436 research outputs found

    An Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Long Term Operations

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    Environmental monitoring of marine environments presents several challenges: the harshness of the environment, the often remote location, and most importantly, the vast area it covers. Manual operations are time consuming, often dangerous, and labor intensive. Operations from oceanographic vessels are costly and limited to open seas and generally deeper bodies of water. In addition, with lake, river, and ocean shoreline being a finite resource, waterfront property presents an ever increasing valued commodity, requiring exploration and continued monitoring of remote waterways. In order to efficiently explore and monitor currently known marine environments as well as reach and explore remote areas of interest, we present a design of an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) with the power to cover large areas, the payload capacity to carry sufficient power and sensor equipment, and enough fuel to remain on task for extended periods. An analysis of the design and a discussion on lessons learned during deployments is presented in this paper.Comment: In proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS, 2018, Charlesto

    A Marine Autonomous Surface Craft for Long-Duration, Spatially Explicit, Multidisciplinary Water Column Sampling in Coastal and Estuarine Systems

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    The Surveying Coastal Ocean Autonomous Profiler (SCOAP) is a large catamaran marine autonomous surface craft (MASC) for unattended weeks-long, spatially explicit, multidisciplinary oceanographic water column profile sampling in coastal/estuarine waterbodies. Material transport rates/pathways, crucial to understanding these ecosystems, are typically poorly known. SCOAP addresses demanding spatiotemporal sampling needs and operational challenges (strong currents, open coastal sea states, complex bathymetry, heavy vessel traffic). Its large size (11-m length, 5-m beam) provides seaworthiness/stability. The average speed of 2.5 m s−1 meets the representative goal to traverse an 18-km transect, sampling 10 min at each of 10 stations 2 km apart, nominally 4 times daily. Efficient hulls and a diesel–electric energy system can provide the needed endurance. The U.S. Coast Guard guidelines are followed: lighting, code flags, the Automatic Identification System (AIS), and collision avoidance regulations (COLREGs)-based collision avoidance (CA) by onboard autonomy software. Large energy reserves obviate low-power optimization of sensors, enabling truly multidisciplinary sampling, and provide on-demand propulsion for effective CA. Vessel stability facilitates high-quality current profile observations and will aid engineering/operation of the planned winched profiling system, performance of an anticipated radar system to detect/track non-AIS vessels, and potential research-quality meteorological sensor operation. A Narragansett Bay test deployment, attended by an escort vessel, met design goals; an unattended open coastal deployment is planned for Rhode Island Sound. Scientific and operational strengths of large catamaran MASCs suggest they could be an important cost-effective complement to other sampling platforms (e.g., improved spatiotemporal coverage and resolution, extending farther inshore, with a broader range of sensors, compared to underwater gliders) in coastal/estuarine waters

    3D Printed Autonomous Solar Catamaran

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    [ES] La creciente escasez energética, la sostenibilidad y la tecnología son factores clave en las políticas energéticas globales del futuro. La energía solar es por ello una gran solución para la generación de energía limpia. A su vez, el Hidrógeno tiene un gran potencial para convertirse en el combustible sostenible del futuro. La combinación de la captura de energía solar y el almacenamiento de hidrógeno como fuente de energía están convirtiéndose en la alternativa más prometedora para una descarbonización energética, renovable y transportable. El objetivo de esta tesina de máster es ofrecer una propuesta inspiradora para la sostenibilidad en la movilidad marítima. Consistirá principalmente en el diseño y ejecución de un prototipo de catamarán solar completamente autónomo. Utilizando un sistema fotovoltaico para generar electricidad que pueda ser consumida directamente o almacenada en forma de hidrógeno para poder navegar en condiciones de escasez lumínica. Ambas fuentes energéticas, solar y de hidrógeno han sido exhaustivamente exploradas. Las tecnologías seleccionadas para convertir y almacenar energía en forma de hidrógeno, han sido la electrólisis y la célula de combustible, combinadas con el almacenamiento del hidrógeno generado bajo presión. Inspirado en el Alinghi 5, un antiguo catamarán de carreras, se diseñará un modelo en 3D. Utilizando como herramienta la fabricación aditiva se procederá a fabricar un modelo de catamarán donde verificar a escala la propuesta integrada. Partiendo de un panel solar de última generación, unido a una célula de hidrógeno y un sistema de dirección remoto, se ha diseñado una versión a escala del catamarán prototipo, inspirada en el Alinghi. Se diseñó un sistema eléctrico auxiliar para poder cambiar la fuente de alimentación, seguida de una evaluación operacional de desempeño en diferentes modos y tiempos de navegación, a fin de establecer unas recomendaciones para la transición óptima entre los distintos modos de navegación. Los materiales aparatos y tecnologías seleccionados para este propósito fueron caracterizados para comprobar y dimensionar su comportamiento, con vistas a seleccionar las condiciones óptimas de operación y determinar sus limitaciones. Los resultados de este proyecto pretenden demostrar la viabilidad del desarrollo de nuevas propuestas para la movilidad marítima sostenible como un primer paso para la eliminación de los combustibles fósiles en la navegación. Podría inspirar una visión futura de las tecnologías en el sector autónomo marítimo.[EN] Increasing energy shortages, maintainability and technology are key factors in upcoming global energy policies. Solar energy is therefore a great solution for generating clean energy. Also, Hydrogen has the potential to be the sustainable fuel of the future. Combining solar energy capture and hydrogen as storage and fuel source proves to be an interesting method for renewable, transportable, and decarbonized energy. The aim of this master's thesis is to make an inspiring proposal for sustainable maritime mobility. It will consist of designing and executing a fully autonomous solar catamaran prototype. A photovoltaic system is used to generate electrical energy that can be used directly and/or stored in the form of hydrogen to be able to navigate in conditions of absence of light. Both solar and hydrogen energies were thoroughly explored. Technologies used for converting and storing energy in hydrogen form are electrolysis and fuel cell technology, in combination with the method of the compressed gas storage. Inspired by the Alinghi 5, a former race catamaran, a 3D model will be designed. Additive manufacturing was the chosen method to manufacture the model catamaran. The solar panel, the hydrogen parts and a remote-controlled steering system were fitted into the 3D printed catamaran. An electric system was designed to change power source, followed by an operational performance evaluation of the sailing times in the different modes, resulting in advice for the optimal transition of sailing modes. The selected materials, devices and technologies chosen for this purpose were tested in order to fully characterise their behaviour, to assess their optimal operating condition and to find their limitations. The results of this project intend to demonstrate the viability of developing a new proposal for fully sustainable maritime mobility as a first step in eliminating fossil fuels in navigation. It might inspire the future vision on the technologies in the autonomous maritime sector.De Geyter, D. (2021). 3D Printed Autonomous Solar Catamaran. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165094TFG

