23 research outputs found

    Wireless Channel Modeling Perspectives for Ultra-Reliable Communications

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    Outage Performance of RIS-aided Cooperative FD-SWIPT-NOMA in Nakagami-m Channels

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    In this work we {derive new} analytical expressions for the outage probability (OP) of the downlink (DL) cooperative full-duplex (FD) simultaneous wireless information power transfer (SWIPT) non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system aided by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS). The expressions for both the strongest and weakest NOMA users are devised assuming Nakagami-mm channel fading. The derived analytical OP expressions are simple to compute yet accurate for a wide range of RIS passive elements configurations, energy harvesting (EH) coefficient, and residual self-interference (SI) levels, being extensively validated by numerical simulations, demonstrating the correctness and accuracy of the proposed analytical method. The OP expressions reveal how paramount is to mitigate the SI in the FD relay mode, since for reasonable values of residual SI coefficient (ωˉ13\bar{\omega}\geq -13dB), it is notable its detrimental effect over the system performance; hence, new SI reduction methods for FD relays are useful for low number of passive elements. Also, applying the proposed OP expressions to predict the behaviour of the RIS-NOMA system equipped with a higher number of passive elements (N30N\geq 30) reveals a substantial reduction of the SI effect, motivating the implementation of the cooperative FD communications. Furthermore, we found the asymptotic behavior of outage probability of both clustered users, as well as the equal diversity order for both users, given by Nμ222μ2\frac{N\mu^2}{2-2\mu^2} if the fraction of the harvest energy ρ=0\rho =0 or 00 if ρ0\rho\neq0, indicating the influence of channel parameters and number of RIS elements in the performance.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, full pape

    Application of diverse techniques to reduce the impact of α-k-μ-g and k-μ-g feding on wireless performance

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    U ovoj tezi izvršena je analiza performansi bežičnog prenosa_signala_u_prisustvu α-k-μ-g i k-μ-g fedinga_u_kanalu. Izvedeni_su_izrazi u zatvorenom obliku za funkcije_gustine verovatnoće_raspodele i kumulativnu_funkciju_raspodele odnosa signal-šum (SNR) na prijemu kada se bežični prenos vrši kroz kanale sa fedingom. Primenjene_su_standardne_mere_kvaliteta odnosno_performansi_primljenog_signala, kao što su verovatnoća otkaza (OP - Outage probability) i srednji broj osnih preseka (LCR- Level Crossing Rate), koje su_dobijene za_slučajeve_prenosa u funkciji različitih vrednosti parametara sistema. Poboljšanje ovih mera performansi analizirano je za slučaj kada su kada su na prijemnoj_strani_korišćene_prostorne diverziti tehnike_kombinovanja. U tezi je razmatrano nekoliko tehnika_kombinovanja_signala na prijemu. Korišćene_su_tehnika selektivnog_kombinovanja_signala (SC-Selection Combining) i tehnika_kombinacija_signala_sa_maksimalnim_odnosom (MRC-Maximal Ratio Combining), u cilju_procene_mogućnosti_slabljenja_uticaja fedinga pri prenosu signala u kanalu. Izvršena je i analiza_istovremenog_uticaja pojavljive_fedinga i efekta_senke pri bežičnom_prenosu_signala, a razmatrane su mogućnosti_istovremene_primene tehnika makro-diverziti_kombinovanja gore navedenih prostornih diverziti tehnika, kako_bi_se_smanjili ovi štetni efekti uticaja smetnji i poboljšao_kvalitet_signala_na_prijemnoj_strani. Rezultati_dobijeni u_ovoj_tezi, pokazuju da se primenom_pristupa_predloženih u disertaciji_može postići smanjenje štetnih efekata α-k-μ-g i k-μ-g fedinga u kanalu pri_različitim_scenarijima_bežičnog prenosa

    Physical-Layer Security of SIMO Communication Systems over Multipath Fading Conditions

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    The present work investigates the physical layer security of wireless communication systems over non-homogeneous fading environments, i.e. and and fading models, which are typically encountered in realistic wireless transmission scenarios in the context of conventional and emerging communication systems. This study considers a single-input multiple-output system that consists of a single-antenna transmitter, a multi-antenna legitimate receiver, and an active multiantenna eavesdropper. To this end, novel exact analytic expressions are derived for the corresponding average secrecy capacity and secrecy outage probability, which are corroborated by respective results from computer simulations. Capitalizing on the offered results, the physical layer security is quantified in terms of different parameters, which leads to useful insights on the impact of non-homogeneous fading environment and the number of employed antennas on the achieved physical layer security levels of the underlying system configuration. The offered results and insights are useful for the design of such systems as well as for the computational requirements and sustainability relating to such systems, since emerging communications are largely characterized by stringent quality of service and complexity requirements.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Wireless Communication Networks Powered by Energy Harvesting

