103 research outputs found

    Axiomatizing Flat Iteration

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    Flat iteration is a variation on the original binary version of the Kleene star operation P*Q, obtained by restricting the first argument to be a sum of atomic actions. It generalizes prefix iteration, in which the first argument is a single action. Complete finite equational axiomatizations are given for five notions of bisimulation congruence over basic CCS with flat iteration, viz. strong congruence, branching congruence, eta-congruence, delay congruence and weak congruence. Such axiomatizations were already known for prefix iteration and are known not to exist for general iteration. The use of flat iteration has two main advantages over prefix iteration: 1.The current axiomatizations generalize to full CCS, whereas the prefix iteration approach does not allow an elimination theorem for an asynchronous parallel composition operator. 2.The greater expressiveness of flat iteration allows for much shorter completeness proofs. In the setting of prefix iteration, the most convenient way to obtain the completeness theorems for eta-, delay, and weak congruence was by reduction to the completeness theorem for branching congruence. In the case of weak congruence this turned out to be much simpler than the only direct proof found. In the setting of flat iteration on the other hand, the completeness theorems for delay and weak (but not eta-) congruence can equally well be obtained by reduction to the one for strong congruence, without using branching congruence as an intermediate step. Moreover, the completeness results for prefix iteration can be retrieved from those for flat iteration, thus obtaining a second indirect approach for proving completeness for delay and weak congruence in the setting of prefix iteration.Comment: 15 pages. LaTeX 2.09. Filename: flat.tex.gz. On A4 paper print with: dvips -t a4 -O -2.15cm,-2.22cm -x 1225 flat. For US letter with: dvips -t letter -O -0.73in,-1.27in -x 1225 flat. More info at http://theory.stanford.edu/~rvg/abstracts.html#3

    Axiomatizing ST Bisimulation for a Process Algebra with Recursion and Action Refinement (Extended Abstract)

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    AbstractDue to the complex nature of bisimulation equivalences which express some form of history dependence, it turned out to be problematic to axiomatize them for non trivial classes of systems. Here we introduce the idea of "compositional level-wise renaming" which gives rise to the new possibility of axiomatizing the class of history dependent bisimulations with slight modifications to the machinery for standard bisimulation. We propose two techniques, which are based on this idea, in the special case of the ST semantics, defined for terms of a process algebra with recursion. The first technique, which is more intuitive, is based on dynamic names, allowing weak ST bisimulation to be decided and axiomatized for all processes that possess a finite state interleaving semantics. The second technique, which is based on pointers, preserves the possibility of deciding and axiomatizing weak ST bisimulation also when an action refinement operator P[a Q] is considered

    Read Operators and their Expressiveness in Process Algebras

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    We study two different ways to enhance PAFAS, a process algebra for modelling asynchronous timed concurrent systems, with non-blocking reading actions. We first add reading in the form of a read-action prefix operator. This operator is very flexible, but its somewhat complex semantics requires two types of transition relations. We also present a read-set prefix operator with a simpler semantics, but with syntactic restrictions. We discuss the expressiveness of read prefixes; in particular, we compare them to read-arcs in Petri nets and justify the simple semantics of the second variant by showing that its processes can be translated into processes of the first with timed-bisimilar behaviour. It is still an open problem whether the first algebra is more expressive than the second; we give a number of laws that are interesting in their own right, and can help to find a backward translation.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS 2011, arXiv:1108.407

    Process versus Unfolding Semantics for Place/Transition Petri Nets

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    In the last few years, the semantics of Petri nets has been investigated in several different ways. Apart from the classical "token game," one can model the behaviour of Petri nets via non-sequential processes, via unfolding constructions, which provide formal relationships between nets and domains, and via algebraic models, which view Petri nets as essentially algebraic theories whose models are monoidal categories. In this paper we show that these three points of view can be reconciled. In our formal development a relevant role is played by DecOcc, a category of occurrence nets appropriately decorated to take into account the history of tokens. The structure of decorated occurrence nets at the same time provides natural unfoldings for Place/Transition (PT) nets and suggests a new notion of processes, the decorated processes, which induce on Petri nets the same semantics as that of unfolding. In addition, we prove that the decorated processes of a net can be axiomatized as the arrows of a symmetric monoidal category which, therefore, provides the aforesaid unification

    On the Semantics of Petri Nets

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    Petri Place/Transition (PT) nets are one of the most widely used models of concurrency. However, they still lack, in our view, a satisfactory semantics: on the one hand the "token game"' is too intensional, even in its more abstract interpretations in term of nonsequential processes and monoidal categories; on the other hand, Winskel's basic unfolding construction, which provides a coreflection between nets and finitary prime algebraic domains, works only for safe nets. In this paper we extend Winskel's result to PT nets. We start with a rather general category {PTNets} of PT nets, we introduce a category {DecOcc} of decorated (nondeterministic) occurrence nets and we define adjunctions between {PTNets} and {DecOcc} and between {DecOcc} and {Occ}, the category of occurrence nets. The role of {DecOcc} is to provide natural unfoldings for PT nets, i.e. acyclic safe nets where a notion of family is used for relating multiple instances of the same place. The unfolding functor from {PTNets} to {Occ} reduces to Winskel's when restricted to safe nets, while the standard coreflection between {Occ} and {Dom}, the category of finitary prime algebraic domains, when composed with the unfolding functor above, determines a chain of adjunctions between {PTNets} and {Dom}

    On the Model of Computation of Place/Transition Petri Nets

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    In the last few years, the semantics of Petri nets has been investigated in several different ways. Apart from the classical "token game", one can model the behaviour of Petri nets via non-sequential processes, via unfolding constructions, which provide formal relationships between nets and domains, and via algebraic models, which view Petri nets as essentially algebraic theories whose models are monoidal categories. In this paper we show that these three points of view can be reconciled. More precisely, we introduce the new notion of decorated processes of Petri nets and we show that they induce on nets the same semantics as that of unfolding. In addition, we prove that the decorated processes of a net N can be axiomatized as the arrows of a symmetric monoidal category which, therefore, provides the aforesaid unification

    A regular viewpoint on processes and algebra

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    While different algebraic structures have been proposed for the treatment of concurrency, finding solutions for equations over these structures needs to be worked on further. This article is a survey of process algebra from a very narrow viewpoint, that of finite automata and regular languages. What have automata theorists learnt from process algebra about finite state concurrency? The title is stolen from [31]. There is a recent survey article [7] on finite state processes which deals extensively with rational expressions. The aim of the present article is different. How do standard notions such as Petri nets, Mazurkiewicz trace languages and Zielonka automata fare in the world of process algebra? This article has no original results, and the attempt is to raise questions rather than answer them

    Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency

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    This paper retraces, collects, and summarises contributions of the authors --- in collaboration with others --- on the theme of Petri nets and their categorical relationships to other models of concurrency
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