like infrastructure network, using sink-tree routing, is formulated as a mixed integer programming problem to simultaneously find a set of VPN logical topologies and their dimensions to carry multi-service, multi-hour traffic from various customers. Such a problem formulation yields a NP-hard complexity. A heuristic path selection algorithm is proposed here to scale the VPN design problem by choosing a small-but-good candidate set of feasible sink-tree paths over which the optimal routes and capacity assignments are determined. The proposed heuristic has clearly shown to speed up the optimization process and the solution can be obtained within a reasonable time for a realistic-size network. Nevertheless, when a large number of VPNs are being layout simultaneously, a standard optimization approach has a limited scalability. Here, the heuristics termed the Minimum-Capacity Sink-Tree Assignment (MCSTA) algorithm proposed to approximate the optimal bandwidth and sink-tree route assignment for multiple VPNs within a polynomial computational time. Numerical results demonstrate the MCSTA algorithm yields a good solution within a small error and sometimes yields the exact solution. Lastly, the proposed VPN design models and solution algorithms are extended for multipoint traffic demand including multipoint-to-point and broadcasting connections

    On-board B-ISDN fast packet switching architectures. Phase 2: Development. Proof-of-concept architecture definition report

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    For the next-generation packet switched communications satellite system with onboard processing and spot-beam operation, a reliable onboard fast packet switch is essential to route packets from different uplink beams to different downlink beams. The rapid emergence of point-to-point services such as video distribution, and the large demand for video conference, distributed data processing, and network management makes the multicast function essential to a fast packet switch (FPS). The satellite's inherent broadcast features gives the satellite network an advantage over the terrestrial network in providing multicast services. This report evaluates alternate multicast FPS architectures for onboard baseband switching applications and selects a candidate for subsequent breadboard development. Architecture evaluation and selection will be based on the study performed in phase 1, 'Onboard B-ISDN Fast Packet Switching Architectures', and other switch architectures which have become commercially available as large scale integration (LSI) devices

    A Survey of Network Optimization Techniques for Traffic Engineering

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    TCP/IP represents the reference standard for the implementation of interoperable communication networks. Nevertheless, the layering principle at the basis of interoperability severely limits the performance of data communication networks, thus requiring proper configuration and management in order to provide effective management of traffic flows. This paper presents a brief survey related to network optimization using Traffic Engineering algorithms, aiming at providing additional insight to the different alternatives available in the scientific literature
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