1,526 research outputs found

    An adaptive, self-organizing, neural wireless sensor network.

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    Cross-layer energy optimisation of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Recent technological developments in embedded systems have led to the emergence of a new class of networks, known asWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where individual nodes cooperate wirelessly with each other with the goal of sensing and interacting with the environment.Many routing protocols have been developed tomeet the unique and challenging characteristics of WSNs (notably very limited power resources to sustain an expected lifetime of perhaps years, and the restricted computation, storage and communication capabilities of nodes that are nonetheless required to support large networks and diverse applications). No standards for routing have been developed yet for WSNs, nor has any protocol gained a dominant position among the research community. Routing has a significant influence on the overall WSN lifetime, and providing an energy efficient routing protocol remains an open problem. This thesis addresses the issue of designing WSN routing methods that feature energy efficiency. A common time reference across nodes is required in mostWSN applications. It is needed, for example, to time-stamp sensor samples and for duty cycling of nodes. Alsomany routing protocols require that nodes communicate according to some predefined schedule. However, independent distribution of the time information, without considering the routing algorithm schedule or network topology may lead to a failure of the synchronisation protocol. This was confirmed empirically, and was shown to result in loss of connectivity. This can be avoided by integrating the synchronisation service into the network layer with a so-called cross-layer approach. This approach introduces interactions between the layers of a conventional layered network stack, so that the routing layer may share information with other layers. I explore whether energy efficiency can be enhanced through the use of cross-layer optimisations and present three novel cross-layer routing algorithms. The first protocol, designed for hierarchical, cluster based networks and called CLEAR (Cross Layer Efficient Architecture for Routing), uses the routing algorithm to distribute time information which can be used for efficient duty cycling of nodes. The second method - called RISS (Routing Integrated Synchronization Service) - integrates time synchronization into the network layer and is designed to work well in flat, non-hierarchical network topologies. The third method - called SCALE (Smart Clustering Adapted LEACH) - addresses the influence of the intra-cluster topology on the energy dissipation of nodes. I also investigate the impact of the hop distance on network lifetime and propose a method of determining the optimal location of the relay node (the node through which data is routed in a two-hop network). I also address the problem of predicting the transition region (the zone separating the region where all packets can be received and that where no data can be received) and I describe a way of preventing the forwarding of packets through relays belonging in this transition region. I implemented and tested the performance of these solutions in simulations and also deployed these routing techniques on sensor nodes using TinyOS. I compared the average power consumption of the nodes and the precision of time synchronization with the corresponding parameters of a number of existing algorithms. All proposed schemes extend the network lifetime and due to their lightweight architecture they are very efficient on WSN nodes with constrained resources. Hence it is recommended that a cross-layer approach should be a feature of any routing algorithm for WSNs

    Unified Role Assignment Framework For Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are made possible by the continuing improvements in embedded sensor, VLSI, and wireless radio technologies. Currently, one of the important challenges in sensor networks is the design of a systematic network management framework that allows localized and collaborative resource control uniformly across all application services such as sensing, monitoring, tracking, data aggregation, and routing. The research in wireless sensor networks is currently oriented toward a cross-layer network abstraction that supports appropriate fine or course grained resource controls for energy efficiency. In that regard, we have designed a unified role-based service paradigm for wireless sensor networks. We pursue this by first developing a Role-based Hierarchical Self-Organization (RBSHO) protocol that organizes a connected dominating set (CDS) of nodes called dominators. This is done by hierarchically selecting nodes that possess cumulatively high energy, connectivity, and sensing capabilities in their local neighborhood. The RBHSO protocol then assigns specific tasks such as sensing, coordination, and routing to appropriate dominators that end up playing a certain role in the network. Roles, though abstract and implicit, expose role-specific resource controls by way of role assignment and scheduling. Based on this concept, we have designed a Unified Role-Assignment Framework (URAF) to model application services as roles played by local in-network sensor nodes with sensor capabilities used as rules for role identification. The URAF abstracts domain specific role attributes by three models: the role energy model, the role execution time model, and the role service utility model. The framework then generalizes resource management for services by providing abstractions for controlling the composition of a service in terms of roles, its assignment, reassignment, and scheduling. To the best of our knowledge, a generic role-based framework that provides a simple and unified network management solution for wireless sensor networks has not been proposed previously

    Energy-efficient routing protocols in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Sensor networks feature low-cost sensor devices with wireless network capability, limited transmit power, resource constraints and limited battery energy. The usage of cheap and tiny wireless sensors will allow very large networks to be deployed at a feasible cost to provide a bridge between information systems and the physical world. Such large-scale deployments will require routing protocols that scale to large network sizes in an energy-efficient way. This thesis addresses the design of such network routing methods. A classification of existing routing protocols and the key factors in their design (i.e., hardware, topology, applications) provides the motivation for the new three-tier architecture for heterogeneous networks built upon a generic software framework (GSF). A range of new routing algorithms have hence been developed with the design goals of scalability and energy-efficient performance of network protocols. They are respectively TinyReg - a routing algorithm based on regular-graph theory, TSEP - topological stable election protocol, and GAAC - an evolutionary algorithm based on genetic algorithms and ant colony algorithms. The design principle of our routing algorithms is that shortening the distance between the cluster-heads and the sink in the network, will minimise energy consumption in order to extend the network lifetime, will achieve energy efficiency. Their performance has been evaluated by simulation in an extensive range of scenarios, and compared to existing algorithms. It is shown that the newly proposed algorithms allow long-term continuous data collection in large networks, offering greater network longevity than existing solutions. These results confirm the validity of the GSF as an architectural approach to the deployment of large wireless sensor networks

    Emerging Communications for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are deployed in a rapidly increasing number of arenas, with uses ranging from healthcare monitoring to industrial and environmental safety, as well as new ubiquitous computing devices that are becoming ever more pervasive in our interconnected society. This book presents a range of exciting developments in software communication technologies including some novel applications, such as in high altitude systems, ground heat exchangers and body sensor networks. Authors from leading institutions on four continents present their latest findings in the spirit of exchanging information and stimulating discussion in the WSN community worldwide

    Self-stabilizing k-clustering in mobile ad hoc networks

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    In this thesis, two silent self-stabilizing asynchronous distributed algorithms are given for constructing a k-clustering of a connected network of processes. These are the first self-stabilizing solutions to this problem. One algorithm, FLOOD, takes O( k) time and uses O(k log n) space per process, while the second algorithm, BFS-MIS-CLSTR, takes O(n) time and uses O(log n) space; where n is the size of the network. Processes have unique IDs, and there is no designated leader. BFS-MIS-CLSTR solves three problems; it elects a leader and constructs a BFS tree for the network, constructs a minimal independent set, and finally a k-clustering. Finding a minimal k-clustering is known to be NP -hard. If the network is a unit disk graph in a plane, BFS-MIS-CLSTR is within a factor of O(7.2552k) of choosing the minimal number of clusters; A lower bound is given, showing that any comparison-based algorithm for the k-clustering problem that takes o( diam) rounds has very bad worst case performance; Keywords: BFS tree construction, K-clustering, leader election, MIS construction, self-stabilization, unit disk graph

    Automated generation of geometrically-precise and semantically-informed virtual geographic environnements populated with spatially-reasoning agents

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    La Géo-Simulation Multi-Agent (GSMA) est un paradigme de modélisation et de simulation de phénomènes dynamiques dans une variété de domaines d'applications tels que le domaine du transport, le domaine des télécommunications, le domaine environnemental, etc. La GSMA est utilisée pour étudier et analyser des phénomènes qui mettent en jeu un grand nombre d'acteurs simulés (implémentés par des agents) qui évoluent et interagissent avec une représentation explicite de l'espace qu'on appelle Environnement Géographique Virtuel (EGV). Afin de pouvoir interagir avec son environnement géographique qui peut être dynamique, complexe et étendu (à grande échelle), un agent doit d'abord disposer d'une représentation détaillée de ce dernier. Les EGV classiques se limitent généralement à une représentation géométrique du monde réel laissant de côté les informations topologiques et sémantiques qui le caractérisent. Ceci a pour conséquence d'une part de produire des simulations multi-agents non plausibles, et, d'autre part, de réduire les capacités de raisonnement spatial des agents situés. La planification de chemin est un exemple typique de raisonnement spatial dont un agent pourrait avoir besoin dans une GSMA. Les approches classiques de planification de chemin se limitent à calculer un chemin qui lie deux positions situées dans l'espace et qui soit sans obstacle. Ces approches ne prennent pas en compte les caractéristiques de l'environnement (topologiques et sémantiques), ni celles des agents (types et capacités). Les agents situés ne possèdent donc pas de moyens leur permettant d'acquérir les connaissances nécessaires sur l'environnement virtuel pour pouvoir prendre une décision spatiale informée. Pour répondre à ces limites, nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour générer automatiquement des Environnements Géographiques Virtuels Informés (EGVI) en utilisant les données fournies par les Systèmes d'Information Géographique (SIG) enrichies par des informations sémantiques pour produire des GSMA précises et plus réalistes. De plus, nous présentons un algorithme de planification hiérarchique de chemin qui tire avantage de la description enrichie et optimisée de l'EGVI pour fournir aux agents un chemin qui tient compte à la fois des caractéristiques de leur environnement virtuel et de leurs types et capacités. Finalement, nous proposons une approche pour la gestion des connaissances sur l'environnement virtuel qui vise à supporter la prise de décision informée et le raisonnement spatial des agents situés


