2,489 research outputs found

    Bio-inspired log-polar based color image pattern analysis in multiple frequency channels

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    The main topic addressed in this thesis is to implement color image pattern recognition based on the lateral inhibition subtraction phenomenon combined with a complex log-polar mapping in multiple spatial frequency channels. It is shown that the individual red, green and blue channels have different recognition performances when put in the context of former work done by Dragan Vidacic. It is observed that the green channel performs better than the other two channels, with the blue channel having the poorest performance. Following the application of a contrast stretching function the object recognition performance is improved in all channels. Multiple spatial frequency filters were designed to simulate the filtering channels that occur in the human visual system. Following these preprocessing steps Dragan Vidacic\u27s methodology is followed in order to determine the benefits that are obtained from the preprocessing steps being investigated. It is shown that performance gains are realized by using such preprocessing steps

    Adaptive object segmentation and tracking

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    Efficient tracking of deformable objects moving with variable velocities is an important current research problem. In this thesis a robust tracking model is proposed for the automatic detection, recognition and tracking of target objects which are subject to variable orientations and velocities and are viewed under variable ambient lighting conditions. The tracking model can be applied to efficiently track fast moving vehicles and other objects in various complex scenarios. The tracking model is evaluated on both colour visible band and infra-red band video sequences acquired from the air by the Sussex police helicopter and other collaborators. The observations made validate the improved performance of the model over existing methods. The thesis is divided in three major sections. The first section details the development of an enhanced active contour for object segmentation. The second section describes an implementation of a global active contour orientation model. The third section describes the tracking model and assesses it performance on the aerial video sequences. In the first part of the thesis an enhanced active contour snake model using the difference of Gaussian (DoG) filter is reported and discussed in detail. An acquisition method based on the enhanced active contour method developed that can assist the proposed tracking system is tested. The active contour model is further enhanced by the use of a disambiguation framework designed to assist multiple object segmentation which is used to demonstrate that the enhanced active contour model can be used for robust multiple object segmentation and tracking. The active contour model developed not only facilitates the efficient update of the tracking filter but also decreases the latency involved in tracking targets in real-time. As far as computational effort is concerned, the active contour model presented improves the computational cost by 85% compared to existing active contour models. The second part of the thesis introduces the global active contour orientation (GACO) technique for statistical measurement of contoured object orientation. It is an overall object orientation measurement method which uses the proposed active contour model along with statistical measurement techniques. The use of the GACO technique, incorporating the active contour model, to measure object orientation angle is discussed in detail. A real-time door surveillance application based on the GACO technique is developed and evaluated on the i-LIDS door surveillance dataset provided by the UK Home Office. The performance results demonstrate the use of GACO to evaluate the door surveillance dataset gives a success rate of 92%. Finally, a combined approach involving the proposed active contour model and an optimal trade-off maximum average correlation height (OT-MACH) filter for tracking is presented. The implementation of methods for controlling the area of support of the OT-MACH filter is discussed in detail. The proposed active contour method as the area of support for the OT-MACH filter is shown to significantly improve the performance of the OT-MACH filter's ability to track vehicles moving within highly cluttered visible and infra-red band video sequence

    Hybrid Single and Dual Pattern Structured Light Illumination

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    Structured Light Illumination is a widely used 3D shape measurement technique in non-contact surface scanning. Multi-pattern based Structured Light Illumination methods reconstruct 3-D surface with high accuracy, but are sensitive to object motion during the pattern projection and the speed of scanning process is relatively long. To reduce this sensitivity, single pattern techniques are developed to achieve a high speed scanning process, such as Composite Pattern (CP) and Modified Composite Pattern (MCP) technique. However, most of single patter techniques have a significant banding artifact and sacrifice the accuracy. We focus on developing SLI techniques can achieve both high speed, high accuracy and have the tolerance to the relative motion. We first present a novel Two-Pattern Full Lateral Resolution (2PFLR) SLI method utilizing an MCP pattern for non-ambiguous phase followed by a single sinusoidal pattern for high accuracy. The surface phase modulates the single sinusoidal pattern which is demodulated using a Quadrature demodulation technique and then unwrapped by the MCP phase result. A single sinusoidal pattern reconstruction inherently has banding error. To effective de-band the surface, we propose Projector Space De-banding algorithm (PSDb). We use projector space because the band error is aligned with the projector coordinates allowing more accurate estimation of the banding error. 2PFLR system only allows the relative motion within the FOV of the scanner, to extend the application of the SLI, we present the research on Relative Motion 3-D scanner which utilize a single pattern technique. The pattern in RM3D system is designed based on MCP but has white space area to capture the surface texture, and a constellation correlation filter method is used to estimate the scanner\u27s trajectory and then align the 3-D surface reconstructed by each frame to a point cloud of the whole object surface

    A comparative study of physiological monitoring with a wearable opto-electronic patch sensor (OEPS) for motion reduction