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    This thesis focuses on the design, analysis and optimization of various energy-constrained wireless communication systems powered by energy harvesting (EH). In particular, we consider ambient EH wireless sensor networks, wireless power transfer (WPT) assisted secure communication network, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) systems, and WPT-based backscatter communication (BackCom) systems. First, we study the delay issue in ambient EH wireless sensor network for status monitoring application scenarios. Unlike most existing studies on the delay performance of EH sensor networks that only consider the energy consumption of transmission, we consider the energy costs of both sensing and transmission. To comprehensively study the delay performance, we consider two complementary metrics and analyze their statistics: (i) update age - measuring how timely the updated information at the sink is, and (ii) update cycle - measuring how frequently the information at the sink is updated. We show that the consideration of sensing energy cost leads to an important tradeoff between the two metrics: more frequent updates result in less timely information available at the sink. Second, we study WPT-assisted secure communication network. Specifically, we propose to use a wireless-powered friendly jammer to enable low-complexity secure communication between a source node and a destination node, in the presence of an eavesdropper. We propose a WPT-assisted secure communication protocol, and analytically characterize its long-term behavior. We further optimize the encoding-rate parameters for maximizing the throughput subject to a secrecy outage probability constraint. We show that the throughput performance differs fundamentally between the single-antenna jammer case and the multi-antenna jammer case. Third, exploiting the fact that the radio-frequency (RF) signal can carry both information and energy, we study a point-to-point simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) system adopting practical M-ary modulation for both the power-splitting (PS) and the time-switching (TS) receiver architectures. Unlike most existing studies, we take into account the receiver’s sensitivity level of the RF-EH circuit. We show several interesting results, such as for the PS scheme, modulations with high peak-to-average power ratio achieve better EH performance. Then, inspired by the PS-based SWIPT receiver, we propose a novel information receiver, which involves joint processing of coherently and non-coherently received signals, and hence, creates a three-dimensional received signal space. We show that the achievable rate of a splitting receiver provides a 50% rate gain compared to either the conventional coherent or non-coherent receiver in the high SNR regime. Last, we propose the design of WPT-based full-duplex backscatter communication (BackCom) networks for energy-constrained Internet-of-Things applications, where a novel multiple-access scheme based on time-hopping spread-spectrum (TH-SS) is designed to enable both one-way power transfer and two-way information transmission in coexisting backscatter reader-tag links. Comprehensive performance analysis of BackCom networks is presented. We show some interesting design insights, such as: a longer TH-SS sequence reduces the bit error rates (BERs) of the two-way information transmission but results in lower energy-harvesting rate at the tag; a larger number of BackCom links improves the energy-harvesting rate at the tags but also increase the BERs for the information transmission

    Achievable Diversity Order of HARQ-Aided Downlink NOMA Systems

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    The combination between non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) is capable of realizing ultra-reliability, high throughput and many concurrent connections particularly for emerging communication systems. This paper focuses on characterizing the asymptotic scaling law of the outage probability of HARQ-aided NOMA systems with respect to the transmit power, i.e., diversity order. The analysis of diversity order is carried out for three basic types of HARQ-aided downlink NOMA systems, including Type I HARQ, HARQ with chase combining (HARQ-CC) and HARQ with incremental redundancy (HARQ-IR). The diversity orders of three HARQ-aided downlink NOMA systems are derived in closed-form, where an integration domain partition trick is developed to obtain the bounds of the outage probability specially for HARQ-CC and HARQ-IR-aided NOMA systems. The analytical results show that the diversity order is a decreasing step function of transmission rate, and full time diversity can only be achieved under a sufficiently low transmission rate. It is also revealed that HARQ-IR-aided NOMA systems have the largest diversity order, followed by HARQ-CC-aided and then Type I HARQ-aided NOMA systems. Additionally, the users' diversity orders follow a descending order according to their respective average channel gains. Furthermore, we expand discussions on the cases of power-efficient transmissions and imperfect channel state information (CSI). Monte Carlo simulations finally confirm our analysis

    Approximations for Performance Analysis in Wireless Communications and Applications to Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

