9,729 research outputs found

    Research on the axial force-slip characteristics of permanent magnetic eddy current Frictional torque limiter

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    In view of the current situation of short life and poor reliability of the overload protection device of friction moment limiter in coal mine machinery, a new high-power fast breaking permanent magnet eddy current friction Moment limiter (PMEFTL) is proposed, which is composed of permanent magnet eddy current transmission mechanism and friction clutch. Its working principle is as follows: The magnet static magnetic attraction of permanent magnet eddy current drive mechanism between the plate and the conductor plate exerts axial pressure on friction clutch friction plate, forming friction limit of torque transmission torque, with the aid of instant overload master-slave friction plate relative slip control of axial repulsion between conductor plate and the magnet plate, friction plate from and quickly cut off the transmission system. Firstly, the eddy current magnetic field mathematical description and finite element model of PMEFTL are established. Based on transient magnetic field analysis, the axial force generation mechanism of permanent magnet eddy current mechanism in PMEFTL is studied, and the axial force maxwell tensor form of PMEFTL and the torque calculation equation of friction torque limit are proposed. The results show that the total axial force of the permanent magnet eddy current mechanism is composed of the axial force of the back iron and that of the conductor disk, along with the increase of slip, back iron axial force is always characterized by gravity and gradually reduce, conductor plate of axial force is always characterized by repulsion, and gradually increase, the total axial force is gradually by attraction into a repulsive force, and static attraction point and disengage speed point two feature points. The transmitted torque of PMEFTL is proportional to the total axial force. Before overload skidding, the transmitted torque is equal to the static friction force of the friction pair; after overload skidding, the transmitted torque is composed of friction torque and electromagnetic torque. Secondly, the influencing factors of axial force slip characteristics of PMEFTL are studied based on three-dimensional finite element method. It is concluded that increasing the thickness and duty cycle of permanent magnet, increasing the number of conductor grooves, and decreasing the duty cycle of conductor grooves can improve the static attraction and improve the transmission ability of PMEFTL. The detachment speed point is related to the relative relationship between axial attraction and axial repulsion force. On the premise that static attraction is determined, the detachment speed point can be adjusted by adjusting the duty cycle of conductor cogs and the number of conductor cogs. Finally, the design parameters of the thickness, duty cycle, poles of the permanent magnet and the duty cycle and the number of slots of conductor plate of 375 kW PMEFTL are optimized. Compared with the primary parameters, the static attraction is increased by 90% and the amount of friction pairs is reduced by nearly one time after optimization. The application of PMEFTL in coal mine machinery will effectively improve the reliability and service life of the transmission system, reduce the corresponding downtime and maintenance work, and improve the production efficienc

    Localized charge in various configurations of magnetic domain wall in Weyl semimetal

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    We numerically investigate the electronic properties of magnetic domain walls formed in a Weyl semimetal. Electric charge distribution is computed from the electron wave functions, by numerically diagonalizing the Hamiltonian under several types of domain walls. We find a certain amount of electric charge localized around the domain wall, depending on the texture of the domain wall. This localized charge stems from the degeneracy of Landau states under the axial magnetic field, which corresponds to the curl in the magnetic texture. The localized charge enables one to drive the domain wall motion by applying an external electric field without injecting an electric current, which is distinct from the ordinary spin-transfer torque and is free from Joule heating.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Efficient Magnetization Reversal with Noisy Currents

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    We propose to accelerate reversal of the ferromagnetic order parameter in spin valves by electronic noise. By solving the stochastic equations of motion we show that the current-induced magnetization switching time is drastically reduced by a modest level of externally generated current (voltage) noise. This also leads to a significantly lower power consumption for the switching process.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Design and construction of permanent magnetic gears

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    Investigation of feeding devices and development of design considerations for a new feeder for micro-sheet forming

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    Recent review in micro-forming research and technological development suggested that the trend of the development is more focused on the manufacturing processes, machines and tooling, and efforts on the methods and systems for integrated precision material handling are insufficient. Most of the developed micro-forming machines were based on standalone concepts which do not support efficient integration to make them fully automated and integrated. At present, material feeding in micro-forming is not of sufficient precision and reliability for high throughput manufacturing applications. Precise feeding is necessary to ensure that micro-parts can be produced with sufficient accuracy, especially in multi-stage forming, while high-speed feeding is a must to meet the production-rate requirements. Therefore, design of a new high-precision and high-speed feeder for micro-forming is proposed. Several possible approaches are examined with a view to establishing feasible concepts. Based on the investigation, several concepts for thin sheet-metal feeding for micro-forming are generated, they being argued and assessed with applicable loads and forces analysis. These form a basis of designing a new feeder

    Conception d’un embrayage de dĂ©rivation du couple Ă  courants de Foucault pour les transmissions manuelles automatisĂ©es sans interruption de couple dans les vĂ©hicules Ă  motorisation Ă©lectrique ou hybride

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    Les voitures Ă©lectriques ont peu d’énergie embarquĂ©e pour se mouvoir comparativement aux vĂ©hicules thermiques. Il est donc important d’optimiser l’efficacitĂ© de la chaĂźne de traction pour maximiser la distance parcourue entre les recharges. Ces voitures utilisent un ratio simple pour coupler le moteur aux roues de la voiture. Le remplacement du ratio simple par une transmission Ă  plusieurs vitesses dans une voiture Ă©lectrique amĂ©liore l’efficacitĂ© du systĂšme de propulsion. Cependant, l’introduction d’une transmission Ă  plusieurs ratios ne doit pas seulement amĂ©liorer l’efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique pour recevoir l’acceptabilitĂ© du marchĂ©. Elle doit aussi offrir un confort de conduite similaire au ratio simple. L’ajout d’un embrayage de dĂ©viation du couple Ă  la transmission manuelle permet de rĂ©duire ou d’éliminer les interruptions de celui-ci lors du passage des ratios. Cependant, les technologies d’embrayages Ă  friction secs et humides ne sont pas bien adaptĂ©es Ă  cette tĂąche de dĂ©viation du couple cependant. D’abord, l’embrayage est ouvert la majeure partie du temps ce qui fait en sorte qu’un embrayage humide aurait de grandes pertes visqueuses. Ensuite, les moteurs Ă©lectriques tournent rapidement (11 000 rĂ©volutions par minute). Cela fait en sorte que l’embrayage dissipe de grandes quantitĂ©s de chaleur pour ralentir le moteur avant l’engagement du prochain ratio. Un embrayage sec ne contient pas d’huile pour aider Ă  l’extraction de la chaleur et ses bandes de friction s’usent rapidement sous ces conditions. Ce travail de maĂźtrise propose d’utiliser un embrayage Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique plutĂŽt qu’un embrayage Ă  friction pour dĂ©vier le couple moteur. La dĂ©marche de conception d’un tel embrayage est prĂ©sentĂ©e. PremiĂšrement, un modĂšle analytique simple sert Ă  dĂ©terminer les dimensions physiques de l’embrayage pour qu’il dĂ©veloppe un certain couple Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique. Ce requis provient des spĂ©cifications techniques d’une plateforme vĂ©hiculaire Ă©lectrique disponible Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke (Projet Phoebus). DeuxiĂšmement, des Ă©tudes par Ă©lĂ©ments finis des champs magnĂ©tiques de l’embrayage servent Ă  valider que l’embrayage produit le niveau de couple dĂ©sirĂ©. L’embrayage est finalement testĂ© dans une transmission manuelle automatisĂ©e installĂ©e sur un banc de test dynamomĂ©trique. Des changements de ratios sans interruption de couple dĂ©montrent la viabilitĂ© de l’embrayage Ă  courants de Foucault en tant qu’embrayage de dĂ©viation du couple

    Inverse spin galvanic effect in the presence of impurity spin-orbit scattering: a diagrammatic approach

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    Spin-charge interconversion is currently the focus of intensive experimental and theoretical research both for its intrinsic interest and for its potential exploitation in the realization of new spintronic functionalities. Spin-orbit coupling is one of the key microscopic mechanisms to couple charge currents and spin polarizations. The Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a two-dimensional electron gas has been shown to give rise to the inverse spin galvanic effect, i.e. the generation of a non-equilibrium spin polarization by a charge current. Whereas the Rashba model may be applied to the interpretation of experimental results in many cases, in general in a given real physical system spin-orbit coupling also occurs due other mechanisms such as Dresselhaus bulk inversion asymmetry and scattering from impurities. In this work we consider the inverse spin galvanic effect in the presence of Rashba, Dresselhaus and impurity spin-orbit scattering. We find that the size and form of the inverse spin galvanic effect is greatly modified by the presence of the various sources of spin-orbit coupling. Indeed, spin-orbit coupling affects the spin relaxation time by adding the Elliott-Yafet mechanism to the Dyakonov-Perel and, furthermore, it changes the non-equilibrium value of the current-induced spin polarization by introducing a new spin generation torque. We use a diagrammatic Kubo formula approach to evaluate the spin polarization-charge current response function. We finally comment about the relevance of our results for the interpretation of experimental results.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, invited paper for a special issue of Condensed Matter (MDPI) on "Control and Enhancement of Quantum Coherence in Nanostructured Materials

    Design and Analysis of Magnetic-Geared Transmission Devices for Low-Speed High-Torque Application

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