17 research outputs found

    The potential of multi-sensor satellite data for applications in environmental monitoring with special emphasis on land cover mapping, desertification monitoring and fire detection

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    Unprecedented pressure on the physical, chemical and biological systems of the Earth results in environment problems locally and globally, therefore the detection and understanding of environmental change based on long-term environmental data is very urgent. In developing countries/regions, because the natural resources are depleted for development while environmental awareness is poor, environment is changing faster. The insufficient environmental investment and sometimes infeasible ground access make the environment information acquisition and update inflexible through standard methods. With the main advantages of global observation, repetitive coverage, multispectral sensing and low-cost implementation, satellite remote sensing technology is a promising tool for monitoring environment, especially in the less developed countries. Multi-sensor satellite images may provide increased interpretation capabilities and more reliable results since data with different characteristics are combined and can achieve improved accuracies, better temporal coverage, and better inference about the environment than could be achieved by the use of a single sensor alone. The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the capability and technique of the multi-sensor satellite data to monitor the environment in developing countries. Land cover assessment of Salonga national park in the democratic republic of Congo of Africa, desertification monitoring in North China and tropical/boreal wildland fire detection in Indonesia/Siberia were selected as three cases in this study for demonstrating the potential of multi-sensor application to environment monitoring. Chapter 2 demonstrates the combination of Landsat satellite images, Global Position System (GPS) signals, aerial videos and digital photos for assessing the land cover of Salonga national park in Congo. The purpose was to rapidly assess the current status of Salonga national park, especially its vegetation, and investigated the possible human impacts by shifting cultivation, logging and mining. Results show that the forests in the Salonga national park are in very good condition. Most of the area is covered by undisturbed, pristine evergreen lowland and swamp forests. No logging or mining activity could be detected. Chapter 3 demonstrates the one full year time series SPOT VEGETATION with coarse resolution of 1 km and the ASTER images with higher resolution of 15 meters as well as Landsat images for land cover mapping optimised for desertification monitoring in North-China. One point six million km2 were identified as risk areas of desertification. Results show within a satellite based multi-scale monitoring system SPOT VEGETATION imagery can be very useful to detect large scale dynamic environmental changes and desertification processes which then can be analysed in more detail by high resolution imagery and field surveys. Chapter 4 demonstrates the detection of tropical forest fire and boreal forest fire. Firstly, the ENVISAT ASAR backscatter dynamics and ENVISAT full resolution MERIS characteristics of fire scars were investigated in Siberian boreal forest, and results show these two sensors are very useful for fire monitoring and impact assessment. Secondly, the general capability and potential of ENVISAT multi-sensor of MERIS, AATSR, ASAR as well as NOAA-AVHRR and MODIS for tropical forest fire event monitoring and impact assessment in tropical Indonesia were investigated, and results show the capability of ENVISAT to acquire data from different sensors simultaneously or within a short period of time greatly enhances the possibilities to monitor fire occurrence and assess fire impact. Finally, the multi-sensor technology was applied to the disastrous boreal forest fire event of 2003 around East and West Lake Baikal in Siberia, and results show that 202,000 km2 burnt in 2003 within the study area of 1,300,000 km2, which is more than the total burnt area between 1996-2002. 71.4% of the burnt areas were forests, and 11.6% were wetlands or bogs. In total 32.2% of the forest cover has been burnt at least once from 1996 to 2003, 14% of the area has been affected at least twice by fire. These demonstrations show that in spite of the two disadvantages of indirect satellite measurements and the difficulty of detecting the cause of environment change, multi-sensor satellite technology is very useful in environment monitoring. However more studies on multi-sensor data fusion methods are needed for integrating the different satellite data from various sources. The lack of personnel skilled in remote sensing is a severe deficiency in developing countries, so the technology transfer from the developed countries is needed

    The SIBERIA -II Project as seen by Envisat ASAR

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    ABSTRACT In the SIBERIA-II project Earth Observation (EO) data are used to derive a set of products, which are then fed into global and regional greenhouse gas accounting approaches. The overall aim of the project is to devise an integrated "EO-modelling" methodology for full carbon accounting at regional scale, and to quantify the accounting for an over 3 Mio km 2 area in Central Siberia. For the derivation of the EO products, SIBERIA-II makes use of most of current orbiting satellites and currently represents the major user of ASAR ENVISAT data. Within the project several issues ranging from data post-processing to derivation of EO-products and development of new techniques for land applications are treated. An experiment on geometric and radiometric validation of Wide Swath data showed the importance of the processor used for preparing the data to be further used in applications. The interferometric coherence from ASAR repeat-pass pairs acquired under stable winter conditions shows contrast between forests and bare soils. Alternating Polarisation data seems to be promising for forest/non-forest mapping. For wetlands, ASAR Wide Swath data is used for the operational monitoring of open water surfaces, reaching high classification accuracy. ASAR Wide Swath is also evaluated for pollution damage identification and fire scar detection. Finally, the long time series of ERS and ASAR Image Mode data allows detecting deforestation activities over almost one decade

    Burned area detection and mapping using Sentinel-1 backscatter coefficient and thermal anomalies

