507 research outputs found

    Formation of Intracardiac Electrograms under Physiological and Pathological Conditions

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    This work presents methods to advance electrophysiological simulations of intracardiac electrograms (IEGM). An experimental setup is introduced, which combines electrical measurements of extracellular potentials with a method for optical acquisition of the transmembrane voltage in-vitro. Thereby, intracardiac electrograms can be recorded under defined conditions. Using experimental and clinical signals, detailed simulations of IEGMs are parametrized, which can support clinical diagnosis

    Imaging electrical excitation inside the myocardial wall

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are often triggered by ectopic membrane depolarization originating deep inside the myocardial wall. Here we propose a new method utilizing a novel near-infrared voltage-sensitive fluorescent dye DI-4-ANBDQBS to determine the three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of the sources of such depolarization. We tested the method in live preparations of pig left and right ventricular myocardium (thickness 8-18 mm) and phantoms imitating the optical properties of myocardial tissue. The method utilizes an alternating transillumination approach that involves comparing pairs of simultaneously recorded broad-field epifluorescence and transillumination images produced at two alternating directions of illumination. Recordings were taken simultaneously by two CCD cameras facing the endocardial and epicardial surfaces of the heart at a frame rate up to 3 KHz. In live preparations, we were able to localize the origin of the depolarization wave with a precision of ±1.3mm in the transmural direction and 3 mm in the image plane. The accuracy of detection was independent of the depth of the source inside ventricular wall

    Characterizing Cardiac Electrophysiology during Radiofrequency Ablation : An Integrative Ex vivo, In silico, and In vivo Approach

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    Catheter ablation is a major treatment for atrial tachycardias. Hereby, the precise monitoring of the lesion formation is an important success factor. This book presents computational, wet-lab, and clinical studies with the aim of evaluating the signal characteristics of the intracardiac electrograms (IEGMs) recorded around ablation lesions from different perspectives. The detailed analysis of the IEGMs can optimize the description of durable and complex lesions during the ablation procedure

    Optogenetics design of mechanistically-based stimulation patterns for cardiac defibrillation

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    Current rescue therapies for life-threatening arrhythmias ignore the pathological electro-anatomical substrate and base their efficacy on a generalized electrical discharge. Here, we developed an all-optical platform to examine less invasive defibrillation strategies. An ultrafast wide-field macroscope was developed to optically map action potential propagation with a red-shifted voltage sensitive dye in whole mouse hearts. The macroscope was implemented with a random-access scanning head capable of drawing arbitrarily-chosen stimulation patterns with sub-millisecond temporal resolution allowing precise epicardial activation of Channelrhodopsin2 (ChR2). We employed this optical system in the setting of ventricular tachycardia to optimize mechanistic, multi-barrier cardioversion/defibrillation patterns. Multiple regions of conduction block were created with a very high cardioversion efficiency but with lower energy requirements as compared to whole ventricle interventions to interrupt arrhythmias. This work demonstrates that defibrillation energies can be substantially reduced by applying discrete stimulation patterns and promotes the progress of current anti-arrhythmic strategies

    Formation of Intracardiac Electrograms under Physiological and Pathological Conditions

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    This work presents methods to advance electrophysiological simulations of intracardiac electrograms (IEGM). An experimental setup is introduced, which combines electrical measurements of extracellular potentials with a method for optical acquisition of the transmembrane voltage in-vitro. Thereby, intracardiac electrograms can be recorded under defined conditions. Using experimental and clinical signals, detailed simulations of IEGMs are parametrized, which can support clinical diagnosis

    Design, characterization and testing of a thin-film microelectrode array and signal conditioning microchip for high spatial resolution surface laplacian measurement.

