211 research outputs found

    Kajian Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai pada Rumah Tangga Miskin (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kecamatan Sumbang Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    The objective of the research are to describe; the mechanism of Direct Cash Helping (Bantuan Langsung Tunai/BLT) program in Sumbang district be a tool to solve the society poorness, the BLT program realization, the factors of supported and resisted of BLT program, to find out better solution which is through of BLT program in Sumbang district, and to analyze whether the BLT program can be overcome the society poorness in Sumbang district. Population of the research are 9,934 impecunious domestic in Sumbang district, so the number of minimum samples which must be taken at mistake storey level 0,1 % is equal to 100 respondents. Sample collection is done randomly in 19 countryside of Sumbang district. This Research is direct with the mixing method approach which use between qualitative and quantitative research. To analyze whether there is consideration difference to use of the BLT program, before and after direct aid execution, is used Cochran'S statistisk non-parametrik analysis with the SPSS program at the significant storey at 90% (a =10%) level. From the result analyses, there is no difference between respondents who had received the aid, before and after execution of acceptance BLT, that is for the accomplishment of daily meal requirement and their debt payment

    The Impact of the Unconditional Cash Transfer Program (Blt) on Cigarette Consumption in Indonesian Society

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    One of the purposes of the unconditional cash transfer program (Bantuan Langsung Tunai/BLT) was to help the poor and near-poor households to fulfill their basic needs. This study attempted to identify the impact of the BLT on cigarette consumption in society; as it is well known that smoking has more disadvantages than benefits. The study used data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2000 and 2007 to capture the impact of the BLT on the cigarette consumption of households. By controlling for the characteristics of the respondents, and using the fixed effect at household and village level as an estimation technique, the empirical results showed that in general there was a changing pattern of cigarette consumption in Indonesian society, to which the BLT program has contributed. By influencing the savings of households, the BLT program has significantly decreased cigarette consumption in Indonesia. It could be explained by the permanent income hypothesis, where the BLT transfer can be categorized as a transitory income in that hypothesis. This study can be an input and consideration for the transfer policy\u27s implementation in Indonesia in particular


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    One of the purposes of the unconditional cash transfer program (Bantuan Langsung Tunai/BLT) was to help the poor and near-poor households to fulfill their basic needs. This study attempted to identify the impact of the BLT on cigarette consumption in society; as it is well known that smoking has more disadvantages than benefits. The study used data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2000 and 2007 to capture the impact of the BLT on the cigarette consumption of households. By controlling for the characteristics of the respondents, and using the fixed effect at household and village level as an estimation technique, the empirical results showed that in general there was a changing pattern of cigarette consumption in Indonesian society, to which the BLT program has contributed. By influencing the savings of households, the BLT program has significantly decreased cigarette consumption in Indonesia. It could be explained by the permanent income hypothesis, where the BLT transfer can be categorized as a transitory income in that hypothesis. This study can be an input and consideration for the transfer policy’s implementation in Indonesia in particular

    The Economy-wide Impact of Fuel Oil, Gas and Electricity Pricing and Subsidy Policies as well as Their Consumption Improvement Efficiency in Indonesia

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    In Indonesia, the government determines the domestic prices of energy; namely fuel oil, such as gasoline, automotive diesel oil (ADO) and kerosene, gas and electricity. In response to the weakening of rupiah during the 1997/1998 economic crisis and the increasing of the world price of crude oil, the government tends to increase the energy subsidy on domestic prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity, rather than letting these domestic prices follows the world prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity. Currently domestic prices of fuel oil, such as gasoline, automotive diesel oil, kerosene as well as gas and electricity are significantly lower than the world prices of those commodities. Meanwhile government subsidy for fuel oil, gas and electricity has reached approximately 30 per cent of total government expenditure. There have been suggestions that the government should eliminate this subsidy letting the prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity equal to the world prices, since, among others, energy subsidy has foregone government’s opportunities to spend more on development expenditures that would improve the country’s growth rate. On the other hand various groups keep pressing the government to keep the prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity; i.e. do not reduce the energy subsidy, since the poor could not afford higher prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity.fuel subsidy, CGE, Indonesia

    Pemanfaatan Program Pemerintah Bantuan Langsung Tunai Di Desa Tambelang Kecamatan Maesaan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    This study aims to determine the direct cash assistance (BLT) program is right on target in terms of accuracy of recipient recruitment, disbursement time, supervision and to determine community utilization of the BLT Program in Tambelang Village, Maesaan District. The research was carried out from January to February 2022. The data collected in the study were primary data obtained from direct interviews with BLT recipient communities using a questionnaire. Secondary data were obtained from the Tambelang Village Office, as well as data related to research taken from the internet. The number of BLT recipients was 130 respondents who received BLT phase I in 2021 and phase II in 2021. The sample selected by Purposive Sampling was 60 respondents. The results showed that the use of the government's direct cash assistance program in Tambelang Village was appropriate, the recipients of the assistance had fulfilled the correct recruitment process in accordance with the implementation instructions, on time in disbursing funds, officers disbursed aid funds according to the specified schedule. The Government's Cash Direct Assistance Program is used by the community to meet their daily basic needs, namely buying rice, eggs, meat, transportation and for emergency funds, namely buying medicine and children's school needs