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    This paper presents a burned area mapping algorithm based on change detection of Sentinel-1 backscatter data guided by thermal anomalies. The algorithm self-adapts to the local scattering conditions and it is robust to variations of input data availability. The algorithm applies the Reed-Xiaoli detector (RXD) to distinguish anomalous changes of the backscatter coefficient. Such changes are linked to fire events, which are derived from thermal anomalies (hotspots) acquired during the detection period by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensors. Land cover maps were used to account for changing backscatter behaviour as the RXD is class dependent. A machine learning classifier (random forests) was used to detect burned areas where hotspots were not available. Burned area perimeters derived from optical images (Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2) were used to validate the algorithm results. The validation dataset covers 21 million hectares in 18 locations that represent the main biomes affected by fires, from boreal forests to tropical and sub-tropical forests and savannas. A mean Dice coefficient (DC) over all studied locations of 0.59±0.06 (±confidence interval, 95%) was obtained. Mean omission (OE) and commission errors (CE) were 0.43±0.08 and 0.37±0.06, respectively. Comparing results with the MODIS based MCD64A1 Version 6, our detections are quite promising, improving on average DC by 0.13 and reducing OE and CE by 0.12 and 0.06, respectively.European Space AgencyMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deport

    Forest disturbance and recovery: A general review in the context of spaceborne remote sensing of impacts on aboveground biomass and canopy structure

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    Abrupt forest disturbances generating gaps \u3e0.001 km2 impact roughly 0.4–0.7 million km2a−1. Fire, windstorms, logging, and shifting cultivation are dominant disturbances; minor contributors are land conversion, flooding, landslides, and avalanches. All can have substantial impacts on canopy biomass and structure. Quantifying disturbance location, extent, severity, and the fate of disturbed biomass will improve carbon budget estimates and lead to better initialization, parameterization, and/or testing of forest carbon cycle models. Spaceborne remote sensing maps large-scale forest disturbance occurrence, location, and extent, particularly with moderate- and fine-scale resolution passive optical/near-infrared (NIR) instruments. High-resolution remote sensing (e.g., ∼1 m passive optical/NIR, or small footprint lidar) can map crown geometry and gaps, but has rarely been systematically applied to study small-scale disturbance and natural mortality gap dynamics over large regions. Reducing uncertainty in disturbance and recovery impacts on global forest carbon balance requires quantification of (1) predisturbance forest biomass; (2) disturbance impact on standing biomass and its fate; and (3) rate of biomass accumulation during recovery. Active remote sensing data (e.g., lidar, radar) are more directly indicative of canopy biomass and many structural properties than passive instrument data; a new generation of instruments designed to generate global coverage/sampling of canopy biomass and structure can improve our ability to quantify the carbon balance of Earth\u27s forests. Generating a high-quality quantitative assessment of disturbance impacts on canopy biomass and structure with spaceborne remote sensing requires comprehensive, well designed, and well coordinated field programs collecting high-quality ground-based data and linkages to dynamical models that can use this information

    Evaluation of the potential of ALOS PALSAR L-band quadpol radar data for the retrieval of growing stock volume in Siberia

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    Because of the massive wood trade, illegal logging and severe damages due to fires, insects and pollution, it is necessary to monitor Siberian forests on a large-scale, frequently and accurately. One possible solution is to use synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing technique, in particular by combining polarimetric technique. In order to evaluate the potentiality of ALOS PALSAR L-band full polarimetric radar for estimation of GSV, a number of polarimetric parameters are investigated to characterise the polarisation response of forest cover. Regardless of the weather conditions, a high correlation (R=-0.87) is achieved between polarimetric coherence and GSV. The coherence in sparse forest is always higher than in dense forest. The coherence level and the dynamic range strongly depends on the weather conditions. The four-component polarimetric decomposition method has been applied to the ALOS PALSAR L-band data to compare the decomposition powers with forest growing stock volume (GSV). Double-bounce and volume scattering powers show significant correlation with GSV. The correlation between polarimetric decomposition parameters and GSV is enhanced if the ratio of ground-to-volume scattering is used instead of considering polarimetric decomposition powers separately. Two empirical models have been developed that describe the ALOS PALSAR L-band polarimetric coherence and ground-to-volume scattering ratio as a function of GSV. The models are inverted to retrieve the GSV for Siberian forests. The best RMSE of 38 m³/ha and R²=0.73 is obtained based on polarimetric coherence. On the other hand, using the ratio of ground-to-volume scattering the best retrieval accuracy of 44 m³/ha and R²=0.62 is achieved. The best retrieval results for both cases are observed under unfrozen condition. Saturation effects for estimated GSV versus ground-truth GSV are not observed up to 250 m³/ha

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Principles and Application

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    Demonstrates the benefits of the usage of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in applications of Earth remote sensing, with educational and development purposes. Includes numerous up-to-date examples with real data from spaceborne platforms and possibility to use a software to support lecture practicals. Reviews theoretical principles in an intuitive way for each application topic. Covers in depth five application domains (forests, agriculture, cryosphere, urban, and oceans), with reference also to hazard monitorin