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    Cardiac mapping has become an important area of research for understanding the mechanisms responsible for cardiac arrhythmias and the associated diseases. Current technologies for measuring electrical potentials on the surface of the heart are limited due to poor spatial resolution, localization issues, signal distortion due to noise, tissue damage, etc. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design, develop, characterize and investigate a custom-made microfabricated, polyimide-based, flexible Thin-Film MicroElectrode Array (TFMEA) that is directly interfaced to an integrated Signal Conditioning Microchip (SCM) to record cardiac surface potentials on the cellular level to obtain high spatial resolution Surface Laplacian (SL) measurement. TFMEAs consisting of five fingers (Cover area = 4 mm2 and 16 mm2), which contained five individual microelectrodes placed in orthogonal directions (25-µm in diameter, 75-µm interelectrode spacing) to one another, were fabricated within a flexible polyimide substrate and capable of recording electrical activities of the heart on the order of individual cardiomyocytes. A custom designed SCM consisting of 25 channels of preamplification stages and second order band-pass filters was interfaced directly with the TFMEA in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) characteristics of the high spatial resolution recording data. Metrology characterization using surface profilometry and high resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) indicated the geometry of fabricated TFMEAs closely matched the design parameters \u3c 0.4%). The DC resistances of the 25 individual micro electrodes were consistent (1.050 ± 0.026 kO). The simulation and testing results of the SCM verified the pre-amplification and filter stages met the designed gain and frequency parameters within 2.96%. The functionality of the TFMEA-SCM system was further characterized on a TX 151 conductive gel. The characterization results revealed that the system functionality was sufficient for high spatial cardiac mapping. In vivo testing results clearly demonstrated feasibility of using the TFMEA-SCM system to obtain cellular level SL measurements with significantly improved the SNRs during normal sinus rhythm and Ventricular Fibrillation (VF). Local activation times were detected via evaluating the zero crossing of the SL electro grams, which coincided with the gold standard (dV/dt)min of unipolar electro grams within ± 1%. The in vivo transmembrane current densities calculated from the high spatial resolution SLs were found to be significantly higher than the transmembrane current densities computed using electrodes with higher interelectrode spacings. In conclusion, the custom-made TFMEASCM systems demonstrated feasibility as a tool for measuring cardiac potentials and to perform high resolution cardiac mapping experiments

    The contact electrogram and its architectural determinants in atrial fibrillation

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    The electrogram is the sine qua non of excitable tissues, yet classification in atrial fibrillation (AF) remains poorly related to substrate factors. The objective of this thesis was to establish the relationship between electrograms and two commonly implicated substrate factors, connexin 43 and fibrosis in AF. The substrates and methods chosen to achieve this ranged from human acutely induced AF using open chest surgical mapping (Chapter 6), ex vivo whole heart Langendorff (Chapter 7) with in vivo telemetry confirming spontaneous AF in a new species of rat, the Brown Norway and finally isolated atrial preparations from an older cohort of rats using orthogonal pacing and novel co-localisation methods at sub-millimetre resolution and in some atria, optical mapping (Chapter 8). In rodents, electrode size and spacing was varied (Chapters 5, 10) to study its effects on structure function correlations (Chapter 9). Novel indices of AF organisation and automated electrogram morphology were used to quantify function (Chapter 4). Key results include the discoveries that humans without any history of prior AF have sinus rhythm electrograms with high spectral frequency content, that wavefront propagation velocities correlated with fibrosis and connexin phosphorylation ratios, that AF heterogeneity of conduction correlates to fibrosis and that orthogonal pacing in heavily fibrosed atria causes anisotropy in electrogram-fibrosis correlations. Furthermore, fibrosis and connexin 43 have differing and distinct spatial resolutions in their relationship with AF organisational indices. In conclusion a new model of AF has been found, and structure function correlations shown on an unprecedented scale, but with caveats of electrode size and direction dependence. These findings impact structure function methods and prove the effect of substrate on AF organisation.Open Acces

    Modeling Defibrillation

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    Mapping of the electrical activity of human atria. Multiscale modelling and simulations