    Efektivitas Sasaran Bantuan Langsung Tunai di Desa Pakuluruan, Kecamatan Koroncong, Kabupaten Pandeglang

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    This research focuses on how well the effectiveness of Direct Cash Transfer (BLT) Program from Village Fund (DD) in Pakuluran Village, Koroncong Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze how the implementation of the BLT Program originating from DD for Beneficiary Families (KPM) in Pakuluran Village, Koroncong District, This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data obtained in this study through data analysis techniques in the field, which include data collection activities, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that : (Particularly in the context of handling the impact of Covid-19, the economic impact, the Pakuluran Village Government provides BLT sourced from DD and then distributed to the community through a timing mechanism. (2) The effectiveness of the BLT plan in terms of the timeliness of the BLT distribution was on time and followed the existing mechanism. At the same time, looking from the side to make an accurate selection, the village government followed the procedure. The targeting accuracy aspect showed that the BLT distribution from DD was right on target. Based on the results of the research and discussion presented by the researcher regarding the targeted Effectiveness of Village Fund Cash Assistance (BLT) for the community of Pakuluran Village, Koroncong Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency, it can be concluded that the distribution of BLT DD for the community of Pakuluran Village, Koroncong Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency, is considered effective

    Implementasi Bantuan Langsung Tunai Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (BLT UMKM) pada Pedagang Kelurahan Kota Matsum III Di Masa Covid-19

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    The birth of covid 19 has damaged the world economy including Indonesia. It is in this current condition that the social safety net is being intensively implemented to achieve economic stability for the community, especially traders. Competition in the business world, especially in the field of business, has a fairly high competitiveness. To achieve the welfare of traders, the government issued a policy, namely Direct Cash Assistance to traders for MSME Empowerment. This study had 6 informants consisting of 1 key informant, 3 main informants, and 2 additional informants. The type of research used was descriptive qualitative research, the informants were determined by selecting several insiders with the criteria determined by the researcher through a purposive sampling technique, namely the people involved in the implementation process of the MSME BLT program. In qualitative research, humans are research instruments and the writing results are in the form of words or statements from the actual situation. With the MSME BLT program, MSME actors who receive assistance are expected to use the assistance funds to increase their business capital. So that the productivity of the business continues and continues to grow so that the rate of economic growth continues to increase. The impact of assisting is expected to be able to ease the burden on MSME actors and be able to revive the economic conditions of MSME actors in the Kota Matsum III Village. The results of this study explain that of the 3 indicators of program implantation theory that have been achieved, 1 indicator is an indicator of interpretation, while 2 indicators have not been achieved, namely, organization and implementation


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh Kebijakan pemerintah tentang kenaikan harga BBM dan Program kompensasi Dana BBM untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat prasejahtera dan bagaimanakah Realita program Pemerintah tentang kebijakan tersebut terhadap ma-syarakat nelayan khususnya masyarakat nelayan pesisir di Kecamatan Pulau Laut Utara Kotabaru.Penelitian difokuskan pada Pendistribusian BBM, Kondisi Perekonomian, Pelayanan Pendidikan, Pelayanan Kesehatan, antuan Langsung Tunai (BLT), Program Pembangun-an daerah.Program kompensasi penghapusan subsidi BBM (PKPS BBM) dengan anggaran yang telah ditentukan di dapat dari pengurangan subsidi BBM untuk pembangunan sarana dan prasarana pedesaan. Untuk masyarakat nelayan terutama desa rampa dikecamatan Pu-lau laut Utara, untuk kesediaan listrik dan air masih belum memadai, begitu juga dengan keadaan jalan dan fasilitas untuk jalur darat dan perairan perlu ada pembenahan. Oleh karenanya perlu adanya program pemerintah didalam peningkatan sarana dan prasarana yang dirasakan masyarakat nelayan di Kecamatan Pulau Laut Utara

    Implementation of Covid-19 Handling Policy in the Regional Village of Selakau District, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan

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    This research is motivated by the existence of a policy issued by the government, namely Permendes No. 6 of 2020 concerning Priority for the Use of Village Funds. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the success of handling Covid-19 in Selakau District. This type of research is qualitative research. The results showed that 1) Communication and coordination between implementing actors was carried out well, namely an understanding of the tasks carried out between agencies in handling Covid-19 which resulted in extraordinary synergy in the success of handling Covid-19. 2) The attitude of the implementers shown by the actors / implementers in handling Covid-19 was very good in responding to various policies set by the government. With the attitude of the implementers, it gives public confidence in the implementation of the Covid-19 prevention policy. 3). Human resource support was demonstrated by the formation of Task Force Teams at the Village and Subdistrict Levels. In terms of financial resources, the government has issued various regulations to be able to support the success of this program including Permendes No. 11 of 2019 concerning Priority for the Use of Village Funds which provides opportunities for village governments to use Village Funds for BLT in handling Covid-19 4) The bureaucratic structure implemented in handling covid-19 takes an open bureaucratic structure model, meaning that this model provides opportunities wide for all parties to be involved in the formulation of goals and there is space in forming new institutions, new models or strategies that are more locally oriented, such as developing a solution system a problem based on the participation of all elements, so that there are wider opportunities for involvement bottom-up and top-down balanced. Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Village Fund BLT, Covid-19 DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-5-04 Publication date:June 30th 202
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