10 research outputs found

    iRotate: Active Visual SLAM for Omnidirectional Robots

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    In this paper, we present an active visual SLAM approach for omnidirectional robots. The goal is to generate control commands that allow such a robot to simultaneously localize itself and map an unknown environment while maximizing the amount of information gained and consuming as low energy as possible. Leveraging the robot's independent translation and rotation control, we introduce a multi-layered approach for active V-SLAM. The top layer decides on informative goal locations and generates highly informative paths to them. The second and third layers actively re-plan and execute the path, exploiting the continuously updated map and local features information. Moreover, we introduce two utility formulations to account for the presence of obstacles in the field of view and the robot's location. Through rigorous simulations, real robot experiments, and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods, we demonstrate that our approach achieves similar coverage results with lesser overall map entropy. This is obtained while keeping the traversed distance up to 39% shorter than the other methods and without increasing the wheels' total rotation amount. Code and implementation details are provided as open-source.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to RAS - Elsevie

    Active Mapping and Robot Exploration: A Survey

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    Simultaneous localization and mapping responds to the problem of building a map of the environment without any prior information and based on the data obtained from one or more sensors. In most situations, the robot is driven by a human operator, but some systems are capable of navigating autonomously while mapping, which is called native simultaneous localization and mapping. This strategy focuses on actively calculating the trajectories to explore the environment while building a map with a minimum error. In this paper, a comprehensive review of the research work developed in this field is provided, targeting the most relevant contributions in indoor mobile robotics.This research was funded by the ELKARTEK project ELKARBOT KK-2020/00092 of the Basque Government

    NeBula: Team CoSTAR's robotic autonomy solution that won phase II of DARPA Subterranean Challenge

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    This paper presents and discusses algorithms, hardware, and software architecture developed by the TEAM CoSTAR (Collaborative SubTerranean Autonomous Robots), competing in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Specifically, it presents the techniques utilized within the Tunnel (2019) and Urban (2020) competitions, where CoSTAR achieved second and first place, respectively. We also discuss CoSTAR¿s demonstrations in Martian-analog surface and subsurface (lava tubes) exploration. The paper introduces our autonomy solution, referred to as NeBula (Networked Belief-aware Perceptual Autonomy). NeBula is an uncertainty-aware framework that aims at enabling resilient and modular autonomy solutions by performing reasoning and decision making in the belief space (space of probability distributions over the robot and world states). We discuss various components of the NeBula framework, including (i) geometric and semantic environment mapping, (ii) a multi-modal positioning system, (iii) traversability analysis and local planning, (iv) global motion planning and exploration behavior, (v) risk-aware mission planning, (vi) networking and decentralized reasoning, and (vii) learning-enabled adaptation. We discuss the performance of NeBula on several robot types (e.g., wheeled, legged, flying), in various environments. We discuss the specific results and lessons learned from fielding this solution in the challenging courses of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge competition.The work is partially supported by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004), and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

    Autonomous Robot Exploration with Selective Object Discrimination by Using Deep Learning Object Detection

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    Since the geopolitical world is not polarized anymore, the market competitivity is increasing as never before so in order to survive as an industrial organization, it is key to be competitive. That is, reducing costs and production times among other needs. Mobile robots are resources that manage to get those needs relieved since they can substitute humans and perform better. This causes human issues casuistic drop, human resources re-allocation in more creative job positions which cannot replaced by robots, and more long-term efficiency. The state-of-the-art of the use of mobile robots remains on the fact that we are talking about not just a single mobile robot but a fleet of them which performs in a smart and coordinated way. These devices can be integrated in the supply-chain so that can transport payloads without the need of any human intervention. In addition, such integration allows a huge flexibility since smart industrial mobile robots can adapt to new conditions, imposed parameters and obstacles that were not predicted. For any autonomous mobile robot, a prior knowledge about its environment is necessary before performing autonomous navigation, that is to have a previous map. Mapping usually is a human intervened task which takes time, especially for large facilities. This work proposes a way to map autonomously, in the most efficient way, an indoor 2D environment by using the Rapidly-exploring Random Trees approach since it is biased towards unknown regions. In addition, this work proposes object discrimination during mapping. With the conventional approach, during the mapping process laser scanners read the presence of all the obstacles in the environment. This fact is undesired since some of such scanned obstacles are scanned just by causality during the exploration (e.g. personnel, industrial mobile equipment…). Such undesired registered data in the map suppose noise and does not represent the actual long-term environment. The implementation of removing such noise is managed by the combination of two modules. On one hand, by using state-of-the-art deep learning tools in order to achieve real-time object detection. On the other hand, a filter to the laser scanner so that it is blind towards such detections during the exploration, so they are never registered on the map. The results show quite potential high-quality results which are intrinsically associated with the object detector module. Since such module is state-of-the-art, the technology involved is constantly developing and improving not just the performance but also flexibility and capabilities. This work is a potential new high-fidelity approach besides the conventional approach in order to perform mobile robot exploration