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    La fibrilación auricular es una de las arritmias cardíacas más comunes observadas en la práctica clínica. Por lo tanto, es de vital importancia desarrollar nuevas tecnologías destinadas a diagnosticar y acabar con este tipo de arritmia, para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y reducir los costes de los sistemas nacionales de salud. En los últimos años ha aumentado el uso de las nuevas técnicas de mapeo auricular, basadas en sistemas multi-electrodo para mapear la actividad eléctrica en humanos. Dichas técnicas permiten localizar y ablacionar los impulsores de la fibrilación auricular, como son las fuentes focales o los rotores. Sin embargo, todavía existe incertidumbre sobre su precisión y los procedimientos experimentales para su análisis están limitados debido a su carácter invasivo. Por lo tanto, las simulaciones computacionales son una herramienta muy útil para superar estas limitaciones, al permitir reproducir con fidelidad las observaciones experimentales, dividir el problema bajo estudio en sub-estudios más simples, y realizar investigaciones preliminares imposibles de llevar a cabo en el práctica clínica. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el análisis de la precisión de los sistemas de mapeo multi-electrodo a través de modelos y simulaciones computacionales. Para ello, desarrollamos modelos realistas multi-escala con el objetivo de simular actividad eléctrica auricular reentrante, en primer lugar en una lámina de tejido auricular, y en segundo lugar en las aurículas completas. Posteriormente, analizamos los efectos de las configuraciones geométricas multi-electrodo en la precisión de la localización de los rotores, mediante el uso de agrupaciones multi-electrodo con distancias inter-electrodo equidistantes, así como a través de catéteres de tipo basket con distancias inter-electrodo no equidistantes. Después de calcular los electrogramas unipolares intracavitarios, realizamos mapas de fase, detecciones de singularidad de fase para rastrear los rotores, y mapas de frecuencia dominantes. Finalmente, descubrimos que la precisión de los sistemas de mapeo multi-electrodo depende de su posición dentro de la cavidad auricular, de la distancia entre los electrodos y el tejido, de la distancia inter-electrodo, y de la contribución de las fuentes de campo lejano. Además, como consecuencia de estos factores que pueden afectar a la precisión de los sistemas de mapeo multi-electrodo, observamos la aparición de rotores falsos que podrían contribuir al fracaso de los procesos de ablación de la fibrilación auricular.Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common cardiac arrhythmias seen in clinical practice. Therefore, it is of vital importance to develop new technologies aimed at diagnosing and terminating this kind of arrhythmia, to improve the quality of life of patients and to reduce costs to national health systems. In the last years, new atrial mapping techniques based on multi-electrode systems are increasingly being used to map the atrial electrical activity in humans and localise and target atrial fibrillation drivers in the form of focal sources or rotors. However, significant concerns remain about their accuracy and experimental approaches to analyse them are limited due to their invasive character. Therefore, computer simulations are a helpful tool to overcome these limitations since they can reproduce with fidelity experimental observations, permit to split the problem to treat into more simple substudies, and allow the possibility of performing preliminary investigations impossible to carry out in the clinical practice. This PhD thesis is focused on the analysis for accuracy of the multielectrode mapping systems through computational models and simulations. For this purpose, we developed realistic multiscale models in order to simulate atrial electrical reentrant activity, first in a sheet of atrial tissue and, then, in the whole atria. Then, we analysed the effects of the multi-electrode geometrical configurations on the accuracy of localizing rotors, by using multi-electrode arrays with equidistant inter-electrode distances, as well as multi-electrode basket catheters with non-equidistant inter-electrode distances. After computing the intracavitary unipolar electrograms, we performed phase maps, phase singularity detections to track rotors, and dominant frequency maps. We finally found out that the accuracy of multi-electrode mapping systems depends on their position inside the atrial cavity, the electrode-to-tissue distance, the inter-electrode distance, and the contribution of far field sources. Furthermore, as a consequence of these factors, false rotors might appear and could contribute to failure of atrial fibrillation ablation procedures.La fibril·lació auricular és una de les arítmies cardíaques més comuns observades en la pràctica clínica. Per tant, és de vital importància desenvolupar noves tecnologies destinades a diagnosticar i acabar amb aquest tipus d'arítmia, per tal de millorar la qualitat de vida dels pacients i reduir els costos dels sistemes nacionals de salut. En els últims anys, ha augmentat l'ús de les noves tècniques de mapeig auricular, basades en sistemes multielèctrode per a mapejar l'activitat elèctrica auricular en humans. Aquestes tècniques permeten localitzar i ablacionar els impulsors de la fibril·lació auricular, com són les fonts focals o els rotors. No obstant això, encara hi ha incertesa sobre la seua precisió i els procediments experimentals per al seu anàlisi estan limitats a causa del seu caràcter invasiu. Per tant, les simulacions computacionals són una eina molt útil per a superar aquestes limitacions, en permetre reproduir amb fidelitat les observacions experimentals, dividir el problema sota estudi en subestudis més simples, i realitzar investigacions preliminars impossibles de dur a terme en el pràctica clínica. Aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en l'anàlisi de la precisió del sistemes de mapeig multielèctrode mitjançant els models i les simulacions computacionals. Per a això, desenvolupàrem models realistes multiescala per tal de simular activitat elèctrica auricular reentrant, en primer lloc en una làmina de teixit auricular, i en segon lloc a les aurícules completes. Posteriorment, analitzàrem els efectes de les configuracions geomètriques multielèctrode en la precisió de la localització dels rotors, mitjançant l'ús d'agrupacions multielèctrode amb distàncies interelèctrode equidistants, així com catèters de tipus basket amb distàncies interelèctrode no equidistants. Després de calcular els electrogrames unipolars intracavitaris, vam realitzar mapes de fase, deteccions de singularitat de fase per a rastrejar els rotors, i mapes de freqüència dominants. Finalment, vam descobrir que la precisió dels sistemes de mapeig multielèctrode depèn de la seua posició dins de la cavitat auricular, de la distància entre els elèctrodes i el teixit, de la distància interelèctrode, i de la contribució de les fonts de camp llunyà. A més, com a conseqüència d'aquests factors, es va observar l'aparició de rotors falsos que podrien contribuir al fracàs de l'ablació de la fibril·lació auricular.Martínez Mateu, L. (2018). Mapping of the electrical activity of human atria. Multiscale modelling and simulations [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/104604TESI