    Solar Energy-Powered Boats: State of the Art and Perspectives

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    This paper presents an examination of the primary applications of solar energy as the main power source in the maritime sector, focusing on recent developments. A comprehensive review of the existing literature, including journal articles, proceedings, and patents, is conducted to identify three prominent areas for advancing solar energy-powered boats: maritime drones, sporting boats, and short-range touristic vessels. Maritime drones primarily serve as small autonomous boats for research, conservation, or military operations. On the other hand, sporting boats include nautical and energy design competitions involving students and enthusiasts. In terms of commercial interest, there is a growing demand for environmentally friendly and low-noise boats suitable for tourist activities, particularly in protected areas. Furthermore, specific and illustrative cases are explored in a dedicated section. Lastly, potential future perspectives are discussed and elucidated

    Design and construction of cost-efficient unmanned surface vessel

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    Design and construction of cost-efficient unmanned surface vesse

    A 3 Ft Gurindam Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) Stability Hullform Performance

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    3 ft Gurindam Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) showed unmaximal performance when it tested on the water. Uncalm movement, unmaximal speed indicated that something need to be checked and make sure to the USV so that it can maximize the performance. The USV is owned by Politeknik Negeri Batam, it’s 3 feet long, with single hull type, fuel engine motor and almost 8kg weight. This research aims is to get the stability analytical data so that the researche can collected some data which is will used to maximize the USV performance. From the research it can concluded that the USV has a maximal GZ 9,56cm at 48.2 deg in mimimal weight and maximal GZ 8.88cm at 48.2 deg at the maximall weight of the ship. From this result, it can concluded that the more weight added on the fuel tank (front position) the more unstable condition of the ship. Or, it’s need a fixed ballast on the AP area to get the more stability on the USV. Hopefully this reasearh followed by the owner and tested so that the performace of the ship will be maximal. &nbsp

    The Aquatic Surface Robot (AnSweR), a lightweight, low cost, multipurpose unmanned research vessel

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Springer in Communications in Computer and Information Science on 15/03/2021.Available online: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-71711-7_21acceptedVersio

    A naval design study on a small, unmanned surface vessel

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    The thesis is based on a naval study of a small, unmanned surface vessel. Furthermore, the study has been conducted in accordance with the Norwegian method of procurement PRINSIX. The study has been a preliminary project and involves the three first phases of the PRINSIX method: The idea phase (IP), the concept phase (CP), and the definition phase (DP). The IP analysed three ideas of conceptual solution: Mine Counter Measurement (MCM), Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), and Force Sustainment USV’s in light of operational needs in a top-down approach. Eventually, the output of the idea phase was a recommendation to further investigate the idea of ISR USV’s. The CP analysed analysed the capabilities and mission need for chosen alternatives, and further identified the capabilities for the conceptual solutions. The output of this analysis was four potential options: Continuation of current assets, small, passive ISR USV’s in large numbers, small active and passive ISR USV’s in limited numbers, and small active and passive ISR USV’s in limited numbers with offensive capabilities. Furthermore, a trade-off analysis, risk assessment, and rought technical considerations regarding hull and propulsion was made. Consequently, the CP concludes with a recommendation to move forward with option 1, Small ISR USV’s with a towable passive sonar in conjunction with deployable sonobuoys. Furthermore, the CP recommends moving forward with a conventional hydrostatic displacement hull and a hybrid propulsion configuration. The DP started off with specifying the preliminary capabilities and requirements for the chosen conceptual solution. Furthermore, a preliminary vessel was chosen as a reference vessel. The chosen reference vessel was then subject of a trade-off analysis with respect to alternative solutions for hull, propulsor, drivetrain, energy producers, and energy storage. The preliminary design solution was then deducted through a parametric study based on the preliminary capabilities and requirements, and the parameters in the design spiral. Moreover, a set of optimized parameters and a final optimized solution was presented and further analysed with respect to a weight breakdown, cost assessment, and a risk assessment. Finally, a recommendation was made based on the findings in the points of decision and the associated risk analysis. In conclusion, the recommendation is to not move forward into a development- and completion phase, judging the current state of the vessel. Further optimization is essential to reduce the risk of procurement