    Path planning, modelling and simulation for energy optimised mobile robotics

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    This thesis is concerned with an investigation of a solution for mobile robotic platforms to minimize the usage of scarce energy that is available and is not wasted following traditionally planned paths for complex terrain environments. This therefore addresses the need to reduce the total energy cost during a field task or mission. A path planning algorithm is designed by creating a new approach of artificial potential field method that generates a planned path, utilising terrain map. The new approach has the capability of avoiding the local minimum problems which is one of the major problems of traditional potential field method. By solving such problems gives a reliable solution to establish a required path. Therefore the approach results in an energy efficient path of the terrain identified, instead obvious straight line of the terrain. A literature review is conducted which reviews the mainstream path planning algorithms with the applications in mobile robotic platforms was analysed. These path planning algorithms are compared for the purpose of energy optimized planning, which concludes the method of artificial potential field as the path planning algorithm which has the most potential and will be further investigated and improved in this research. The methodology of designing, modelling and simulating a mobile robotic platform is defined and presented for the purpose of energy optimized path planning requirement. The research is to clarify the needs, requirements, and specifications of the design. A complete set of models which include mechanical and electrical modelling, functional concept modelling, modelling of the system are established. Based on these models, an energy optimized path planning algorithm is designed. The modelling of force and the kinematics is established to validate and evaluate the result of the algorithm through simulations. Moreover a simulation environment is established which is constructed for multi perspective simulation. This also enables collaborative simulation using Simulink and ADAMS to for simulating a path generated by the path planning algorithm and assess the energy consumption of the driven and steering mechanism of an exemplar system called AgriRover. This simulation environment allows the capture of simulated result of the total energy consumption, therefore outlines the energy cost behaviour of the AgriRover. A total of two sets of paths was tested in the fields for validation, one being generated by the energy optimized path planning algorithm and the other following a straight path. During the field tests the total cost of energy was captured . Two sets of results are compared with each other and compared with the simulation. The comparison shows a 21.34% of the energy saving by deploying the path generated with the energy optimized path planning algorithm in the field test. This research made the following contribution to knowledge. A comparison and grading of mainstream path planning algorithms from energy optimisation perspective is undertaken using detailed evaluation criteria, including computational power required, extendibility, flexibility and more criteria that is relevant for the energy optimized planning purpose. These algorithms have not been compared from energy optimisation angle before, and the research for energy optimised planning under complex terrain environments have not been investigated. Addressing these knowledge gaps, a methodology of designing, modelling and simulating a mobile platform system is proposed to facilitate an energy optimized path planning. This , leads to a new approach of path planning algorithm that reduces unnecessary energy spend for climbing of the terrain, using the terrain data available. Such a methodology derives several novel methods: Namely, a method for avoiding local minimum problem for artificial potential field path planning using the approach of approximation; A method of achieving high expendability of the path planning algorithm, where this method is capable of generate a path through a large map in a short time; A novel method of multi perspective dynamic simulation, which is capable of simulating the behaviour of internal mechanism and the overall robotic mobile platform with the fully integrated control, The dynamic simulation enables prediction of energy consumption; Finally, a novel method of mathematically modelling and simplifying a steering mechanism for the wheel based mobile vehicle was further investigated.This thesis is concerned with an investigation of a solution for mobile robotic platforms to minimize the usage of scarce energy that is available and is not wasted following traditionally planned paths for complex terrain environments. This therefore addresses the need to reduce the total energy cost during a field task or mission. A path planning algorithm is designed by creating a new approach of artificial potential field method that generates a planned path, utilising terrain map. The new approach has the capability of avoiding the local minimum problems which is one of the major problems of traditional potential field method. By solving such problems gives a reliable solution to establish a required path. Therefore the approach results in an energy efficient path of the terrain identified, instead obvious straight line of the terrain. A literature review is conducted which reviews the mainstream path planning algorithms with the applications in mobile robotic platforms was analysed. These path planning algorithms are compared for the purpose of energy optimized planning, which concludes the method of artificial potential field as the path planning algorithm which has the most potential and will be further investigated and improved in this research. The methodology of designing, modelling and simulating a mobile robotic platform is defined and presented for the purpose of energy optimized path planning requirement. The research is to clarify the needs, requirements, and specifications of the design. A complete set of models which include mechanical and electrical modelling, functional concept modelling, modelling of the system are established. Based on these models, an energy optimized path planning algorithm is designed. The modelling of force and the kinematics is established to validate and evaluate the result of the algorithm through simulations. Moreover a simulation environment is established which is constructed for multi perspective simulation. This also enables collaborative simulation using Simulink and ADAMS to for simulating a path generated by the path planning algorithm and assess the energy consumption of the driven and steering mechanism of an exemplar system called AgriRover. This simulation environment allows the capture of simulated result of the total energy consumption, therefore outlines the energy cost behaviour of the AgriRover. A total of two sets of paths was tested in the fields for validation, one being generated by the energy optimized path planning algorithm and the other following a straight path. During the field tests the total cost of energy was captured . Two sets of results are compared with each other and compared with the simulation. The comparison shows a 21.34% of the energy saving by deploying the path generated with the energy optimized path planning algorithm in the field test. This research made the following contribution to knowledge. A comparison and grading of mainstream path planning algorithms from energy optimisation perspective is undertaken using detailed evaluation criteria, including computational power required, extendibility, flexibility and more criteria that is relevant for the energy optimized planning purpose. These algorithms have not been compared from energy optimisation angle before, and the research for energy optimised planning under complex terrain environments have not been investigated. Addressing these knowledge gaps, a methodology of designing, modelling and simulating a mobile platform system is proposed to facilitate an energy optimized path planning. This , leads to a new approach of path planning algorithm that reduces unnecessary energy spend for climbing of the terrain, using the terrain data available. Such a methodology derives several novel methods: Namely, a method for avoiding local minimum problem for artificial potential field path planning using the approach of approximation; A method of achieving high expendability of the path planning algorithm, where this method is capable of generate a path through a large map in a short time; A novel method of multi perspective dynamic simulation, which is capable of simulating the behaviour of internal mechanism and the overall robotic mobile platform with the fully integrated control, The dynamic simulation enables prediction of energy consumption; Finally, a novel method of mathematically modelling and simplifying a steering mechanism for the wheel based mobile vehicle was further investigated