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    This paper presents a comparative study in physiological monitoring between a wearable opto-electronic patch sensor (OEPS) comprising a three-axis Microelectromechanical systems (MEMs) accelerometer (3MA) and commercial devices. The study aims to effectively capture critical physiological parameters, for instance, oxygen saturation, heart rate, respiration rate and heart rate variability, as extracted from the pulsatile waveforms captured by OEPS against motion artefacts when using the commercial probe. The protocol involved 16 healthy subjects and was designed to test the features of OEPS, with emphasis on the effective reduction of motion artefacts through the utilization of a 3MA as a movement reference. The results show significant agreement between the heart rates from the reference measurements and the recovered signals. Significance of standard deviation and error of mean yield values of 2.27 and 0.65 beats per minute, respectively; and a high correlation (0.97) between the results of the commercial sensor and OEPS. T, Wilcoxon and Bland-Altman with 95% limit of agreement tests were also applied in the comparison of heart rates extracted from these sensors, yielding a mean difference (MD: 0.08). The outcome of the present work incites the prospects of OEPS on physiological monitoring during physical activities

    Eye Detection and Face Recognition Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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    Biometrics, or the science of identifying individuals based on their physiological or behavioral traits, has increasingly been used to replace typical identifying markers such as passwords, PIN numbers, passports, etc. Different modalities, such as face, fingerprint, iris, gait, etc. can be used for this purpose. One of the most studied forms of biometrics is face recognition (FR). Due to a number of advantages over typical visible to visible FR, recent trends have been pushing the FR community to perform cross-spectral matching of visible images to face images from higher spectra in the electromagnetic spectrum.;In this work, the SWIR band of the EM spectrum is the primary focus. Four main contributions relating to automatic eye detection and cross-spectral FR are discussed. First, a novel eye localization algorithm for the purpose of geometrically normalizing a face across multiple SWIR bands for FR algorithms is introduced. Using a template based scheme and a novel summation range filter, an extensive experimental analysis show that this algorithm is fast, robust, and highly accurate when compared to other available eye detection methods. Also, the eye locations produced by this algorithm provides higher FR results than all other tested approaches. This algorithm is then augmented and updated to quickly and accurately detect eyes in more challenging unconstrained datasets, spanning the EM spectrum. Additionally, a novel cross-spectral matching algorithm is introduced that attempts to bridge the gap between the visible and SWIR spectra. By fusing multiple photometric normalization combinations, the proposed algorithm is not only more efficient than other visible-SWIR matching algorithms, but more accurate in multiple challenging datasets. Finally, a novel pre-processing algorithm is discussed that bridges the gap between document (passport) and live face images. It is shown that the pre-processing scheme proposed, using inpainting and denoising techniques, significantly increases the cross-document face recognition performance

    Enhancement of Single and Composite Images Based on Contourlet Transform Approach

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    Image enhancement is an imperative step in almost every image processing algorithms. Numerous image enhancement algorithms have been developed for gray scale images despite their absence in many applications lately. This thesis proposes hew image enhancement techniques of 8-bit single and composite digital color images. Recently, it has become evident that wavelet transforms are not necessarily best suited for images. Therefore, the enhancement approaches are based on a new 'true' two-dimensional transform called contourlet transform. The proposed enhancement techniques discussed in this thesis are developed based on the understanding of the working mechanisms of the new multiresolution property of contourlet transform. This research also investigates the effects of using different color space representations for color image enhancement applications. Based on this investigation an optimal color space is selected for both single image and composite image enhancement approaches. The objective evaluation steps show that the new method of enhancement not only superior to the commonly used transformation method (e.g. wavelet transform) but also to various spatial models (e.g. histogram equalizations). The results found are encouraging and the enhancement algorithms have proved to be more robust and reliable

    Face recognition for vehicle personalization

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    The objective of this dissertation is to develop a system of practical technologies to implement an illumination robust, consumer grade biometric system based on face recognition to be used in the automotive market. Most current face recognition systems are compromised in accuracy by ambient illumination changes. Especially outdoor applications including vehicle personalization pose the most challenging environment for face recognition. The point of this research is to investigate practical face recognition used for identity management in order to minimize algorithmic complexity while making the system robust to ambient illumination changes. We start this dissertation by proposing an end-to-end face recognition system using near infrared (NIR) spectrum. The advantage of NIR over visible light is that it is invisible to the human eyes while most CCD and CMOS imaging devices show reasonable response to NIR. Therefore, we can build an unobtrusive night-time vision system with active NIR illumination. In day time the active NIR illumination provides more controlled illumination condition. Next, we propose an end-to-end system with active NIR image differencing which takes the difference between successive image frames, one illuminated and one not illuminated, to make the system more robust on illumination changes. Furthermore, we addresses several aspects of the problem in active NIR image differencing which are motion artifact and noise in the difference frame, namely how to efficiently and more accurately align the illuminated frame and ambient frame, and how to combine information in the difference frame and the illuminated frame. Finally, we conclude the dissertation by citing the contributions of the research and discussing the avenues for future work.Ph.D
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