8 research outputs found

    Device-free Localization using Received Signal Strength Measurements in Radio Frequency Network

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    Device-free localization (DFL) based on the received signal strength (RSS) measurements of radio frequency (RF)links is the method using RSS variation due to the presence of the target to localize the target without attaching any device. The majority of DFL methods utilize the fact the link will experience great attenuation when obstructed. Thus that localization accuracy depends on the model which describes the relationship between RSS loss caused by obstruction and the position of the target. The existing models is too rough to explain some phenomenon observed in the experiment measurements. In this paper, we propose a new model based on diffraction theory in which the target is modeled as a cylinder instead of a point mass. The proposed model can will greatly fits the experiment measurements and well explain the cases like link crossing and walking along the link line. Because the measurement model is nonlinear, particle filtering tracing is used to recursively give the approximate Bayesian estimation of the position. The posterior Cramer-Rao lower bound (PCRLB) of proposed tracking method is also derived. The results of field experiments with 8 radio sensors and a monitored area of 3.5m 3.5m show that the tracking error of proposed model is improved by at least 36 percent in the single target case and 25 percent in the two targets case compared to other models.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to some mistake

    Radio tomographic imaging and tracking of stationary and moving people via kernel distance

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe wireless radio channel is typically thought of as a means to move information from transmitter to receiver, but the radio channel can also be used to detect changes in the environment of the radio link. This dissertation is focused on the measurements we can make at the physical layer of wireless networks, and how we can use those measurements to obtain information about the locations of transceivers and people. The first contribution of this work is the development and testing of an open source, 802.11b sounder and receiver, which is capable of decoding packets and using them to estimate the channel impulse response (CIR) of a radio link at a fraction of the cost of traditional channel sounders. This receiver improves on previous implementations by performing optimized matched filtering on the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) of the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP), allowing it to operate at full bandwidth. The second contribution of this work is an extensive experimental evaluation of a technology called location distinction, i.e., the ability to identify changes in radio transceiver position, via CIR measurements. Previous location distinction work has focused on single-input single-output (SISO) radio links. We extend this work to the context of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio links, and study system design trade-offs which affect the performance of MIMO location distinction. The third contribution of this work introduces the "exploiting radio windows" (ERW) attack, in which an attacker outside of a building surreptitiously uses the transmissions of an otherwise secure wireless network inside of the building to infer location information about people inside the building. This is possible because of the relative transparency of external walls to radio transmissions. The final contribution of this dissertation is a feasibility study for building a rapidly deployable radio tomographic (RTI) imaging system for special operations forces (SOF). We show that it is possible to obtain valuable tracking information using as few as 10 radios over a single floor of a typical suburban home, even without precise radio location measurements

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationLocation information of people is valuable for many applications including logistics, healthcare, security and smart facilities. This dissertation focuses on localization of people in wireless sensor networks using radio frequency (RF) signals, speci cally received signal strength (RSS) measurements. A static sensor network can make RSS measurements of the signal from a transmitting badge that a person wears in order to locate the badge. We call this kind of localization method radio device localization. Since the human body causes RSS changes between pairwise sensor nodes of a static network, we can also use RSS measurements from pairwise nodes of a network to locate people, even if they are not carrying any radio device. We call this device-free localization (DFL). The rst contribution of this dissertation is to radio device localization. The human body has a major e ect on the antenna gain pattern of the transmitting badge that the person is wearing, however, existing r

    Langattomien anturiverkkojen sotilas-, agroteknologia- ja energiatutkimussovelluksia

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    The physical quantities nowadays are widely measured by using electronic sensors. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are low-cost, low-power electronic devices capable of collecting data using their onboard sensors. Some wireless sensor nodes are equipped with actuators, providing the possibility to change the state of the physical world. The ability to change the state of a physical system means that WSNs can be used in control and automation applications. This research focuses on appropriate system design for four different wireless measurement and control cases. The first case provides a hardware and software solution for camera integration to a wireless sensor node. The images are captured and processed inside the sensor node using low power computational techniques. In the second application, two different wireless sensor networks function in cooperation to overcome seeding problems in agricultural machinery. The third case focuses on indoor deployment of the wireless sensor nodes into an area of urban crisis, where the nodes supply localization information to friendly assets such as soldiers, firefighters and medical personnel. The last application focuses on a feasibility study for energy harvesting from asphalt surfaces in the form of heat.Fysikaaliset suureet mitataan nykyisin elektronisten anturien avulla. Langattomat anturiverkot ovat kustannustasoltaan edullisia, matalan tehonkulutuksen elektronisia laitteita, jotka kykenevät suorittamaan mittauksia niissä olevilla antureilla. Langattomat anturinoodit voidaan myös liittää toimilaitteisiin, jolloin ne voivat vaikuttaa fyysiseen ympäristöönsä. Koska langattomilla anturi- ja toimilaiteverkoilla voidaan vaikuttaa niiden fysikaalisen ympäristön tilaan, niiden avulla voidaan toteuttaa säätö- ja automaatiosovelluksia. Tässä väitöskirjaty össä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan neljä erilaista langattomien anturi- ja toimilaiteverkkojen automaatiosovellusta. Ensimmäisenä tapauksena toteutetaan elektroniikka- ja ohjelmistosovellus, jolla integroidaan kamera langattomaan anturinoodiin. Kuvat tallennetaan ja prosessoidaan anturinoodissa vähän energiaa kuluttavia laskentamenetelmiä käyttäen. Toisessa sovelluksessa kahdesta erilaisesta langattomasta anturiverkosta koostuvalla järjestelmällä valvotaan siementen syöttöä kylvökoneessa. Kolmannessa sovelluksessa levitetään kaupunkiympäristössä kriisitilanteessa rakennuksen sisätiloihin langaton anturiverkko. Sen anturinoodit välittävät paikkatietoa rakennuksessa operoiville omille joukoille, jotka voivat tilanteesta riippuen olla esimerkiksi sotilaita, palomiehiä tai lääkintähenkilökuntaa. Neljännessä sovelluksessa toteutetaan langaton anturiverkko, jonka keräämää mittausdataa käytetään arvioitaessa lämpöenergian keräämismahdollisuuksia asfalttipinnoilta.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed