63 research outputs found

    Avoiding Braess' Paradox through Collective Intelligence

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    In an Ideal Shortest Path Algorithm (ISPA), at each moment each router in a network sends all of its traffic down the path that will incur the lowest cost to that traffic. In the limit of an infinitesimally small amount of traffic for a particular router, its routing that traffic via an ISPA is optimal, as far as cost incurred by that traffic is concerned. We demonstrate though that in many cases, due to the side-effects of one router's actions on another routers performance, having routers use ISPA's is suboptimal as far as global aggregate cost is concerned, even when only used to route infinitesimally small amounts of traffic. As a particular example of this we present an instance of Braess' paradox for ISPA's, in which adding new links to a network decreases overall throughput. We also demonstrate that load-balancing, in which the routing decisions are made to optimize the global cost incurred by all traffic currently being routed, is suboptimal as far as global cost averaged across time is concerned. This is also due to "side-effects", in this case of current routing decision on future traffic. The theory of COllective INtelligence (COIN) is concerned precisely with the issue of avoiding such deleterious side-effects. We present key concepts from that theory and use them to derive an idealized algorithm whose performance is better than that of the ISPA, even in the infinitesimal limit. We present experiments verifying this, and also showing that a machine-learning-based version of this COIN algorithm in which costs are only imprecisely estimated (a version potentially applicable in the real world) also outperforms the ISPA, despite having access to less information than does the ISPA. In particular, this COIN algorithm avoids Braess' paradox.Comment: 28 page

    Game Theory Models for the Verification of the Collective Behaviour of Autonomous Cars

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    The collective of autonomous cars is expected to generate almost optimal traffic. In this position paper we discuss the multi-agent models and the verification results of the collective behaviour of autonomous cars. We argue that non-cooperative autonomous adaptation cannot guarantee optimal behaviour. The conjecture is that intention aware adaptation with a constraint on simultaneous decision making has the potential to avoid unwanted behaviour. The online routing game model is expected to be the basis to formally prove this conjecture.Comment: In Proceedings FVAV 2017, arXiv:1709.0212

    Macroscopic modeling and simulations of room evacuation

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    We analyze numerically two macroscopic models of crowd dynamics: the classical Hughes model and the second order model being an extension to pedestrian motion of the Payne-Whitham vehicular traffic model. The desired direction of motion is determined by solving an eikonal equation with density dependent running cost, which results in minimization of the travel time and avoidance of congested areas. We apply a mixed finite volume-finite element method to solve the problems and present error analysis for the eikonal solver, gradient computation and the second order model yielding a first order convergence. We show that Hughes' model is incapable of reproducing complex crowd dynamics such as stop-and-go waves and clogging at bottlenecks. Finally, using the second order model, we study numerically the evacuation of pedestrians from a room through a narrow exit.Comment: 22 page

    Simulating Drivers' Decision-making Under Information Dissemination

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    Nos dias de hoje, informação de trânsito precisa e actualizada é bastante importante para os viajantes chegarem ao seu destino mais rápido e em segurança. É neste aspecto que os Sistemas de Informação ao Viajante ou Advanced Travellers Information Systems (ATIS), se inserem nos Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte. Tirando partido das novos serviços Web e tecnologias wireless de comunicação estes sistemas fornecem informação valiosa antes, durante e até após a viagem, sendo, sistemas que recolhem, analisam e transmitem informação útil para os viajantes.O objectivo deste trabalho é analisar o comportamento dos condutores num meio com disseminação de informação. Assim, será necessário criar uma plataforma que possibilite a implementação de condutores e infraestruturas de gestão e controlo utilizado os Sistemas Multi-Agente (MAS) como paradigma de modelação para a criação da nossa sociedade artificial e como paradigma de programação no aspecto de análise e simulação de todo o processo

    The quality of sustainability and the nature of open source software

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    The aim is to categorise Open Source Software as a commons based production process and resource. The definition of the commons is always accompanied by the doubt about its sustainability, the so-called "tragedy of the commons." Therefore it is worth to have a closer look on Open Source and why a "tragedy" does not appear

    Pedestrian flows in bounded domains with obstacles

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    In this paper we systematically apply the mathematical structures by time-evolving measures developed in a previous work to the macroscopic modeling of pedestrian flows. We propose a discrete-time Eulerian model, in which the space occupancy by pedestrians is described via a sequence of Radon positive measures generated by a push-forward recursive relation. We assume that two fundamental aspects of pedestrian behavior rule the dynamics of the system: On the one hand, the will to reach specific targets, which determines the main direction of motion of the walkers; on the other hand, the tendency to avoid crowding, which introduces interactions among the individuals. The resulting model is able to reproduce several experimental evidences of pedestrian flows pointed out in the specialized literature, being at the same time much easier to handle, from both the analytical and the numerical point of view, than other models relying on nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws. This makes it suitable to address two-dimensional applications of practical interest, chiefly the motion of pedestrians in complex domains scattered with obstacles.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure