1,512 research outputs found

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    Assistive Social Robots for People with Special needs

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    An increasing number of elderly people leads todemand for social robots to support health care and independentlife. An overview of various potential applications of social robotsis provided in this paper. In addition, the latest research progressin our institute is presented, i.e., multi-party interaction, gesturerecognition, affective computing, and attention capture. All theresearch and applications demonstrate that social robots are goodassistive robots for people with special needs

    Assistive VR Gym: Interactions with Real People to Improve Virtual Assistive Robots

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    Versatile robotic caregivers could benefit millions of people worldwide, including older adults and people with disabilities. Recent work has explored how robotic caregivers can learn to interact with people through physics simulations, yet transferring what has been learned to real robots remains challenging. Virtual reality (VR) has the potential to help bridge the gap between simulations and the real world. We present Assistive VR Gym (AVR Gym), which enables real people to interact with virtual assistive robots. We also provide evidence that AVR Gym can help researchers improve the performance of simulation-trained assistive robots with real people. Prior to AVR Gym, we trained robot control policies (Original Policies) solely in simulation for four robotic caregiving tasks (robot-assisted feeding, drinking, itch scratching, and bed bathing) with two simulated robots (PR2 from Willow Garage and Jaco from Kinova). With AVR Gym, we developed Revised Policies based on insights gained from testing the Original policies with real people. Through a formal study with eight participants in AVR Gym, we found that the Original policies performed poorly, the Revised policies performed significantly better, and that improvements to the biomechanical models used to train the Revised policies resulted in simulated people that better match real participants. Notably, participants significantly disagreed that the Original policies were successful at assistance, but significantly agreed that the Revised policies were successful at assistance. Overall, our results suggest that VR can be used to improve the performance of simulation-trained control policies with real people without putting people at risk, thereby serving as a valuable stepping stone to real robotic assistance.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2020), 8 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    BCI controlled robotic arm as assistance to the rehabilitation of neurologically disabled patients

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    This presentation summarises the development of a portable and cost-efficient BCI controlled assistive technology using a non-invasive BCI headset 'OpenBCI' and an open source robotic arm, U-Arm, to accomplish tasks related to rehabilitation, such as access to resources, adaptability or home use. The resulting system used a combination of EEG and EMG sensor readings to control the arm, which could perform a number of different tasks such as picking/placing objects or assist users in eating

    BlueSky: Combining Task Planning and Activity-Centric Access Control for Assistive Humanoid Robots

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    In the not too distant future, assistive humanoid robots will provide versatile assistance for coping with everyday life. In their interactions with humans, not only safety, but also security and privacy issues need to be considered. In this Blue Sky paper, we therefore argue that it is time to bring task planning and execution as a well-established field of robotics with access and usage control in the field of security and privacy closer together. In particular, the recently proposed activity-based view on access and usage control provides a promising approach to bridge the gap between these two perspectives. We argue that humanoid robots provide for specific challenges due to their task-universality and their use in both, private and public spaces. Furthermore, they are socially connected to various parties and require policy creation at runtime due to learning. We contribute first attempts on the architecture and enforcement layer as well as on joint modeling, and discuss challenges and a research roadmap also for the policy and objectives layer. We conclude that the underlying combination of decentralized systems\u27 and smart environments\u27 research aspects provides for a rich source of challenges that need to be addressed on the road to deployment

    Tongue Control of Upper-Limb Exoskeletons For Individuals With Tetraplegia

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    Semantic information for robot navigation: a survey

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    There is a growing trend in robotics for implementing behavioural mechanisms based on human psychology, such as the processes associated with thinking. Semantic knowledge has opened new paths in robot navigation, allowing a higher level of abstraction in the representation of information. In contrast with the early years, when navigation relied on geometric navigators that interpreted the environment as a series of accessible areas or later developments that led to the use of graph theory, semantic information has moved robot navigation one step further. This work presents a survey on the concepts, methodologies and techniques that allow including semantic information in robot navigation systems. The techniques involved have to deal with a range of tasks from modelling the environment and building a semantic map, to including methods to learn new concepts and the representation of the knowledge acquired, in many cases through interaction with users. As understanding the environment is essential to achieve high-level navigation, this paper reviews techniques for acquisition of semantic information, paying attention to the two main groups: human-assisted and autonomous techniques. Some state-of-the-art semantic knowledge representations are also studied, including ontologies, cognitive maps and semantic maps. All of this leads to a recent concept, semantic navigation, which integrates the previous topics to generate high-level navigation systems able to deal with real-world complex situationsThe research leading to these results has received funding from HEROITEA: Heterogeneous 480 Intelligent Multi-Robot Team for Assistance of Elderly People (RTI2018-095599-B-C21), funded by Spanish 481 Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. The research leading to this work was also supported project "Robots sociales para estimulacón física, cognitiva y afectiva de mayores"; funded by the Spanish State Research Agency under grant 2019/00428/001. It is also funded by WASP-AI Sweden; and by Spanish project Robotic-Based Well-Being Monitoring and Coaching for Elderly People during Daily Life Activities (RTI2018-095599-A-C22)