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    In the last few decades, the field of wireless communications has witnessed significant technological advancements to meet the needs of today’s modern world. The rapidly emerging technologies, however, are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and the process of investigating their performance and assessing their applicability in the real world is becoming more challenging. That has aroused a relatively wide range of solutions in the literature to study the performance of the different communication systems or even draw new results that were difficult to obtain. These solutions include field measurements, computer simulations, and theoretical solutions such as alternative representations, approximations, or bounds of classic functions that commonly appear in performance analyses. Field measurements and computer simulations have significantly improved performance evaluation in communication theory. However, more advanced theoretical solutions can be further developed in order to avoid using the ex- pensive and time-consuming wireless communications measurements, replace the numerical simulations, which can sometimes be unreliable and suffer from failures in numerical evaluation, and achieve analytically simpler results with much higher accuracy levels than the existing theoretical ones. To this end, this thesis firstly focuses on developing new approximations and bounds using unified approaches and algorithms that can efficiently and accurately guide researchers through the design of their adopted wireless systems and facilitate the conducted performance analyses in the various communication systems. Two performance measures are of primary interest in this study, namely the average error probability and the ergodic capacity, due to their valuable role in conducting a better understanding of the systems’ behavior and thus enabling systems engineers to quickly detect and resolve design issues that might arise. In particular, several parametric expressions of different analytical forms are developed to approximate or bound the Gaussian Q-function, which occurs in the error probability analysis. Additionally, any generic function of the Q-function is approximated or bounded using a tractable exponential expression. Moreover, a unified logarithmic expression is proposed to approximate or bound the capacity integrals that occur in the capacity analysis. A novel systematic methodology and a modified version of the classical Remez algorithm are developed to acquire optimal coefficients for the accompanying parametric approximation or bound in the minimax sense. Furthermore, the quasi-Newton algorithm is implemented to acquire optimal coefficients in terms of the total error. The average symbol error probability and ergodic capacity are evaluated for various applications using the developed tools. Secondly, this thesis analyzes a couple of communication systems assisted with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). RIS has been gaining significant attention lately due to its ability to control propagation environments. In particular, two communication systems are considered; one with a single RIS and correlated Rayleigh fading channels, and the other with multiple RISs and non-identical generic fading channels. Both systems are analyzed in terms of outage probability, average symbol error probability, and ergodic capacity, which are derived using the proposed tools. These performance measures reveal that better performance is achieved when assisting the communication system with RISs, increasing the number of reflecting elements equipped on the RISs, or locating the RISs nearer to either communication node. In conclusion, the developed approximations and bounds, together with the optimized coefficients, provide more efficient tools than those available in the literature, with richer capabilities reflected by the more robust closed-form performance analysis, significant increase in accuracy levels, and considerable reduction in analytical complexity which in turns can offer more understanding into the systems’ behavior and the effect of the different parameters on their performance. Therefore, they are expected to lay the groundwork for the investigation of the latest communication technologies, such as RIS technology, whose performance has been studied for some system models in this thesis using the developed tools

    Performance Analysis of Multiple Input Multiple Output Free Space Optical Communication Systems

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    The Free Space Optical (FSO) communication i.e. optical communication without fibers is slowly becoming quite popular as fiber and its installation cost as well as difficulties involved becomes zero. The FSO communication is already making its impact in deep space communication and is expected to replace the existing optical fiber communication systems in the near future. In order to further speed up the optical communication, the Multiple Input/Multiple Output (MIMO) technology from microwave MIMO systems is being investigated. The characteristics of the Multiple Input/Multiple Output Free Space Optical communication systems using APD receivers have been discussed. The APD-based receivers for MIMO FSO systems under normal working conditions are designed and the characteristics of the components, such as InGaAs APDs, GaAs MESFET transimpedance amplifiers, a matched filter and an equalizer, etc., are considered. The probabilistic analysis of a FSO channel, APDs and noise in the FSO systems has been carried out. The main contributions in this dissertation are: obtaining the detailed closed-form expressions for the upper bounds of the error probabilities, analyzing the impacts of different parameters in MIMO FSO systems, and thorough analysis of a more complex model of the MIMO FSO system involving Webb distribution for APD-based optical receiver, the probabilistic analysis of the detection for pulse position modulation signaling and the transmitted symbol matrix for MIMO FSO equal gain combining systems. Using this detailed analysis the average symbol error probability, average bit error probability and average pairwise probability are also obtained. The equations have been derived by using the Fourier series analysis method. The modified Gauss-Chebyshev method for error probability calculation is also proposed. Results for average SEP and average BEP under different parameters are obtained and the impact of these parameters on MIMO FSO systems is also discussed