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    L’Ambient Intelligence (AmI) è caratterizzata dall’uso di sistemi pervasivi per monitorare l’ambiente e modificarlo secondo le esigenze degli utenti e rispettando vincoli definiti globalmente. Questi sistemi non possono prescindere da requisiti come la scalabilità e la trasparenza per l’utente. Una tecnologia che consente di raggiungere questi obiettivi è rappresentata dalle reti di sensori wireless (WSN), caratterizzate da bassi costi e bassa intrusività. Tuttavia, sebbene in grado di effettuare elaborazioni a bordo dei singoli nodi, le WSN non hanno da sole le capacità di elaborazione necessarie a supportare un sistema intelligente; d’altra parte senza questa attività di pre-elaborazione la mole di dati sensoriali può facilmente sopraffare un sistema centralizzato con un’eccessiva quantità di dettagli superflui. Questo lavoro presenta un’architettura cognitiva in grado di percepire e controllare l’ambiente di cui fa parte, basata su un nuovo approccio per l’estrazione di conoscenza a partire dai dati grezzi, attraverso livelli crescenti di astrazione. Le WSN sono utilizzate come strumento sensoriale pervasivo, le cui capacità computazionali vengono utilizzate per pre-elaborare i dati rilevati, in modo da consentire ad un sistema centralizzato intelligente di effettuare ragionamenti di alto livello. L’architettura proposta è stata utilizzata per sviluppare un testbed dotato degli strumenti hardware e software necessari allo sviluppo e alla gestione di applicazioni di AmI basate su WSN, il cui obiettivo principale sia il risparmio energetico. Per fare in modo che le applicazioni di AmI siano in grado di comunicare con il mondo esterno in maniera affidabile, per richiedere servizi ad agenti esterni, l’architettura è stata arricchita con un protocollo di gestione distribuita della reputazione. È stata inoltre sviluppata un’applicazione di esempio che sfrutta le caratteristiche del testbed, con l’obiettivo di controllare la temperatura in un ambiente lavorativo. Quest’applicazione rileva la presenza dell’utente attraverso un modulo per la fusione di dati multi-sensoriali basato su reti bayesiane, e sfrutta questa informazione in un controllore fuzzy multi-obiettivo che controlla gli attuatori sulla base delle preferenze dell’utente e del risparmio energetico.Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems are characterized by the use of pervasive equipments for monitoring and modifying the environment according to users’ needs, and to globally defined constraints. Furthermore, such systems cannot ignore requirements about ubiquity, scalability, and transparency to the user. An enabling technology capable of accomplishing these goals is represented by Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), characterized by low-costs and unintrusiveness. However, although provided of in-network processing capabilities, WSNs do not exhibit processing features able to support comprehensive intelligent systems; on the other hand, without this pre-processing activities the wealth of sensory data may easily overwhelm a centralized AmI system, clogging it with superfluous details. This work proposes a cognitive architecture able to perceive, decide upon, and control the environment of which the system is part, based on a new approach to knowledge extraction from raw data, that addresses this issue at different abstraction levels. WSNs are used as the pervasive sensory tool, and their computational capabilities are exploited to remotely perform preliminary data processing. A central intelligent unit subsequently extracts higher-level concepts in order to carry on symbolic reasoning. The aim of the reasoning is to plan a sequence of actions that will lead the environment to a state as close as possible to the users’ desires, taking into account both implicit and explicit feedbacks from the users, while considering global system-driven goals, such as energy saving. The proposed conceptual architecture was exploited to develop a testbed providing the hardware and software tools for the development and management of AmI applications based on WSNs, whose main goal is energy saving for global sustainability. In order to make the AmI system able to communicate with the external world in a reliable way, when some services are required to external agents, the architecture was enriched with a distributed reputation management protocol. A sample application exploiting the testbed features was implemented for addressing temperature control in a work environment. Knowledge about the user’s presence is obtained through a multi-sensor data fusion module based on Bayesian networks, and this information is exploited by a multi-objective fuzzy controller that operates on actuators taking into account users’ preference and energy consumption constraints